Thursday, January 10, 2008

At the Amapola

Walking into town today was hot, I walked the whole town today from one end to the other. I went to Angley and told him that I was not happy with his lies, and that I was not waiting for his so called promise to help with the car.

Then went into my office for a hour or so, made some contacts. Walked to the other end of town to the Amapola, Where I hand wrote tons of names, numbers emails for a Vacaction package company there. They are not paying me much but its better than sitting home and worring. As soon as the list is done I then will create a spread sheet for them and enter it in to the computer.

When we were done, we went into the Casino that is there on the property. In the front of the Casino was the kid that took the car.. I stopped and questioned him as to what he was doing and what was going to happen? If you lived here you would understand the system here is nothing like the USA. The police hardly enforce anything, getting these guys to take care of this may take over four years. The boy was frightened, he saw me with Joe that man I talked about at the Malecone, He works the Vacation package program, He must of thought he was some sort of inforcer.
He explained he had been talking to my attorney..ok I didn't know what he was talking about? I don't have an attorney working on this? Well after confronting the mother who works at the Amapola in the Casino she told me the Attorney has been talking to them daily about the car?

Come to find out a friend of Angleys has been calling them, she called him while I was there and he told me the scoop. I was shocked but pleased that possibly there is a resolution to this mess.
He told me some information in english that I was not aware of. I hope I can be patient about this. But I was pro active yesterday and called several people to come and check the car out to get it sold.

I manage to get all the information of the villas at the Amapola too while I was there in order to give a bid on the remodel.
I should have that today to submit.

After I worked for a few hours and got paid a very small amount, Joe and Fred the two that run this program invited for a drink. I had a soda, we talked then they wanted to go see the sunset. I wanted to go too, I love our sunsets here. We sat talked and then Joe treated me to a boca, that is a small amount of food like a mini plate but it has three things, like salad, rice and a meat. I had Garlic squid. That was my dinner. I was thankful that he offered.
They both know what I am going through and Fred has gone through a smilar situation in his life too, so he completely understands and has such good things to say to me.

Got a letter from the client' finally that I sold the art too. She apologized and was very kind in the letter.. That was nice.
I had Dickey my old time love your guts friend send me the most encouraging letter, this man knows me well. He knows my capabilities, my strenghts, and my spirit most of all. THANK YOU JON, I needed to hear from friends.

Ok so I want to see what is going to happen now with this car, My plan is to buy a small something pay the rent and have food money...

The Jaco guide came out yesterday, I write for it believe it or not, (and by the way this damn spell check on the blogger does not work, Sorry if I have all those errors.)

But it did come out, When I wrote the article, I was in the worst frame of mind, after submitting it I had remorse. But when reading it yesterday it came out really well! It actually read very well? Shocking my own self at my ability to disguse my real feelings. ON HERE No I don't disguse what I feel or think. I am open, and half the people in the world are in fear of really devulgeing there inner feelings. People hide everything, Lots of people..
When I am down I apologize for those horrid feelings that I share but maybe it touches someone who has the same if not similar feelings and allows to know that they are not alone in their thoughts.

On to a new day, with the hopes and faith that the jobs that were offered last week come through. I AM A TOUGH WOMAN, Yes I struggle, yes I have issues, WHO DOESN'T being here does have blessings, and I will continue till I can not do it any more. Learning, I pray from all this.


March said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Marianna, I know your heart is set on staying in Costa Rica..I am not sure?but was thinking the real estate market might be slow over there as it is here in the states.I have been hearing alot about how the are using "HOUSE STAGERS" now to go in and fix up homes to make them more attractive to buyers(mostly simple things like removing some furniture, adding flowers, making the home smell good,etc. etc.)..With your line of work as a designer maybe this is something you could look into doing. It would seem like it would have less overhead and less stress..Just a thought..maybe you might want to research it..At any rate I hope things get better for you..