Saturday, January 12, 2008

Angry comments

I guess someone got angry for me on the comments. It wasn't me that put that just so to say. I had to laugh though because I was a little upset when I first read the pathetic comment.. But in thinking I responded the way I did. Most Times I don't repsond to the comments. But What I am dealing with is real here. Maybe some people have never gotten to a point of despair? EVEN WILLIE NELSEN and many other famous people have experienced despair, I love the comment about mistakes, its true that strong people laugh and go on and that is what makes them strong. But its not all about mistakes here. It is about incidents, living in this country or any where mind you things happen. Things that we can not control, It so happens that I have had a stinking tornado swirling around my head here for months!!! I think it has past!! I hope(Cyndy) I use that in referrence because those things of nature cause destruction, and you have no control when they hit. They just sweep and wipe out a path with out regard to persons. Then you see the results when it passes...

Exactly this,

I am still believing in a miracle, And I may have something on the burner here.... something I dreamed about long time ago when I first decided to come here. But how? is the question, Need investments, need income need to get the clean up crew now and start all over after this tornado hit!

Yesterday was productive, no news on the car, but I did get to Herradura for the landscape job, Hugo a man I know gave me a ride there and back.. I did manage to work out all the details on the villa and have the bid together for today. I had a nice lunch with a new friend, he treated me so I ate!! that amazingly made me happy. You can not imagine really what it is like to know you have not enough money to eat. I am so grateful for the things that are happening now. Simple but I am grateful.

I have hope, although most of my hope was dashed, and my dreams became nightmares.. But as I said I wake up everyday and try my best to be happy and have faith that something GOOD IS COMING AROUND THE CORNER...

It is a very pretty day, the hummingbirds just paid me a personal visit right now, they came in close in the little patio and looked right at me.. there so big and cute! they sing and fight and wiz around so fast.. but wow to see them close up like that with out a camera, DANG!
THe landlord left for the weekend, THANK GOD!! no screaming baby day and night, and they tromping around upstairs so it should be a very peacefull weekend..

I guess I will find out?

I just want to Comment AGAIN I honestly don't like to comment on comments. In saying that Who ever writes these is either having fun trying to knock me down, or really has alot of bitterness amd hate inside. I am doing the best I can to live, I don't harm people. I try my best not to hurt people. Although we all hurt others because not all of us know what is in the hearts of people. My heart is hurt, I am survivng daily as of now. But still I try to be happy, and find some sort of joy. I need to send you a copy of this months Jaco guide and you can read the aritcle I wrote about the country. If you live here you need to come talk to me face to face.
If you have never been here. then your comments are null. There are more than outsiders here that have money.
I believe, and in my belief in a number of cases, I have made things HAPPEN!!! I will change this situation, I will succeed once again, I do see my dreams, and they have become reality before. So why is it different now? Riches are not everything, I am rich in much more than money.. Money is essential, I need it to survive but I know inside I have many gifts, and in reality I have never been rich.. I am not alone here in issues, nor is the rest of the world. I don't ask for help, I help myself, the only way I can!

So go on, be hatefull but don't infect me with it. I AM NOT A HATER...


Anonymous said...

Like I have said before. You are nothing but a fish out of water. You go to a third world country to make a fortune with all the other rich people. Trying to take atvantage of a poor country is what most people that move there are doing. Those that you work for just use you and then find that they could get it cheaper from the locals they try to screw you. You think that that will ever change. Not until people stop trying to use other people. Trying to make your fortune without having a fortune first is futile. Until you learn that you will continue to struggle. Keep your sights on that castle on the hill and envy the rich. keep wishing that you were the one with that house because I know what it is like to wish. What makes you think that your god hears your prayers. You don't think that the citizens of CR pray to god also. Why is it that this country is so poor and the only real rich are from other countries? If it was not for the outsiders there would be only a handful of rich. now there are many. All you see are the riches and the beautiful homes. Who ownes those homes? Not the people of CR. You don't think that pisses off those people. Deep down inside there is Resentment from the people. Keep living there and keep wishing and you know what they say about wishing.. Wish in one hand and shit in the other to see which one fills up first. Have a good day sis....

Anonymous said...

Marianna, if the above comment is from your sis, I feel for ya. What a heartless cold person(and believe me, i do not like to judge people,but sometimes,boy oh boy). Even if she speaks the truth, she says it with evil in her mouth. I have brother who is just like that.I really dont understand what makes them think they are better than everyone else or why they try to help in such a harsh way.

My brother was the black sheep of the family(not my words,it was the saying of many)and he caused our family so much pain and friction,yet I the younger sister always felt sorry for him and loved him and helped him the best I could thru the years..Now when I came upon hard times, he did nothing but spew venom at me just like the post above.He acts as if he has never done anything wrong in life and that he has all the answers.oh well..hang in there girl..try to find some positive people over there to hang around to keep your spirits up.

By the way, I had a honest and hard working friend that lived in Belize and had nothing ,nothing but trouble from the locals, he finnally threw in the towel and came back to the states after 10 years or so. He was much younger than you when he started his adventure..I am not telling you this to discourage you, just letting you know that you are not alone.Only you will know when you have had enough..That desision should be yours and yours alone.So far its sounds like you are ready and willing to jump back on the horse.So hang there girl, just try and not jump too high. Best Wishes from a Fan.

Anonymous said...

P.S. to above..I did want to say, I really don't know all your family dynamics, so please forgive me for stepping in.I just felt my own hurt when I read the first post...... Looking back now at my situation, I do believe my brother was trying to help, but his words just came across as harsh ,as could be the case with your sis.I am sure she loves you and is wanting you to come back to the USA.Your family trully is concerned about you.How they say it has much to be desired, as in the case I am sure of many familys. So I kinda jumped the gun and I do apologise and hope you can see thru the words of your sis and realize that she probably has deep concern for your well being.

Anonymous said...

Thats right, you're not a hater and your not a JEALOUS, righteous person who thinks they know what is best for you or others, because you're better than that - YOU know what you need to do in your heart so keep following it - YOU ARE BRAVE AND STRONG AND SMART, and such a go-getter and OH SO TALENTED, Marianna - however it all plays out, you can be proud you followed your heart and NO ONE can take that away from you and I know you know that.

Anonymous said...

we all know that the truth usually always hurts..

Anonymous said...

Think about it.. Actually you are no diffeerent than the Illegals who come to the USA to make their fortune. only difference is that the country CR is not going to give you any free handouts.. you think that by going across the border every 90 days makes everything OK. Oh well that is just my view point. I'm sure that all your readers will stick up for you. But I can say this for sure. If you ever have bitched about the Illegals here in the United states and you back up Mariana, then don't you think you are a little off upstairs?.

Anonymous said...

That last statement was nothing but Bullshit from an angry cunt. Mariania is not like the illegals here. She is learning the language and trying to fit in. Not like the illegals here who refuse to fit in and are only here for the money so they can send the money back to their home land. Plus she is not having any more anchor babies. Shame on whoever wrote that last statement you are a evil person.

Anonymous said...

anchor baby

What your girlfriend hopes to achieve by "forgetting" to taker her pill, thus guaranteeing that you'll have to spend the rest of your now ruined life with her... or that you'll have to run from the law forever to avoid child support

Marianna said...

WHAT THE HECK? This has nothing to do with anything I said! I am laughing at you.. I came here to be in a warm climate. I chose to be in a different country because of the bio culture, for your information I love plants, I love nature, I love the beach and I love latins! I wanted to experience something different than greed. I wanted to try to learn a different culture. I am not able to have babies your a moron...LOL... And who ever is sticking up for me is not my boyfriend I DONT HAVE ONE!!! god you people really amaze me.
The point in coming to Costa Rica was to see something different, I HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL BE DIFFERENT and for your information. I FIT VERY WELL HERE. I am accepted by most tico's and Ticas.. I have no problems with the ones I meet and know. Like any where in the world there is crime, corruption and disorder. I didn't come here to make millions that was never I REPEAT NEVER MY INTENTIONS I came to live a healther and simple life. MY HEALTH IS A HUNDRED PERCENT BETTER... I actually enjoy things.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha ,, This is so fucking funny I can't believe that I am reading this. Your all a bunch of Morons. So if you are just there for the plants and healthy lifestyle why write about all problems and the suffering. Dosen't seem to mesh with a healthy lifestyle. Damn if I wanted to live healthy I sure would pick a different way of posting all the crap that you post. Sounds like your living in your own personal Hell... But wait I see the sunset. that makes up for all the shit I have to put up with all day long.

Anonymous said...

cunt needs to not read it if it doesn't like what you fuckin read - go crawl back in your dirty blood crusted tampon hole and leave Marianna alone - fucking idiot - you're only asking for responses like this from people who believe in M, and have no issues with her living her own life how she chooses and wish her well. FUCK OFF!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yikes. How did Marianna's adventures (and misadventures!) in Costa Rica turn into such a hatefest?

Anyone up for a deep breath and contemplating the big picture? Anyone recongize these lyrics?...

As I walk through
This wicked world
Searchin' for light in the darkness of insanity.

I ask myself
Is all hope lost?
Is there only pain and hatred, and misery?

And each time I feel like this inside,
There's one thing I wanna know:
What's so funny 'bout peace love & understanding?

And as I walked on
Through troubled times
My spirit gets so downhearted sometimes
So where are the strong
And who are the trusted?
And where is the harmony?
Sweet harmony.

Cause each time I feel it slippin' away, just makes me wanna cry.
What's so funny bout peace love & understanding?

The words were written and sung by the "other" Elvis, Elvis Costello. Words to live by, I think. ...

Anonymous said...

Cunt says I read it for my ammusement. This is a joke for all to read. Someone that lives a healthy lifestyle and loves warm climate. Potholes no sewage system everything run by the goverment. barely noticeable infrustructure and getting riped off at every corner. But the smell of the flowers and the birds make up for all the shit I have gone through.. Ha ha ha ha What a dufuss.. Duh? Keep writing and make sure to let us know how fucked up things are and all in the same sentence hope for a better day. This is the ammusing part.