Monday, December 31, 2007

I just wanted to scream

My Home computer that I use for photos, usually blogging, some business contracts, and the book I have been trying to write crashed yesterday. It got a very serious virus how is still not known. It may have been my friend who used it here a couple of days ago. I noticed it was moving slow, and it keep doing strange things. Or it could have been imported on some music I down loaded. But it crashed big time. Its a new computer by new I mean less than a year old. It deleted all my documents, ate windows, and more. I was just sick about this.

Ok lets see, Summing up the past year. There has been some very good things, and some extremely horrible things.

The Horrible first:
The mechanics with the car, the waterline breaking in the new office ruining a plasma and the bar, the owners of the mall never replaced it.
The St Regis issues, the Macaw horror story.
The car again, The Tony issues, the phone being stolen twice, the house broken into twice and stealing my computer,a little tv the only one I had, and some clothes.
The car getting stuck in the bridge hole, while piles of cars waited on a one way bridge, for someone to pull us out. The car sliding in the mountain and me falling into a huge colvert in the pitch dark, and the pouring rain. The Car again.... breaking down.

The land slide of the mountian of a client and us loseing alot of plant material, top soil half the mountain fell away and not to mention the money on that job.

My apartment flooding twice with foot or more of water in the middle of the night.

The car again.... Then the closing of the office and the loss of all the money that was invested in the building of it and the furnishing.
The car getting stolen smashed into the very resort I am working at, at one in the morning. Pretty much totaling it out. And last but not least now my computer crashed just at the end of year to top it all off!!! YEAH HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! FOR GOD SAKES IT HAS TO BE BETTER!!!

The good things:
I did some very nice design work, good experience, I met some incredible people, I saw and adventured to some pretty amazing places. I experinced some real tico living where poverty is the norm, a situation my friends and family could not understand where I slept on rugged floors, the kitchen consisted of dirt floors with no windows pretty much open with a fire for a stove and chickens were running through the house, light streaming through the rough wood walls, and the people who were incredibly happy, because they knew nothing more.

I was able to introduce a different life style to my best friend Clint, who is now effected by the way of living here and misses it dearly even though it is not easy and is not as sohpisticated as USA.

I ate food I never tried before, I lost alot of weight, became a little healther, had a surgery I wanted for some 28 years.

I learned how to dance, salsa, merenge, cumbia ,rumba. I flew in an open cockpit airplane, and saw spectacular sites. I road a boat to a very enchanted part of Costa Rica.

Visited San Andres Island, experienced many adventures with friends. Had my hands in a few projects, and began writting for the Jaco guide. Not much money was made, it was deffinately a loss year, a huge loss in money my whole life's worth, but a gain in life experiences, patients, faith, and learning how to be more humble.

Walking had shown me some other things about myself. Being forced to walk around , I see things I never saw before, the trees are so beautiful, sometimes the smells are bad here then in the evening you can smell the the ylang ylang. Its so fragrant, it makes me smile. I hear the macaws better and actually watch them fly. I learned that thinking when walking is good. I have tried to sort out my anger, fears, and frustrations.
I often think about my mother who, I claim was a wonderfull person, an amazing woman.. clever, witty, pretty darn smart with a third grade education. She would walk every day till she became to ill and died of cancer.

I need some answer's I want answers, as to how to regain my success, and survive.

That is my only goal for the upcoming year.. Oh yeah and three more good things happened today!!!

First, I met a man some three or more weeks ago, I had told him I would like some things from the USA when he returned, and I would give him the money. It was purfume, and couple of other items. I have not had purfume since Aug. He left them for me at Rosies, all wrapped in pretty Christmas paper.. I WAS SO HAPPY!!! one was Dolce and Gabana Light blue the other was be delicious by dkny. I have more I like but this was great!! then I picked up a Chunche guide here and found out THEY HAVE JAZZERCISE!!! I hope its the real thing I am checking it out tomorrow... How I am paying is another story, But that excites me! now the last thing.

I decided to walk back into town for the third time today, this evening after I dropped off the computer and realized I didn't have the code for the internet or a power cord. The guy recovered the system but no internet code,and the cord he did not return to me. So I knew I had to walk to the office some two miles or so from here and see if I had the code and cord.
Instead of going to the right which is the main road I decided to go left and take the cultisac way. When I looked to the left there was my crashed car???? in the lot next door??? I didn't pay to have it hauled here, nor do I know when it was put there but its there.

Some paid to have it towed here and didn't tell me. I wanted this so its safer and closer so when
I get someone to buy it its right here.. well someone did,it may have been Angely, but I don't know. I said yesterday the car is getting resolved maybe I said it ten or more times to myself not knowing how. It not quite resolved but its closer than it was yesterday...

Well Happy NEW YEAR I sure hope your past year was better than mine and that the future year is a hell of alot better than mine!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Day in Manuel Antonio, and My Clients house


This is just spectacular the water is warm

This is Playa Escondido, near the LOS SUENOS

This wall is huge, hand sculpted, stone all done in panels and then peiced together

This is a painted panel as you walk into my clients house but this is an example of how homes can be done here in COSTA RICA

This home is all open , the area here is bbq with bar, but there is more than one bar in this home

Hot tub

Example of the bamboo ceilings that are common here, JUST BEAUTIFUL!!!

If anyone is interested in Buying property here please contact me, or if you want to come and visit please contact me, I can set you up with whatever you need. I have so many connections, now and I get great discounts because I do speak very good spanish.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Day

It is Christmas day, It was a nice day after all. I wanted to go to Manuel Antonio to the beach like Clint and I did last year. So I had met this family who were here from the south I we invited them last night for Rosies Christmas Eve dinner, that OF COURSE I ended up cooking. Here they celebrate on the eve of Christmas. Around 11:00 is when things begin. I had invited Joe, and Ken two men I met four days ago who came to try to develop a new business here. We have spent some time together as well. During the day Vorna Called and I met with him.
I had explained right off the bat that I had dinner plans and that he needs to get it straight that Do not want to be involved with him. But he does not get the hint. He is constantly saying suggestive things, even around a group of people that we shared the Christmas eve Sunset with.

I told him about the dinner, he asked if he could come so I of course said I am sure its ok.
When I arrived at the coffee shop, I began preparing and then people came. He was first.

I paid no extra attention to him other than being polite. It turned out to be a very nice evening. We all had a great time, I worked very hard helping waiting on people and cooking.
In the end This man was jealous and accused me of having something with one of the other. He got possesive, and said some things that were hurtful, after I had done everything I could to be attentive to everyone.

He did call and left messages today to ask if I was angry, actually I was more hurt by the put downs. He was angry that I want not to be involved with him. harrassment is the last thing I need. I did not return the calls today. I will address it tomorrow.

The reason to address it is because this family I met, decided they would rent a car and we would all go to Manuel Antonio.
Roise too, Ken and Joe. Steam boat, Joel, Bobbie and Jenifer, Rosie ended up taking her car So Joe and Ken and Rosie and I rode first while the family followed.

It was cloudy and they were late in leaving by the time we left it was after 11:00.

We stayed on the beach for several hours, we saw so many monkeys, Racoons, that came right up to us. That part was very nice. We also saw sloths in the trees. It was a quiet day really Rosie and I talked a little and shared time with that Family and Joe and Ken.

We drove back and watched the Christmas Sunset, nothing like yesterday it was stunning yesterday. Then we went to a Sea food place and order a light dinner. In the end of the evening I had talk to my son, and his girlfriend and Kelsey. I went down to Rosies for a couple of hours and had a coffee. Talked to the Family that showed up too. Then Vorna showed up, but only said hello.. I could see he felt guilty for the things he said.

I left and came back home. It was a very strange Christmas day.

Tomorrow, I must have hope that the resolution for the car happens.

Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Dreary Sunday

It was Dreary yesterday and now again today Sunday.I usually like to try to beach it on Sunday. But I guess not today. It sprinkled earlier about 8:30, so maybe it will clear up later on. But Right now its dreary. Not cold nice actually.

Yesterday was a simple day. I got up around 8:00, Joswea another friend of mine came by in the Morning to see how I was. He was the one I saw last week at the Malecone, at Sunset. He showed up with breakfast and visited me for a couple hours. He feels concerned, that I am not eating much so he was thoughtfull and brought something by. We watched a show on the tele, and then he went home.

Angely has not called. So maybe not? I like him but who knows about these things. I called him the night I baked to ask him to come down and have some pastries, but he was occupied. Its only a half block from where I was. I was going to ask him for dinner. But when I waited two hours and he didn't show. I just messaged him saying I am going home.
Not a word since.

So later in the day yesterday I walked into the office to check it out.
They had an invitation to the Wyndahm hotel office grand opening. Its a new of course another project being sold here in Jaco. Wyndahm Is a first class operation, they are selling the beach front condos beginning at 350 thousand. Its fourteen floors, In 2009 is the opening.
We all got invited to the office party and it was very nice. Hor de orves, and wine and drinks. The presentation was very impressive.
I met one of Century's clients there who was wanting to meet me, I thought for business but it was for otherwise.
I NEED BUSINESS!! I don't need another admirer... Well he is a nice man, Vorna, is his name.

He asked me out during the party, I said yes, But when he came to get me he was dressed in the same clothes as when I saw him earlier. I was dressed very nice. Its holiday even though here you don't see it or feel it I wanted to dress nice. I suggested we go to sushi, but he first took me to his room. I really felt uncomfortable, He wanted me to drink some rum, but I said I was fine.

After 20 minutes I said hey lets go and eat!! so we did, and he sort of talked alot about his divorce, and the ex, the other ex.. well it went on and on. I was bored. I ate and ordered Dessert!!! he ate most of it but it was good, Tempora fried bananas with Ice cream, and chocolate sauce with a few strawberries! I was more involved with the dinner and dessert than him.

He wanted to rush off and go back to the room. It was still early like 9:00 the town barely is waking up. I talked to Kevin for a minute and I could see my date was wanting to leave he walked off while Kevin and I chatted, it was only a few seconds.

I didn't want to go back to his room. Although it was a nice location right on the beach, I was dressed so nice, to nice to go and sit in his room and well!!! I knew what he was aiming at.

I didn't want to drink, I had a diet coke. It was a little chilly out, So I got one of the bed covers and we laid out by the pool in the lounge chairs and looked at the stars. He fell asleep, Then so did I, When I woke up it was like 3:50 in the morning. He was in the room.

He did try earlier to get me to frisky with him. BUT I WANT BUSINESS, he just bought several locations and one is a hotel that desparately needs renovation. He and I talked about it, he is going to invest alot of money in it and I said and of course your hiring me to do the renovation? he said he wasn't sure. But he was sure he was going to try to do something else with me! I was strong and didn't budge. I want the job not other things.

So when I woke I told him I was going home, he insisted I sleep there and he wouldn't touch me but I called a cab and went home. He is probably mad and maybe I blew the deal. But I just hate it when I get put into a position where sex is the key to the whole deal, then you get involved and nothing happens anyway.

He is Iranian, he played his arabic music the whole time. Very strong personality and mostly talked about his properties he bought and his ex's that was it really not much interaction with me or about things he likes or does.

He questioned me when I left, are you alright. yes I was fine but I just wanted to go to my own home. I felt sleezy staying in a hotel with a man I just met. I don't know if he is going to call but I feel like I should get dressed and go to Rosies which is where he said he was going to eat breakfast and try to save the deal. He wanted me to see the hotel today.
He is going to turn it into a Hooka bar, with rooms for rent. I never heard of this but he said in LOS ANGELES it is becoming very popular. I told him I belly dance, he said yes with belly dancers. The people here like the arabic music so it may be a great idea.

I may just do that, but god how do I get around the other part???

When you feel uncomfortable, it not good.

Well the sun is coming out so I packed the bathing suit and off I go walking into town, I make sure to call him later or make a call to try to get him to understand I want work.

I can tell he is very use to getting every thing he wants, He is a typical Los Angeles man, stressed, rushed, and well better not say!!

Off to the beach I hope!!! I know every one out there in the USA is running around like Chickens with there heads cut off, Trying to get ready for Christmas. In a way I kinda miss it, but in most ways I am happy I don't have that pressure. Still don't know what I am doing Christmas day. Maybe nothing?

Friday, December 21, 2007

Cheese Cakes lemon Merenge Pies and Cinnamon rolls

Ok I got the first reorder, I baked all day in the land lords house...!! Running up and down two flights of stairs, fighting with my merenge, because it is raining it woudn't FLUFF! After beating and beating, by hand I finally gave up and threw it out and starter over a dozen more whites, It worked but not like it would if it wasn't humid. They look beautiful!

Rosie is loving my ideas, she has me making other food for one of her other places, and in January she wants Lasagne and other little bits of salty foods with coffee for the afternoon caffecittos. Its not easy the Cheese cakes went perfect today as well as the cinnamon Rolls , but I think repetition will make it go fast from now on.

I am tired actually I am not use to baking so much. But I felt so good.. I actually had a dream about my mom, we talked in the dream. She was happy that I was taking after her in this? HOW STRANGE I thought, but I felt so happy when Iwoke up as if I had seen her.

This woman would bake till dawn, study her receipes for days.. She did the most beautiful pastries.. so MAMA I KNOW you would be proud of me.

I never thought I would be this, but hey its better than sitting here worrying about how I will make it. I won't make much, but ya never know? it could turn into something really good!

I am very thankfull for all the talents I have, I am fortunate, that I can be resourceful.

Well my friend Angely call yesterday, he is the guy Iwent to dinner with last week, and he visited me one day last week as well and brought all sorts of goodies for us to eat. He called and asked what I was doing in the evening. I told him I was meeting with Rosie for an order, that when I was done I would walk to his place and he if he would could take me home.

So I did, he was pleased, This guy is certainly different. Not gorgeous, but nice body
SWEET PERSONALITY. He is helping with the car, he has found a solution and I am very happy.
When he showed up he saw I had light bulbs on the table, he asked Where they went, with out me asking he got up and changed all the bulbs in the house. He fixed a whole that was in the ceiling that I couldn't reach. It is the opening to the ceiling where they installed the cable. I was shocked? then I fixed us some goodies, When I went to the fridge to see what I had to drink, there was nothing.. I said oh no tengo nada! He got his keys left and came back with ice and sodas. I didn't ask him to do any of that... I think I may be on to something good here????

I hope, he sure is a nice man. ITS ABOUT TIME, but I am not going to pursue, if he likes me he will continue if not a great friend will be welcomed.

We talked today, he said bessos when we ended the conversation, that means kisses... so maybe he does like me?
I bought him a card to say thanks for all the nice things he has done so far. Maybe Tomorrow I will invite him for dinner?
A little Christmas surprise for him.

Well I can not wait to see The faces at Rosies when I show up with all these goodies!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Taking it a little easy toda

I had to take it a little easy today, I walked so much yesterday that the leg that was injured some almost two years ago on my Birthday, was so swollen last night I could hardly move the ankle.

I rested today with up for a couple of hours. Then I couldn't stand it, I had to clean the house. It was not really messy, but the weather in the past couple of months has caused alot of mold everywhere.

The whole place smelled moldy. The leather the bed, everything. So I cleaned like a mad woman and now the house is spotless. Its so hot I was sweating like crazy but that kinda felt good.

Its late, now but I need to drop off the laundry, get some light bulbs which here is not a simple thing. you have to go to a hardware store to find what you want. Its not like the states that you can run into a store and they have everything!
Off I go, walking again.

Yesterday I had two other people come to check out the car they both said similar things. It might take around 4 to 5 thousand dollars to fix but the electrical is not determined. One offered me 5 thousand for the car the other wants to try to find someone to give me 8 thousand but it has to wait till after the holiday.

I feel worried, but I am trying to be positive in all aspects.
It has to get settled but here everything is so slow.
Its parked in front of the kids mothers house that crashed it with hopes that she would push the kids to get moving on it, but I have heard not one word.

Trying to do simple things is a task here, so this is super complicated.
The guy I met that is a manager of this little hotel and mini mart is really trying to help me. He seems like a genuine person but I am so cautious.

Now about the pastries there a hit, but no money yet. Maybe I have a little new business here. I thought when I get a reorder I may try to borrow someone's car and go to the better places and give samples and see if they want to order too.

None of My holiday decor has sold. I spent nearly $500 bucks, So today My plan is go to Nelsen ask Rodrigo to load them up take them to Rosie's discount them and at least try to recoupe some of the money. I am not a crafter, Its professional pieces like you would see in a magazine. They don't have them displayed at all so no one is asking.

I have no plans for Christmas, the only thing I wanted to to was go south with my friend Kevin and see a new area, but it doesn't look as of now that I have a ride. Its six hours away. We could take the bus, this is too much for me right now.

I need a huge miracle. IT COULD HAPPEN! I have hope. I won't give up.

Yesterday I waited all day for the people with the garden but no one showed up. I was dressed for hiking, it was too hot to walk back and change.
What I had done was meet the men for the car it was a little over a mile or so on that, then walked back to the office another mile. The later walked to Nelsens to find out about the holiday decor, then again to the office. Later that evening walked through town then home. I cleaned up rested and tried to put on some tall shoes, to go to Rosies to visit. She called. I eneded up breaking down and taking a taxi, then I had a ride home late from a friend.

Right now there is alot of pain but I have to go and take care of thes little things. It will make me feel better about my house and that things are in better order. Dirty clothes is an issue, its heavy hard to carry, but I have no washer or dryer here, and most people wash by hand and hang dry. In my apartment there is no space for this or lines to hang the clothes from.

Nothing special to say today, just simply need to press forward and think positive, wish for the things I want and pray it all happens.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Rosies Party on Monday and walking home

Leda, Raquel, Luis, Alysia, Rosie

Raquel Saluteing Rosie

IT was a nice party, I hope she is Happy! the weather was perfect, no rain and so cool. Now its getting super hot this is our summer.

Yester day nothing seems to come together, only my story for the Jaco Guide. I wasn't in an inspiring mood so I am sure its not that great! but I did it.. I spent most of the day in the office emailing and writting. I had a visitor at the end of the day it was a florist here in town, who wants me to colaborate on a botanical Garden. Sort of a public effort, and a place for Tourists to come and enjoy.

I like the idea and I know I could do a really cool place. But its finding investors. We have the property according to this guy. He said he thought about me directly and knew I would be the right one to contact to design it and make it happen. But I need investors, I want another investor for my orginal idea before I came to Costa Rica. I want my Bella Esperanza, this was a dream I had about this coffee pastry and some food house. I know the plan I have it on paper I drew it up some four years ago.

This Morning when I got up I had an email from Dick Voles, telling me to be positive, to not look at the disasters I have had, and honestly I have been trying super hard to do exactly that. Bella Esperanza means BEAUTIFUL HOPE. These were words that came to me, and I had no idea at the time what they meant. Bella Is Italian for beautiful, Esperanza is Spanish for Hope. This was before I knew much spanish. Weather or not its a good Idea I don't care. Its something that was in my heart for a year, I drew it up one day when I was working in my garden.

I had a sort of botanical Garden in my home, It was lovely. I worked it in all year long twice a week in winter and almost everyday in summer. This is where the idea came to me, I saw the whole thing in my head. Later I dreamed about it and the ideas formulated.

My son is a chef, I know how it will work. ITs hard work but it would be something for him, his family, and myself. lastly.

I am trying everything I can to think of ways to be strong, and how to recoupe. This business is a tough one but is well needed here.

When everyone ate my pastries they died!! they were saying oh my god Marianna, wow! I learned all this from my mother, I give her credit for it all. She was the best ever.. My mother could do anything and did it very well.

So now I follow after that.

Nine of the 13 people who ate my food all said you need to open a place or something?

It would be a good idea, hard work but good.

So now I am on this kick , but I want to see this property for the botanical garden, wouldn't be swet if it was close and incorporate bella? but Down town is best here where all the foot traffic is.

Now onto the yesterday, It was just as I said nothing coming together. I started to walk home around 5:00 when I notice how nice the sky looked. I decided to go a place that Cristhian and I would go for Sunset. Malacone, So I walked over the bridge and through the parking lot of the gym. It leads you right to the beach.

I went upstairs and sat alone only one person was there a Canadian guy I see often around town. He was drinking a beer, the sun was so beautiful. So I order one too.

I love the mechiladas, I got my camera out to take a photo of the sunset, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was a friend of my Jose, he wispered in my ear no flash.. he doesn't speak much english but I had no idea it was him I didn't look at him I was admiring the sunseta Then I looked it was Jose, he bought me another beer. We we chatted for a while, he asked me what I was doing on Christmas. I said nothing.. he said he had to work all day but he was going to buy me a gift. I thought ok, I am not sure I believed it but that was a nice gesture. He talked to me and hugged me I never said how I felt but he could feel it. Said not to worry that Tomorrow was a new day.

I ate a small pargo about the six inches long and a tiny little salad and then walked to the coffee shop in Galeon. That is where Kevin works. I stopped for a while talked and then walked to the house. It was about 8:30 Ate a litte left overs I had and fell asleep.

The dang dogs this morning from five oclock on were barking there heads off like a bunch of wild pack dogs. There ia quite a few at the corner neighbors house and I mean they were wild this morning. So it woke me up pretty early, I laid there but they continued so I got up made coffee and got ready. To meet this guy but now its past 10:30 I walked here fast only took me 25 minutes today. Its a long way but I put some old tennis on and shorts and practically ran.

Still waiting for him,

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I did it, and then a story you have to hear

I began baking for Rosie's place about 8:30 am when I realized I didn't have a few things. Got dressed walked to the Frutastica, and saw all sorts of road blocks. I was curious but didn't know what it was about.

Often there are road blocks here, checking passports, and the retevy on the cars. This is a sort of registration.
Came back and fought with my oven. It would not stay lit, I had three cheesecakes made and ready to go in, I had all the pastry dough made and resting in the fridge. All day I fought untill Finally Roberto my landlord came down and I told him about it after checking for a half hour he decided to let me use his upstairs. Now imagine I went up and down all day checking loading unloading and preparing for Rosie.
Around 5:30 I was finished, and called her to come and get me. It was her birthday but we talked earlier about making these for her to begin selling. Just another way of me keeping busy so I don't loose it completly.

Nothing going on no work and not much in the bush.

But I hope everyday that MONEY COMES IN ONE FORM OR ANOTHER. Weather it be work or new project or new idea some way to bring something in.
So Rosie arrives, we load up its getting dark around 6:00 now. I was suppose to cook for almost 12 people.

She wanted chicken Marsala, Armenian rice pilaf and and Italian salad that I made for her before. Its with the mushrooms and parmesean, the pilaf she ate and died for it. Also the Marsala.. so After that all day I went and cook in the hot little service kitchen in her place.
It was tough because they had so many orders and there is very little room. So I found myself waiting and moving and waiting and then cooking it was a mess but I did it!!

While we were enjoying our dinner, talking laughing and cutting up. The news came on.
Some one earlier had said had you heard the news about Charles Boyd? that he had been arrested?
Charles is the guy that I was trying to do the big landscape job for, he and his wife, but now I know its not his wife.. gave me such a hard time. He asked me to take his name off the internet at one point and stop blogging about what I was doing at this house. It ended up totally bad sistuaion, And I was very angry that I took on the job and knew from the beginigng wasn't going to be good.

Well he got arrested for armed robbery, asault with a deadly weapon, drug trafficing, and false passport from Mexico.
I wont go into the details of my dealings with him but my assistant Clint, and Cristhian both witnessed a bad situtation with the brother and I who he looks scary than Charles. Clint wittnessed him bad mouthing me when he hardly knew me.
The dealings with this man was really harsh, I knew something was seriously wrong when one day he met me in the road to give me some cash.

He was talking to someone on the phone and told them were road blocks this was back in Sept. He said he had to change his route. I thought that was curious because he was driving a new car, had a big new house, a big new office and loads of cash. If you have a new car there is hardly a worry about road blocks they simply check the retevy, your passport and if its good you go nothing more.

I saw the video of him he looked very drawn, scary, and well some of the people here are shocked. I wasn't at all not kidding. In fact I thought oh oh not again. Not that it has anything to do with me at all, but several times in my life I have had people do horrendous things to me or about me. And soon they become fired, arrested, and other circumstances that are shocking.

You never really know someone do you? the dirty little secrets we all keep. I don't have many but we all have something we don't want to share with others. BUT THIS WAS CRAZY... he was so public, and tried with all the business people to be so on target, so professional .

Another reason to be ever so carefull about who you trust and allow into your life. I learned a big something today. For sure the next time REGARDLESS OF HOW MUCH I NEED MONEY, I will never go against my gut feelings again.
That could have been a really bad situation, not just a loss of money but maybe a loss of more than my life.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

New day, yesterday was good!

It began with Helena and I going to the clients to collect the money from the Sale of the art.

It was beautiful yesterday, the weather warm and the breeze just slighty cool. We drove in her old red jeep up to Playa Escondido, this sits behind the Los Suenos resort on a road that goes up a hill lined with Chinese palms. This are the small palms that get to be about 6 feet max, and have rounded leaves in a deep green. The resort has planted the Jungle mountains all along the way on this road. Its is stunning to say the least. Helena and I both exclaimed as to how beautiful it was driving to there home. I am so thankfull when I see the natural beauty here that I live here. Even though I have had the utmost shocking, unfortuante times. I am greatful for whatever I have and my surroundings.

Things have to change for me, I was borned to be a success, not a poverty failure. Everyone has problems. And Yes happiness is from Within, but it is serious when you loose everything, and Money does not come in. But yesterday was a new day and being in those two incredible homes in one day was something that most people in the world do not get to experience. So I was happy to be exposed to such wealth and such classy lifestyles.

In Posting those photos I was in awe at how this Man Paul did this with no plans, and just did it as he went. Honestly I am that kind of designer. I know what I see and I know what I like and sometimes putting it on paper doesn't happen. When I do landscapes I always come up with a plan or a general perspective of how it should look and what goes where. But in Gardening, things change the plants grow, die and fill . It is always a work in progress. I want a place like Pauls, with Wandering Gardens that you can enjoy from below and above.
To see the grounds from all different perspectives is really fascinating.

He has so many specimens, and I about recognized all. I saw in an area where he could use the Planter's Palms it really is a Heliconia but it doesn't flower. It has towering branches that go from south to north and look amazing when there full grown.

I have a different view today, THANK GOD!! I was so worn down, so beat up.. But I have to pull myself back up and know that there is only one place to go now and that is UP!! I have so many abilties, Some of my friends are amazed at what I can do. When my son thinks of me he only says one thing that is great, and that is you are "REALLY TALENTED MOM"

Ok if this is so, then I must use my Talent to gain the wealth I deserve, the home I want and deserve, and the Relationship, I long for and deserve!!!

When I came here some time ago, my dream was, a home with a pool and huge garden. I Want the kids to come and stay, friends to fly here and visit and my place be a place to Entertain... but it has not happened none of that. But by God I have to get back on Track and find the dream. Dreams can happen.
I wrote about this some years ago when I told people how I got into what I do for a living, in an article I wrote. I need to read that to remind of how to get back on track.

Most Often lately I ask my self what is my purpose here on earth. Half the time lately I have no idea. But my son said don't worry about your purpose, just do what you need to to make yourself happy. So ok this week I am doing it, How I don't know... but I need a pedicure first let me start there so right now I have the water boiling, the nails are free of paint, and I have the tools ready to do it myself! Generally I get one but haven't had the money. So I am going to save that money its not much but I am going to do it myself, then the rest of the week find ways to make myself happy!

I need purfume,( now your saying this is silly) but women are very complicated, we need personal things to feel good. I have none not one bottle, while I was gone someone decided to use it or take it along with my bikini.. so that is something I am doing this week too!

This little Columbian girl needs my help with her clothing repair shop, she makes a line of bikinis called Sexy 7 and well I am going to help her this week and ask her for part of my payment in one or two bikinis!!! CUSTOM MADE!!


Another thing, I am going to Paul this week asking him if he wants to buy Felix Murillos art that I sold to the Voles, Felix is from here, he is becoming very famous for Painting to Concerts. He is amazing. He is a friend of mine personally. His art is really different the styles change from one to another.. but Paul has money, and If I sell I make a nice chunk, Then somhow I would love to rent out Pauls place for vacationers, or for parties, or HELL I WANT IT FOR MYSELF!! some way I am turning this around.

Now the car:
Tony, the old Tony offered me a 1991 Toyota, he said it was valued at $4000.00 but I looked a couple of them up here and there only worth about $1900.00. Yep I need a car but I am not sure about this deal. They want to take the car and give me this old junker. It appears to be ok, but god its old. And how do I know how much there going to get out of this car? I want a truck, that is what I want.. a nice one BLACK WOULD BE GREAT! but I need a vehicle that works for what I do. So On Monday I have a couple of other people looking at the car and telling what they will give me for the heap. This needs to be solved this week.

Still don't have the feeling of Christmas, funny I want to feel it but yet I don't.

Well Off to the beach, to pray and turn this head around. Maybe hitting the bottom will be such a source of Inspiration for others that I become some sort of resource for people to use and turn their lives around!!! I hope?

Couple of things: Bikinis: Sexy Seven, Art: Felix Murillo, The home in TOUCAN CALVO, all for sale. Interested please email me: or comment on here

Saturday, December 15, 2007

TOUCAN CALVO COSTA RICA, this is the house, its only the guest house and it is for sale

Sunsets in Costa Rica
Orchids the countries Flower

This is a tree and its roots he is carving it for a front of a restuarant