Monday, January 02, 2006

Sunset from the beach before set
Sunset from the balcony of my bedroom

Thought the new year was going to be rung in with new friends but I was wrong. I also thought I would do it with out drinking but after this situation that changed my mind, although I do not drink to excess I did have a couple.

I had gone to the house I was told to go to, but when I arrived not a soul was there for the fiesta. Instead, there was a very attractive older women who sounded French but spoke Spanish, In fact I think she was French because some of the words when she spoke to me were in French. I was trying to find the party but this lady came out and wished me Nueva ano, I reply equalimente`.

Then I noticed her drunken husband keeled over on the porch, it was getting dark so I mostly saw his silhouette, and not his face. He sounded very barracho… Super Drunk. Then she lamented to me about her husband being an evil mean man. I looked down at her wrist because she took a drag off of a cigarette when I noticed blood all over a white cloth wrapped around her wrist.

Ok now I really took notice, I looked and it was apparent that she had purposely sliced her wrist in reaction to her husband behavior. Then I asked what happened to your arm? She then told me that she did that because there was no reason to live. That he chokes her and does bad things so she wanted to die. I then told her I wanted to call the emergencia, and she kept saying no no no, I decided to leave to tell someone about her, the house, and where she lived so they could send help. As I began to get on the bike the whole bike fell on top of me, I twisted my leg then the bike slammed down right on top of me. I was wearing a white skirt, cute wedge blue sandals, with sparkles, a sheer blue top with little beads on the front and tie straps around my neck. I really hurt my leg and was upset because everything including the bag I had with stuff for the BBQ went flying including my purse! I felt like after she touched me something flew on me and knocked me down. Who knows? But that is what it felt like.

After I picked my self up and dusted me off literally, ruined my cute white skirt, rode to Helene`’s to see what was going on? It was dark but she had clients to do, hair and styles and things. So I sat drank a beer and waited around for a while, until Angelic decided to borrow my bike.

She wanted to go somewhere, l allowed her but after I began to get worried inside when she didn’t return for two hours. Finally she did, and told me she went home and took a shower called her mom, and had a little brush with the police. So I don’t know? All I know is I got the bike and skedaddled out of there.

Riding home in the dark in that skirt was fun it was flying as I was petaling away. I got to the house to hear the fireworks begin, this friend of mine was waiting for me when I arrived, he and I went up ate a snack, then went out back and watched all the fireworks blaze, and I mean BLAZE It was more like artillery fire, a war zone. Nothing like I have heard in Vancouver Washington! And they blow allot of money there shooting off fireworks. But here I kid you not, not one second went by with out huge blasts booms shocks and thunderous bangs.

We sat with a little music playing but you couldn’t hear it the pops were way to loud. The show was cool though I saw so many fireworks, and people yelling and screaming. Thank god I am at the south end of the beach. I cannot imagine what the town was like?

I did see a fire before I left town, someone probably shot some works off and it landed in a pile of limbs they were torched!

This morning the Soda was quiet, but then again I woke up at 9:00, that’s a first for Costa Rica? But I did have about three beers so that may have set me in for a while.

Today I pittled around I began painting a drawing I did from the back porch, I was thinking there has to be a way that maybe I can do something some art or something??? I can’t be stagnant here reaching for anything to be sure! Verdade`

washed dishes, laundry by hand, since I do not have washer, I went from a very nice washer and dryer to a tile sink with a drain on the side for washing laundry, wringing them out and hanging them on the line. It Really reminds me of when I was a child, My mother had this washer on the porch, in the country in Fresno where I was raised, she only had it a while then progressed to a big new washer and dryer but it was one of those ones that had the wringer on the top and you would run the clothes through it. Then you would hang the clothes on the line. I use to love to play in the clothes when they were hanging. Now I am hanging clothes but not for fun but I kinda do like the fact that you hang them out and let them dry. Less use of energy.

Then I watered our front, washed the tile down in the entrance, dirt and dust is bad on this street like clouds of it, the bus has the road all tore up and so do the big trucks huge potholes and puddles and yuk and dust and gross gaucalee!! But on the back side is the beautiful beach and breezes and wow what sunsets!

Wrote a little watched some birds, dumped out my old flowers then walked to the store and bought some beans came back made beans and yellow rice with onions some nachos. No body here makes nachos, hm that might be an idea!

Good dinner then I saw a huge ship going across the horizon here on the beach so I got my camera, binoculars and peddled to the beach to see, I took many photos and then watch the sun go down, which I noticed allot of people do , its like s a ritual here, I am begining to see why.
They are incredible it’s the closing of the day the sun gets Red like a huge ball in the distant, the sky becomes orange, blues, pinks, peach melon and reds, the reflection on the sand is orange and red and the clouds all change hue. This could be great beginnings for Paintings of the sunset for me.
This is one of the reasons I wanted to be here also, so I could possibly get back into art and painting for my pleasure.

Woke up to the sound of hammering rain at 4:00 am. I never heard rain this hard ever in my life. When I looked out the front window, I saw a car stalled in the road. The water was so high that he couldn’t move. It was like a rushing river out there. Not just a stream but a river. I was curious and kept looking watching the rain. Now in waking I see all the birds are wet and cold and shivering but its not cold out? They are not singing yet. The sky is gray today reminds me of the Northwest. But I can see clear skys in the horizon out to sea.

I of course make the perfect coffee, and swept out front my morning routine now, Can not wait till Natalie gets back to begin working out.

As I said before I wanted to begin my own aerobics, but I need a basis of routines to begin. I am sure I can do it and I know I will have an audience and students will like it. But it’s the fact of not having a format that scares me a little. I know how to improvise easy, but to write it down and make it work all the time is the hard part. I really think this would be good to do since there is only one instructor in town and no other dance or jazz or aerobics here.
Well I guess give it more thought and really begin to put some effort towards it.

Today I go to talk to Tom if he is back from the US, to see what he wants me to do with working there for him.

Eida’s offer fell through, and she is still in the USA visiting friends in Seattle. So I suppose when she returns we will talk, maybe not about work, but we will talk.

Happy new year all my friends in the states, I wish that this year brings good things, a change of life for many and the hope that life is renewed!

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