Friday, January 06, 2006

La Ferria

This gate is around the corner from my place it has part of my name on it, I want it! They are going to tear it down and build a huge hotel called the topical sands, a 6 year project I met the owners.
The next photo is the mist over the moutains this morning outside my bedroom balcony

Jaco Yesterday the beaches are not as full as they have been but you can see this is about half the beach
La Ferria

The Farmers Market, I look forward to Fridays when I can go and buy the weeks worth of veggies and fruits and god only knows what else? The Farmers market is small but I do enjoy the atmosphere, the vendors and occasionally I see someone I met.

The morning was dreary the skies are gray but the clouds are high so The likelihood of rain is half and half. I was really hoping for a good day, as riding the bike to the la Ferria is first a long ways from here, second carrying all that stuff back is such a task.

The morning brought this toucan that has been hanging out, in the yalang yalang across the street, I realize that they like these trees, as every time I see one they are perched in those trees. Right now the tree has yellow to tan leaves, soon it will all be green. I believe its spring here now, I am not quite sure though. Also this morning I heard someone yelling my name from down below, it was the people who made my patio furniture, I wanted one more small table but the one I saw they had last week was scratched and I didn’t like I told them to bring a new one by, they did it was the same one. I graciously took it but I told him I wasn’t happy with the surface, I think I said it right? I hope he understands to exchange it when they make new one. It cost like 20 bucks but there very nice.

It rained really hard last night but not like the night that street was a river It was just normal Northwest rain.
The ground and all the plants are washed clean of all the dust that is flying all over these days here in Jaco. The streets are the worst ever so this is the cause of the dust. Its strange because I have gone to a few other cities and the streets are great compared to here, and there is more tourists and money here than most places? Corruption I am sure, the monies collected from Local businesses are not put to the cities benefit but to the pockets of local officials.

Yesterday’s day:

I spent the morning digging the hole for the feeder, mostly rocks here in the ground and with a pitiful little shovel I dredged through the soil to put the pole in the ground. Then I swept the tile down stairs of the building, and watered the plants in my Costa Rican statues I bought. I have two of them with plants coming out the tops of there heads, they look like freaking Indians! Then I came in got ready to go the internet at Del mar.

The bird feeder is up and running I had two customers right after it opened, Two little wrens, husband and wife I am sure. They came to inspect and grab a bite of bread. But I scared them when I tried to take there photo from the balcony. I haven’t seen any visitor’s yet. But humming birds are curious, not stopping but buzzing by.

Talk to Sara and by the way Milo. We had a nice conversation while I down loaded music from Limewire, checked on towels from Walmart, and search the web for a few things. I heard the story of Clint and Jordan being demanding of the money they think they should get before the jobs they are suppose to be complete. Frankly I am disgusted with the issues at hand with my work. I left them to tear down the Holiday décor at only a couple of places, and it has been a total issue with Jordan, Clint, and Brandon. I had asked Brandon to take care of things for me, but its just not possible with Jordan having the hard feelings he has, and causing the division between the whole family. I know that if a family is divided they shall fall. I pray that this gets resolved,

Thing is in the real world, when you work… you have to wait for checks, but since I am the mother of one of the workers, and a so called better mom than the real one to the other…. They expect me to jump and hand over money now. Honestly, I have spoiled them with many things, but have some respect!!!

I came back to eat a little and then walk on the beach, I walked almost all the way to town then back. The water was incredible yesterday really aqua blue, the tide was out so It made the water clear. It was very warm too; only where the little streams enter the sea was the water refreshing. The sand is filled with rocks too in some areas so it makes it hard for me to walk barefoot on it. I have tender feet.

I came back to stop at the corner store, a small country store but since the Del mar and El Sol is close the prices are quite high. The Man who owns it always says Hi Marianna, when he rides down the street he waves or stops and talks to me for a few minutes. One day he invited me to go dancing, I said sure… but he hasn’t pursued it. I got a Cuba libre there, that’s a rum and coke they sell in a can. I didn’t know it was rum and coke I just thought it was some sort of different coke. It was pretty darn good too. They say its guado, so I now know that the sugar cane liquor here is rum but they call it Guado

I made a tortilla with left over chicken and red peppers, sour cream and avocado, sat on the porch and then I watched the cars the people walking and riding bikes. Zachary went by and yelled at me… I asked him where are you going? He said later…

Later he showed up and sat with me on the porch, told me he was hungry so I made him something to eat. The Poor kid has nothing, sells coconuts, and I guess he looks to me for help but I have to be very careful as I have heard story’s about ticos here. But honestly, I can not let someone be hungry, I have done this many times before in the states, where I fed someone who was hungry and I feel that its wrong if someone asks you and you turn them down. I was taught to give so I do. Let’s just say that beyond this tough exterior I have a soft heart. I wont give money, but I will feed them. I Just hope that if I am hungry someone will feed me too.

Also I am checking into adding some sales items to this blog, If you are interested in anything such as furniture, vacation rentals, souvenirs, art, photos, coffee, raw sugar chocolate anything you think you would like from Costa Rica you can contact me here a the blog or at If you are reading from My home town please contact me if you are interested in a washer and Dryer, fridge, and a great van. I need to sell these items. Including the HOUSE!

I will be posting some vacation rentals, and working with real estate at the local real estate office here. So please do not be afraid to email me about anything. I can even set up tours of any sort for people and families. Although this is not the basis of this Blog, Its about life and as it happens and its to inform my family and friends of what I am doing. I thank all the readers I have which now at my estimation is about 1000 it could be more. I have my webmaster installing a counter so I know for sure how many of you out there are reading. PURA VIDA!

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