Saturday, January 21, 2006

Plantain pancakes and the counter help

The food counter at the bull fights, look at the chinese noodles YUM! that is chicken in the far right corner.

I have been pretty busy the past few days, actually this week has been full of very different experiences here In Costa Rica. No jobs yet but each day I believe I am closer to something that may bring me some income. Being that I was self employed for the majority of my life, I find that that spirit of entrepreneur still resides in me. So thinking of ways to make money is really been my focus lately.

I had sent and Email to Zaida, a friend I met in Tres Rios who houses people and does recovery for Plastic surgeons, her place I showed a long time ago is beautiful, it is a total reflection of her herself, A vibrant smart, beautiful Tica woman. I asked her if I could some how get people to come here to stay at the beach for a week who are interested in Plastic surgery, I would house them here and cook then show them around prior to the surgery and we could work a deal out where I would then take them to San Jose introduce them to her, and the doctors, allow the people to make there decision's and if they do choose to do it then she would take it from there. Which is something she already does. BUt now I want to be a part of it, and allow the people who concider this to have a week of pleasure first and that way I am making a little income and meeting lots of new people.

I told her if she was every interested in Staying at my place of knew of anyone whom she trusted wanted to stay at the beach I would be willing to take them in and cook and at least make a little money.

Well she wrote me back saying that she and her friend whom I met in San Jose from USA was wanting to come down for a couple of days, so for the past two days I have been entertaining them, taking them On hikes and showing them around. Cooking and having a nice time with them in my home.It was great I loved the people she brought and they gave me some money for all my efforts! I was happy.

I did go to Ortina before hand and bought some goodies and prepared a bit before they came.
So it went very well.
,I hope that I have some luck with this other Idea I have. I have many angles here to work and I am trying to do them but it seems nothing really goes through its tought here to make things happen.
I WONT GIVE UP YOU CAN COUNT ON THAT, Even though just this morning I had a very bad situation that I don't feel ready to talk about happen... I still have hope that all things work together for a good situation! I really think that out of the bad something good does happen, Zaida is the perfect example, when Amanda and Rich left me High and dry when they got robbed I didn't know Zaida they just up and left me there to find them gone... well out of that bad came a great relationship with her,I know she is much like me, and it is going to be a good friendship.

I have been talking To Eida, I did refuse the job, She did offer me now the Tour job, but I am concerned about differences with her and I do not want to loose my friendship over mis understandings. I need to be carefull so I am still thinking this over too.

I got up very early today got on th bike and rode into town to see about something that happend last night and I found out my intutions where right .. I was angry and came home, prayed and asked god to forgive this person for the things they did, and came down to internet. Amazing how I have these strong feelings about things and it happens or its true or I feel it and something tells me this is going to happen Ya know?

I didn't eat I just drank juice, I ate so much pasta and bread while my company was here I feel so guilty, I am not working out yet, but I think this weekend is the weekend to put a set together and try to practice it to teach, and begin to focus on that part of my life too.

That was a major part of my life here for the past six or so years so letting this go for the past two months is making me sad and worried that I will lose what shape I have now. VANITY I KNOW but hey at least I think about it.. Today I plan on resting and visiting with people maybe fidning liz and seeing how her feeder is, she copied mine but I made the top for her its really different than mine and cute!

I may just go out dancing tonight, but I will let the day have its course.. When Zaida was here we went on Miro's mountain the jungle here by my house... We walked early around 7 am it was beautiful and cool but we didn't see any animals at all.. I was mad cause I wanted her to see them! they were all hiding from us.

I hope to hear from Milo, I have been asking him to call for days and still no calls although I had an email this morning from him saying he got a card but the pin number was invalid? so Maybe he will call tonight I want to hear him, I feel sad that I have not heard from him.

Pura vida I suppose... The weather is pretty nice so far cool breeze this morning unusual than what I have felt here.. it was sweltering all week I was dying a few days ago and the power was off all damn day I MEAN ALL DAY so you couldn't do anything not even cook... I went into town bought groceries they have a generator allot of the big places do

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