Monday, January 09, 2006

The Birds, the Bike and the Bulls

The Feeder is up and running and it is fun to see who is eating today! From the moment I install the feeder I had visitors, one morning I woke up to screaming birds, they were arguing over who was getting what and who was eating there first. There were like ten or so various birds. It was very cute but, No photos yet of lots of them I think they need to get more comfortable with me watching them upstairs.
Its not much to look at but the birds like and I its nice in the morning to watch them come and go and gather in a line to see what that thing is?

This weekend was very eventful, I had a new person move in next door which I thought was going to be Vreni, but it is a guy named Monte? So I don’t know how long he is going to stay but he is very nice, and seems to have a good attitude. I hope were good neighbors. I will tell you why in a few moments.

Friday night I went out about 9:30 to a place that was suggested to me called Plankton, it was a reagatton disco, which is basically what most of the places here play. It makes me think of Brandon my son, because at one point he wanted to open a bar, and with his ability and his taste for music, he could have a thriving business here. But I know that’s not in the plan too bad too cause they need it desperately. The town now on the weekends is Thriving and absolutely bustling with people. It was kinda fun, I had two very young Tico men, sitting by me and a gal I met from Toronto, they wanted to dance with me both at the same time… So I did a couple of times it was fun, The theme of Friday night was two two two.

I stayed there for about two hours then Victoria, and three other people and I all caught a cab and went to Monkeys to dance there. It was full of people. Packed to the rafters I should say. They have Air now so its not as bad when you dance. From the moment I walked in Two different guys took me by the arm and danced with me most of the night. Victoria and I saw Helen, and Betty, and we all danced most of the night till about 3:45 am. I couldn’t go anymore I was none stop for hours. Great Exercise! I only drank two beers total but mostly drank water. My intent was to just dance.. since I do not have my JAZZY.. Waaaaa so that was fun I got home very late and went to sleep soundly. That next day Carlos collected his rent early like 8 am, and talked to me about the place just merely conversation.

I then cleaned up and hung out washing clothes by hand hanging them on the line and doing chores around here. Later I called reinford, this guy who has this cool truck taxi, its like brand new and very nice. I called him to come take to me FM this place where they sell mattresses and there is an interior design store but I didn’t dare go look in there! I bought a 4 inch foam pad for the bed, since its so hard I have a rough time sleeping. The pad and pillows I got from him were not that expensive around 20 bucks for the foam and the pillows were 9 bucks each.

Came back put it on the bed and made some dinner and hung out. I danced again by myself here, and listen to the party shuffle I made on the computer through lime wire. WOW IT COULD BE A DISCO TECH TOO! I had a good mix of reagaetton, blues, jazz, hip hop, rap and contemporary music. Even though I am my age I love all sorts of music.
From Frank Sinatra to 50 cent, though he’s hard to look at I sometimes like his raps.

I found this one group called Gypsy kings, and I EVEN FOUND THEY SING A SONG MY BROTHER RECORED AND I Have to find out if they got the rights to it, I think If I am not mistaken my brother wrote the song. Its called Marina, Marina, he use to sing it to me in Italian when I was a little girl. I down loaded this song with out that thought in my head and when I played it I WAS Shocked! It was in Spanish but My brother recorded it in Italian, I need to find out about this its really on my mind. I was listening and I took out the little painting I been working on here and there, When I heard someone call my name from down below. I went down and it was Angelic, this young gal that borrowed my bike… we talked through the gate I did not inviter her and her boyfriend up or in. An hour later I notice the gate was opened to the point of just barley enough to slip out or get the bike out. We have not locked this gate ever because where we sit is pretty protected but Ya nevah know! I went down bare foot walked on the rocks and shut the gate thinking to myself hmmmm I wonder why that was opened? I am here alone??

I looked and the bike was fine. Then I heard another someone yell my name from down below. It was Zach, this Tico American kid I have talked about who sells Coconuts. He loves to speak English and cracks up at me

I wanted to tell him I was busy but I let him come up for a while. He was sad, coconuts is not doing so well for him, I explained that sometimes the things we do must come to an end, or we need to revamp our ideas and change the process or begin a new. Simple as that, He doesn’t want to climb the trees any more his back hurts him all the time he says he says he is too old to do this like when he was young. Mind you he’s only 28 years old but they get old fast here. Most are old before there time.

We discussed a new idea of orange juice stand, and fresh squeezed with coconut smoothies, I said pay some kids to climb the trees, get the coconuts. Possibly get some financing from a couple of friends. He loved this Idea. So he is going to talk to another friend of both ours Carlos my Italian friend. He did and Carlos said yes he would give him the money to begin. After much discussion on the porch I sent him home. I was tired from the night before and didn’t much feel like socializing but prior to this, I had gone down to Del Mar and Interneted for three hours talking to Milo. We have made up and and are now talking again. I am happy about this, I really like Milo, and I hope that he and I can continue and enjoy life together!! Time will tell it always does, Time tells you about everything.

This Sat was the first time I ever shut the blinds and closed up the place to be completely dark so I could sleep in instead of getting up a the crack of dawn. I drank some mango juice and went to bed. In the back of my mind was thinking I should lock the gate but I didn’t OK YOU SHOULD ALWAYS LISTEN TO THAT LITTLE VOICE AND DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU HEAR!!! Because when I got up the gate was open again just the same way it was the night before. AND WELL My beautiful Coupe de ville was gone. Yes someone stole the bike and now I’m on foot again. I sat on the steps and of course as women do I was in shock then I cried, as I said in my sarong, on the steps to the apartment, I stared out thinking it had to be someone around there watching, but the night before I was out till 4:00 and the bike was fine? Why this night? Was it Angelic? selling it to make money? Was it Zachary? Who needed the money but says he would never do harm to me because he too believes in god, and I tell him all the time about Gods laws..?? Was it the nicas across the street? Someone at the soda whos been casing the place? Who knows but I was lax and now I know If I get another one, which that one was a hundred bucks!!! I will get a lock and chain and from that point the front gate is constantly locked. I told the police they said to go the office and make a report, although I know they won’t do anything about it I did it and I walked there and to the whole town. After The report I searched the campgrounds and the surrounding apartments, and as I walking down the road I saw some guy on the bike. I ran after him and stopped him and made him go to the police with me but I didn’t have the receipt with me so they couldn’t check the serial number.

Problem Is Gallo mas Gallo sells tons of these bikes and in the same style and color so who knows?? I was pist I wanted to grab that guy and knock him down. I screamed and yelled as the little firey woman I am came out! Then I continued to walk down town to talk to people and look on the streets for it. I told allot of people about it and one guy said he knows who the dude in town is who steals all the bikes and sells them for Crack.. Great! I was so mad… I went to Betty’s souvenir stand and saw Helen there told her so she let me borrow her bike for a few hours to go to the store and do a couple of look arounds.

I saw Zack on his pepa cart and explained to him. He was pist he said he was going to find out who did this and see what he could do. Who knows? We all hung out and listen to the radio and watched the people in town and enjoyed the company of friends for a while when this guy came and asked us to all go to a fiesta??

I said sure why not It may make me forget about the bike, ended up not my idea of a Fiesta but we all went to Heradura to the bull fights!
Wow ok this was fun… The place as packed too, they had rides, and booths selling fresh fruits, and assorted things gifts, and a huge discothèque. The bull ring was stadium style and was very close to the bulls.

There were lots of Cowboys and bull riders, they did that for hours. After the riding of the bulls then the fights. They actually let people if they want to enter the ring and let the bulls chase you, wild to me but I watched as one guy got rammed by the bull.
It was very fun and really different. I liked it. It is suppose to be
going all week so maybe next weekend I can go again. It was based on a fair idea, like the fairs we have in the states, but really all focused around the bulls. They had a Bull Queen too??? She had a very sexy dress on and a huge Sparkly crown. I did see a couple of other princess’s I believe they had crowns on too.

So getting out of there about ten or eleven and riding a tax home with four people I didn’t know.

Cost about 4 bucks total

Then this morning I have to go to the police dept to give them the number. It’s a mile or more walk, then try to go to Helenes to get my glasses. I was suppose to go to San jose but I have not heard from Heidi who said she may take me. I want to go possibly tomorrow or Weds to meet up with this man who has some sort of business he wants to begin with my help that is exactly like mine in the states. Hes been following the blog and has been emailing me for months now. I have a llot to do and on foot it takes forever. I don’t know about this week… Dang it I liked that little caddy, guess I learned to be more cautious, and to listen to that voice.


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