Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Morning, first started off with Monte asking to use the phone, didn’t make any coffee just warmed up yesterdays, and made a bowl of the Amish Granola with nuts and coconut, and some fresh liquid yogurt, I got dressed early to go and Internet by the sea, but for some reason it would not pick the signal up today.
It just kept saying no connection in range. So I messed around with the computer for a while then rode in to town only to stop at Trish’s house to see if maybe someone in her neighborhood had Wireless and Aerinal hotel did around the corner.
I was at this little restaurant in someone’s house on the beach by Trishes house. You see they have these little roadways on the beach and houses sit right on the beach with the road, This place is owned by French people Peter to be exact, and well its like eating on there patio. Its quite nice, although I didn’t eat I saw the food it looked pretty different compared to the Sodas food.
I over heard a conversation with six American Men, who were talking about investing quickly here in Jaco, Maybe Mob? I don’t know… but I heard that the Beatles bar which is basically all prostitutes got sold and that these guys were going to build another one similar to this bar. I really was listening to there conversation not internetting. It was very interesting but it made me sad because every since I have returned here this place has been upside down with Americans and Europeans, Canadians coming and rushing and buying everything. I am not kidding, even this week Carlos my land lord put his new apartments here for sale too, everything around it has sold in the last four weeks. I am worried now about investing here. The Americans have driven the prices up, because the ticos know they have money so they raise the price on everything during high season. The land has doubled since I left.

After eves dropping on this very interesting conversation with these good looking slick sharks, I decided to slide out of there before they noticed I was listening, I got on the bike and rode down the little alley past the little river and around the corner to Aerinal there is a soda called Hidalgo it’s a classy soda with table linens and candles at night. I sat there thinking I could order a cafĂ© con leche with azucar and turn on the computer and catch Aerinals signals, but they had a code were on the unprotected signal. So I could’t use it. Now I am on trip three, I get the computer and go all the way to Galeone, the el centro the little mall in the middle of town. I sit and I internet there for as long at the battery would last, Talked to Sara a bit and then Made the MORTGAGE PAYMENT. GOD SOMEONE HAS TO BUY THIS HOUSE I HAVE NO MORE MONEY TO DO THIS!! I was chewing my finger nails while doing this and it makes me very nervious that I have to continue paying with no renters and no buyers.

While I was sitting there one of my American Friends walks up and says god your just everywhere I see you everywhere… and he kissed me and kneeled down to talk to me for a few. Then A moment later one of my Columbian girlfriends and her American boy friend walked up and invited me to dinner some time. She is about 4 feet talk if that, and he is about 6 foot 2 funny but shes so dang cute, Erica is her name, his name is Mike.

When the battery went dead, I made a trip to the end of the strip which is the whole street, where Century 21 is to pop in and see if Tom was there, Tom is this big heavy soft spoken man American with a high voice but he seems like he is cool. But he wasn’t so I left another note saying I am interested and to call me ASAP.

Talk to the other Carlos my Italian friend and Shawn, I am suppose to be Shawn and his lovely hunny poo’s wedding in a four weeks.

I then rode back to the house to plug the battery in to charge so I could finish my internetting. This is getting very frustrating not having internet.

I sat down turned the air on because the house was stuffy, I ate some watermelon and thought about the things I could use, such as a TV, a Radio, some sheets, towels, bed covers, and more. Wishing to my self that if I had a car I would be gone already to San Jose to get a few things, TVS RADIOS AND ALL Electronic are extremely expensive here.

I thought well while the battery is charging I wil ride my bike about two miles or so to this guys house where he repairs TVs and Radios, he sometimes sells the ones that people never pick up, So I got the keys and the bike and began to head out, when this taxi pulled up, it was abig one like a suv, I thought ok whos taking a taxi now? As I walked out the window rolled down and it was Danni and Gloria bell They were going to eat the soda next to me and wanted to invite me, but it is closed on Monday. So they didn’t know what or where to go. The driver asked me where I was going and said to the repair televison. He said I know where its at I will take you, I said no I will ride I don’t want to pay a taxi, he then said NO Get in I will take you. Danni and Glory said come on. So I did. He took me to the place, but wouldn’t you know it, typical Tico things. He closed at 2:00 and it was 2:30 so it was a waisted trip. Then he said are you hungry, actually I wasn’t I ate some sandia at the house but I said sure. He said were going to drive to Herradura for luch wanna go? I said sure. So we all went. He went and dropped off this gal we picked up on the way to Lost suenos, and then retuned to eat with all of us. MARVIN is his name a funny looking odd sort of thinner than shrek but a shrek looking guy. Kinda talked like him too!

He was very soft hearted and paid for lunch. I thought I asked for Ensalada con pollo, which is Salad with chicken, instead the gal thought I said ensalada repollo which is CABBAGE SALAD NO DRESSING ok it was grossssssssss when Marvin returned the girls told him and he went right in to the kitchen and got me some friend chicken and tortilla’s and sat it on the table.

He’s a good person to know!!. Well on the way back he went down the road by this pet shop, I said stop stop lets look. I knew Glory was feeling down she had told met that her place was too small and they needed more room now that Danni is pregnant , cant work and the responsibility is now on Glory. She is only nineteen. I knew she was down so I begged Marvin to stop. He did, there were two toy white poodles and two medium white poodles and one german Shepard, and four white bunnies and lots of tiny birds. We looked and awed and ooohed and then Marvin gave in and bought Glory a bunny. I white Canejo. She named it Marianna since I asked Marvin and she was happy that he got it for her.
I think hes kinda sweet on her.

Then he dropped me off a the house only to tell me that he would return at 6:30 or 7:00 to take us to the Bull fights!! Yeah I was happy. So rushed got the computer and went to del mar, And like this morning No connection. I then got bold and went into the bar where low and behold sat Monte my neighbor. We sat together and internetted. I talked to Milo for like five seconds and he pushed me off had another if not always meeting.

So I did my thing went home and changed and got ready but they were late like and hour the bull fights start at 8 so I knew we were probably going to miss it. I was talking to Terri in Hermosa on the phone when I heard loud honking it was Marvin the taxi man. He was eating Pringles smaking and said get in the girls are not ready. We rode to the cabina ‘s where they stay which is not far from my place. I got out of the car and there was gilian this tico man who has been asking me out. He Runs the quad tours here and I always put him off.
He was on a motorcycle and called me his Amorish… Told me I was beautiful. Asked me to dinner for tomorrow night.

I went in and got Danni told them to hurry I wanted to go. But when we got the bull fights it was too late. Too many people and they wouldn’t sell me a ticket. I was mad but I took photos of the food court and ate a stuffed churro that is made like spingee, and Italian treat, with anise in it and filled with carmel. GOOD! Then I asked Marvin to drive me back. He told me this\” Marianna it was a great pleasure to meet you and I want you to call me if you need anything at all. Anything. I will find whatever it is for you.” I felt good I knew when he said that he meant it and Maybe I might have a good amigo who will take notice should I need to do something LIKE GO TO SAN JOSE!! HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO try to find me a cheap tv so I could at least watch television.

So here I sit in the dark on a totally moonlit night. The air is fresh tonight not humid but fresh its actually cool. Hoping that this week brings me good news on every turn.

I was missing Brandon tonight, I felt him really strong around 9:00 I hope he is ok,

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