Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I woke up this morning to a sunny beautiful cool day. I had gone to the soda last night for dinner, then walked back and had a glass of wine only after a hot shower, which was the first hot shower since I arrived here, Carlos's son fixed the heater all this time it was on a lower level so I had very little hot water, wow it felt so good to take a hot shower! then I drank the wine and fell right to sleep.

So when I woke I was fresh and happy! But my dreams were filled with dreaming about dog poop, people poop, and snakes, very strange all night snakes all over and piles of crap god what the heck was I dreaming this for?

But the morning brought a great day! I made coffee as soon as I made it I walk ed to the balcony of my bedroom over looking the sea, and I saw 6 red parriots landing on the tree in front of me, The circled and then landed, wow I watched them with the binoculars, as they had their breakfast meeting in a huge fiddle leaf fig tree, it was incredible to see so many together and so close. Then after I got my coffee I turned on fourplay a jazz CD and listen to in the early morning hours of 6:30, then two ospreys flew right over my head and buzzed me and soon there after a whole flock of peach face parrots, then I heard the Toucan that hangs out around my place but I couldn't find him there hard to pick out unless you know there traits.

I love the birds and I was very happy to see so many to greet me this morning. I got out the painting I started and worked on that for about 20 minutes, then began to sweep and clean up as usual. This day was refreshing, the weather was really nice for most of the day. I used it to wash clothes, water plants, and listen to music, while I worked on the bird feeder. I almost have it in the ground now. Its funky but I like it! I hope the birds do too.

I then got ready and rode my bike back to the nursey to talk to the guys about my fish tale palm that is not doing well, I bought some herbs and put another orchid aside for the house. They agreed to come over plant the herbs and look at the tree, so I rushed back only after going to the hardware store, and to my little market I like on the highway.

I made some avocado and tomato salad with flour tortillas,then sat on the porch watched the people and drank diet pepsi. pleasant day Really! then four people came in the couryard, asking about the Apartment down stairs, I talk to them and explained how much and who the owner was, they were french from Canada, have been here a while and she too loves gardening, and cleaning and birds so if they move in I will have a nice friendship I am sure.
The rest of the day was riding back to town to get some silicone, and bird seeds, then riding back and working on the feeder, digging the hole and now internetting by the sea, its dark now I watched the sun go down. SO I suppose I should close and go eat dinner and end the evening with a glass of wine again. Seems to make me rest better, untill I am able to get a foam pad for the bed. I did try to get one today but they were sold out! I went last week and saw tons of them I didn't know if I wanted to spend the extra money but I realized that sleep is very important the hell with the extra money!

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