Monday, January 16, 2006

Miros Mountain Hike

Finally after all these weeks, I took the hike I have been thinking about and talking about.

First yesterday afternoon, I rode the bike to Eidas shop to talk to her about the offer she made me for work. I decided not to take this offer. But she was going home and saw me on the way and did not stop, so I went to talk to Holly this young gal and her baby girl at the Century 21. We had a bite to eat at the soda where I first discovered Mechelada’s
A beer that they pour over ice with lemon actually its an orange lemon and salt on the rim. It is very tasty and refreshing in this heat. Although tempting because it was hot, I did not drink one, as I am on some antibiotics right now so not a good idea.

I rode home in the dark and saw several people who stopped me to say hi, one is this Israeli man whom I met last week and is a very very good artist, he sells his work sometimes in up to thousand dollars. He is interesting to me, I like the way he speaks and we have talked about demonstrating to me some better techniques for painting. He asked if he could come by my place and I said sure, so he came and we sat out on the porch talked and drank Ice tea.. it was a nice evening. I am excited to learn some better ways to paint that will help me see things more realistically. His name is Gil, thin Dark hair but very close to his head almost shaved, no beard no mustache but very pretty dark brown eyes and long eyelashes.
I also ran into the American that I talk to several times on the street who is helping run the hang gliding tours he stopped me and talked for a few minutes too, as well as the bicycle shop owner. He wanted to know If I would go with him to the bull ring, I want to go but I don’t know about going with him!!!

This morning I got up sore and cranky feeling, I decided immediately to go to Miros mountain and do some more thinking about Eidas offer. Making breakfast of eggs and cantelope, a few grapes and the last of my jummy toast, yummy it what we say Jummy is what they say. Wanting to see nature and feeling a bit down about my house situation, the sale fell through I thought Now is the time to go on the mountain and be at peace and find the answers.
So I put on some tan shorts and sheer top and some tennis and began to walk to the mountain. The Entrance is about two or three city blocks away. It begins right behind Miros house. He has canopy tours there too and nature rides on Horses, but I wanted to walk it its steep and sometimes very muddy the road is all just dirt and at some points is very narrow with drop off ravines.

When I was walking I was thinking about the incident with Miro and Eida, and how all the dreams I had went washing away after they got together, in other words any relation ship I may have struck up with him to be hired for his restaurant or help with the botanical garden was all washed away by what happened. I was thinking how could this be saved and how could I approach him to ask again if he would consider me to work for him and design the inside of his place? A long shot but it was a nice dream there for awhile, in fact I really believed in my heart that it would become a reality. I decided to go to the restaurant on the hike up the hill. Now imagine this….. It’s a very lush jungle terrain on a huge mountain that is very untouched and still has tons of wild life and flora. He will not allow anyone to build on it, but at the very edge facing Jaco he has begin to build this incredible Italian style two story restaurant, with bal straights all around the viewing areas over looking Jaco beach. Its really pretty spectacular and I so want to be a part of the opening and the design of the inside… But in my head I knew that would not happen now. I walked up the hill with out stopping much and staring all the way up looking for animals or anything in nature. I got to the top and stopped at the view point looked for a few moments then proceeded to the walkway that the last time I was on it had bamboo railing. Now there were light posts and cement railing and the walk way had gravel… I prayed God bless Miro for allowing people to enjoy his mountain and god bless him for trying to make some sort of impact on the world for people to remember with his nature reserve and the Botanical Garden that he wants to create.

I honestly was thanking god for him, otherwise I would not be able to see what I did see today or be able to enjoy what is left in this world. When I approached the restaurant mind you its not any where near finished but the floors are done and most of the exterior walls. I saw Miro sitting alone overlooking the best view of the whole Jaco. He sat facing the ocean, him and his two dogs. Blackie small female dog and Ice a white dog some sort of mut. They did not bark at me, they watched me approach him. Then when I spoke his name they barked onced he did not turn around I said MIRO! GOOD MORNING, he then turned and said Ice sit down. Walked over and greeted him and said I was just thanking god for you, because with out you letting people explore this mountain none of us would ever experience some of the things of nature that exsists. He smiled and said sit down. He pulled up a red plastic chair and we both sat over looking the sea. My timing today has been perfect.

I then spoke casual to him, no mention about any of his ideas or projects. I had my binoculars of course because I was hoping I would see some animals and birds. I sat them down. He said he was trying to see the people on beach, they had just got out of a huge bus and were now trying to enter the sea. I handed him the binoculars he smiled and liked the idea.

We then talked just small talk, about the tree that was obstructing a portion of the view, he said he should cut it down. I said no it’s got great arms and structure and is necessary for clean air you have a view from almost the whole restaurant, that one area could be a focal point with lights on it and orchids in the limbs HE LIT UP LIKE FIREWORKS! And smiled at me I knew he liked my ideas but I won’t give him any more. What I will do is go back now in a few days and suggest I become a consultant for the place and he can pay me for the ideas I have and if he uses them a commission is due. He repeated Orchids yes orchids in the limbs and I said yes and bromeliads too exotic ones! He just smiled then he began to talk to me more like a real human, more than ever before. I know that this was not accidental, it was meant to be. And now from this point on I will continue to be friends with Miro. I will make a point to go and talk to him very often every week, until he accepts my proposal. When I left him I kissed him on the cheek and he said softly to me, don’t walk to late its too hot and not good for you. I said ok have a wonderful day. I walked off and continued up the hill, I walked for hours 5 to be exact. It was beautiful, the farther I got up on the mountain in the jungle the quieter from the human world it got.
I only heard bugs and birds and humming birds buzzing right over my ears and head, they like to buzz you up there! I did not recognize a few of the sounds, at one point I was almost scared thinking that eyes were looking at me and they were! The higher I walked the cooler it got but not like cool in most mountains this is jungle and its very hot. I saw so many different plants and tried to be care not to touch to many so I didn’t get any poison on my skin. But I did pluck about six different varieties of ferns and brought them back the apartment to plant in an hanging planter. I saw butterflies of every size from teeny tiny orange about the size of kernel of corn, to gigantic iridescent blue and black ones that were about 8 inches across. Red and black ones yellows orange ones. Then as I walked ever so softly thinking about all the national Geographic’s I have seen and all the nature shows telling you to be quiet as to not scare up something. I came across six monkeys they were on the tops of trees I saw one jumping then looked up with the binoculars and saw a whole bunch of them. They were the black kind with the white faces. But they were just ahead of me so I stopped dead and stood still and looked up and watched them cross the road with the branches that met over the canopy. I could not get a good picture of them as they moved pretty fast. But it was exciting, one looked right at me and when I said pssssst he looked and stopped and stared at me. He didn’t move just stared like I was staring at him.
I saw few more as I walked on all in the same area, so I will remember the area next time I go and be prepared to take photos. I didn’t see any sloth’s but I did see toucans and some parrots and some other birds I never have seen I heard all sorts of calls and bugs that made extremely loud noise. I walked all the way to top on the opposite side of the mountain were you can see Hermosa beach perfectly, I saw some lots that were all cut away and thought yes this is where I would like to live some where overlooking either Hermosa or Jaco.

Then I heard the quads coming on the main dirt road not the one I took but another one, such a shame because I know in time that is going to ruin the nature of the place and change the environment with the fuel and the loud noise they make. NOT ECO FRIENDLY!

I walked back and was quieter than ever after hearing those quads I was mad in side thinking they are ruining my walk, but as soon as they were out of hearing, nature returned and bird sang and bugs chirped. I stopped and pulled up some ferns and then I saw a cute black and bright lime green spotted frog, wow I got the camera to take the photo and he disappeared in a snap.. oh I was disappointed I wanted Kelsey to see this frogy, so I will have to look close next time and spot it and take a photo too. The down hill part was easy, as the closer you got the bottom of the hill the louder it became the sea the people screaming the cars and trucks.. THIS IS WHY I WANT TO LIVE ABOVE and just be able to have some real peace. You know we really don’t know how loud our world is unless you do something like this to show you really what the difference is.

I walked down the road the sodas was stinking full loud people and now the new tenants below blast there music way louder than mine and its like heavy metal, and they left the gate unlocked. I was upset I hope that they lock it because I do not want Helene’s bike stolen or my house broken into!

I came in called Eida first thing and told her I would be by, I am going to give her the news that I am sorry but I must decline the offer. I made a tuna sandwich, the tuna here is delicious, they can it like we do but they put Oregano and herbs in and its so dang good I want to eat the whole can. I put avocado and lettuce and tuna and some diet Pepsi, sat down put up my feet and ate and now I am blogging, I just looked up and saw a blue tananger looking in the window.

Those are pretty birds. Now I will shower and clean up ride into town go to Eidas then x Mas Permanos to get some more toasts, and some items I want. Got to see who will go with me tonight to the bull riders in Herradura.

Well I didn't go to Herradura, instead I was so tired I rode my bike to Eidas to give her the answer to the offer. I declined the offer because I really felt it was not the right job for me. It was ten hour days, 6 days a week in a hot small kicthen on cement floors running the register, ordering all the food and making sure it runs right and collecting and hireing and fireing for $500 a month. I just felt like I worked my whole life like a dog really hard phsyical and mental work sometimes my days in the states with my business were 15 to 16 hours then I would do all the paper work on the computer. I just felt it was not they way I would want to spend my time here in Jaco. I need a better position so I went to her personally and let her know but I did say thank you for the offer. She wanted me to stay and eat but Iwas so tired I just wanted to go home which I did but god the new neighbors are dang loud.. so I guess I will see how this goes now?

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