Wednesday, January 25, 2006

t This is the theater outside over looking the sea, it was live jazz and live oil painting to the music, drinks and hors de orves. WOW ITS AWESOME!! I have more photos but the down load wont work today so keep looking!! MARIANNA

This the sunset view from Villa Caleta

Today is Weds, Tues was spent cleaning up washing and hanging up the new plants I planted. I got it all done when the phone rang it was Doug he was going to San Jose and he knew I wanted to go badly, but he said he was only going to pick up a starter for one of his trucks, for his company and would'nt want to shop with me, and that he was willing to drop me off. I agreed since I been wanting to go to San Jose now for weeks and weeks. So he picked me up wet hair and all and we rode in this old car to San Jose, I wanted mangos so we stopped on the road side and bought huge Mangos. The Avocados were huge too but I didn't get any. There was art work along a roadside too that I really wanted to stop and see But I thought it would be asking too much to stop again. Besides he had to get there to get the starter.

He left me off at this killer place in Aluejuela, where I got all sorts of things for the apartment, when he returned he laughed as he had this little toyota and I had furniture and more so we loaded it up like bevery hill billies and rode off in the sunset! We did stop at this great place in the town were they served this platter of food two appetizers, and dessert all for 12 dollars. We had Chicken, fajita's, pork, beans, rice, Plantains, home made tortillas, pico de gallo, and rice pudding. Cevechi and plantanos. All for that price! it was good and so tasty, and I got the name so I will be sure to take other people there that visit me. We drove back in the dark on that whinedy road scary to me but he drove just like a tico! ESTA LOCO! god I was so scared, especially when he almost rear ended this huge cement block truck and kept doing it over and over... I thought for sure that we were going to be eating cement blocks for dessert!

Then we stopped in Orotina at this little soda for Coffee con leche, and talked about his work. I think that Doug is going to be a very good freind. His son just moved here to be with him and to help with the thriving buidling business that he began some years back. Now its going gang busters, and I believe he may use me in some way to help.

He is a good soul, he use to be a rock star in Canada for some very well known band in the 80's.

I got home late the power was out again! and so we took all the things upstairs and the minute I opend the door the power came on, when that happens here every one all over cheers and you could hear the cheers and the applause, and I bowed he laughed!1 I said see Im magic I made the power come on by the twist of my key!...

He left only after helping me unpack half of it since he wanted to see how things looked.

Later after putting everything away the kids down stairs the three eighteen year olds came up and checked out the apartment and asked if they could move in?? I said NOoooo then they talked with me on the balcony for hours untill 1:00 am.
I slept in today till 7:00, cleaned up again then I was getting ready to leave when I heard a knock. It was Ken this freind from New York who has a condo in Monterey he want's to Sell for 340 thousand, pretty nice place but he has a couple so he wanted to tell me to go with him to the century 21, Well This was my opportunity to ask if he would pick up my table at this little store.

I have no car, and its been sitting paid for almost a week now. So we traded off, he took me to get the table and I Talked to Carlos about his place to get it all set up. He doesnt speak spanish so I sort of helped him a little. Then we went and had a smoothie and he went home. Now I am at Del Mar Of course and its nice I am talking to Sara, Becca my sister and Milo all at the same time while I am blogging.

I can not wait to see what the rest of the day will bring..

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