Saturday, January 14, 2006

To the left is a real gecko, to the right is a fake one I thought this was funny they are small in size and most are tan or brown, this one is black he posed for me at the souviener stand.

This is the freeway connected to all the areas, concidered the American I 5 This is the one I rode to Herradura. Its a nice freeway but it's busy.


Woke to birds again it was pretty early, I didn’t get up I decided to lay in bed for awhile and just rest. I was so exhausted last night, I suppose from the long rides. I laid on the bed last night for a few hours and just stared, then I got up and made a huge bowl of granola and milk. I really wanted some cereal but I didn’t have any so granola sufficed.

This morning I was sluggish, I don’t know if it the medication or the infection I have, but I was slow to getting around. The good thing was though that the swelling under my eyes went down, its almost normal now.
Yesterday I bought some sheets for the guest room why? I just felt it was necessary incase someone does decided to visit, I have the room all ready for guests. I am sure I am just hoping! They had to be washed so I washed them by hand which is what I have been doing since I don’t have a washer and I found that taking the clothes in town to have washed can add up quickly. Every time I do it might be about five or 7 items. It runs around 8 bucks. Or sometimes 10, this would be about $40 bucks a month, so I am saving for the time being.

No birdies today at the feeder, even though I put fresh fruit scraps and new things every day for them. Maybe they are in different areas today?

Carlos rented the apartment to some seedy looking guys, about 30 years old I believe, Tico’s Now I am worried. If they find out I have nice things they may tell there friends. I will be sure to keep a close eye on those guys. I had bad vibes when I saw them.

Besides I had met these two nice ladies from the states that wanted the apartment, and I got there number and talk to them a long time for Carlos, but they didn’t return his call he said…. I don’t know but I don’t feel good about these two. They look a little rough.

Monte the new neighbor now has a habit of coming to my place in the morning and using my phone to call cabs and talks to me frequently. I really like Monte, he always has a big smile on his face and his eyes are beautiful! He is short about five foot 6 or 7, and medium build, nice dark hair pretty greenish brown eyes, and beautiful teeth. He has a nice voice too. I bet he’s about 38 or so, not married no gal. Great personality, He is from Florida. Lots of people from Florida here.

I washed all the clothes and hung them out, and now there is pounding and sawing going on in the apartment down stairs, funny when I got him the renter for the upstairs they redid all sorts of thing, and mine sits as is??? Now he is doing all sorts of special crap for these seedy guys, I don’t know maybe I should give them a chance but I felt strange when I saw them.

The sheets are blowing in the breeze, it’s a hot breeze, They are orange and coral and yellow with some brown design on them, Really wild but I like the colors they look happy. The surf is rather loud today; I just looked up and saw a pretty appaloosa horse go galloping by on the beach with a long haired tico on it.

I plan on going to petras today, she has a cute little Furniture store here. I saw a nice bed table with palms on it that would be good for either my side of the bed or between the two twin beds in the guest room. Its about $89 dollars. It is made in Guatemala, so the craftsmanship is not very good
I have been waiting for Heidi to take me to San Jose but she never shows or calls. She is very busy with real estate I am sure, I know she offered me a job too, but people just do not follow through on things here. Its kinda making me mad to be honest, anyone that knows me… knows I like integrity, I do what I say I am going to do and I expect others to do that. But here Forget all that… no one does what they say they are going to do, unless you hound them. Not that Heidi doesn’t I am sure she does, but she probably has so many other things going on that I am not even on the agenda. I would though like to get to know her, as she seems very on the ball and right up my alley as far as personalities go.

I just called and talk to her sister Vrenni, she seems very nice too! Maybe this is the week we go? I don’t know but I am dying to go to San Jose to shop.

I did email Zida about the plastic surgeon and possibly hooking up with her on sending people to him, she has a beautiful place that houses people after their surgery, so her and I are going to work on setting it up on the net, connecting people with the right doctors. I have been thinking of every angle to make some money but nothing has come through yet.

I really thought about Eida’s offer, and Well although it would be nice to meet new people, since lots of people go to her little taco shack, I think that the hours and the money is way out of bounds for me. I worked most of my life long hours and very hard, and now is the time for smooth sailing, not 10 hour days, in the heat 6 days a week. I understand its Costa Rica and the money they offered was probably generous for here, but not enough for me to want to work there. I need to tell her this today,

I phoned Tom I heard he wants me in a special service office to the clients that buy property. Like a design office and I would really like that. I just hope as I said this comes through, and if it doesn’t well it wasn’t meant to be. Frankly, I am enjoying the ease of not really doing a whole lot except working on putting the apartment together and enjoy some life for once, but I will grow tired of not really doing allot. This is what I believe Heidi wanted to, so to work for both would be devine!! I pray something comes. Or the Internet sales would be good too!! Simply good!

Milo has not given me any idea’s as to when he might be working here again, we have just been talking online, no phone calls.. wish he would I would like to hear his voice.

I talk to Sara everyday on line and its nice to have that communication with my daughter in law, she is always positive and well I feel like its been good to really get to know her. We laugh on line and talk about everything really… I miss Kelsey her daughter my step grand daughter, she is so cute and so smart! I want her to come and visit, I know even at her age 5 she would like it here, but she would SAY IM HOT HOT HOT I AM SO HOT… she is always hot… its funny!

Maybe tonight or Tomorrow I will go the bull fights again, I bought a darling brown peasant skirt, with a sheer cream colored top with no sleeves only straps its so cute… I have the brown and tan shoes to match that have sequins on them just like the skirt. I think I spent like 28 dollars for the top and the skirt. I cannot wait to wear it, TO THE BULL FIGHTS!! I was surprised last week when I saw how the women dressed. They all dressed very nice but sexy.. Sexy here is everyday, some women wear hardly any clothes and the shortest skirts you ever saw, not including hardly but a drop of material on top!

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