Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Helene the Columbian pedicurist and hair stylist

This spider was on the table whre I internet, it was about 6 inches
The feeder and a huge Strangle root tree

Great Day Tuesday was, I woke up happy and singing, the birds where chirping loud again. I turned on a CD called Foreplay its jazz and I really liked something mello for the morning. I mde the coffee and ate some Papaya with salt and lemon and some yogurt that is fresh here, made by a local man. I put the homemade granola that I buy at the farmers market from the Amish its very good! I sat out on the balcony and watched the wave's the birds and listen to the music while ate and got ready for the day.

Iwas suppose to met Milo on line early so I got all dressed up with a cute dress, and sparkley shoes earings thinking he could see me with my cam, but he wasn't on line for more than an hour. I Sat and blogged and emailed all the people who have written about this blog and my one of my friends. Then we chatted for a hour or so till he went to a metting. I walked back to the apartment in a rush it was very hot!
Went up and began to sweep and clean up as usual, worked on applying this bamboo bathing mat I found at the farmacia, to the counter that is in the kitchen. It was really unsightly so I used the mat and nailed it with little copper nails to the counter, the mat has the same color tirm on it as the walls that are painted. The color is like a pumpkin very pretty. So the mat has a small pumkin trim and its light bamboo. Funny it fits perfectly around the whole cabinet. now it looks very classy and it was really inexpensive to do. So I decided to do the same thing to the sink area that has no storage or doors. That way I can build some shelves under that and store my tools and cleaning products. It fits perfectly the opposite direction. So Today Will go and see if I can find a spring tension rod to use and some clips.

After I did this I got my self together and walked down town, its along ways but I did it anyway . I stopped and talk to the bycycle shope guys, and then progressed into town. I went to El largar the hardware store and got some calking so I could glue the velcrow onto the mat where its tile and I canno't nail it. The guys there are begining to know me now and greet me with a smile!.... simply because I harrash them they all look so glum.. I said SMILE NO FROWN!! now they see me and they smile... oh you know it begins with you ok? you have to smile first or be freindly first and others will follow... like cows we are untill there is the head cow the other heffers just stand there... you know what I mean? this happened this morning too!

Monday the Soda is closed next to me... I go over there on monday and get the rake and rake up all the trash that people just throw on the ground and I put it all in the garbage, I been doing this several times, because it buggs me that they don't care and I have to look down at it everyday... yesterday when I got up.. they were out there cleaning it up! I yelled down to them Thank you for cleaning! and I applauded them they smiled, And whenI returned from Internetting the guys who I bought this huge fishtale palm from came and brought me a brand new one.. because I was nice and insistant that they come and look at it as it had a fungus and I knew it was going to die.. I love my plants and I know tons about it since it was part of my business, after the third time of riding my bike on the freeway to talk to them they finally came and saw it, when he did, I showed him an article that I wrote about landscaping and the photos, I explained what I did as a job... OH BOY HE WAS EMBARRASSED... I didn't harrass them I just asked nicely. Then Yesterday they showed up with a beautiful healthy HUGE FISH TALE PALM I WAS SO HAPPY I CLAPPED... So now two wonderfull things in one day! After I walk to town... now back to town..

After the Hardware store, I looked for the bike, of course I wont find it someone has it and probaly dismantled it and painted already... but I still have hope! If I see it believe me I will knock the people off and take it!

I walked to Bettys and ask about Helene, to get my glasses and to aske to borrow her bike.

The town is alive and busy with people tourists and kids... it was blazing butI walked anyhow... I saw Zach and asked for a coconut cause I felt as if my kidneys were bothering me. I found out that Agua de pepa, the juice of the fresh coconut heals many things so I bought one from him.. He then left I talked to Helene who is going to Columbia today and got my things, she said borrow the bike tomorrow.

I talked to several people whom I have met... then went To century 21 to see if Tom was there he wants to talk to me about work. He wasn't but I got Shawns number as he and his gal are having a wedding on the 19th and I am doing it here... MY FIRST WEDDING HERE. I didn't advertise it but I have the feeling that others will be calling, and thats fine but I really didn't want to do this again.. if it brings some income Im ok with it, but it is very hard work and very stressfull, almost Thrity years of it now im doing it again??? OH WELL PURA VIDA

After I walked across the way to say Hi to Eida, the tica friend of mine that has been distant... I greeted her with a kiss and said she looked pretty, she never compliments me ever but I always try to be kind to her. We chatted, nothing big nothing important then she said she needed to sit down with me and talk... I don't know what this is about but I am game... I then walked back and saw another columbian girl I know I worked out with her, I Told her I wanted to begin teaching aerobics at Allens gym, Johns is too little. She said you?? I said yes so Then started to spread the word that I WILL BE TEACHING! I don't know how Im going to correograph it all but I am working on. I think it will be great and I need to work out so if only a few people come in the begining Im ok with it... I am going to try anyway.

Then I walked back home, as I was almost home I saw Trish my friend whom she and I did the Charity function for the children, she yelled out I would give you a ride but I am going to a community action meeting, I said oh I heard about that I am interested! she said yeah? I said yeah My landlord had spoke to me about it and thought I should get involved. I said I thought it was on the 12th she said no its tonight at this hotel. I said lets go! So I hopped in and rode with her to pick up liz the canadian I talked about and then to the hotel.. WOW THE HOTEL WAS BACK OFF THE MAIN ROAD AND SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!
I have seen the sign when I was riding the bike and thought I shuold go back and check it out but I never did. Wow It was incredible, and I was surprised it was there all alone on a dirt road with many little cabinas on the way to it. Astounding landscape and great design and layout of the buildings.
I may contact them and try to see how much they charge so I can help people who inquire about coming here.

THe meetting was cool, It was all about the community and efforts to help it, which I am all about! so I believe now I know part of the reason I am here. The meeting was filled with Americans five ticos so nineteen to be exact. We had a good discussion about many issues. I am alread assigned to finding Rice sacks for the la ferria the farmers market so they can stop using so many plastic bags, and recycle the rice sacks. If anyone has information about where I can buy these cheap let me know. We would need lots of them.

I met several new people, but amazingly, even though I have only been here a few months I knew more than half the people! like minds seem to attrack each other.

Then Trish took me home and I ate and went to bed early the feet were killing.

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