Thursday, December 01, 2005

The time in USA is running out

The time I have here is quickly running out, I am about to leave and go back to Jaco in just a few days, On December 7th I fly out. Arriving in Jaco on the eight. My friend Barbara is going back with me to see Costa Rica for the first time. It should be a very interesting next week! I hope she get's it and enjoys the heat and beautiful surroundings and all that it has to offer.

Lately I have not written because of the load of holiday I been involved with, but in a few short days I will be back in that beautiful land and I will show all the things I created in the time I was here in the USA.

I miss my jazzercise bad, I only was able to go a few times and I feel like I have gained weight being here in Vancouver. I cannot wait to get back on a bike and ride around and eat better.

The Weather here has been vicious, I caught a cold the other day and I am about up to my ears in hating this weather here. Raining, dark, dreary, COLD, Bleak weather, it is suppose to snow tonight if it does that means it puts a damper on my day tomorrow. I really am ready to go back to the blazing hot now!!! My skin when I returned from Jaco was beautiful, glowing and looking so pretty, now its ruddy and fake pasty looking..

I am doing all sorts of things trying to get this house sold, I lowered it now to $230 thousand god isn't there any one that would like to buy this house???? GEZZZ when I bought it, it was a total wreck and I loved it for many years fixing it and doing things to the garden emersing my whole life outside of work to that garden. It was beautiful the best I ever dreamed of so I pray every day that god brings the person to love and take care of and appreciate this place. It gave me lots of peace when I was sad or alone and I was alone most of the time. Something to be said about a garden and how it gives you pleasure to see the works of your hands, and gods touch in life.

I have been in the past week very upset over this situation, and how things for some people just happen, I wouldn't know what that is. Most things in my life are a difficult task and I always fight till the very end to get things to happen. I over compensate some times too and still things just seem take much more time or more energy than for most. I think god is testing me all the time on my patients, and my strength. Even though someone would say that I am not strong, it know that I am by all the experiences and trials I have been through. I guess we all have battles but hell this is extreme!!

I sold a heck of allot of those purses, and keep thinking I should get more but I have some much to take back with me, I don't know how to do it, I also thought about putting these on the site and selling them at 24 dollars a pop and shipping them to people. It was fun doing that while I was here, since everyone who see's this little purse I have always wants it or comments every stinking time! I may still do it if I get responses.

I have like I said photos of all the beautiful things I created in the time I was here and will post all those soon for Christmas, I will probably be spending Christmas this year alone, I wanted Milo to come but hes been in a weird space as well as I have.. it seems we've been arguing allot since I have been here in Vancouver. I don't understand why men can't just be nice sometimes? and just try to be understanding? I know that pressures change relationships, but I hope he can see that I am worth the time and the wait, he really doesn't know that much about me.

I have handled very tough situations doing events, weddings ( now that is a for sure have you ever seen bridezilla? the basis of my life!!) and holiday parties, and corporate parties, shows, and more.... that made me who I am today sometimes a hard driver, and sometimes strong headed because doing that all those years makes you push all the time to get things done on a very timely matter.

Independece too, is something men have a hard time with even though I think they say they like that, they kinda resent that the woman can do with out them to an extent.

Regarless we have been a little edgy and I wish he could just be kind and supportive while I go through this very difficult time here.

Tomorrow night after I do Shirley and Doctor Hanleys house for the holidays, I am suppose to meet at the New Hilton, with my editor of the Columbian. We are going to just visit and drink drinks and have a good time! I did a little story for him and it will be published on December 1st with photos in the Columbian News paper.

Friday my day is open, but I plan on taking care of more details to my repsonsibilities. Paying bills and getting things in order before I leave. I bought a new phone tonight and plan on using it sparingly there, as it costs me $1.99 a minute to talk to anyone outside of Costa Rica. I am going to Apply for a phone there and when I get it I will cancel this one, so I will have to have it posted on the WWW. ABSOLUTELYBEAUTIFUL.NET Website .

Its kinda been amazing here, since I been back, people are more receptive to me, and nicer. I have several luncheon dates and people who have called out of nowhere wanting to see me and talk to me. I met lovely people at the Show I did, and one took me to lunch today and told me that she wanted my help with some plastic surgery knowledge from there. So I plan on setting her up with one I heard about, from two of my friends there who have used him and see what the costs are for her, I would too! myself get a tummy tuck! maybe I will if Its less than What I expect! I saw one of my friends tummy and it was flawless. Shocking to for the price?? but everything in the USA IS SO OVERRATED... can you tell I am so done?

I drove to California for Thanksgiving with Brandon,Sara, Kelsey and Jarvus and saw some of my family. This move has made changes and has effected many people, weather they realize it or not but my brother whom I have not talked to for 11 years because of bad situations on his behalf and his life, got resolved though this move and through the visit to Calif. It also caused my other sister to be more receptive to me, my sister pecca, was effected too, and now were on great terms. The kids are more thoughtfull and respectfull towards me, so I believe that this move was the right thing to do. For the time being it is right and I hope I can stay for a good length of time to regenerate my spirit, my health and my mind.

I really want that Restuarant to be a focus there, so I am shooting as I was before I left the first time for that. Then the house...

I have been eating crapy so I don't want to write about it, the conditions of my health are showing by it too. I really need to eat better!

Saying a Prayer now about the house and the van all the other things I need to have resolved.

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