Wednesday, December 21, 2005

THe Fiesta

The Way I thought it was

How strange that I woke to day that was gray and exactly how I imagine the day would be for the Fiesta for the children.
For some reason I had thought that it would be a gray day, and it is.
Last night it really rained hard and it was well needed as it has been hot and dusty, the rain cooled things down, and made everything look brand new.
Yesterday was filled with gathering things that I tried to get donated for the children, like I said Los Suenos gave juices, the drive there is about ten minutes, so Terry took me in the morning.

Then I waited at his place only after making about five phone calls to people to encourage them to give. I was waiting for someone I never met, her name was Jaunita a Canadian with a strange attitude, actually I was not impressed. But she was kind enough to take me to two places, and then she said she had to go so I walked the rest of way to El Centro, Got on line and chatted with Sara, told her what my plan was this week. Then I walked part way home and caught a cab to the house. Cleaned up and then rode back to Amapola to collect some money to possibly buy some hotdogs for the party. I talked to Terry first, he was busy with some tico Mechanic who supposedly fixed his radiator, but really what he did was sand it and paint it and left the hole in the bottom, So when the car heats up it sprays water so anyhow he was busy!

I tried my best to gather donations but most were nil and void, I got up early today to get ready for Trish to wake me, the Roostters were crowing loudly today and the birds were chirping loud even though the skys were gray.

I waited for Trish but she showed up around 9:00 we had to get the tree, which is so funny to me a really ugly one with hardly any ornaments, lets put it this way I guess I am a decorater snob, It certainly wasn’t what I would be known to do but I used it and made the best of all the tacky things they had.. then Trish was exasperated with the whole thing, she was a wreck I was calm thinking this is so simple to me but she has no clue what I have done or anything so I guess she looks at me as simpleton, and someone who is lazy, this is how she acted but I just let her be that way… I encouraged her by saying don not worry its going to be fine. We went o MAs permanos with the 40 bucks that we got for donations, and I threw a 20 in in order to pay for the cakes and the hot dogs. We did all of it in time for her to eat and have a smoke and coffee then she settled down a little. I loaded her truck full of gifts and the tree, which was fake and scrony, and the boom box, and food and drinks and cakes and a microwave.

We also took the ladies from the oficina de mojars,
We went to this small town right before Esterillios, up the beach, and put the feasta together, this was hard because these women didn’t know where to begin and I gave them the clue they didn’t like that. But this was so simple for me it was like I could have done it sleeping because of all the many parties and events I have done that had tons of details and this was really easy, the kids didn’t care about all the details, they wanted gifts… but never the less it got done it was tough for a few minutes since they didn’t trust me to decorate or to do anything! HAAAAAAAA I WAS D YING IN SIDE REALLY but I just let them bumble about and Did my own thing. Later they came to me and apologize I didn’t care I said its ok, but if they really knew what I do they would have been very embarrassed, and frankly may have been a little nicer to me.
Oh well it wasn’t about me anyhow and I knew that so I carried on and the Tico women knew who was who with out me saying a word, they all came to me and told me how much they appreciated all I did and how much the loved the thoughts and love I put into it… so that was all worth it. THE CHILDREN WERE SO ENDEARING AND so thank full for the small gifts we bought. There was 29 of them, it was wonderfull! We had a pinata, cake and hotdogs, games like musical chairs and pass the ball, then they all got there gifts they made hand made cards for there moms, and all were happy when they left.

I came home to an empty house the sun was still up so I got the computer and the bike and rode to Del Mar to internet and blog… and now the sun is down andI will retire for the night.a

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