Monday, December 05, 2005

Happy Holidays in Brightenwood Oregon

Teddy Bear Christmas,

Bill and Barbara and Julian

Ted's and jujubee

The Teddy bear Tree and little Santas Helper

Today began with a phone call from Jordan, waking me at 6:30 am, so that we could get ready to Go to Bill and Barbara Whites house in Brightenwood Oregon. Its up the gorge, past Sandy... near Mt Hood. It takes me about an hour to get from Vancouver to there house on the Sandy and Salmon River. They have a Historic piece of property that was the end of the Oregon Trail

The kids showed up pretty early and we drove till I remembered I forgot the camera, and a couple of other things. So we came back to Brandons house and got the stuff and left again.
I really treasure Bill and Barbara, they have been a fan of mine since the Flower market day's a long time ago.. Bill found me on one of his many shopping trips to find all the items he loves for the holidays. I remember it now as I was up on a ladder in the market, making this Woodsy tree that no one ever saw ever... I was custom making ornaments that were made from birch and had little cabins and other items attached to them, Bill was in a suit as he worked for a very prominate Stock brokerage firm in Portland and was probably on his lunch break when we met.

He asked me to recreate these very ornaments that I was doing for a show there in the Market.

At that point I had no clue that we would be life long friends,and he would be a great admirer of my work. Soon there after I met Barbara, his adorable wife and life long love, they met when they were two years old, and have been together ever since!

Bill has had me create many beautiful things for his home in Brightenwood, and it is always a pleasure to be with them, It is obvious that they really love and appreciate the things I create for them. Barbara always makes me the most wonderfull food when I go to be Santas helper in there home

Today was acceptional, as they both know I am leaving on Weds. to go back to Costa Rica ,so the hospitality and the generousity was running rich. I really was filled with emotion when we left there wonderland of Christmas.

Bill has and probably will for years to come, made his place there on the Historic end of the Oregon Trail, the most spectacular display of Holiday lights and decor, anyone ever has seen! Even though I do what I do, I am still amazed and bedazzled at the attention and the amout of detail that Bill has put into every inch of his property and home.

This place is a virtual wonderland of Christmas, inside and out. From Carved old trees, that has animals climbing up the limbs and trunk . Raccoons, bears, squirrels and more.. every where you look is some forest creature looking at you and all lit up with Holiday glory.

Every tree, bush, Ivy and focal point is lit with lights by the tons, packages, let is snow displays, Mama bears, owls, mice, its amazing and it should be a show place. My kids were in awe of how he takes Holidays so serious. It is BEAUTIFUL!! and I am proud to be a part of there Holiday festivities!

I Took Richard Calhouns place and he was an awesome designer too, Bill Claims I am as good... and really shows me how much he loves me.

Today was filled with making every corner and every inch of the house Santas dream land.
I did a tree filled with Teddy bears, A Teddy bear Christmas, the wreath above the Fireplace which is Massive was filled with Teddy bears, and all the surround decor echoed the same.

The wreath on the door was a Teddy in santa's costume, and lots of candy to boot... Jordan Nancy and Julian came with me this time.
Jordan got to light trees outdoors, while I finished the inside of the house. Barbara, cooked breakfast and lunch and it was filled with love you could tell. I kept telling her God bless her.

For the First time during the Season I knew that God was with me, and that I was so lucky and blessed to know these people..... We had fun, and we did the traditional walk down the path of their property that sits in a triangle of land between the Sandy and the Salmon river, so unusual and very awe inspiring, in the dark we watched the lights glow as we Jordan Nancy and I walked in the shivering cold with the sound of the waters on either side rushing along side us.

They hugged me many times, before I left. I could feel there sense of worry and love, and Babara did say. Marianna, you are such a neat person. That made me feel so much better, concidering that the day before I read all these negative things that Milo had wrote about me... so this was an affirmation that what I am is really a good force in others lives. Those that Know me hopefully know that my intentions are good, and that I mean to do well for others... that I love to make others happy.. AND BILL AND BARBARA REALLY KNOW THIS... it was so nice to be with them, and to be able to shed some of my blessings on them, there children and grandchildren...

I came home to jump into the truck to find the frazer fir tree for Joe Marie in the Morning... but the place was closed. I came back around 9:00 pm, to change and have a rum and coke... try to relax and get my ideas ready for Tomorrow.

I have to be At Joe Marie Hansens tomorrow to do Her and Steves house, this is not generally a warm fuzzy situation, as Bill and Barbs, but I think that Joe is happy that I am back as she has said to me in a couple of phone conversations that there is no one like me, and that she is happy that I am back. So lets see what tomorrow brings with her... usually she asked us to not make it so special, since she likes it look like she did it her self... but now maybe she is proud to have us help with the holiday Decor.

Iwatched my favorite show tonight, Desparate housewives, and it was good... then I watched Greys landing.. another fav.. now to bed with the hope that I sleep well and that no negative thoughts enter into my sleep.

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