Friday, December 30, 2005

The Children for the fiesta we did, they are all fatherless and were so appreciated everything they got, some hotdogs cake and small gifts, a pinata` and candy.

These are the cards we had them make there moms
This is what I see almost everynight... So beautiful!

Well its almost New years, although you would think if you were here that it already is. The Fireworks have been blasting since before Christmas! I plan on going out dancing and not drinking but ringing in the new year with a smile.

I woke yesterday to loud people down at the soda, the amount of tourist here is incredible... they are every where all over the beach in the campgrounds on ths streets in any thing that is rentable and not rentable.. So the buzz of the plates and clammor of the morning talk was heavy and woke me at 6:00 am. I proceeded to clean up the floors as usual and then get ready for the day. I wanted to make the bird feeder so I began on that when I realized that one of the fittings was too small... this is typical here nothing is easy... I had to ride the bike all the way into town for one little tiny piece which I did and then found some other fun things to do like people watch... Wow the people, I rode like I fit in around cars taxis and trucks avoding watering hoses because people stand in the streets and shoot water when its hot and lots of traffic so Didn't get wet once darn it!

I went to a couple of places looking for an organizer for my tools but to my dicontent there were one to be found.. So I decided to eat at this soda I heard about and when I got there there was a line of people half way down the street. Its the first one I have seen that has like a smorgashboard!!! wow so I was boring and had Arroz con pollo, with fruit and some ice tea. I could have more but I am not doing jazzercise only riding and walking and so I didn't want the extra calories.
I saw some freinds they invited me to there place so After I went to the house to make the bird feeder I rode back to town and visisted with Helene she is the lady that does my pedicures, and her friend cannella. She kinda looked cinnamon too! I stayed for awhile they invited me to go a new disco with them at eight so I rushed home to see the sunset and eat a little something... and watched the sun go down and waited for them to come but they never I listend to music which I need more I am bored of the CDS now... and went to bed
today I got up early finished my poles on the porch with the windchimes and the potted plants and humming birds visited me the first time. Very big ones.. then Igot ready to come to DEl mar where the people are like ants I talk to the same ladies I been talking to every time I am here... they sit in the same chairs all the time. So Its nice to have someone American to talk to...

Now I am off to do some things in town and well see what happens today I missed the farmers market for the second time I forgot they do it on Thursday... because of the holiday! Well Happy New Years to all of you and GOD BLESS PURA VIDA!

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