Friday, December 02, 2005

Seeing people and saying goodbye

Well today was a pretty good day, I started out trying to battle this cold I have and getting up with the noise of the laundry pounding in the laundry room. I slept on the couch in the living room by the fire last night because the nights before i was too cold in the bedroom.

I went to jazz, and it was an ok work out. Not many people there today. I hadn't heard from Milo, hes been too overwhelmed with traveling and work and well lets just say preocupied to be dealing with me. So I forgot about it for a while and did my own thing as usual.

After jazz Clint and I got ready to go to Shirley and Dr Hanleys house to do there holiday decor for the season. Shirley has to be one of my favorite clients. She is so sweet and so kind and generous and she abosolutely Adores Clint and especially me.She thinks my work is so outstanding that she said she was willing to pay for me to return to Portland next year. To call her and let her know when I want to come back and she would pay! I was so happy thatg was a total answer to how I would retunn!!

We stopped by a wholesaler to get product for a hotel to create all there seasons arrangements for the counters and the restuarant, before leave.Then we went up to Shirleys and Dr, Hanleys house on the hill. They have beautiful home and I have had my hand it for a long time. I actually did most of the interior on it, and i did their Wedding and such before they were married. So we go back a ways.

I really love her and he is the greatest, they have all these broken, tiired geriatric animals that they take in, its pathetic but she just loves them like her babies! and so Does Doc!

After that, I took clint home and came to Brans and Saras, and ate a bit, then showered and got ready to meet Glenn at the Hiliton. The one I was suppose to decorate for the holidays.

Well one look and I laughed, it was a lame attempt to try to duplicate my style... it was terrible and anyone who lives in Vancouver just go and see how ugly it really is!

I had hot Totties with lemon since I have this rotten cold and Glenn had a couple of huge beers, we talked and laughed to find out that him and I have done this date a couple years, having beers right before the holidays, strange but we have on the same date??

I ordered some calimari and oysters and it was not good, so so far I have not had good experiences with the new Hilton in Vancouver.


Glenn and I walked around the Hotel to look at the decor, I was not impressed, nor upset that they got them, because they got what they paid for which was harldy nothing! He then walked me to the car and we hugged and said goodbye, he said he would mail my check for the aritcle and would keep in touch, he did ask me to do a special feature on Costa Ricas home and gardens but could really be a hard assignment, unless I get an interview with someone there..

I drove home and stopped and got a tastee freeze, just felt like ice cream for some reason god im so bad here eating!! Then I came in check mail and now its bed time. I am Seriously thinking about putting a paid part on this blog to reveal all the juicy stuff, but you would have to pay a dollar or two to read that part and it may be only once a week, maybe sinfull sundays, or the Real JUICE! dunno yet Emailme I want to hear what you think?

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