Friday, December 16, 2005

No Mas Iguana De Mano

No Mas Iguana De Mano

From Tuesday until today, its been Hell on foot, and Wheels. It all began when Barbara needed to leave to go back to the states. She wanted to get into San Jose the day before as to not be concerned about the bus going back From Jaco.
We took the transit bus from here to San Jose, got off at the Airport, and took the shuttle for Marriots to the Hotel.

This hotel is very nice, about a four star in America but here about a five. We got there around 1:00 ish and checked in,then took a taxi to the Multi Plaza in Escazu a suburb of San Jose. We spent about four hours there and then came back to the hotel, I bought a very cute pair of wedge high heels in sisal and green beads all around the foot. Only 22 dollars.

Upon our arrival, Barbara met up with two gentlemen in suits in the entrance area, they were laughing and talking when I came back from the bathroom. We all talked and laughed and I told the story about no mas iguana de mano.

They decided to ask us to dinner, I suggested the tapas bar in the hotel. I wanted to see how they operated, and to get some idea for my concept which I am still dreaming about.

Bella Esperanza, the Restaurant I had a vision about.

We went back to our room to freshened up, and meet them in the tapas bar. The Gentleman where here with a company called Scharzkopf & Henkel. They distribute hair care and cosmetic goods world wide.

Carlos, or I should say Carlito the international sales manager, was in his thirties, dark hair dark eyes , a Mexican American. He was really funny and from what I perceived he had a kind heart.
The other gentleman was Robert; he is the VP of the company, in his 50’s a Afro American, great personality and very generous.

We shared the evening together four of us, with great food and wonderful wine, then capped it off with a talk on the couches and laughter galore, jokes and my story about the iguana hands. They thought it was cute. We had Kailua and cream and then all retired to bed.

During our conversation, I found out that Robert had bought some land near Jaco and had not seen it. I was interested to see where it was and how the development was coming along. I told them I was going to have to ride the bus back or get a tourista, to take to Jaco after Barbara caught the plane and they offered to take me to Jaco since it was on the way.

Well the morning came, we had our breakfast and I found them in the lobby still waiting to go there late meeting. They did say it was still on, but I was feeling skeptical.

I waited all morning, and until 2:00 at that time I was worring because there are only a few buses to Jaco in the afternoon, and I didn’t have a ticket. I made a back up plan and well a couple of back up plans incase they didn’t show.
When Two thirty rolled about, I was then getting ready to take the shuttle to Los Suenos which is in heredia, not far from me, like Five minutes. I figure it was easier to get there then take a cab, then to ride the bus and have to walk to the house.

I felt they were not coming, I was really wondering if they were at all to be honest, I figured they forgot, or it got late and they left with out me, or that the meeting when on too long, and they just were not able to call.

Was I was walking to the shuttle I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Robert! I was smiling hes got a great smile too so I felt good when I saw his smiling face.

We rode with a partner of theirs named Manfred, he was Tico but had a german name because his father had a best friend when he was younger and his name was Manfred, so when the son was born he gained the name. as well as his brother who got the name of Helmut.

It didn’t take us long to get over the mountain, Manfred drove like a bat out of hell around winding roads and hills and potholes. I felt a little sick to be honest. I use to be the one when I was small to throw up anytime we were in a car but as I got older it happened less and less , not this time!

The site of the development where Robert invested is AWESOME! I was so envious, which I know I shouldn’t but I was… I was thinking God if only I would have invested years ago in this place I would have a great place now. The lay of the land there is beautiful, over looking the sea on the mountains, with flat valleys below, and palm lined beaches.

I hope that Robert and I can discuss some plans about investments there. These two guys are Great and I know that all things happen for a reason, it was nice of them to take me in and to help, to be hospitable. We stayed on the grounds and had dinner on the top of a knoll which was a Mediterranean style Italian Restaurant. It was very good, I had Steack with porcini mushrooms.
On the way back it began to rain and rain hard, we could barely see the road. They dropped me off right in front of the Apartment, but all my lights including the stair well outside was off?

I got inside, and found that my power was off, no one elses just mine??? Funny because Carlos my landlord took me before Barb left to pay the bill and I asked them right then if there were any more charges for me to pay, they said no, the bill was only 40 bucks for the month? And I did’t know that December was due? They didn’t say.

I lit candles and tried the best I could to deal with it, but I wanted to internet so I took a taxi, well before the taxi arrived I got soaked to the bone, he didn’t understand me at all when I told him El Cenro… he drove around like an idiot! I was saying NO EL CENTRO GALLERIA… he didn’t care thinking I was a stupid American, when I finally got through to him he said the charge was like four dollars ok now Im mad, first that the lights were out and I didn’t know why… then the soaking, then the cab, we argued he threatened to call the police, I threw the money at him and slammed the door only after he called me a few choice names.

I got in to internet but the reception for some reason again was bad, I couldn’t stay on or connect so my frustration was growing by the miles. I finally connected and chatted with my sister only I couldn’t read any mail we chatted for about a half hour, then the battery went dead in the computer. So I took another cab back home and slept in the sweltering heat closed up because I didn’t want any bugs to enter while I was sleeping.

The next Morning I got up early to walk to I.C.E. pronounced Esay, I knew to go early as the lines are long and I would have to explain to them about the situation and try to get them to turn it back on.

I spent about a hour there explaining, then I found out I owed five dollars from December and they decided to shut it off because of that??? I had gone with Carlos three days before to pay it all and I asked at that time if there was any thing else they said no, so needless to say, the war with ESAY is on going with me. I applied for a phone again so lets see how long it takes this time to acquire it this time.

Then after Esay John who owns Rock hard saw me walking and offered me a ride to town, I checked on bikes at two places and ended up taking a taxi to the freeway to see if they other Harware store had better bikes, I saw a nursery and that was all she wrote, I had to go and look so I bought a huge Fishtale palm, and some beautiful Calathias to plant in my Costa Rican Statues , the fish tale on the porch, and I mean it is huge. I hung my little fish ornaments from it and its very beautiful. They delivered it and planted it for me all for 30 dollars.

The day went on as I bought the bike at Gallo mas Gallo, and then rode to get food, I was starving, at this point the day was really hot. I then rode to Century 21 and looked to see if there were any faxes for me about the house. None, so then I rode back to the Nursery which is about 8 miles or more… not sure but its damn far, then I rode to this cute dress shop to talk to a friend who owns it that is Italian, she was talking to me about a house in Heredia, near Los Suenos, that is forsale and it has a restaurant in the front of the property! So on Saturday we are going to take a look at it, her other friend from Italy owns it.

I then rode from there to this Restaurant supply store and looked about, wow they had good prices on all sorts of beautiful professional stuff.. I bought a few things like a salt and pepper shaker for $2.00 dollars, and and Crystal Ice bucket for $3.00, pot holders, and great glass pitcher for Ice tea or drinks.

I rode the bike back, to find out the power was still off, I panicked, thinking another night with out power, air, and no food. The Food I bought for the week was all spoiled , talk about upset! Then the plant people arrived and set it all up, As soon as they left I rode like a mad woman on the bike back to ESAY AND DEMANDED THEY COME AND HELP TURN IT ON! But they argued that I had to flip the switch, which I explained there IS NONE! I rode back upset praying all the way.. then this young man on a motorcycle pulled up and began to cut the wire on the meter, he unplugged it and then plugged it back in, it didn’t work.. so we both were working on it. It finally got it right and then he left, as soon as he left the damn thing wen off again. I was standing in the street whistling loudly like my father taught me, And he keep going … I got so upset that I broke the band on the meter, ripped off the meter and messed with it putting it back on the right way and it the power came on!! THANK GOD IM A BIT MECHANICAL… the rest of the evening went fine except the pepa man came by, said he was hungry, I had no food.. so I walked to the store and made him a little something, we talked about his future, and he was sad. I told him he should try to do better and concider doing something other than picking pepas, as he is 28, his back is really bad, and he needs to make money to eat.

I am kind to him, I try to always be an encourager to others.. maybe this is my lot in life?? I think so..

He left and I went to bed, I slept until I heard a noise.
It was the air condition unit.. BRAND NEW AND IT BROKE! Ok Now im upset again dang it! Can’t anything in life be sauve? Or smooth?? I didn’t rest well thinking about this. So in the morning I woke to Eat some breakfast some mango and granola, some coffee. I have been waiting for this lady Heidi to go to San Jose to buy things for the house but I haven’t heard from her.. So I fixed the water hose with a new fitting, bought a sprinkle to water outdront so the dust will stay down. I washed the tile all down stairs and watered, then mopped my floors and cleaned up. Today was suppose to be a day of fun, but I have the feeling its not going to be as good as I hoped.

Carlos said it may be a couple of days before the air conditioner gets fixed… So I may go to Farmers market,

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