Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Fiesta para nino’s y ninas,

Fiesta para nino’s y ninas,

A Party for the little boys and little girls

This is certainly a different Holiday season for me this year, I made a choice to be away from the friends and family, to reside in the beauty of a tropical land and country where poverty and trials are rich, and where the glory of the nature of the land is prevalent.

This Choice I am sure by those who know me find it strange and unusual, because of the past celebrations where I have loved to be around those that are my family and my friends. I have invited for the past few years many people to my home to enjoy the food and the celebration of the season. This year I will celebrate, but in a entirely different manor than in the past. With reason I will miss my children and my darling grandchildren, Kelsey and Julian… next year with gods help, I will be with them and they will really enjoy the Christmas season with there Nonnie.

To a few I am sure they think this is a selfish act, but to me it’s a way of renewing the lost love for Christmas that I had had for several years. I want to do something that is more important than buying gifts for my Family and friends, rushing around like a mad woman trying to fulfill all the pressures that the season bears on people. Yes a form of escape, but also a way to shed some good on others that I have never seen or heard of in many ways. I realize that I have so many gifts that it is necessary for me to share with others in a bigger way, than I have in the past.

It has already began, I have lent a hand to a few people already, I got involved with a battered woman’s shelter but they have no shelter here in Jaco.
I was a battered woman, so this cause has a special place in my heart, to see the children with no father or husband for the woman to take care of them and to provide, mind you I have hardly any money.. but I want to help and make a difference in these childrens lives. A way for me to give back to life, and help others in anyway I can.

I first volunteered to decorate of course, its one of my many gifts, and thought that the children would be happy to see something pretty, then I went with my new friend Trish to see the woman in the office to discuss the details and to ask if we could go to the place where the fiesta was going to take place so I could get an idea of what I needed to buy. Plus what food was needed so they could have a special Christmas party. As we talked of course in Spanish, the woman at the office told us yesterday that there was no food, and that they had not much to work with. I asked them to type a letter and I would take it to places and collect money and get donations to provide a Fiesta for the children, there is about 40 of them that are homeless and live with only there mother.

Trish and a couple of other American ladies have donated toys and gifts such as underwear, hair ties, some food and clothes, and basic necessities. I as well bought some gifts. So After hearing this I Told Trish and the ladies in the office not to worry, that We would find a way.
Immediately, I got my little notebook and wrote down names, and went to Trish’s house and made a few calls with in a hour I had all the wants of the list donated, I went to X mas permanos and they donated candy, I went to magauve and they donated a piñata, I called los Suenos and they donated the juice and then to Cocal and they offered to pay for food, as well as another new acquaintance who volunteered to pay too.

The Problem is that Trish is leaving for San Jose, I have no car to pick up things the party is tomorrow past Hermosa in a small poor town. But the problem will get resolved
Yesterday I ran into another American who is a new friend Terry boone, and he offered to take me to a couple of places today so that problem got resolved with in a moment. And I believe It will all come together.

Last night I sat alone on the balcony with Christmas music playing the cool breeze was blowing , there was no feeling of Christmas at all here except the music I was playing, and it came to me to go and fill the piñata for the children, and to make this a form of celebration for them and me… The music woffted through the whole area here at the south end of the beach, no noise other than the Christmas music of Michael Allen Harrison, I sang loud. Then I noticed that were people sitting across the way Europeans because I heard them talking in something other than Spanish. Listening to the music and enjoying. I watched bicyclers ride by in the dark then looking up to hear the music. It was very interesting and warming to my heart to see how people reacted.

This morning I woke early, I am already getting adjusted to the Costa Rican time frame where you wake early around six, I made delicious coffee and had watermelon, WATERMELON AT CHRISTMAS??? I thought as I sat out on the back balcony looking at the sea in the early morning. Drinking coffee, and eating Sandia, the porch now has a beautiful hand made wooden chair that relaxes at you sit back, and a pretty large dracaena that is dark red with spider plant planted in the bottom. There is another pot with red geraniums and a beautiful jungle orchid that is purple and white, and a large basil plant. I am beginning my garden again. Sitting there I played Holiday music softly and all the birds were joining in while I watched the sea and got ready for the day.

Its time to go and internet, then get on the bike and ride to the office of the battered woman’s, to get more letters so I can collect the donations for tomorrow. Then the rest of the day is up to Pura vida, the pure life… Who knows what today will bring… but I pray good things.

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