Friday, December 09, 2005

Returning To Costa Rica

Leaving Portland at Midnight is really a tough thing. I thought that my flight was for the following day, at midnight. I had planned to do some last minute details before I left, like shopping, preparing some Christmas things for the kids and the so. But When I found out it was earlier I went into panic mode, and had to complete a job that was started the day before.. Needless to say it was very rushed, and confusing, but I manage to get it all done get packed and was ready to go before ten pm.

My friend Barbara didn’t know either that we were suppose to fly out at midnight on the seventh. We both were thinking it was the following day, so when I called her to asked if she knew? She was in shock… both of us running were running around like chickens with our heads cut off.

This will be the first time in my life that I will be spending Christmas alone or without Family. At one point Milo was suppose to be here but as it looks now I will probably never see him again.
Why I chose this is a wonder to myself to be honest. But I feel compelled to just not do it this year. Every year, weather anyone that knows me knows this, Christmas to me is so over rated. Since I do holiday décor, it becomes much more of a push and a struggled than you can imagine. The idea of creating all these beautiful things is wonderful, but the pressures of doing them for so many people is really very hard on the mind and the body. My reason for not doing Christmas is simply that. I wanted to just rest and not be caught up in the Holiday craziness, the overspending, the pressures of time, all the expectations that people put on one another. This might be good for me this time to just slide by and then the next Christmas will be very special to all of us I hope?

I am more than sure my children do not understand why I left when I did, but there are several reasons, the first being what I just said, the second was that I have a place here in Costa Rica that is paid for and I would love to be in the sun enjoying the beautiful surroundings and thirdly, I have some commitments here that needed to be attended to before January. I wish that all my family was here with me in a different environment to see something new for the Holiday, but as it looks I do not believe I will see them until I return in Oct.

The Plane trip was very long, I sat next to a supposed millionaire, hmmm??? Why coach?

Owned his own Helicopter company, and a big ship he was going there to oversee his sports fishing excursions that he set up. He complained the whole way, he was large and uncomfortable. I tried to just be kind and nice and listen to him, but inside I was thinking can you say anything with out complaining? When we got off the plane, it was a rush to get to customs, the line was long. But it went fast, then to pick up the luggage, and have it all inspected. Mine especially because I had three trunks and a large piece of luggage. We needed a huge cart some young man helped me. Then we tried to get a tourista bus but the cute little girl at the information counter said they were sold out, so We rented a small SUV, when we got out side we saw all sorts of tourista buses and more.. So I was disappointed could have saved us a bundle. But maybe this was better any way, PURA VIDA things happen and are meant to be.

As I drove, Barbara got quieter, I noticed she didn’t talk much. I asked are you getting car sick? And the answer was yes. She was noticeably different, and as we drove further she became more ill. So after about half hour or so I stopped and got something to drink and some bread for her to eat and settle her stomach. We ended up staying there for a hour or more. It delayed our arrival in Jaco. Then on the top of the hill on the way to Jaco we stopped and ate at this soda, overlooking this incredible hill side covered with coffee bean plants, and green green grass. The view was awesome, and as Barb said, it was as if we came to the end of the earth.
The Clouds were ever transforming, covering areas and sometimes coming right into the soda and surrounding us. The Clouds were moving all around us and opening up and allowing the sun to poke through every now and then.
At one point the sun made and outline of the clouds and the hillside and the outline was colored gold.

It was peacefull restfull, and very spiritual. When I said to Barbara, that is was peacefull she was looking at me mouthing the same exact words.

We ate casado, chicken, and tuna pasta salad, rice and black beans with a small amount of fried plantains. I had the delicious Coffee that they grow there, and Well Barbara had ‘water. She said she doesn’t like coffee.

As we left is was getting dark, and we were less than half way there. I was little worried as I have never physically driven that road. I ‘d been on it about five times but never driven it. was ok, it started to rain really hard Barb was sick and well she fell asleep. So Far she has not felt well at all since she has arrived here. I hope she gets better to enjoy it here.

We got in late so I just put a few things up and opened up my belongings that were packed and put them back in the place I had them before I left. I put the new coffee maker Milo bought me up and my very nice Cuisinart blender that the kids got me.

Its still simple in here not much for my likings, but in time I will make it homy. I slept in my bed and slept well last night, Barb slept in the other room, she said for the first time in years she slept the whole night. So I guess all that flying and driving tired her out YEAH hope it helps her insomnia.

Today we woke up late, got ready and went had breakfast America style, it was expensive over 20 bucks… too much I was shocked. Last time I will ever eat there.

Then we went to the century 21, to talk to Tom and see Alisha, ( LUCY) tell them I was back. I met a new guy John, he owns the Rock hard Gym and he told me he would help me hookup my internet… YEAH I HOPE SO!!
He was very nice to me.

Then we went to look around, and talked to a few people and said hello to them letting them know I was back. I saw my big red headed Transvestite friend, she kissed me and said she loved me and was glad I was back… then went to the grocery store and to another store, then looked for bikes and chairs.

This next week is mostly for Barbara, I will be trying to show her a nice time and hopefully doing some tourist stuff so she can see what its about here. I really do not think that she likes it, it may be to rough for her.

I just think it’s a good spot for me for now, a place to rest and at least still be social, more than Vancouver or Portland, people actually say hello here.

Its nice the weather here, it was only 80 today but the humidity was low and not like I remembered when I was here a few months ago. The town has exploded in two and a half months, I wish to god I had more MONEY!! TO INVEST HERE IS A SURE DEAL… Now there is a huge high rise going in down town by the Poseidon, the last section of town that is a field is beginning construction, and every where you look is building. The sleepy little town is becoming a city by the sea. I Think I really need an investor, Then I could turn my money and theirs and hopefully make more for the two of us.

As Far as Milo goes, he has only communicated through emails, and they have been as if someone else is talking through him, POSSESSED you might say??? dunno, but all I can say is WHY?

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