Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Last night Barbara and I went to town, but Carlos the landlord showed up around 6:00 or so so he gave us a ride rather than taking a taxi since we have no bikes or cars. We rode in the Car with him and his nephew, and while I was in the back minding my own business, his nephew was putting his arm around me and trying to kiss me! GOD I WAS SHOCKED, I kept telling him no but He continued and said I was pretty, It is really weird how all the men here think I am pretty but in the states they hardly talk to me or even give me eye contact at all… I didn’t like it but I was flattered.

We went to this new Soda that is Caribbean Costa Rican style its so cute little and yellow, with a big double tiered fountain in the front with a woman holding the Urn above her head, Barbara really likes this place. We ate and interneted there, it was dark and the street was busy. Women selling shoes in the restaurant to crazy lady in the street dancing and taking her top off. WHAT A WEIRD NIGHT, maybe it’s because of the full moon? I dunno but it was strange.

We returned the apartment to sit on the porch on my new chairs made of wood that the Costa Ricans designed for this type of climate. They are really nice and comfortable. The following day I cleaned up around the place and when I was out front, watering and spraying the ground so that the dust would stay down this truck pulled up and had a load of recreated Costa Rican statues and urns and such. Tiki type things. With much looking and admiring I got convinced to buy these two Statue’s and put them in front of the apartment. Really kinda cool! I will show the photos when I can down load them on this system.

Today we are going into San Jose for a couple of Days, were goning to stay at the Marriots in San Jose, then shop in Escazu, so it should be fun for Barb before she leaves on Weds.

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