Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Jaco the dust bowl

Jaco the dust bowl

Well since I have returned there is about five big new developments started and its dry and hot so the dust is flying everywhere, My apartment is covered in dust, I sweep but in a few hours there is more.

The past few days have been eventful, on Friday Barbara and I went down the sea snd interneted while she strolled on the beach and admired Del mar. They changed it some, now the tables are painted Green and they have large green umbrellas over them which makes it even better for interneting outside. It was hot but Barb seem to do well in it, even though she was wearing black, and two tee shirts.

My self was in shorts and a sleeveless top, it was warm. After we took the rental car down to the Farmers market where I bought three beautiful wooden outdoor chai’s the have loungy feel to them when you sit back, I also bought a side table to match, they all fold up. Pretty nice, and I bought all sorts of fruits, and veggies, wild Honey, eggs, herbs, chamomile and nonnie. That is a fruit that you boil and blend in a blended and add juice to drink as a healing agent for anything you might be ailing from. It has been said that Nonnie is a natural preventive for many diseases, such as Cancer, kidney disease and more. So I may just take some soon and continue to so I can see if it changes the balance in my body.

I feel much better since I got here the Bronchitis is about completely gone now. I Spent the evening at Eidas and we watched the Girls do a singing show for us, they were called the Surfer girls, actually they were really good! All dressed in fancy dresses fake microphones, and a dance too! It was so cute I loved it.

Then on Saturday We just a lazed around and ate a late breakfast, when a real estate lady who is involved with many huge projects came to my door asking about the other apartment, She spoke to me for a while and well lets just say that opportunity knocked right at my door, so if only one of these many opportunities happen, I may just be fine here in Costa Rica. I still want to do the restaurant, and it may happen in March now, I discussed with the people who are wanting to sell and I will meet with them in a couple of days. We talked about possibly march, so that is going to take some renovation, in addition to working for this gal and maybe Eida, After Saturday night I may have to rethink my postion with her.

It may be a strain on a friendship for me to work for her, and I do not want to ruin what friendship we have at this point.

Saturday was late day getting going, we had gone to Los Suenos, had lunch and hung out for a time and talked it was so nice to just relax and visit, our lunch was typical American style Hamburger and Chicken Caesar Sandwhich.

Later we came back to Jaco to return the car, but decided to look around to see if we could rent some bikes, yes it was possible but they wanted to keep our passports, and I didn’t think that was such a good idea.. so we passed on that idea.

I decided to buy a new bike, and to let Barb ride the one I borrowed from Carlos, but he has come yet. So we walked for while looked at things in shops and internetted,a nd then caught a cab home. When I got here my friend Zachary, the pepa man was here with a smile on his face to greet Barb and I. I guess he has been learning to surf and saw Joey and Joey had told him I was home. So he came to say hi and that he was happy I was back.

I invited him in and Barb and I and him had a glass of wine, while I made fresh Salsa and avocado for all us to snak on. After a few short moments someone was standing at my window and it was Eida all dressed in cowboy hat and boots, ready to go out. I forgot that I had said, I would make dinner for them, she was upset and came to the window to take me away to Esterillios, I small town south of here, isolated and untouched. The reason is that she has interests in the area for Real estate, so she wanted to go this Karaoke bar. She just walked in told me to get ready so I asked Pepa to leave and told Barbara to get dressed, and Barb just went along with it… So we were kidnapped that night and had an adverture to Esterillios, a town that is not even on the map. It was sure interesting, a small place on the beach right on the beach with the jungle backing it up.

I wanted to leave around 12:00 but Eida was wanting to stay and here me and the other sing more… Barb was tired and so were the girls, Joey decided to take them home, Eida didn’t want to leave and pretty much said I had to stay, I really didn’t want to but I did to be nice.

We were out till Two A.M. and boy was it hard on Saturday to get up…

Today was fun, I got up around 7:00 and oh there is no gym until January for me so I am sad about not being able to Work out… I got up and made coffee in the new maker, so good!! Fresh pineapple, papaya, and cinnamon rolls made by the amish.. It was fun sitting out on the porch, but the traffic here is getting bad so the dust it really bad.

Then after our Nice breakfast which by the way Barbara, only had like five minutes to eat since I let her sleep in, we walked down the road to the horse stalls and met lisa who has horses here, and we rented the horses, to go up the Miros Mountain and take a ride for the morning. It was so incredibly quiet, and peaceful up there, We heard monkeys and heard Parrots but didn’t see anything except some birds.

We rode for a couple of hours at least, and I know Barbara was a little frightened but after some time she relaxed and enjoyed the view and the ride.

Coming back of course the Horses wanted to run, except Barbs he was poking along, I let mine run it was great. We tied them up talked to Lisa, and Trish, and then sat at the Soda across the way and had a fresca naturals, Guanabana, and mora… We sat for just a few moments then walked back on the beach, it was pretty but lots of people on Sunday.
Too much for me…
Came back and made ham sandwiches and listened to all the bikes and quads fly by my house… GOD ITS LOUD NOW… but as long as I am in side its not as bad as sitting on the deck,. Barb decided to nap, while I mopped floors, washed dishes, and clean up. Then made a good pot of Costa Rican Coffee and sat on the porch to blog..

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