Wednesday, September 28, 2005



Buckets of Rain

Waking to as I said to the sound of someone yelling over a mega phone wandering around the streets on a Sunday morning. Not my way of Waking up on a Sunday. It looked as though it was going to be a very pleasant day, but really it ended up not so pleasant. After leaving Eidas, She allowed me to borrow their old White Chrysler Van, this thing is really had it from the abuse of the roads, and the weather. I found out the brakes had finally gone out. I saw the light weeks ago, the abs sign was on and then the brake. But today it was completely shot. I drove very slow and had to use the emergency brake a couple of times. You drive slow here anyway because of all the potholes so I was pretty careful not to get to close to any cars or back up into anything that I couldn’t stop before hitting it. I came to the apartment to find that I have left the refrigerator door open slightly and it had damaged most of the food in the fridge, A bit disappointing. But I cleaned it all up and tried to get it go on high to chill the rest of what was not damaged. The house was hot with no air so things spoil rather quickly in such heat and humidity. I went down to the beach and got on line to chat with whom ever, Mickie and Milo, read all my couple of hundred mails, returned some and then went back to the house to shower and get cleaned up.
There was one mail that was pretty important, so I had to go back into town to net and mail this person all the information that she had asked for.

But before that I stopped by Eidas to tell her what I had to do, then she said they were leaving with Miro to go to Los Suenos, he never invites me. . Although he could use my help, as he is building a restaurant on the top of the hill. But never the less, the fact is he is very disrespectful to me and ignores me or snubs me completely. He is a very rich eccentric, old Yugoslavian man, unfortunate for me really as this would be a good connection for many things. Nothing was ever said or done he just likes Eida and wants nothing to do with me since I did not like the artist he forced on me earlier on in the month. I think he thought he was helping me, by finding a man, but the approach was so rude and so strange. I was hot and sweaty had no shower had just gotten back from the parade that was four and half hours long, and wanted nothing to do with any man. He showed up after the parade and literally forced me to go with them to coffee. So my reactions I am sure were an insult to his gesture of finding me a man.( NOT THAT KIND) teeth were bad very bad and he was really well not so pretty!
Back to the subject at hand, I was driving the car to go email my agent, spent like hour and half on line, thinking that they had gone to los Suenos.

I was suppose to pick up lupita the little dog at 5:00. so I went to her shop and waited for more than 30 minutes. No show. So I slowly drove back the Eidas house. I saw them all standing outside in the pouring down rain. Mind you this rain was really hard rain flooding all the streets like pools and rivers really deep.
I was shocked to see them out there I thought they had gone and were waiting for me as maybe I had the gate keys? But alas it was not that… it was they had not gone yet and I could see in all of there faces that they were angry or upset? I didn’t know why? Then as soon as I got out of the car the car got locked and the keys taken immediately from me. I had my purse and the computer, a sleeveless dress and flip flops on and it was really raining hard. I was thinking what is going on??? She said they hadn’t gone yet, but I at that very moment Miro showed up.
She asked me what I was going to do? I really didn’t know at that point? I was thinking I was going to go into her house and wait for them? But she locked the gate and there I stood? With Computer in hand umbrella, and water up to my knees, I said well I guess get a taxi? But I do not know how to call for one? Generally she calls or I wave one down? In stead she said “taxis are out there” and pointed to the street? I said walk in the rain? She got into Miros van and they drove off leaving me there in near dark and rain? I was shocked honestly… I would never do that to anyone, So I guess my expectations of friendship is much different than what it really is. I was upset that I was left in this water down pour with the computer, and flip flops. To walk out to the road to Harold a cab, the road is a little ways away, but in my head I would think that one would offer you a lift to the house since JACO is very small, and its only like two minutes if that? Or offer to take you to the streets to wait for a cab so you would get your computer all wet and or you? But not all of us think this way I understand. This is an American polite additude, but I suppose that is not applicable here? I dunno.

Well walking in the down pour was so humiliating after they drove off, I was almost in tears then I called the cab to me, he could see in my face how upset I was and tried to be nice. Actually he was so nice, he spoke English to me and said are you alright? I said no I am not, he said can I do anything to help you? I said oh I wish thank you kindly but no its ok and really that is very nice of you to offer??? In my head thinking hmmmmm this man has manors. I was fumbling to get the fare, when he said “do not worry just give me what ever change you have”. It didn’t make the fare and I almost cried. He said no worries and god be with you. I felt so happy that he said that but sad at the same time.

I went in the house turned on a CD LOUD!! I was upset… feeling like this Miro thing was all turned around. I opened a bottle of wine, took out some chicken, and all the veggies I had that weren’t ruined in the fridge. I made this most delicious chicken, lit all the candles the rain was coming down like crazy you could hear nothing but the rain. But I cooked so much stuff and made it so good that it felt like I had company.

I drank the wine ate and sat on the porch and watched the rain and listen to music with the candles all lit in the house and on the balcony. It was so pretty and I felt so happy at this point. Then the power went out. Dang it, well I had another glass of wine, and then sat out on the porch and watched nothing it was dark I could hear tons of different frogs. The frogs make the most unusual noises here. At first it was scary when I heard them but now I know what it is and its really like a symphony of frogs. They all make different sounds and its so cool really I like it. Not croaking like you would think, its like motors, or drums, or someone yelling or regular frog sounds but its so cool. The crickets, the katy dids, and some other strange bug that makes a really strange humming noise. Then all of sudden, I saw flickering lights all over the fire flies were coming out, tons of them it was just like a light show. Wow this was awesome, not exaggerating; I stood on the balcony in awe, watching them get closer and closer. They lit up the areas, they filled the streets, and all around the apartment. Then I watched as they slowly edged there way in to the balcony of my place. As I looked up they were in the ceiling of the patio. I looked around in the dark and saw them all around me. Wow this was awesome. I was giggling and laughing thinking this was the best evening ever! So all that madness and upset just flew away with the fireflies , the food and the wine.
After seeing this I got in the fridge and got some memones and sat out here eating them one by one. What a memory this will be pasted in my mind till I die. Seeing all those fireflies so close and how they surrounded me slowly was surreal, It felt like I was watching it on a movie instead of being in the midst of it.

A thing to remember.

In the morning when I woke I heard today very early the roosters crowing, first time. Then the dogs, I knew I needed to get up early as it was garbage day, it comes twice a week here. Mondays and Fridays so I had to get up and put it out since I Missed it on Friday. I made it they came around 6:30.
Made the coffee, ate some granola with coconut, and drank some strange juice I got. Went to the gym, it was stupid today didn’t like the routine, I saw Eida come late again I saw her trying then I waved, looked in the mirror and she was gone? HMMM I thought? Oh well I carried on and did the work out best I could which wasn’t very well today.

I rode back but this time I took the beach, I never did that. It was interesting, seeing all the very nice and large houses right on the beach here. I MEAN HUGE. I rode till the sand got too soft and I met this river. Then I had to walk the bike through it so I took off my socks and muddled through. I rode until I saw all this garbage, so I stopped and picked allot of it up and threw it away. Ther was tons of of it on the beach. I found a railing to a staircase and brought it home. Interesting I have found several pieces of architecture out on the beach. When I retuned I showered and got ready for the day, in the shower I was thinking about Carlos, and him selling this place, How I loved it and was wondering what I am going to do about returning ro all this. When I got out of the shower there was Carlos down stairs? Funny I do this allot any more. I think of someone and they either email me or they show up. I asked him if he would mind taking me into town as I needed to pick up a fax at Eidas. So he did, but when I got to Eidas she was with Miro, and they totally ignored me as if I wasn’t there? I said HELLO GOOD MORNING? No answer, only a hand in the air? Like hold on or hi or whatever?? I said Eida did I get a fax? She said she didn’t know, I looked, and there was no paper in the machine. So I came out and interrupted them and said I am going.

I then went across the street to see Lucy and Ricky and to see if my New realtor had fax the papers to me, well I caught my email, then the three of us went to lunch at the soda where Danelia works. I saw her and chatted for a little bit and ate a great steak and rice and beans dish called a casada. We all talked and laughed an had a very nice lunch. After I began to walk through town checking here and there on things like souvenirs, Thinking of people in The States I wanted to bring things too. I also was looking for a head set for the computer but no luck.
I finally walked all the way almost to the house, by this time it was very dark, I came across five guys walking down the road in the opposite direction, I saw a taxi going in the same direction so I flagged him down and asked if could take me to Soda Almistad, that is where I live near the soda here there are no addresses its just like land marks and everyone knows where the land marks are and what the buildings or houses are? Strange but it works. He didn’t want to take me since it was only like a two minute ride. I convinced him to take me since it was dark and I had the computer on my shoulder. He agreed.

I got to the house and the neighbors were partying down they came and talk to me for a little bit. I warmed up the chicken from the night before and ate and and relaxed. I listened to the radio since this is all I have at the time.

In the morning ROOSTERS WERE CROWING AT 4:00 am, it was going to be a sunny day again the birds were chirping early too, I snuggled in and refused to wake up missing my work out, I woke at 7:00, decided not to go to pilates and just go to Eidas to see if she needed me to watch the girls for her trip to San Jose today. I cleaned up the house, washed the floors folded all my clothes, and put them on the rack. I got cleand up and all dressed and ready after I made eggs, and some good bread, and little banana. If you think you have eaten a good banana you haven’t unless you been here. The taste is entirely different here, because they are fresh no chemicals and right off the tree. Like the Grapes when I was kid growing up, we would pick the first crop before they did anything to them and they would be yellow and little and so darn good. No Giberelle, nothing plain ol grapes very sweet and tiny. Same here, there all types of bananas. Coffee was warmed up from yesterday afternoon, still very good. They use a little Sugar in the coffee here, to cure it . It takes the acid out of it, so its delicious.

I got all ready to leave and rode the bike on a beautiful morning. I smelled the air and took in all the sights today I had a new attitude today, really looking around and appreciating all that god has created. I realized that the butterflies like to ride with me, when I looked to my left there was a beautiful blue butterfly riding along with me. They do that here. Every color you can think of, and tons of Dragon flies too! It was a beautiful morning. Still not to hot a bit over cast, the freshness for one of the very few times I have been here was in the air. I got into town and thought I should just go by Eidas to see if she left, I saw this car exactly like hers, and The woman driving looked like her, I chased her to the freeway, it wasn’t Eida… HA I THOUGHT! Anyhow it was fun chasing her on the bike. The town was bustling as usual, pot holes were bigger than ever, because of all the rain. IT’S THE WORST! I hate this about Costa Rica. The Roads suck bad… in town that is. Out on the big roads not as bad at all in fact very similar to ours.

I got to her house and woke her up it was ten, she was still asleep didn’t go to San Jose` so I made some coffee we talked for a few then I left to try to get my mail and fax my papers back to the states. I ended up at the century 21 and faxing. I decided since everyone around me is talking about how I cook? I decidedTo have a few people over on Friday and make some things, and little get together. So I invited Ricky and lucky and couple other people, almost now at 25. So We will see what happens on Friday. I need a bunch of things, But I think I will use resources around me like banana leaves, Bamboo, Halaconias, Ginger Coconuts, and more. It should be fun and very different I am sure for the people I invite!

I went back to the house, and bird watched and took some photos and had a little treat of Coconut and almonds they make it at the corner store. It’s a snack as I was walking back Miro went by, this time he actually stopped for like 5 seconds and said where are you going? I said to the house I got me a little snack, he said little you deserve big? Hmmmmmmm ok he talked for five seconds. Drove off, I thought this is good time to go and explore and enjoy the day. So I did I went to all new areas I never had rode to, and found the most incredible places being built and some that have obviously been there for some time. I took all sorts of photos. Wow it made me see how really pretty this place is.

Some of the houses Right on the beach are to die for. In my neighborhood God I want to live there!!! I found more rivers and streams and lots of fauna and flora.
It was fun I really was smiling and no one was there to see it. I found a secret road that curved around and about, it went by the police office I didn’t know was in the jungle,and a clinic so I will have to remember that. If I ever get ill? It’s all free here…

I went to find a vase at the little junk store I call it, and found a cute very curvy modern style glass vase for three American dollars. I got it for my bedroom to put ylang ylang blooms or wild ginger. By the way that Ginger is the best tasting and pink in color. The root that is.

I wanted this Large orange one that was modern, but I debated over and over weather to buy it? It was around 8 dollars. I didn’t like it that much. I think Bamboo would be better. Maybe I will create my own by tying several pieces of bamboo together and putting all the stems in each one.!! I have not used any creative energy here so I may have lost it.
I went to the super market, its almost all done its huge.. now they have all sorts of Italian things in it!!! I saw my French friend from the gym, there are lots of Europeans here. She said hi and was looking at my basket. I had gorgonzola, bacon, which is rare here, a single apple that was like 50 cents, some orange carrot juice they sell I love, a papaya, some diet 7 –up, Eggs, butter, and these bioland crackers made of rice with caramel. Like Rice crackers with caramel actually. Oh yeah and couple of rock Ice. This drink they have here.

Then I found this local Soda around the corner I never saw so I stopped and had some boca’s, little tiny tacos with chicken with a cabbage salad, and some papacones, Plantains double cooked with some mayonnaise thing they put on it. This made me think about My brother in-law Alan, he would like this and the mayo thing. They use mayo on all sorts of things here.. Strange but this tasted actually very good, with lemon squeezed on it. I sat close to the biciletta, so to watch my groceries and stuff. Its all outdoors anyhow. Then I rode off in the dark to my house hitting every pothole along the way, the rode to the apartment is sort of well very dark, only a couple of lights along the way. I actually had to stop cause I almost dumped the bike once, but I got right back on and rode fast to the place. Came home and put it all away. It was a good day, I loved the exploring and seeing new things, like this fruit that is use to make bowls out of? I took photos there large and green. The new water ways I found, lots of them around here. The architecture that I had no clue was there…. I want to use some of this in my own place eventually.

Well I woke to rain again, loud rain, I thought heck no I am not riding to the gym in that! So I slept in and snuggled in the bed, it felt so good. The music I left on during the night had gone off? Power must have gone out while I was sleeping. I head all the chickens no roosters. The dogs next door were barking again. But I didn’t care I snuggled in. Got up around 7:30 made this fried tomato thing I had in dominical where you put a whole or half tomato with garlic, olive oil and salt and pepper in the pan then fry and egg. I got the coffee going, then cut open a small papaya, seeded it and tore off a piece of the good bread the amish make. The juice with orange and carrot is now my liking in the morning. I sat at the table with all the windows open, looking out the huge glass windows at the rain on one side, the sea at the opposite end of me, and the jungle at the back of me. I turned on a Andrea Bocelli Cd, and sank into a beautiful thankful mood. I was admiring my surroundings, just like I use to admire my garden in the states.

But this was different, because I had nothing to do with the surroundings. There I helped form my surroundings; here it’s all Gods doings. It is so serine and so beautiful seeing the ocean and the mountain’s together with lots of nature mixed with it. I had tears, thanking God for all of this, and thanking him for allowing me be able to experience all this beauty. I know I put it into action, but it is true that when you want something bad enough, you can do it. It took allot of doing getting here, and now that I am It was truly a good choice. Life is short and I want to see and experience things and enjoy the earth. The only missing link is having someone with me to share it with, but that will come soon.

Before today I was battling a little bit about returning, then yesterday confirmed to me that I should return, at least for a while and see more and retain the peace I feel, that I have not felt In allot of years. So the plan is to return in Dec, I want badly to have at least one son some back with me and see for themselves what is here, enjoy Costa Rica, and understand that there Mom is ok. Try to continue with the work that was offered to me, and make a go of it, who knows It could lead me to other places too!

While I listen to the CD, I washed my clothes by hand, there is this sink here that is made for washing the clothes, so I been doing this since, Saturday, it cost allot to have your clothes washed here, and there is no laundry mat that I have found? So hand washing is what I been doing, actually not a bad thing, I kinda like it too,For a while anyway. I washed the windows, swept the floors, cleaned the bathroom and made my bed, As I was making the bed I thought about Jordan and Nancy, and the new baby Julian, I want to call him Juliano. He is going to need a crib, and all sort’s of things.. I know they do not have the money for this so they were on my mind allot this morning. I suppose I will ask around when I get back to see If I can help them find some things to borrow, or if someone will lend it to them for a time. I looked yesterday for Cute Costa Rican baby things, I think I found a shop and I might go there today before I go back to the dentist. I just pray they will be ok, they have to be, there is nothing else they can do.. its time to grow up now, the baby is coming. GOD IM GOING TO BE A NONNIE!! AN ABULAH, A GRANNIE>>> oh god… and to think that my new Friend Milo is going to be a Grandpa at the same exact time. His Daughter is expecting too I think on the same date.

I wonder what she is having? I hope a girl. Milo and I are still planning on being together in Portland when I return, and hopefully coming back here only after I go to New Mexico for a short time, the return to Portland to do some holiday work.

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