Monday, September 12, 2005

This is the color of the sea from above, When looking down you can see so many different colors of the sea here. Yesterday was a different day than I have experienced. With the Moutian hike, to Going to sunami where I hooked up with Internet for Free, sitting and talking with a guy from New York who sells real estate here, seems everyone does this. He was nice and offered to buy me dinner, but I didn't feel so well. I just continued to work on the blog and emailing people left and right. Except for my son who I am curious right now as to why he has not contacted me. I want to talk to Brandon and as soon as I get the phone I am calling him.

Paul the guy from New York and I talked for about an hour, he invited me out , but I did not repond to his invitation. I took a taxi home and took a hot shower then ate some Ice cream and went to bed shiveriing. I think I caught a cold the other day in the rain. My throat is sore and my ears hurt. So I had a rought night hardly any sleep. The lighting was scary too.

I got up and made come chorizo and eggs and guacamole, and watermelon and one cup of coffee since the pot broke yesterday all over my feet and the whole kitchen. WOW THAT WAS A MESS.

The Apartment is really cute, I am finding I really feel good in that place, I cannot wait to return in December to make it more like my home.
I looked on line to see how much the ticket's were one way to here, around Dec 9th and I found one for $298 dollars, so I have to tell the kids I won't be there for Christmas. I am thinking we can do christmas early and or they all book and come back with me and we do it here! That would be so cool
I could rent a airbed they could all stay at my place, there is plenty room or they can have the bottom apartment, and we can split it. Its not that expensive then were all together!
I am going to try to work this all out with them.

I ate and got ready to come down to he beach to internet, riding my bike about a 1/4 of a block. ITs not bad today the wind is blowing and its cooler than it was yesterday. I do not feel well, but I have to go and drop of laundry,check on the phone, buy a few things then ride all the way back freshing up and then go to the dentist to have the teeth completed. I cannot wait although I am not in the best form today.
Right now there are three girls standing here with there suff boards, I noticed today allot of people going to surf, maybe the winds are causing all the waves and they are good for the surfers.

I am looking out and I can see lots of surfers from that spot I posted yesterday where the cement tables and benches are.

Trying to get ahold of Sharon is hard, I wanted to talk to her about my lousy Relator, he is doing nothing, I have a gal that is waiting to take over, but he won't respond to my mail or anything, I WISH SOMEONE WOULD GO AND TALK TO SHARON AND tell her to tell him to get the hell off the contract, I sent a letter to him but no repsonse. This problem is making me very frustrated about my home. IT should have sold a long time ago.

I heard from someone a total stranger that went to my house and mowed the lawn for me and has been watering and taking care of it. This makes me happy, but sad too that my children have no concern about it nor have they offered to go and help there mom. I guess what I am doing to them is stupid, but in reality its the best thing I could have done for myself, as I was in a state of mind there that soon I would have ended things in a very bad way. At least now I feel good about life, and I have reason for living doing things for myself is good and letting go of all the things that were such a burden there was the most freeing feeling one could have. I know that when you are motivated you move, you make changes, and those changes were not happening in Vancouver Washington, but now that I made this huge Change I feel good about me again and it is resulting in some facinating and exciting opportunities.
I know that everyone who surrounded me did not understand my reasons for Coming to Costa Rica, but I can say this... that It is a good thing and that I needed to do this to find the happiness that was stolen from me by people, and work, and clients, and more. Even my children stole it...

Mothersday this past year was so different, Both my sons gave me a present, and they were the same present a pair of flip flops, both gave different pairs. Ok your wondering what or where is this going.
I was so miserable, it was mothersday, my oldest son did not call, nor did he come by the younger called later in the morning and did take me to breakfast, giving me the flipflops, ok from him I could understand the small amount of money that he spent, because they have little, but the thought? and the idea that I knew I needed these for the new life was puzzeling to me. I was a bit shocked at the gift, thinking this is all?

I don't know its just my thoughts ok? I think Im worth more than a pair of flip flops? but whatever!!! then later in the evening after the older son and his girlfriend where done with her mom, called me and asked me to come by it was late.. I did and they gave me my gift, another pair of flip flops and some sun glasses??? the flip flops matched his boat. They were more expensive ones but not much.. then I thought How Ironic, they both gave me flip flops and where was the thought behind this.
For some reason I was hurt, lets say it was because not much thought was put into the gift, nor was mothers day important to them. I knew when i got these It was like a sign to really set out and go to Costa Rica... I was hurt, for some reason this offended me that they only thought of this? I can not explain why but I was.
Thinking I gave up my whole life earlier to support and raise these two alone mostly and worked very hard to do whatever I could to raise them alone. I would think that my birthday and mothers day would be a special day to them and me since I was basically there only parent.
It wasn't but boys just do not think like this. So now I say To be sad that there is no concern about the only thing I have left that is my investment that possibly they could help there mother with is an understatement.

I could use both there help at the moment finding out why this Realtor is not doing his job, since I have no phone and the only way to contact me is on the internet. Im rambling I see this but maybe there is a reason?

Today is filled with some chores, as I said the laundry and more then the teeth getting all fixed. I counted up my money this morning, I have only spent with the apartment food, giving amanda money the table some groceries lots of times and phone and the actually phone, plus items and clothes and more shoes and stuff only 1300 dollars. That is really not much, concidering when I hlived in Van. My mortagage payment was $1100.
I will be ok, if only I can work and make enought to live simply like I am now. But I do want a car, they are expensive here.Triple the amount. I really want a truck so that will be my goal when I return in Dec.
Maybe Miro or Carlo the land lord will help? they are great men. So I will ask

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