Thursday, September 22, 2005

Wednesday, Rainy Season

Well still no phone, yesterday I was told by Ice, (pronounced esay, like ebay only esay) that they were coming again to install, but yet nobody showed.

The phone sits on a cute little table with the light on and no service. I really wanted the phone so I could make a couple of calls to the state’s and receive calls from those whom I have met here, and who knows maybe someone from Vancouver or New Mexico or New York like Dickie, would call?

I waited all day, at first it was a nice morning, it rained, then it got very hot. Making some eggs and mango, watermelon and coffee, I sat on the balcony and listen to all the morning noise. Later I walked around outside and looked at all the butterflies; there are so many different types. Then I walked across the street and looked into the jungle area only by the roadside, wishing I could walk into it but knowing that there could be something lurking in the grasses. So like someone looking through the glass, I peered into the Jungle just standing still.
It sits right across the street from me, with tall tall trees, Elephant ears halaconia’s tall grasses, giant Philodendrons that are called Monstera leaves, much more that I can not identify.
As I was looking I saw this fifteen cm hummingbird called green hermit. I heard it actually making a cute noise so I walked over to this hanging purple wild clematis. It was dipping its long beak into every flower. It was the largest hummingbird I ever saw. Beautiful bright green with purple and it wings actually made noise.

I keep staring standing very still, I was trying to take photos of all the different butterflies but no luck. Every stinking time I tried to get close and I did many times a car or a truck came barreling by. Then I noticed some wild zinnias, they were bright red very tall and kinda pretty. As I looked up in the trees standing very still, I saw all sorts of things. First I saw this HUGE Iguana; it was the biggest so far! This one from a distant appeared to be around 5 feet long, and about a foot in diameter. Its tail was about from what I could see three feet. It had a huge spiked back, with a red head. It was way up on top, and then I looked down and saw a dark green one that blended into the bark of another tree. This one is called garrobo, it’s a meat eater and it’s very aggressive. That one scared me..he was sort of big too. As I was staring a cute little tiny lizard called ground anole, went flying by me. This are the ground type of geckos, that stick on the ceiling of most house’s and and patios. They eat all the bugs, and insects, mosquitos too. I only wish I had the binoculars then, because I keep spying on more things as I stared into it. I am more than sure there were snakes in there and no way was I going to step one foot off the road to see. I went back in the apartment and did a few exercises, since I was there all day, with no TV, No cable, no phone, no cell, No internet. I read and tried to draw, but as I was drawing the only pen I had ran out. The little store on the corner may have had one, but being my luck I would walk down to it, and Ice would come. So I stayed in hopes they would show.

Looking out the porch from the balcony, I heard flapping looked up and saw two Toucans sitting in the top of the tree where I was standing earlier; they were the yellow billed ones, called chestnut mandibles. There big, now I really wanted the binoculars. Here they were right in front of me, I could see them very plane but If I had the bonoc’s I could inspect them! I guess this day was just a peaceful day with nothing in my head but waiting and learning patients.
I actually fell asleep and took a small nap, for me this is really out of order. But it was so nice I decided might as well.
When I woke up I was disappointed to find that it was late afternoon and yet No ICE!!! Guess its not meant for me to have this phone. I thought well I start something to eat, I got in the kitchen and looked out the big glass window that faces the street and saw Eidas van, she was out there looking up, I went out and she had a bag for me. It was dye for her hair, she wanted me to do it.
So I made coffee and we sat and I did her hair. We chatted out on the porch, she tried to call Ice for me but no one would respond. Then she asked me to come over of course, and I made some chili beans, she made the most delicious rice with onions and some cilantro, the beans were fresh so they didn’t take more than a hour and half.
I went around the corner from her house and interneted, but the net was having problems again. I was on line for but a few minutes, long enough to read mail, and chat to Milo. We talked about what we wanted to do, he was saying he wanted to come to Portland when I do and help me with the house. Maybe help me get something’s in order. Help with the party and then maybe both of us would fly back to New Mexico and hang out for a few weeks, until I have to come back and do holiday work, if that come through. Which I believe it will, if not I will contact the few I have and try to at least line up some work before leaving again.

But prior to this she asked me to cut her hair also. Mind you, I cut mine and have for along time, but I have been getting it cut. She wanted to have layers so I did, and it looked very nice. The rain was beginning to get bad last night. I mean kinda like Washington, but not cold. I didn’t want to stay I wanted to get in my own bed here since it’s a newer one and isn’t so hard. So I asked her to call a taxi so I could take my bike that I left there the day before because of the rain.

Taxi came and I put the bike in the back of that new Toyota truck I liked. He remembered me and was talking to me in Spanish all the way to the house. Asking me how come I have no boy friend or husband. I have to say this is a common question here. I guess someone that looks like me? I dunno, doesn’t look like I would be alone? Same question I have gotten over and over. He kept patting me on the back, nice kid, has one small child a little older than Jordan around 22 years old. He has very light skin and pitch black hair.

He smiles at me allot he helped put the bike away and greeted me a very nice night.

I came in and sat on the bed staring out the back to the sea it was dark but I noticed all these little flickering lights on the ground and in the air. It was fireflies; I just sat for the longest time and stared at them thinking to myself, how I was never going to get a phone here and what will happen when I return. I want to return; actually I don’t want to leave to go back. But I promised Sharon, and I need to take care of business with the house. I have to sell that house!
Talk to my children and get some things going over there. I was sorting things out in my head while I watched the dance of the fireflies becoming entranced by them. I suppose this day was needed, this is Pura Vida, the pure life. Taking what life gives you and just doing what happens. That’s a tough thing for an American, were so conditioned to rush rush rush.. and to do do do… not enjoying what God has created not taking time to breath or smell or touch or taste or even see. Too bad I didn’t come here earlier in life, could have prevented allot of mishaps buy learning the things I have learned already. But who’s to say that now is not the right time?

I do notice that every one I mean practically everyone here greets you on the streets, where ever you are they all say Hola, or buenas, or buenas noches, or dias, or tardes.. but they say something. You’re riding down the road you pass anyone they greet, young or old they greet. In the streets in the city they greet, in the super market everyone greets. No matter it’s a nice gesture, I like it allot. I always try to be first to greet. But I do notice not many smile? I still do not know why, but the curious thing is. When Eida and I came back from Punteranas, she mentioned to me how I am always happy, some may think or may know that I am not always happy, but for the most part of my life I have as far as I can remember have a happy spirit. I love to make people happy or laugh yeah we all have bad moments Mine are the worst. But generally I have a happy spirit, she sees it anyhow. She really was thinking about this and commented to me about it. She said she doesn’t have that and felt she needed it. Later when I was sitting on the bed I thought about that, and she mentioned to me again that she wanted that. She told me she was going to go to the gym with me and take some time for herself.

Waking early again, no Roosters, I got up made the coffee and opened the door it was dreary out. I could hear all these women across the street talking loud, too loud too early for me.
I just made some good yogurt they have here, with fresh strawberries and coffee and got dressed to go work out. I knew Eida was going and I was excited to have a friend with me.

I rode early and got to the gym, meeting this guy who works out with us Thomas, he’s funny I like him he says que lindo to me all the time which means how cute, or how sweet or how darling it means allot of things.

Tough work out it was kick boxing and Eida showed up late for the first day. I watched her in mirror, it was kinda hard for her, I do not believe she was feeling all that well. She was very quiet too, Everyone was teasing me it was just like when I was at Jazzercise when I would get teased or they would clap with me. I guess it’s the same only in Spanish, which I repeat still sucks. Everyday I learn a new word so maybe in a year or two I will have it all down HAAAAAAAAa.

When work out was over it was pouring rain. Eida had her car but didn’t offer to take me to the house. So I rode in the pouring rain and went really fast . Got home chilled a little, took a shower got all cleaned up because Ron Acosta, had asked me the night before to work for him typing his listings for Jaco Realty. I was suppose to meet him at 10:00. I was a bit late because Brian and Sara, who want to rent the apartment below me were here looking around.
I called a taxi and went into town with my computer. I Waited in El Centro for him for about a half hour. I had a lady phone since I had no phone. I messaged Milo and we chatted for the longest time since I have known him. He talked about asking to be in Charge of the Project for Intel here in Costa Rica, so He and I could be together. I was very excited to hear he was making an effort to push himself and get what he wants. He seems to be so positive with me and always telling me where going to be together, for me to believe it and it will happen. I assure him that I already know that he is going to be involved with it since he is a Mexican American and they are going to need a Spanish speaking, Gentleman in Charge who can negotiate and handle all the permits, and red tape to complete this long project. If so then he and I will work on the future projects together and our future too.
Milo is showing me some character of a man I thought was totally lost.

I hope that this all works for the best for him and me.

Ron never completes the offer, he says he feels sick and needs to go rest and that he would contact me later at my house but he never did. COSTA RICA! Well I went and got the binoculars, and rode the taxi to the dentist because I thought today was the last visit. WRONG ITS NEXT WEEK so there went a dollar for that ride.
Two dollars this time to get home, It was pouring down rain and it hasn’t stopped since. It’s now 9:30 at night so it rained from 9:00am till now. Sometimes during the day it was if someone turned on a fire hose with gushes of water spouting from the heavens, so I guess now this is The Rainy season. The moment it stops you can hear tons of frogs all different sounds, not typical of our frog’s I mean like a chorus. But for the most part it has not stopped.
Earlier I looked out with the binoculars and saw lots of different birds perched on the tippy tops of the trees All different types pink ones, yellow ones and black ones greens ones silly in the pouring down rain, not smart enough to get out of the down pours? I suppose this is why they say bird brain, nothing in there heads.

With that I go to the cama, the bed.Ciao

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