Sunday, September 11, 2005

Whispering Palms, internet by the Sea, Susie the huskie!

Waking to Roster crowings, making coffee and have the glass bottom break and all fall out on the tile floor at 8:00 am is not my idea of Sunday Morning. First the Alarm went off on someones house or car, but before that I was awaking by the Loudest Brightest Thunderstorm ever. Now Imagine the loudest boom you have ever heard and magnify that by about ten. Wow I woke up scared, and I covered up my head.The Sky was lit up like it was day light but it was around 3;00 I presume. The thunder was ominus, so loud and so powerfull wow.
I suppose that the rainy season is why people do not come here so much. But the weather is hot and beautiful? maybe the lightening and Thunder scares tourists? It did me.. I never heard anything like that in my life or saw anything like it.

Falling back to sleep for a short time, then hearing the car alarm, or something like that and a rooster right by my window. Now I know how Clint feels when his chickens wake him up... I got up as I said made coffee while Eida and the girls slept. They spent the day and night at my house this time. I HAVE AIR CONDITION THEY DON"T!! and I have a most incredble view. Anyhow the coffee pot broke and went all over an hour later cleaned up and decided to go the soda down stairs to eat so we all did.
Then after we went to Miros Mountian. This is Miro the man I met with Carlos the landord this man is from Ugoslovia.. he owned fabric factories in USA, and in Ugo, he owns tons of moutians here and has done a work with the mountains such as botainical gardens, horse trails and a very incredible New Restuarant on the crest of the hill overlooking all the JACO!! WOW all roman / Greek style no road yet but he took us up there Eida the girls and I. We had an interest in the restuarant for me, and Eida property so her and I can build a house on the mountain. She is claiming the moutain for both of us. I mean SHES CLAIMING IT OUT LOUD... saying were going to buy the moutain. So after a breakfast pinto the gallo, with omelet, cafe and jugo de narajo, we walked around the corner from me and up the hill to Miros FABULOUS MOUTAIN!! I swear to you this was like an adventure you can not imagine plantings birds toucans, monkeys, and the most incredible Jungle tour... all our own noone but us. the trail was rough he took us in a small truck but when we got to the top where his Restuaraunt is in progress I BOUT FAINTED.. I wish I had a video Camera and I think when I return I am going to video things and try to find a way to publish this.

Miro is excentric, as most brillant genious types are.. He has so many projects and Might I say money? but for an example he told me he eats this broth with fideo for three days and that is how is sustained.. I was honoured to be with him and Eida was buggin him for the moutian asking over and over where is hers where is Marianna's? the girls all the while were being 10 and 9 bouncing and talking and interupting.. not a way to do business especially on his Sunday? I was quiet, observed, and said very little when I did he was mean for some reason, Eida noticed, but Ignored it I WAS SO USED TO MEN TREATING ME LIKE THIS IN THE STATES that I turned on my business mode and just listened making him more curious than her as she talked and talked and begged and begged. he finally sent us up this trail, were I broke and cried and told her he was testing us, and seeing if were serious? also getting us out of his hair by sending up this steep terrain alone.

AS we walked down I told her this was the moutain I dreamed of and knew this was the area were My house would be built, And I am saying this now. I have no idea how its going to be built BUT I WILL BE ON THE MOUNTAIN, Come hell or high water, I will find the way and she will too.

The walk or hike down was hot but so beautiful the views the jungle the breezes, the restaurant in the middle stages called whispering palms was so appropriately named. We walked the muddy trail all the way to the main road maybe four or so miles. It was fun, waterfalls and birds we ever saw a monkey.
Then we stopped and had a long conversation with Miro. We will go again only with a machete and cut a trail to the area where her and I want to buy the land and build the houses. We NEED CRIS RICHARSON HERE TO HELP US my friend in the states who is a builder, with Milo my love and Architect. We will have it made. So if any of you want to join us let me know.

We were thinking about renting a helicopter to view the area.!!! SO MUCH CRAZIENESS but hey I am game.

Lets go back a bit here thought the day before the girls came to stay with me all day, I had Eida help me the day before with furniture and things for the aparment and talke me into spending the night then the girls came to my place and stayed all day, we walked on the beach and found this sphere, and a great area right behind my apartment a really cool river and a nice wide beach. Only problem is someone is dumping garbage and plastic all over the beach. I plan on going and getting a bag and daily walk and pick up little by little.
I then took the girls back to nap, which was their Idea, then I walked to this beach around the corner called the del mar its a sweet club on the end of the beach. I sit at these tables and hook up the net free outside in the most beautiful Settings... Type and have a great view.

Came back talked with the girls after we went to the little store on the corner, but before all that we walked from Eidas house to mine which is about two miles. and it was blazing hot. with the dog susie, a huskie.

Susie was totally relaxed at my place doors untill these dogs in the down stairs apartment had to be let out. THEY ARE VICIOUS... I am frightened of these dogs and I have generally no fear of dogs. They remind of that one that ate that lady as she went to her apartment in the states, that story where she was attacked and the dogs ate her? YEP THATS HOW THEY ARE.
I made dinner, Tacos the girls first time eating tacos, boy there were questioning me left and right and doing all kinds of dancing in the kitchen,w hile I made the tacos. We waited and waited for Eida she never came, the dogs down stairs had to let out so the guy asked me to take susie up stairs.. SHE wouldn't go? afraid of stairs growling at me and snarling, I took her with jessica out of the gate and made them wait down the road while those rotten dogs went poop and pee... Kalin and I were upstairs on the balcony watching they caught their eye on us and the one Rot Jump so high that he hit the bottom of the balcony, sending me and Kalin flailing arms and running as fast as we could into the sliding glass door to my apartment slamming it shut and huffing and puffing then laughing. GOD THERE BAD... well it didn't end there.

We got tired of waiting and ate with out Eida it was around 8:15 so we ate, I had a feeling that she was going to show in in a Taxi, why II didn't know but I just knew.

Ok believe it or not, I have been in this zone lately of being in the right place or thinking things and they happen or waking up with Cris Richardson in my head to dicuss business with her yesterday, which I may add I have not talked to her in months, I do not know her phone or mail? and when I went to the del mar to internet out side she had written me a letter. So in saying that I knew Eida was going to show in the taxi should clarify that I am in this zone... its almost like Clarvoyant? I know some may not believe that, but they do say that the most people only use 1/4 of there brain so maybe I have tapped into a part of the brain that I never knew I had??? well its working anyhow, which most of the time my brain is not working! HAA

Earlier Eida had taken Susie, the Huskie home which I said was a couple of miles, susie found her way back to the aparment she knew the kids where there and I was there. So when Eida came she was shocked as well As I was.... the dogs again had to let out, I took Susie to the soda next door in my jamas, and slippers... she was fighting me the whole time and when I grabbed her colar she bit me on the leg... Eida was screaming the dogs then tried to attack Susie and Eida, lunging at both me and the dog and her.. We were scared. So after they put the dogs in, We decied to call a taxi and beg them to take us and Susie back the house, you see Eida did show up with the taxi earlier as I said I knew.

Eida was mad I was laughing, ME her jamas Costa rican taxi, and a huskie.. HAAAAAAA I WAS CRACKING UP... they do not take dogs but Eida has some sort of power here I tell ya she can do anything I like her Positive thinking and ability, SHES BUYING THE MOUNTAINA I TELL YA!! so with Susie sitting on top of me and smashing me and licking me we went to Eidas house and dropped her off, She being so Upset made the taxi stop at the store and got beer. We went back and sat oustide and talked till 2 am and drank a beer. We planned our attack on real estate sales, my design attack, my life and hers.

FUN!! Today was great what an exhilerating day. but oh I forgot to say that I found two of the spheres, I was facinated with them, both different sizes and right around where I live strange phenomenon, if you have time look it up. See what is said about Costa Rica Spheres.

Well I missed Milo this moring we were suppose to chat but I see him now so I will go and come back later.

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