Saturday, September 17, 2005


Friday Farmers Market

Thursday night los suenos, was beautiful, every time I think I see something so beautiful that there can’t possibly be any thing else that would top that. I find something else that tops it! LOS SUENOS IS GRAND the hugest resort I think I have experienced. If I had worked for something like this I would be very wealthy, doing what I did in the states this place would completely support me, Clint, Jordan and about 50 to 100 other employees. This place is a myriad of condos, roadways and beautiful luxurious hotels and pools. Not just a pool. but a water way of pools. If you have been there you know exactly what I experienced in seeing this place was Spectacular. With the marina at night with all the lights glittering in the water and in the distant, the Island in the background and the whole beach with the pools in the foreground, the palms the plantings the waterfalls. The sounds of all the water and ocean and birds.

There was a man playing the piano, just like the one I bought Jordan for Christmas, playing classic’s I loved it but I was sad inside thinking all this beauty and no one to share it with. The Children and Miro and Eida were all occupied, the children were playing and running and eating anything they wanted Miro provided. The two of them were in a heavy conversation about the mountain, I excluded just sat.
But I did take some time to walk around while they talked and just admired the floral arrangements which were good, not great, of course I am super critical because this is part of my life my life’s blood so I looked at them with respect, but considered the material they used and thought about the applications of it and how I would do it.

The furniture was exquisite, I even saw some of the chairs were like the ones I had in my bedroom in the states, ones I loved and didn’t sell so I may find a way to get those and bring them here. The night was long, and I was very ready to go home. We rode no one said a word. Then I rode my bike home around 12:00 midnight a little distressed, but I got home.( I never ate so tired and hungry do not mix) I came home and just jumped into the bed.

Woke up and watched the waves rolling such a great thing to wake up too. This country is very beautiful, but I have to admit the heat takes some getting use to.
I was raised in and area in the State, California, Fresno to be exact where its blazing hot from May to Oct, I mean burning hot, but dry hot. The humidity makes you sweat all the time so your sticky and wet and dripping, anyway I do. But I notice not many Ticos sweat? Strange, its like I am the only sweating. Today especially! I after I made eggs and toast, and some delicious bread pudding that I found in the bakery, and coffee, I rushed got dressed and threw the garbage out, then rode to the gym.
Today was better than last Friday, I dumped the step and just did the moves. It was ok nothing like jazzercise but better than it has been. I So miss my jazzercise, I WANT BADLY TO BEGIN ONE HERE but only after I get this Spanish kicked. I am mad at my self for not paying more attention in Fresno, where tons of people speak Spanish! If I knew it well I would be starting one now!!
I cannot wait to go back to it when I get there in Oct, its like that is the only thing I look forward to aside from my children and a few of my close friends.

Work out was hard I was soaked completely through, left and rode to Eidas, then to the internet spot in the mall where I can pick it up free. I sat on line for a while, then went the dentist to have him finish the bridge, he had to put some white porcelain over the old tooth so it looked more natural. Then I found this ICE TRUCK!!! I beg, as good as I could in Spanish, and pleaded as well as I could, and they followed me to the apartment one thing thought I forgot my keys at Eidas,( it is probably 3 miles or so from where I found the truck, I peddled non stopped all the way)

After the Ice truck left and before I left to go get the keys, I pulled weeds, and raked the leaves in the yard and out front. I got some strange looks. I do not think women do this, if they do its in there private place?? I dunno but I got some weird The day was filled with bike, bike bike… back and forth here and there. Gezz many miles. Oh yeah and in-between that I was missing my yard, mind you this apartment has no garden, its rock out front, if you know me you know I dislike rock in a yard bad! The weeds were coming up all th
So we wrote a note they told me they could not install it that another truck had to come, OH OF COURSE!! So I thought there not going to come today???Right?? Well I had put on the note to call Edia the keys where there and went back on my bike to get them and to go to the farmers market. Figuring they would show up late. AHEMMMMMMM well I was wrong again! They showed up called Eida she wasn’t home they called and called my neighbor Terry told me . GOSH I WAS SO DISAPOINTED!! I want the phone. Of course I would miss them, now back the office to make yet another appearance and another appointment. Probably another week WAAAAAAAAAAA.

Farmers Market was filled today the weather was great, HOTTER THAN FRITTER! Lots o vendors and lots o people. I bought lettuce, red, ruffled and iceburg, shrimps, huge ones, and mamones, I am hooked on these. Yellow and red ones. Pina` tomatoes, avocado’s some scrumptious cresent rolls that the Amish people made, some mango jelly from them also and these little tiny oranges looked like rounded kumquats, he said they make great lemonade so I bought um. I got Cass too! Cass is really good blended add milk and ice, or ice and cass and guado yum!

Went to Eidas and got the rest of my things and rode like a mad woman again to the house with the bike loaded down. I am getting pretty good at this riding with lots of stuff. Its hard but I find it a challenge and fun. When I arrive Terry was standing on the balcony looking and me and shaking his head???I said what???he said nope no phone. I said What? he made the gesture no phone I was like AWEEEEEEEE nooooooooo OH GOD… he explained, I went in a yelled a couple of times WHY?? I want my phone just whining to myself.
Put away all the food, and began to prepare the shrimp and chopped the sweet potatoes and the plantains, I sad down for a second it was hot and air condition was just cooling the place down. Then I saw Eida in the car below. She wanted to dye my hair so yes again I packedup everything and went with her to the house. I made dinner there of fried plantain’s delicious, and sweet potatoes, and lettuce with olive oil, tomatoes, onions, and lemon juice. Ok this is way better than vinegar. I really like the way it melts the lettuce down and makes it very tasty. I coated the shrimp in this mixture they sell her with like corn and coconut its good.

After we just talked out side in the corridor she calls it this to me it’s the porch with a cover. And then she dyed my hair, kind of a cinnamon color looks good to me, since I am tan it looks great. We talked about my house in Vancouver Washington, and how I have great people looking after it, how grateful I am but disappointed in the fact the realtor is doing nothing. I decided to sell it myself in our conversation I thought I would put it on Craigslist, Plus mention it on my blog. The house is about 1577 sq feet, has a huge lot that can be subdivided for three house’s has an very beautiful garden, a waterfall, pond and many great features. Fruit trees and hops and grapes, and flowers galore. The house itself is two bedrooms at the time but could easily be made back to a three bedroom. I did an awe full lot of work on it new roof, new floor in the bathroom,and the entry and all the slate rock I put in.I mean sub floor and all. This bath was my favorite it had very nice tile and two shower heads and lots of hot water. Glass block for the shower, and a large master bedroom with French doors. The house is very charming, and the surroundings are beautiful, because of all my hard work and ideas and back ground. I need to sell this in order for me to build my dream here In Costa Rica. I cannot support two houses, now that I am semi retired. I am going to lower the price to $285 thousand. I think it will sell if I do this. I had a good feeling about this tonight! This will be a good place for a first time owner or someone who loves to garden, or for someone who wants to invest and build more and make there money back three times.

If I had the financial ability to do this I would because I know that area is really close to everything, and in a few months will be worth even more after a development or two goes in to the vacant areas. If anyone is interested email me at and I can put you in contact with the person who has the key to see it and to show it.
I Told her all I was thinking we high fived. I took a shower washed the dye out of my hair and she called me the taxi. I came home and here I am… I woke this morning to a very lovely morning, partially sunny and cool. Standing on the front Balcony I watched the birds, and the butterflies, drank my coffee , put some fresh mango jam on these wonderful little cresent rolls that I bought yesterday at the farmers market. I sat outside and looked at the moutian, Miros mountain it sits right on the edge of Jaco, It is one of the best views I think in the whole area. How fortunate that I have it. I never dreamed that I would be sitting by the seas looking at the forested moutians in Costa Rica, Well actually I did dream about it, but really never thought I would be here in one of the best spots. As I sat I saw these Two red giant Macaws flying over my head and screeching so loud that you couldn’t help but give your attention to them in flight. Then the power went out! Dang it I was suppose to meet Milo at the seat to internet and chat all morning early. But that didn’t happen. So today was his birthday I find out after I get back her and get the net. He left only to leave me a beautiful letter about his love for me and how he dreams of being with me and by my side. As I read it the net went out again so I decided to come and write some more.
I hope today is filled with good things for him and that he has a great birthday! Monday is my sisters Birthday too, so when the net gets up here I am going to send both of them a card via internet.

Looking forward to Riding my bike all along Jaco, if you go back a few blogs I posted the whole photo from Miros Moutain last Sunday. You can see where I am going to ride.


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