Monday, September 19, 2005

It's Sunday,

Its Sunday,
I went out last night and danced till 1:30 took a taxi home. Some of the bars stay open till 3:00 or 4:00 here. I was really tired; dancing here is not in air conditioned clubs it’s mostly outside but covered, Tons of people and many many Americans of all ages, it was fun! I drank a couple of beers, these ones called Rock Ice, and there like a michelada, with orange lemon juice in them and little salt. Pretty good, I shouldn’t have had any, but it was so hot and people bought them for me so I did. I still have this cold so the beer was not good. I slept in, first time till 9:30 then I made some eggs, watermelon, a small piece of the this bread pudding that the bakery makes, O YUM, Orange juice and Coffee.
I sat listen to music since this is all I have at the moment, and watch the butterflies and birds outside. There are allot of butterflies here all kinds every color, it’s so pretty in the Mornings. I need binoculars, so I can view Miros Mountain, and see all the fauna. I went to this place here and found some for 45 bucks big ones kinda high powered, but I didn’t buy them, I thought about it, then after thinking about it for a few hours, I thought WHAT THE HECK?
I sacrificed all my belongings, and have very little what is $45.00 to have some enjoyment in the mornings and evenings when I look out? So I tried to bike back in the middle of town and get them, but I got caught in a rain storm and had to hang out under cover, so I wouldn’t be soaked and catch a worse cold. By the time the rain and finished it was 7:00ish, so I stopped by my friends talked a bit then went home to eat and get changed. I felt like going out and being around people and dancing!
I have been really thinking about Brandon allot, so I had Cyndy who I chatted with on line other day, call him and Jordan to tell them I was missing them, I also wrote to Brandon and apologized for hurting him. I feel like I have not been a very good mother.

He’s just in my heart, I know something is going on I can feel it. So Cyndy agreed to call.
She is a sweet friend, I have allot very sweet and very good friends in the Portland area. It took a long time to get these friends, its not easy to make friends at this age and there especially, SO I feel very appreciative to have good people who still care and and will lend a hand.

Now I am connecting with again some very nice people who are really being kind and generous, and being friends, My Exercise friend, who I am not sure of her name the one with the Red long hair , who I thought perhaps was once a man? She is cool I like her style always dressed beautiful no matter how hot is is, then theres Alicia, from the century 21, she loves me I do not know why? But always YELLS when she see’s me and said Hola Bella!!! Or Caio Bella!!( they do not say adios here they say Ciao) I called her Lucy and her boyfriend Ricky they crack up, then there Is Marisol, the sales girl who also works for Terry and Jungle Soul, she walks around town selling makeup and clothes and stuff??? Strange but shes always pleasant with a huge smile, Always waving at me saying YOUR BEAUTIFUL! Then there is Gloria dios Lol no her name is Gloriabel, she is the cute Nica that stayed with me for a while, and Danni, they are sweet.

I really am frustrated with the internet at the time, today it wont connect, it seems to do this on the weekends? I do not know who runs the servers but on the weekends its not good. I I have not been able to get on hardly at all only for a short time to read mail and answer Hope it returns so I can post some photos and this. Never Got to send my Sister her card or talk to anyone because of the gliches in the system, VERY FRUSTRATING!

I am going to my Friends house, swim maybe and I promise to make Chili beans. So that is the extent of the day I guess, Tomorrow I am going Punteranas I was suppose to go the other day but that fell through. I am going to check on Residency papers, and look around basically. Nothing much just to see another area of the country. Its Is about a hour and half from Jaco it is the main port, so I will check on where the containers go for Tosh . It shouldn’t be a bad drive.

I am wondering what they mean this is a bad season? I think the rain they get disturbs them, As I think about the rain in Portland really this isn’t really bad at all. It does get lots in a short time I mean inches. But it only last for a hour or or less sometimes. Yesterday it, poured like buckets for two hours then it stopped and all was fine. Well looks like no connecting to the net. I am really disappointed as I have nothing to do today, I wanted to chat with Milo since god knows when I will see him again and who ever else was on line, so some email but I couldn’t post or anything Internet was going off and on like it had a short.

I left and went to my friend which is only a little ways away from where I was trying to internet, but they were not home. I left a note saying come and get me and I will make the chili, but I never heard from them. Rode home, wow its hot today seems hotter than it has been. Took the computer in, and laid on the bed. I was blazing sweating like crazy. Decided to shove the bed against the closet and prop up pillows to watch the ocean, lots of surfers again and many people out there playing in the surf, I saw a couple of BIG OCEAN Liners or something in the distant, I really got to get those binoculars. Lots of big pelicans floating out there too with the surfers.

I ate some Mamones, I am so addicted to these. When I return to the states, I am going to have withdrawals, guess I will eat gummy worms those use to be my favorite. Then I read the bible, and some other things I had here I was so bored. I made a drawing of the outside of this restaurant

I saw in a dream when I was in Washington, only this time it was clearer. Imagination is seeing things not as they are but as they could be, and belief is making it happen through your creative sparks. I believe this is really going to happen, for some reason I have this feeling I am going to have a restaurant and bar. I have the name it’s called Bella Esperanza, Beautiful hope. The possibility of it happening is very high. As someone I know is offering to support this, with a botanical garden.

More about who and how and when, later as time goes on. I was thinking that the restaurant could be in the center of the garden, with a huge cover, white roof that is fiberglass, tall walls all planted inside like a greenhouse, stone floors, planted with tropical plants all over in really heavy settings, large palms on either side of it in these huge round planters, not in the ground, two giant spheres like I had shown in the photo of one of the post’s those spheres are a phenomenon here.

Bougainvillea’s on the sides growing over the top of the cover, I mean this cover is like two stories high, could have a second floor up there and be able to look down, into the garden and the restaurant. It will be Italian, food will be simple, coffee is paramount, as well as wine. Pastries in the morning, and in the afternoon Tapas or bodas, music live all the time either someone playing guitar, or piano, or something? Andes style music, salsas ect ect. I see it with water features on the edges,and one in the center. The chairs and tables will all be rustic, and made from resources from the land that we clear to to do this.

This dream was so strong in my head when I was in Washington, and recently something happened here, that made me understand why. This information when it gels will really be incredible to me, since I saw this, and felt it when I was gardening one day in my house in Vancouver. Actually I laughed in side and out when someone told me yesterday that they wanted this and are willing to pay for it. I guess time will tell, it always does with everything. I will be so thrilled to be a part of this or to have this!
Gerri Espinoza, once told me I should have a restaurant, and recently said I should write a cook book or several of them, Then Eida the other night after I whipped up something for her and I and the girls said, I really think you should write cook books. I am pretty good cook, not as good as my sister was, or my mother but pretty darn close to Mom. My mother could cook things, which would make you slobber just by looking at them! She was so good, the most beautiful displays. She really was into presentation. She would use Pretty plates and bowls and silver and more. I do not see myself working in this place simply making sure things are up to par, I will hire a manager and a chef or two, and plenty of nica’s y nico’s to work. This would be cool for Jordan if he was interested in being involved. The location of this, is going to astound people. I first thought near the beach, but better yet on top of mountain would be the best since the garden will need cooler weather than the beach here.
The Beaches are hot, not like in the states where you get cool breezes.

After the drawing which only took a few minutes, I laid there and watched the sea and birds. I fell asleep and woke up to pitch dark and these terrible tribal drums, on the radio that has been playing now for hours. I got up and made a simple salad of Avocado, tomatoes, cucumber, and fried plantains, squeezed some kumquat juice on them and salt and pepper. I cooked a sweet potato that is so good here, there purpley red, and yellow inside. They are really good I put a tiny bit of butter and sour cream on it and sat outside and watched and listened to the thunder and lighting storm on the porch in the dark as I ate. As I was eating many byciletas went by a couple with double people. This is cute here they all hike each other on the handle bars or on the middle bar, girls sit with there legs on one side and the guy pedals, Or Moms, or dads with the kids on the bar. Some are fortunate and have a baby seat in the back and they put them back there and ride around.
Quads are the other big thing here, lots of people have quads. Not all fancy but the basic quads, kinda a good idea, I may just get one. Cause you can go anywhere here with them, the allow them on the streets people zip up and down like maniacs, Motor scooters or sprees, dirt bikes too lots of those loud as heck. I thought when I came here it would be so different than it is. In some cases its very behind the times but in most its not. The clothes are very in style now they dress just like us in the states, actually some are way better as I said earlier on, they really care about there appearances here. The houses on the other hand from most are not as important. The cars are not as great, but there are bmws, A couple of Mercedes, and lots of trucks and pradas, and suvs. In San Jose though is like the states only much more metropolitan. Most of the houses are made of cement, I think because of the humid climate.

I came in from eating to still hear and even now the dang tribal drums with different instruments occasionally stuck in, ITS TERRIBLE! Gonna put a cd on and go back to bed. Hopefully get to talk to Milo tomorrow, and see who mailed since I couldn’t net today. Then off to Punteranas. Ok Went to Punteranas, that was the worst. It is a very run down comunity and it looks like a terrible Tijuana. The beach is huge and you can see the Nycoya penisula, but other than that is bad. I did like the farmers market in side this old building . It reminded me of the one in Fresno they use to have long long time ago, it was painted the same colors, a wierd pink, and there were many eating places inside. It was so hot in there I almost felt like passing out. I had an offer for Marriage too. Eida and I went for her to do some business there, I just looked around and we did do some shopping. Surprizingly the shoes were very cute and not very expensive, but I resisted. We did her thing and then ate at some place by the sea. I drover her new car for her since she is not ready yet to drive a stick. She worried that I didn't know how, but I am a pro, since I learned on one and ran into my mothers fence wrecking my sisters volkswagen when I was but 16. So driving this was easy!
We came back over potholes galore with a bad storm. It rained like crazy buckets, then rivers in the road. We laughed and had a nice time. I found the container port for Tosh my friend who wants me to export from here. So at least I learned that much. It was a very pleasant drive. We returned to Jaco to a huge rain storm OK now I know what there talking about. It was like buckets not lie... the streets were totally flooded in less than a hour or so. I heard that the road from San Jose to here today slid into the valley and killed several people the hill actually slid down into the valley. I am sorta familiar with slids since we have them in Portland and In Seattle and all along the roads to the coast.

I suppose in the next few weeks I will see their Rainy season. I had her drop me off at Sunami, this sushi bar

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