Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Jessica posing too!
Kalin posing as Venus de milo, this is the spot for hte statue in the restaurant

Miro at the site with Eida but he wouldnt let me photograph him sorry
river behind my apartment next to the sea


Ok I slipped away and went to Del Mar, got on the net and was copying and pasting from word document when these four guys walked up to me! Ohh ooooooo I was looking with my eyes wide, hoping they were not management?? They were drinking beer at 2:00 in the afternoon so maybe not? Maybe so? Ya nevah know here.

I was messaging Milo he was in a meeting in New Mexico but he was still talking to me, as well as Sharon from Vancouver Washington, who was telling me she read the blog , and dickey my friend Jon From New York, was telling me how awesome the site is and how he totally thinks its great! Needs more photos, but I tried to tell him that it takes a long time to down load them so we were all talking then Tosh, my Japanese friend in Portland Oregon who wants me to Export Products from here was chatting with me all at the same time. He is putting a site together for me so people can buy the things I find and we can export them to the states. Our plan is to export, souvenirs, and all sorts of food products, and some furniture and house wears. This plan may take a while but I do have some irons in the fire. Milo and I were trying to chat, but there were too many people talking to me at once and the four guys.

Come to find out these guys were the developers for the field next to my place; they are building a huge hotel there, called tropical Sands. I asked them for the gate that is there it has my name on it! I want it for my house on the mountain that I will build. They laughed but I tell ya I am going to get the gate. I asked Carlos about it the day I rented this place, then come to find out I run into these guys and I asked them directly! Tings are weird here… anyway they are building this hotel, one of the guys is from England and he talked to me too. I asked if they needed an Architect!( MILO) of course. Or a designer, but ya nevah know??? Maybe? Michael Beane is the man I talked to the most. He was from Colorado. So In the Morning I may go over there and get on line early and see if I can see them again.

Ok needless to say ICE never showed up again so I guess I go there too in the morning, AND TO THE DENTIST AGAIN! GOD no wonder it’s so cheap.

No really tings happen, the bridge came in but it was the wrong color. He felt so bad he sat next to me in the office and smiled and tried to be nice to me, thinking I was going to bite his head off, after all I missed ICE< TWICE NOW… and I had to bike clear across town he’s on the other end, the fact that I have this head cold or whatever it is? On top of all that is not fun. From the cleaning yesterday and numb mouth throat and tummy, to head cold, no net and now still no phone!! But I didn’t bite his head off, he’s so nice and very good looking so how could I be mean? Besides he has my toothers.. I want my bridge to be good. So patients is a virtue here. I am learning it, so again in the Morning I go to the dentist for the third time; let’s hope that the saying in the states is True, Third times a charm! Besides, he’s pretty pleasant to look at. I do not think I will mind. As long as he doesn’t prick me again and make my tummy numb!

After this I lugged the computer, and my self to the end of the blvd, to see If Eida was around but she wasn’t. I talked to the other Carlos the loud Italian, he was outside the century 21 and he wanted my Hilton contact information, as he has some land he thinks they may be interested in. I was casual with him, I am leary of these guys now after that incident with them the other night.
I then took the bike to the Soda where Danni and Gloria hang out. I saw them both, and sat down and had a tea. Then ordered some arose con Pollo, with plantains. GOD SHE CHARGED ME ALLOT I wasn’t happy with Danni at that point. Then I talked to Gloria for a bit, walked over to Amanda’s and we had a drink, and talked about the blog, and bout her situation there with the house. I guess there going to move. She seemed happy enough. I picked up my things I left there, and we chatted for a while. I walked back to the soda and go the bike, but at this point I had a big bag of stuff and my computer and my purse. Try hauling all that on a bike I am getting rather good at balancing things but it is hard sometimes.

It was getting dark so I thought hmmm maybe I should forgo Poseidon, and hit the trail and get home. It’s a long way to the house from town and there are no street lights so I rushed, rode like a bat out of hell on the bike. Got back here was sweating like a pig, and threw my clothes on the bed and changed, I tossed my hair on top of my head, was washing my hands when I heard a foreign voice? Not Spanish, I listened again and went outside, to find Miro, Not Milo as I thought, his name Is MIRO the Yugoslavian man around 75 to 80 in great shape all white hair and lots of it, very defined facial features still a good looking man but I bet when he was younger was woman killer! This is a man who owns the mountain and the island, and the rest of the mountains.
He had this young Tica girl with him . He told us on Sunday that he was supporting this girl, paying for her school and her education. She is around 9 years old. He asked me if this is where I lived, I said of course would you like to come up? And he said well my house is all dark an I need to go turn on lights but I would like to know where the little girls live? I said oh Eidas? He said yes, I said I would be glad to show you, the fact was I was thinking right before he came. That I wish I could go over there and use her phone and see them, but I was tired and didn’t want to ride all the way back. So he showing up was perfect timing for me. He went to his house and turned lights on he lives right around the corner from me. Took him all of five minutes.

I got in his car and took him to the girls house, Eida was shocked to see us, as we were talking the other day about him she doesn’t understand him at all, I tried to explain what I see and what I know, I said he is a very wealthy eccentric man, He probably gets tons of people wanting things from him. He wants to check you out first and see what you’re about and if you’re ok? I tried to tell him my story, but he is not interested, although I have the feeling he already did with Carlos, in San Jose. I did tell him though that I had run a small business in the states for along long time and rasied two boys pretty much on my own with no help. No man, and no means practically. I told him I made something out of myself from nothing. So that may have stuck in his head. I want badly to tell him all about me, but I think my approach is for him to just let him see who I am in just being a friend, he knows I want to build too, I know there is a reason for meeting him. If not to help him with the restaurant or to have him help me… who knows but I am continuing the friend ship.

Our ride over was interesting, I told him that sometimes I see things around people. Like I see auroras around plants and flowers sometimes, but sometimes I detect or see small shadows around people too, Maybe my eyes are getting old I dunno but I do this just like the ceiling fan WEIRD OK JUST WEIRD… his is white, and very bright. Scares me, I am Leary about talking to him. He is very strong to so that may have allot to do with it.
We get to Eidas as I said she was shocked, we go in and he’s looking around, the girls are instant friends, she directs him to the pool because he wants us to go the Del Mar, Eida says she has a big pool. So he sees it and likes it. He stays and talks to Susie the husky and I.

We talk about trivial things but its ok; I wasn’t in the mood to talk about business or anything no matter, not feeling good. He does say that in December another Marianna is coming to Costa Rica and that she is a very special one, Well I guess I’m big headed but I know I was told many times I was very special, I wanted to use my humor there and say YEP I AM VERY SPECIAL but I didn’t I just listened and wanted to validate my self but no.

We stayed and watched the girls swimming I was cold it wasn’t cold out, just not feeling up to par. He asked me if I was staying as Eida was cooking dinner, I said no I wanted to go home. So we rode back, Mind you he drives just like my dad when he was getting up there, Slow as a turtle and every one was honking, and he almost Crashed into this car at the corner. I yelled loud and he stopped. I thought about my dad at this point, and thought wow I remember how my dad and I had great conversations as he got on in years. I just allowed Miro to talk, he told me somethings, and then he asked me some questions, About Carlos, if I liked him?? I said not in that way but I do find him a very kind and incredible man that I was very impressed with him. He then asked how much is your rent I told him; he said well someone may not know you Marianna, but after knowing you they should lower the price, He should have lowered it for you and he smiled I sat in the car and looked down thinking there is more to what he is saying, that maybe he senses that I am having a hard time and realizes I am a very talented person? Or am I getting to deep in thought? Does he just think that Carlos is over charging?

I did not comment at all, I looked down and then smiled, and said Good night and thank you and I kissed him on the left cheek like all the Ticas’ and Ticos do. He smiled and said have sweet dreams Marianna sweet dreams.

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