Sunday, September 25, 2005

Saturday, Heavy breezes blowing waves are churning

Yesterday was Friday, Didn’t really do a whole lot, but did miss the internet connection at my friend’s house. I went there like four times on the bike back and forth. It was a very dreary day rained most all day in buckets. It rained all through the night too.
I was thinking it would be good to go on the Canopy tour, but the rain and the weather was kinda bad so it wouldn’t be as fun or as pretty.

Interneting yesterday was a little better than normal at least I only got cut off five or so times compared to the constant cuts lately. The day was just a sort of errand day, went to the farmers market and got some fruit, and couple of veggies, then to the x mas permanos. I also got a pedicure from Helene. She has a tiny little shop that now has a grass patio cover over it made with timber bamboo, and palm leaves. She put some plants out on the entry so its kinda getting cute. She had this tiny little white puppy, named Lupita. Lupita may be a cross of something but she was a street Dog, on Sunday I will be puppy sitting for Lupita, she is adorable, so I will take some photos of her.
Later that evening I went home only after visting half the night with my friend. It was such a terrible miserable rain something like we have there in Vancouver, only slightly worse in the case that there is not let up and it rains really hard, sheets of it. The only saving grace is that it is warm and not cold.

In the night I looked out back in the dark as I always and saw still through the rain that Fireflies do flicker? Curious I opened the door and listen to all of the tin roofs, clamor as the rain poured down on them and watched all the fireflies sparkling in the rain. Really cool! I found it soothing and climb in bed actually pulled up a cover and began to write, but fell asleep very quickly.

In the morning the rain continued, but it let up about 8:00 so I quickly got dressed and got on the bike and brought the computer down to Del mar, right around the corner an got on line to see who mailed me. I had like 300 mails, wow! Shawn my webmaster forwarded all the mail From Absolutely Beautiful! That was sitting there, I was shocked. So much mail, plus whatever was there from The love gmail address. So found a couple of business ones in the midst of Viagra commercials and love match’s Astrology’s and more junk mail. Among them were some letters from people whom I have corresponded with from this blog. So that was nice to have some response from this experience also.
I looked for Milo especially to chat live with him and he was on, I got to complaining about a couple of things I was feeling and he got bumped off so I felt like he was very upset with me, I wrote a letter of apology, so I hoped that he was not totally discouraged with my feelings.
I realized later that, It is time for me to rethink my doings with him, and go ahead and juggle my life to correspond with his. Mine is not so crazy as it was, and my responsibilities now are far less than ever, allowing me to be open to a decent relationship hopefully.
Which by this I feel means do what I have to when I return to the states, by selling the house in Vancouver, paying off things, flying to New Mexico to learn more about Milo, see his life style and begin a new and strong relationship. Then return to Costa Rica, which in hope’s that he gains the postion with intel for the project in San Jose` Costa Rica. That way I can continue the new works of being a consultant to Americans in Design for their homes, Gardens, selling Real estate, set up tours, renting ATV’s, not to mention be a help to a few other people who have offered me some work. Then OUR plan is to, Design, build homes and sell them. With Milos expertise, my expertise, I am more than sure we will do very well. The mountain will be ours! The writing with the papers are still in negotiations and I wish that quickly they would come together so I may use that as a form of advertising for what We are about to begin.
It will happen but I know now in TICO TIME!

About the Phone, well they blew me off again so what I did was sit at the desk soaking wet shivering asking for my money back, then when I do return in Dec, I will start the process all over again, this time hopefully get one before the next year? God its funny that the systems here are the way they are, yet in other things its so up to date? Kind of hard to understand since were so conditioned to get things immediately in the states, YET ANOTHER LEARNING EXPERIENCE COMING FROM A FAST FOOD SOCIETY! By that I mean everything is equated in the states to fast food, Fast bank, fast fast fast.. here no fast.. its slow, and very slow in some cases, unless you grease the palms.

Oh yeah and I saw in the very beginning, allot of Italians, well I suppose there are other societies here in effect. Just a mention.

Well while I was blogging the other day the coco man was up in the trees, he was trimming them and cutting down all the coconuts at del mar, he saw me watching him and I Photographed him doing this he smiled from way up on top and gave me the thumbs up. He was clear across the way with coconuts and drinking the pepa juice, I was watching him and thinking in my head god I wish I could have one and see what it is like, at that very moment he turned, now mind you he was more than 250 or more feet away, he turned and raised up the coconut to me? I nodded, he then walked all the way from the beach and came with it all ready for me to drink. It was heavy and I drank and drank really good and refreshing, Not like the ones in the states, it had lots of soft goowee fleshy meat. The liquid was not real sweet but sweet, cool and lots of it. I was shocked that he could read my mind or was I reading his?

Fun that I got to see that, and share that experience with just him and I. Later I went home and though god I should have brought the coconut with me, but it was so big and I had the computer and the bike too much to try to balance.

Well again I spent the night with Eida, wow seems like all the time, I do not know what she is going to do when Joey gets back from the USA? We tried to install the wireless remote but I needed a another piece of a router. So I couldn’t do it. Getting this morning to some loud speaker, with some guy yelling about something on a mic, there are trucks here that go around screaming out commercials and that is what I work to. We made the coffee and sat out by the pool the sun was out and it was very nice, drinking our coffee much to my shock , was a iguana leaping from the tree above and diving into the pool!!! wow I couldn’t believe my eyes. It swam around I watched so did Susie the husky, and Eida did the laundry and the starting cutting the yard. I took tons of photos funny thing, never knew iguanas like to swim??
Then Miro showed up, of course never said a word to me again so I got up called this guy to come and fix the internet, got dressed borrowed the car and went to internet and came home. I must have left the refrig door open cause everything in the frig was hot, dang it I just bought all this stuff. I cranked it up so I hope its not burned out. I cleaned up and sat down and ate this little tiny lemon meringue, that the Amish made, God they make GREAT STUFF! I bought a bunch of there jelly to bring to Tosh to see if we want to begin to export it? Also I thought this morning that I would bring back the coffee of my choice now, and some guado liquor they make here, and a couple of other things for my friends and family. I know that Jordan is gonna love this sauce they have here called LIZANO.. good yummy stuff..
Well I must go into town and go the century 21 to email my new realtor! YEAH CRISTINE!! I hope she sells the house quick, If your interested email me ok?, then to Eidas to return the car and do somethings over there, if it clears up I may go to the canopy. But it looks pretty bleak.
Pick up Lupita at 5:00 and see what I have to do for her. She is so cute!

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