Thursday, September 08, 2005

Thursday Update

Out side the front window of the apartment
This is the view outside my bedroom Window of my apartment
The Pepa Man rides around selling coconuts
KALIN and JESSIE Eidas Girls
Joey and Jessie, Eidas kid with the pet Squirel OH GOD!! I HATE THEM!!
Carlos the loud Italian, and Ron and attorney

Well its been a while, Allot has transpired since I was here last. I had a meeting with a man who is in charge of this huge development. At first they wanted me to be the designer for all there American clients which are allot, then after the meeting I found out they really want me to be a part of the team, that sells, and designs, and also designs a web pate for all there listings. It was a long meeting it lasted most of the night which included Carlos, and Ron Acosta, and the lawyer. We had sushi, and drinks the best sushi I ever ate, the place was Sunami, in the center of Jaco.
They had Wireless access there, so we looked at the site and checked things out. It looked it like it went well.
The day was filled with many events, it began with me going to the pawn shop to find a tv, they only had one it was tiny and black and old, he wanted 100 bucks. Nope not for me.I rode the bike with heels and a cute dress on in pink to the jewerly shop to fix my necklas that got broken while swiming at Eidas one day. They were siesta till too do no luck there. I rode across the courtyard to this coffee shop called movement and had a expresso, and a brownie and talked to the man there for around 20 minutes, then rode back to Jaco bell and then to Amandas house to freshing up.
I rode then about a mile to this development called La Flor, it is really cool, talked with the security guard while waiting for Ron Acosta, the man was suppose to me with to be a part of the company.
La Flor is a great little community mostly Americans modern mediterrainean style.
He told me about this tree that they took down, and well I decided through much talking that I would do a story on this very precious almost extinct tree. This one was over 300 or more years old. A prized wood. I may be obtaining it and having it go to a mill to mill the wood for the house I intend to build on the hills In Hermosa, overlooknig the beach. The hills are all lush and mostly jungle with parrots, and monkeys and tucans and more! GOD I HAVE SO MUCH TO WRITE.... right now I am sitting outside of the place that has wireless internet sweating like crazy trying to concentrate on this and I just want to leave and go find a place where I can sit in air.
Anyhow~~~~~~~ the day went on to meeting Ron and having a great sushi dinner, with drinks as I said and meeting up with Carlos my Italian friend whos a realtor, and his attorney. Carlos is a very ITALIAN MAN LOUD AND CRAZY, he says I look exactly like his older sister! so ahemmmmm no hope with any sort of boyfriend connection with him! which is fine with me hes too loud and crazy.. I like my Milo but if only he was here and not in the states.
We ended up having many drinks, and went to the monkey bar where Ron got too drunk and lef tme there, he had my keys. in his car. I was pretty upset that he just up and left, but the strong woman I am started walking at 1:00 on the streets,and ran into of all people CARLOS! He was drunk too and just had finish eating at the La Flor the soda around the corner from Amandas house. He saw me in the dark walking with my high heels in the mud and in a dress, almost crying, because I had no keys to have to bang on the gate and wake up Amanda and the babies that late I would be asking for real Hell... he took me under his wing and then called a cab he wanted to take me to his house, But I said no take me to Eidas, so we went to Eidas, and banged on her gate and she opened it up. I sat with her till 2:00 and talked then slept on the couch. The next morning Joey took me home. I met at 11:00 with another Carlos, my landlord of my new Apartment that is so darling sitting near the moutain on the south end of Jaco, right on the beach. It only has four apartments and I am on the top right looking at the moutain right in front of me, and out the back the beach and its right there, palms and all.
Carlos is From San Jose` he came to meet me after seeing my site, and wanted to personally find out what type of person was renting his place. We had a great day, he took me all over, finding the cable, setting up my phone, finding a phone, a radio, no Tv I can not afford it here.. Finding me pots and pans and towels. He even moved me to the apartment. Wow these people here are so kind and so warm and so helpful! I was so overwhelmed with the kindness.
The day was full, I think this decision to come To Costa Rica was the best thing I have ever done. The welcomeness of the community is so amazing.

Now, I should be writting for the AM Costa Rica, about this 300 year old tree that was cut down from and area that was untouched for a complex that is going developed, this tree is very prized wood, in the next post I will tell you the name. I do not want ot give it away yet. Anyway the neighbor in brief petitioned not to cut this tree, but of course even though it is near extinction the developer did not care.

So I talked to the owner of the tree, the developer, and some nieghbors, to get information on the area the tree and the feelings of the comunity. I will writing the story soon.
I am sure that the USA will be very interested in the thoughts of Costa Ricans on the eniviroment and there concerns on the effects of the depletion of the forest.

Be looking for photos of the Aparment and how beautiful it is! I can not wait for my sons and my friends to come and say and visit, there all gonna want to stay and never leave.
Or least be happy

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