Thursday, September 15, 2005

Red white and blue, Costa Rica Independence day

Today is Costa Rica’s Independence Day from Guanacaste`. I really do not know the whole story but I got to participate in there parade and celebration. But before that, yesterday I went to get the teeth fixed, and yes the bridge was in and he cemented in my mouth only after numbing me again.Oh yeah and no phone yet, I kinda lost my patients with the people at Ice, only after Eida showed up behind me and put her hands over my face, I felt her ring and knew it was her.. She told them they had promised me over and over, but Ticos do not know how to tell the truth when they are in business. They are so polite that they hate to tell you that you phone may take a whole month!!! So I was a little upset after having three hours of no power, and water then to find out once again that I will wait how many more days until I get service, I wasn’t exactly rude I just said well it was easy for you to take my money but not so easy for you to install the phone on time? Manana` manana~ manana~~~~~~ Little did I know, that the guy was talking to this was his first day so he got the rath of an Americana, name Marianna… So I suppose on Friday if there open since it is Independence Day today and the rest of the week is Celebration That I may have to go and eat crow and apologize for my American Behavior.

Aside from all that the rest of day was pretty much ok. I went as I said to the dentist and got my bridge, now the teeth look great! Feels so strange though because there porcelain and when you bite down it feels like a plate in your mouth. I went to Century 21 to email my idiot Realtor in the states, who will not respond to my mail, or do his job!! To tell him I want him to be released from the contract since he has negated it by not doing his job.. here it would be easy, there are no laws or licenses.. there in the states its not.
So I did that, then I emailed my sister, and Brandon, and tried to email a couple of other people including Hap Clint’s friend The internet was free there so I just hooked up. Besides there all so nice in there, they all know me know Carlos, Alisha, Tom, and about five other realtors. They all treat me very well.

Then I rode to Eidas as I promised to help her with the girls and the house for the celebration today. They made these candle holders in shapes of house’s and hearts to hold at night and parade down the street. We went to the school and watched the girls and all the other children with there Candle holders lots all different types. Very interesting to me, how they all constructed them and they all know the tradition of walking down the road to represent the independence Celebration the night before. After we ate at this soda by Eidas house. I couldn’t eat anything hard since my teeth were just cemented, he suggested I take it easy for a while. So I ate scrambled eggs and gallo de pinto. ( Black beans and white rice) also some kind of beet salad that I liked allot.

We then went to the shop and got some papers for something and met these other people at another Soda and talked and laughed. It was a woman Named Patrica, with her friends I do no remember his name he was a tico Patricia is White around 64 and has been in Costa Rica for a number of years. She was a tall older blonde Italian American.. with a heavy southern accents. Said she knew Bush.. I don’t want to talk about that conversation, it made me mad since I really dislike Bush and his Idiot ways. Lets just say we shared the same views!

She was a gas I really liked her, A true professional person who had humor and candor and honesty. I aked her about her children and how they felt about her in her age living in Costa Rica, she exclaimed that one daughter hated it and thought it was fine for her mom, and understood that her mother had to do what she needed to live her life. Since she was a clinical Psychiatrist, and had her own life in the states. Her son thought it was interesting but really was set up in the states and misses his mom but he had his own life and he was an Architect too! Her other daughter is married to a piano player from a very famous Rock band in the states, and she was practically raised here and thought it was wonderful that her mother was doing some good here In Costa Rica! She is single too so we had a great conversation.

Eida , Patricia and I are all going to working together on some real estate dealings. When she found out I was a designer for events parties and homes and gardens… we came up with an Idea! She has put together several Charity balls here for The children, for computers, books music, and more. So her and I are going to throw a charity ball with Marriot supporting us and sponsoring us, I will coordinate it and design it and advertisse it she will get all the money’s and the publicity for the schools. It may a huge thing ! so I am very excited about this. I want to help the kids, They are very well educated here, I can tell you that this is there priority more thaanything else. EDUCATION IS NUMBER ONE.

We left and Eida did not want me to go home again God I am getting to the point where I just want to go to my own place and have some quiet time.. but no she said stay I need you in the morning with the girls for the parade.
In the morning we got the girls ready well she did anyhow I made coffee, and ironed for them, and tried to calm nervious nelly Jessie down. She was an Honor student in the parade, the best in the school. And her class…

Come to find out She was the leader of the parade! I was so proud of this little one she is very very smart! She lead the huge parade through the town. It was colorful, Red, white and blue are there colors just like ours. The people were all dressed so nice and in there country colors most of them anyhow.

I took tons of photos, so on the next post it will nothing but photos. The parade just like the ticos was slow took forever and the town is small but it was fun, and I noticed that hardly anyone smiles? Strange but I did notice Wow they sure know how to keep the beat, and they have major rhythm. The little ones can dance in the parade like I never saw… the shimmy and they shake, and the foot work ok I was having fun watching. I was thinking wow I couldn’t have planned this better than to see there actual cultural celebration. I drove the car to the end to pick up Kalin and Jessie. Kalin was a representing the county of Cartago, all dressed in costume, and Jessie was the Honor student of the year.

After we drove to the house and when we arrived who was sitting in the car but Miro, and some man??? They were waiting for me??? OH GOD I HAD NO SHOWER THE SAME CLOTHES AS YESTERDAY IT WAS HOT AND MUGGY AND I WAS SWEATY AND NO MAKEUP HAIR WAS GROSS…I was so mortified! Yeah they were waiting on me. He wanted to introduce me to this Famous Costa Rican Artist, who of course was single. He was of Italian Decent so Miro was doing his little match making thing. I tried to be polite, but I was not happy I didn’t want to meet anyone, I wanted to get my stuff and my bike and ride home, take a shower get cleaned up and go on the internet to see I could talk to Sharon and Milo and who ever else was on. Read my mail and get on the with the day. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOO

They followed us in I went potty, then came out, Eida said change your top so I did, then I went with them to have coffee all sweaty and ugly and grouchy no less. Brother WHATEVER!!! I WAS NOT FEELING ENTERTAINING OR alluring. Miro went on and on about how I was talented and beautiful and Italian .. I was fuming in side. We had coffee and I finally told the man who was very portly, and teeth were kind of bad
( honestly I can not remember his name but he is a Famous Artist here) I said I am all dirty I need a shower and I am sorry but I am very embarrassed and would like to go home.
He could tell I was not into this, Miro insisted he touch me and put his knee next to me I was getting more and more frustrated. But I smiled and didn’t say a word.
As we drove Miro suggested that he take all the girls and me If I like to go to the Marriots los Suenos tonight for juice and hor’s de orves but he called them something else. So I hope that , this man does not come along.I do not understand why people think its necessary to try to set me up?? All I know is that I need to nice to Miro, he is the mountain, and mountain keeps coming to me. Something about me, is I wont compromise my feelings just because someone is setting me up. I will say it like it is if I do not like the situation.

Now I am going to shower go sneak down to Del Mar and interenet then Call Eida to pick me back up, so I can get my things and my bike and go to the store to dye my hair and at least accomplish some things for my own self. Besides I want to talk to Milo and see what the plans are for Intel and Oct, We may just fly back to Portland together when I return to the states. Then back here in December.

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