Friday, September 02, 2005

Bus rides, San Jose, great fun, Sarchi

Ok Well I got on the bus right here in front of Jaco Bell, around 11:25, on Weds.
The bus is huge, not airconditioned and at the point of picking me up was not very full.
We rode around Jaco and picked up a few other people, then stopped all along the way picking and dropping till it was standing room only. I had a window seat near the back of the bus.. The bus attendant told me I had to sit in a certain area as this is where the people going to San Jose are suppose to sit. Soon the whole bus was full. I had not bought a ticket yet,so the bus attendant told me in a while he will collect. The ride was not bad actually it was pleasant, with the window open you could smell the air and the breeze was not that hot. Not one person on the bus smelled, in tha close of quaters, I actually could smell all their purfumes, trust when I say they like purfume! it wasn't strong but each time some one got a waf would come my way.
It took a little over two hours along beach, over hills and over huge moutians. Into rain forest clouds, as we traveled upward to the top of the mountains. Rolling roads potholes and many cars, motorcycles passing on any side of the road they can. We stopped in Orotina, a small agriculture town. At the stop, this man got on selling fruit's bagged green mango with lime, mango with salt and chili, Pepa, in a bag with a peice of pepa in it! Coconut juice with the coconut in the little plastic bag, reminding me of the gold fish you get at the store, when they plop them into a bag and you carry it home like this.. They do allot of things like that, always in some sort of plastic bag. No cups no cans, they do give you a straw if you want but most people tear a small hole in the bag and drink it like that. I watched intently as they all drank there pepa. I just drank bottle water. This man rode for about a mile and then got off on the next stop where we all got down and went to the bathroom, got something to eat or fruit, and got back on for the ride. It was a pretty ride, I did not mind it at all, in fact I was thinking the whole time this would be a good way to see things and learn all the road ways. Costing only $2.10 cents for the long haul. Very cheap.

From the moment of getting on though there was a problem, one man of course sitting right in front of me was on his cell phone and continued to talk as the attendant tried to get his attention so to move out of the seat. He was in the wrong area, but he ignored him causing this very nice young man with blonde surfer type hair to get red in the face. I was watching the attendant the whole time he continued peacefully to ask him to get up, the man ignored... he continued he ignored untill he got all the people who were suppose to sit in his area up and behind him as a back up to get him to move... He then rose his voice and wow he got really red. Ok I am thinking this is my first experience on the bus and the fight is right in front of me! OH BOY.. A bit nervious but not much really, actually I was amuzed by the whole thing.

I thought it was funny actually as the man on the cell phone had no clue how many people where thinking exactly what I was WHAT A ASS!

He did move finally after this big man came over with the attendant, all the while th bus is going . I did not have a ticket so eventually he had to come to me as I said, and I had no clue how much it was! this young girl, actually looked Italian sat next to me, she had her Ipod on and was singing rocking out, we said maybe four words to each other I aked her how much was the ride, she told me two dollars in spanish.

The cute attendant, kinda reminded me of david spade, came over and collect his money from me. When they all got off in Orotina, I sat and watched her bags and handed her a 500 colones piece, to get me more water. She brought back change. So I asume the water was less than a $1.oo since 481 colones is equal to a $1.00.

Upon arriving to the Air port which is where I told Milo to pick me up. I saw lots of people there getting on and off. I sat on a bench with my suitcase for maybe two minutes when I HEARD MARIANNNNNNNNNA with a roll.. I looked up in this little gray car ws Milo Smiling. His real name is Steven, Milo, Chavez, an Architec for Intel and lives in New Mexico.
I hopped in he asked what do you want to do, immediately I repsonded, EAT!! so we drove around finding nothing, untill we ended up near San Jose a place called PAVA, drove lost for a while but niether one of us cared, actually it was fun.. No worries just aimlessly driving. Although I had a heahache and was starving, I was still in a pleasant mood. I just felt happy to be with someone who was from AMERICA!

All of sudden I looked around and we were in the best area in the world to me! THe design district yeah!!! I was so happy, we found what I was thinking of doing which was trying to find out where the interior design people go, the furniture district, and the home accessory district, well we stumbled on it and it was way past my expectations! Better than Seattle and in fact very sohpisticated. I found the most perfect store called Octubre 54 Awesome furniture and accessories. Huge vases, very high quality furniture and the displays were surpassing what I have seen in Portland Oregon.!!! ok I was a very impressed woman at this point. Milo stopped because we saw a restuarant around there, although it was Chinese I did not want Chinese.
I wanted Mexican, mind you Costa Rican food is not like Mexican, Its Most like hmmm UMmm Not Mexican ha! So We went into the Octubre 54 which by the way has a site on the net.. and Milo and I both went nuts! we Both like the same things, very strange, Everything He liked I loved everything I loved he liked. We had fun.. just imagining what we could do with all that and how a house with that would be great on a hill over looking Hermosa la playa. The beach!

We continued to look at other shops, and then on the corner was this very nice very classy Mexican place.. Ya know I have to say this, believe it or not?? This was all divined and meant for the both of us. All the things I had said to him on the ride happened right before our eyes. Like we knew where all this was, but neither one of us knew where the hell we were???!!!! it was right around the biggest park in San Jose a very lovely grand park, HUGE, the roads run parallel to the park.

We got in the restuarant, and sat alone again, seems like every where we go we have the place to ourselves, yet there are tons of people around.. the place was dark for the most part but all open to the road no windows...I chose to sit in the back byt the sky light with the water feature little mexican pots all staggered, at different levels pouring water on both sides of the room. It was perfect, we orderd guacamole, patacones, fried bananas, fried yucca, onions, a beans, so yummy then we had jade Margaritas, and he had a beer. Our food came it was a large plate of three types of tacos, pork, chicken and beef all done very authentic style SO GOOD!! I had two margis, then we walked around and looked for more things.
Went down the road and found this pottery place with pots all outside, my head was still hurting so we rode down this hill and found a farmacia, and got some strong asprins, only took like five minutes to work. GREAT!! by this time the Traffic was gridlock.. so many people in San Jose. This is a huge busteling city, with cars along with bikes, trucks taxis, motorcycles all riding ontop of each other, CRAZY!! Milo suggests the moment I was thinking, no like the very moment, that we go to a baro... an sit and have another beer to avoid the traffic.

So we did, we we got there they were playing all American Music, there are a couple of stations here that play our same stuff plus, and there is one that plays all American Classics, that is what was on in this little cute partially out side inside restuarant and bar. Across the street on the top of the hill, was a wood maker, right on the edge of his house which sat on the hill looking at us, he had built a deck and worked on the deck overlooking the traffic and the bar.

We Talked for the longest time, we had good conversations, meaningful ones not trivial, but with my humor and now I found someone whos just as funny a jab here and there gets slipped in.
I got into this conversation about my sons, I kinda told Milo some things I wasn't going to tell but anyhow I did, it wasn't bad stuff just stuff about my life and the boys and how I felt. I was talking about Jordan calling, and moments later he did... then I was telling him all about Brandon, and how I see in him a hurt, a pain, and I knew why. I was thinking heavy about Brandon when Jordan called...he said he was talking to Brandon earlier and that he was depressed sounding. When I hung up I told Milo, we talked about Bran some more...then this song came on the radio I bust out in tears as it was one he made me play over and over when he was about four.. something about shawdows lurking up and down the blvd, At this moment can not remember the name but I know when he reads this he will, well I started to cry, thinking about him, mind you I had one beer at this point so it wasn't the beer! it was just the talk about him Jordan calling when Iwanted him too then the song... so strange. The whole day was as if I knew it before.
We left after that and went to this huge mall.. I WAS WILD IN THERE!! GOD I COULD NOT BELIEVE MY EYES... so many cool stores, designer stores and more, better than the malls I saw in Vancouver or In Portland. Wow I will never have to worry about being out of style here. Then I started staring at how people very classy very nice. The shoes , the hair, the clothes.. YEAH!! happy girl! we looked at all kinds of things it was so fun. But we did not buy anything. We decided to go the huge Marriots and hang out and listen to music and have something called Cassi cassi. A great drink with Cassis, and Cass. YUMMY AND WOW Good! The Marriots was very impressive, the setting was super tropical Mediterrian style, with a center courtyard that was open to sky looking up around 7 stories or more, music was playing as you entered, candles were lit in these huge stone bowls like troths, incredible everywhere you looked candles were burning, the amibience was just astounding. I saw thes people making large arrangements in a events area, Milo commented on them as well as I did, saying that was my life for many many years working on site and making so many beautiful things for hotels and parties it was fun to be on the outside looking in. Wow I was in a world here too, I laughed and almost cried to be so happy, honestly I have not felt this way in so many years that I didn't know how to contain myself.
Milo is a very sweet Romantic man, this was his idea to take me here to let me experience this magnificent place. We walked all through the grounds looking over the huge pool all lit at night with palms of all sorts sawying in the cool breeze surrounding it, including flowers and ginger, planters palms and many types of flora. We walked to the really big hot tub area and saw a couple having a nice evening in the tub we just walked around them and looked back at the grand hotel all lit up in the night like a glowing icon.

Walking back up the grand staircase which was outdoors had candles lit on the stairs and giant bowls made of stone everywhere with flowers and candles in them.
The Feeling there was pure romance. I could see where many people would want to come to this place and get married right in the hotel.
If only there was a place like that when I was doing all those big events in Portland.. God!
Milo and I walked into the Courtyard in the center and looked all the way up, the palms in there were so perfect as if it was painted in a picutre. The walls had a fountain that spued water out of them into a troth all inlayed with tile.
We then walked around the back of the wall up a huge staircase and walked around the courtyard looking down into it, there were groupings of Furniture with candles and flowers and great looking Bowls and Huge hand blown glass vases,and bottles all over with art and artifacts. Just incredible... I began to laugh incideously... because here I was thinking that Costa Rica was this primative culture with no luxury, no beauty as I knew in the states. Yet this was far surpassing what I could have ever imagined... there fore blowing my theory all the hell!! WOW this was so incredible.

The lighting was low and the atmostphere was nearly perfect, No music was playing but that changed quickly. We walked outside to the Veranda where there were lots of couches, and cushy chairs, with tables and sofa tables with large arrangements on them and candles on the tables. Milo suggested that we have a casi casi.. this tanish colored creamy icy drink, made with Guado, Casis, and cas. with a swirl of lime rhine on the edge. Really good display, and Really good taste. extremely yummy.

We had one and talked it was so nice I saw fireflies, and heard all the katydids,frogs and crickets. There were only a few people there, so it was pretty quiet. Then the music started, a mix of jazz and latino. Really nice.. I got up to dance and Milo took my photo, because I was dancing the band decided to play a little longer so Milo and I a dance together having a great time. We sat back down and ordered another, talked and laughed.. then as we were walking back he ran into the head of the project he was hired to come there in Costa Rica for. He and this man talked for a lenght of time while I listened on, not interrupting at all. Until Milo tell's him I am billion aire! I laughed so hard but is was kinda funny. Then we went to leave I saw a drunk lady very pretty, older nicely dressed in a dark flowing pantsuit, she had a huge bundle of Casa blanca lilies, you know the really pretty pure white ones? Then we came across two of his fellow workers at Intel we chatted and I watched the lady get into the car, I could smell the Casas, from way across the way. I took a huge sniff, You see these are some of my favs, I have allot of them I will admitt, but working events, doing parties and weddings I know all the flowers in the world, this one brings many many memories, even my sons, love these ones.. Jordan would always stick his head in the buckets of them when I was working on Weddings with these... so All those thoughts quickly flew threw my head while Milo and his workmates talked.

We walked to the back parking lot and lown and behold this car comes right behind us it was the lady with the casa's. I Mention to Milo that I could smell them from in the car, he said What?? I said the flowers she was carrying. We were already in the car when they pulled up, he got out of the car walked over to her in the car and said they were beautiful, and that his lady liked those and could he get one or so for his lady? she said of course and handed him a stem... they were the asiatic type not the huge giangantic ones. I smiled and thought was a chivirous man this Milo was. Something you do not find, in this day in most men. It was such a sweet thought, and believe me right now three days later I sit here typing away with music blaring and a bowl of Freshly cut pineapple and strawberries the smell of the Casa's are filling the warm room, and the sent with the pineapple is making me feel so happy, thinking about all this. This is truly a memorable week, one I will never ever forget! the casa had two blooms when he got it for me now it had three and almost the fouth is ready to open.. AWEEEEEI LOVE the smell of these.

We drove back the the hampton which was where he was staying, went in and he got on line, I got in bed and watched CNN and watched the Hurricane news, the first I had seen it because I do not have TV, I couldn't watch it I asked him to turn it off.

The evening was wonderfull and I really enjoyed all the adverntures of the day and night.. Milo is genuine, and I know he and I will ever remain as friends if not more.

He really attends to me, rubbing my feet, and my back.. something I really always loved. Clint my Assistant in the states, is Going to Massage therapy school and he would rub me completely, Milo could learn a little from him but honestly he does very well, better than I would have thought.

The next morning Milo brought me breakfast while I was still sleeping. He told me to take along hot bath and soak my feet, My aerobic shoes are bad and I injured one of my ankles he could tell when he rubbed my feet. So I followed his suggestion, because where I live in Jaco, there is no tub and no hot water.

I ran a big tub, and sat and soak, drank this good juice he got me it was guava, pineapple and orange. YUM POG!! ME LIKY... I soaked for about a half hour got ready and he was on line doing work, he was suppose to have a big meetiing about the new buildings for Intel, but he wrote and said he was not coming`~~~~~~~~~~ I wonder why :)

We Ended up going to the mall, where Milo and I walked and I went nuts again, I got this cutest top in Carribean blue, lime green , brown and white, strapless with one string about the neck, and the bottom had points on either side longer in other words on the sides. then I found a cute white skirt with double ruffles like the undies we wore as a child.. haaaaaaaaaaa then a pretty satin white cami with sparkles and a dip on the side on your hip.

I found cute Brazilian Green and white shoes that matched for only $14.00 the above cost me 28 dollars for all three pieces. Then Milo took me to this Argentina Siliver store, where he bought me this hand made bracelett of silver with a slit on the wrist, and some matching drop earings,and a pair of large silver hoops. Honestly I was going to buy these and he wouldn't let me he just jumped in and got them.


It didn't stop there, We went on to find areobic shoes , I wanted New balance since Brandon always told me those are the best for me. so I found some, they were around 41 dollars on sale, so I asked the sales clerk to get my size which here a 7 is a 37, She came out and they didn't have any. But she did have some cuter ones that were higher of course! but Milo the Man he is bargined with her and got her down on the price, I went to pay for them and he made me put my money away.. AWE HOW SWEET IS THIS??? I was so happy this time I felt happiness about the shoes! We walked about and then eneded near the exit as We needed to go.We were suppose to go to Sarchi the artisans village above Grecia. As we left we saw the sunglass hut, and he got me a pair of cool sunglasses, the TCBY!! ok if any of ya all know me..TCBY I really like.. I had again that pina colada one its green here.Yummy and he had a peach one. Upon entering the parking lot, there was a man out there with a little machine looked like a rocket, it was a portable car wash strange thing but cool.. he offered people to wash the car while they were in the mall.WHAT A COOL IDEA.SoI took a photo of it and of Milo eating his TCBY.

We headed towards Sarchi looking all the way for a mamones stand but none, lots of other things thought.

We rode in Grecia a small community rather Nice actually not as many bars on the windows, nestled in a hillsides of coffee fields and sugar cane farms. Maybe even som pineapple farms. Completely different terran than Jaco and the jungle areas I have seen. More like hillsides with lots of terracing.

We rode through town trying to find the only road that leads to Sarchi, but to our bumbling we did not find it no matter how many people we asked we could not find the road. We did see wild Impatients,and l.arge cornstalk plants, you know the ones you have in the office or in the house? Well they make Fences with these and actually put them lined up like soilders all around the property. We asked this little boy on a bike if he knew the road it was a small road that ran through Grecia, was a part of Grecia, then it winds around the moutians and turns into Sarchi, the place where furniture and wicker, paintings art and crafts from the community are sold.

Really a great place, I loved it even though it rained the whole time.We found lots of goodies from a crafter making furniture and wicker as I said to a wood carver of fine designs on furniture, doors, or cabinets .Milo and I ate at this little place we just had a beer and some cevechi, it was sea bass not my fav, but the salsa and chips were great!

We roamed around and saw so many pretty hillsides. Untill I suggested that we go to a Soda I saw on the way in, that sat over a hill by itself overlooking the coffee hills.So he did, and I ordered for us one chicken and one pork Casada. It had the carmelized bananas I like so much. I also had guannabana its a tasty drink with milk and ice frothy and creamy and so good.

We ate and talked , the man and woman who ran the Soda talk to Milo Asking if he was A grngo, he said yes, she told us she was from Mexico, not Costa Rica. They also told me I as beautiful and that my eyes were so pretty. How nice I thought how sweet.. the son talk to us he was in colledge, looked gay to me.. probably was.

We decided to go back to the hotel rather than driving back to Jaco that night, as it was raining pretty hard , and it was becoming dark. I suggested that I ride the bus back instead of him driving me. That way Milo was safe, and I got to spend one more evening with him making our time together last a bit longer.He was excited that I suggested this.

When we got back he called about the bus they said it was all full, I got upset they said I had to take a cab to the coca cola station and then catch the bus to Jaco, well this area is known for mugging and robbing.So I was really upset.. to left there to fend for my self which I have before but I was not in the mood for danger

He called about the Private bus they said they were full too, but in the morning we called and it had an opening.So the hotel booked me.

Milo had to fly back to the states, and I back to Jaco. The time that Milo and I spent to gether was wonderful the best the most perfect and fun time. I really enjoyed him and felt so comfortable, he is very romantic, and so attentive.JUST WHAT THE DOCTORED ORDERD! needless to say I was bit teary eyed when we departed. I tried not to cry at all but he kept saying all this wonderfull stuff and making me just want to weep. I didn't know I held tight and hugged him and said its not the end, I know I will see you again soon. That Intel is going to call you back in a short time to have you handle all there affairs for the new buildings, He suggested he sell his house and the two of us build houses, and sell them here. Me being a designer and he being an architec, hmmmmmm what an amazing idea???? Sounds pretty darn good to me. But time will tell it always does. Ths advernture this week was a true milestone in my life.

One that will forever be cherished and smiled upon, many good feelings, happiness, and emotions were struck by both. Even the moments of tears that he displayed as he left me was a good feeling, to think that someone actually cared enough to show me that he could break his manly walls down and display his emotions to me meant allot.

His tears were soothing ointment to my ailing and sore emotions that have been in the past battered and abused. This is a very good man. I blessed God on the way back for him and prayed that he was every happy and that eveything he touched was profitable and blessed. That carried over into also asking god to touch my sons lives with happiness and blessings as well as my sister, whom I have not heard from in months... I prayed for her health and her happiness and her understanding in her sister, ME>

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