Friday, September 23, 2005

Teaching Eida to drive the new car

Teaching Eida to drive on the jungle road

Rose again at 6:00 I really do not know how I do this with out a clock, or anything to wake me but I wake up every day about the same time??? I made the coffee and looked out the back window at the sea, I could See Carl whites Car in the house that he owns behind the apartments.
Carl or Carlos is the owner of these places. He is a very nice man; I really like listening to him talk. He came up last night before going to the back house and chatted with me for a while, we talked about Miro, and what a strange situation he put me in and how I felt very odd with him. Carl is very pleased with our conversation, he talks such cute broken English and so animated. I enjoy his presents, and he really thinks good of me I can tell by all his complements. Obviously he was in corporate Costa Rica and is now retired. A very smart man, gentle and kind to boot. He has gone to my site and read all about me, and I suppose he read the blogs too? I dunno but he seems to know allot about me and is very happy to have me as a tenant.
He likes all my attention detail, and noticed every little thing I have done to the place so far. God what would he do if he really saw what I could do? I have to laugh its very sweet. He was here to talk to a new tenant today so he comes up from San Jose and spends the night.

After coffee I looked out and tried to use the binoculars but no bird’s this morning, I cut some fresh pineapple. This was a yellow one and wow what a flavor. I honest to god cannot believe how things taste there so sweet and no chemicals. I warmed up these little cresent rolls I bought from the Amish again. Those are yummy. Then I got dressed to ride in to the gym.
Well yesterday When I was looking into the jungle I knew there were snakes there of course there is, well today when I was riding, I noticed I had two flat tires.. so I went kinda of slow because if I hit one of the potholes it would blow the tire out and then I would be suck. So in my slow pace I noticed my surroundings more than I had before, as I looked to my left right after the horses, and the first little river. I saw this Tiger looking bird again and I stopped the bike. Looked at him or her probably him… he had a long long snake in his mouth it was red and I think it was a coral snake. I KNEW THERE WERE SNAKES IN THERE GOD I WAS PETRIFIED! All I could do was watch him eat it. There were two men working across the way filling in the soil in this field, they had to look too.

As I rode I smelled the air the rain had made the yalang yalang smell so good today. And the Rivers were very swollen and dirty interesting to see the change and the rush of the water. I stopped at my biciletta shop, before the gym and had him fill my tires. He now whistles at me when I ride by, its only a friendly whistle, this is what most everyone does when they want your attention or they come to your house they whistle. So you know you have company. I remember my father always doing that, he would whistle as he approached your house or you. So it’s a very familiar thing to me. I like it too I always whistle now at people whom I am beginning to know.

Gym was yoga Pilates, I am getting much better at the down ward dog, and the stretches that make you pretzelized. My friend was struggling; it is very hard to do. When we were finished we went to her house and she made me breakfast. Hot dogs split and fried, eggs scrambled, beans, papaya, and coffee. I looked at the sausage and noticed it was hot dogs? This is what they use here for sausage. We ate it was good then we hopped in the car and I taught Eida how to drive. We went to the road that goes into the mountains and jungle and leads up to the Aerial tram and canopy tour. Wow this was very pretty, and so untouched. Lots of wild life and flowers, trees guancaste, which is to us these HUGE SILK TREES. If Clint saw these he would totally freak out. Now I know why his father loved these trees now.
They are gigantic and so cool sprawling and filled with pink fluffy flowers. My mother had one in the front yard, it never did very well but it was pretty. That tree was miniscule compared to these monsters.

It was fun she is a very fast learner, didn’t take her long to learn how to shift and clutch. We drove the road maybe three or four times and she was ready for the real road. Before the road we went into the canopy tour and checked it out. So To use for the office when she opens it, I am suppose to be helping her with this. It’s going to have tours, ATVS and Real estate. So we set up a connection with them so that we can help visitors who come to town. This tour is first class and very very nice. I think maybe this weekend I may just go on it to see it for myself bring my new binoculars to see things!!

We were on the road in about a hour of practice, she did well. As we left the horses were making there way up the road.
We rode all over town and did errands. Picked up the girls from school, then I dropped of the laundry and she went to the bank, while I bought ice cream for the girls. We watched this truck bring this GIANT UMBRELLA That was made out of bamboo to a restaurant or something it was huge. It is fun to the watch the street lots goes on there.
The rest of the day was spent there. I did go net and talked to Milo for quite a while. He is really missing me, and I kinda miss him too. I wish he was here. He did request the Costa Rica project for Intel so I hope he gets it!

If he does, we are going to build a house get it all decked out and sell it, and build another one and carry on. With the two of us we should do pretty well.

I can not wait to be looking out my window at the sea and having a nice pool to dip into and have lots of visitors from all over the world come to see me. I know that If I have a great place it will encourage people to visit.

I talked to Sharon today that was nice.

Tomorrow Gym is Step which I won’t do I delete the step and just to the moves, then after I am suppose to go and see the install of Eidas Internet. YEAH!! WIRELESS!! YAHOOOOO Then I can be on line anytime, until I come back and bring my own wireless. I have a whole list of things I need to bring here. Too bad these simple things to us in the states are so expensive here. Yet all the other things are cheap? Doesn’t make sense, but I suppose its trade off for all the other great things here.

Jaco is expensive period. But Its not far from other places where I believe if I have a car I can go and get things much cheaper. I think this is a good base for a while getting acquainted with lots of people from everywhere its a hub kinda, in a small way. It’s the first beach town from San Jose so its gets lot’s of traffic. Lots of visitors I met a guy and this gal the other night from Paris, he works for L’Oreal, they were very cool. I have met people from Italy, Switzerland, France, Canada, USA, Columbia, Argentina, Peru, Nicaragua, and Israel. And I have only been here a short time. I know if I return I will meet people from everywhere. It’s a draw here, the beach the main drag, the aerial tours, the butterfly farms, the canopies, the ocean, jungles. There is much to do here if you want. Like drop off a cliff and parachute, or ride horses, or ATVS, surf, these weird boats I have no idea what they are but you can go on those. Hike, swim, site see, or just sit and do nothing like have been doing mostly. I do know that if I do return, I want to take the small boat ferry across the bay in Punteranas to Tamarindo and over to the Nicoyca Peninsula, and up around Arenal and see the Volcano.

Well I hope I make it Farmers market tomorrow, its raining allot now like PLand, not fun the only thing is its warm and people run around with just shorts soaking wet in the rain and no shoes.
It makes me smile to see the children run in the rain like that.

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