Saturday, October 01, 2005

The fruit they make bowls out of, and the Jungle across the street from my apartment

ise the husky.

Thursday and Friday were busy, trying to gather flowers and foliage on a bike is very hard. Plus shopping at the Grocery and farmers market carring all those things on the bike is getting to be a test. IT takes me about 20 minutes from town when I am loaded down. I pile bags and melons and food in the basket which is not that large, hang bag's from the handle bars, and attach things to the bumper on the back of the bike.

I had my tooth repaired on Weds, and found out my appointment was not Weds, but Tuesday when I walked in and sat in the chair, Dr Dario Chaves said, HI MARIANNA you only 24 hours late! OH my God I gasp! I am so sorry, I thought it was Weds evening? he said no it was Tuesday, I looked at my card but it did say Weds, she Wrote Tueday in the calendar book for him? so it was nice of him to still take me and do the work.
The following day I went around and pick flowers and foliage and drug it all back to the place.
I met up with the pepa Man , I flagged him down and asked him if he would bring me some fresh Coconuts the green ones that are full of juice, when they open then they just pour out with the water. When we get coconuts in the state, they are all dry and hard, when they pick them off the tree they are either, Green or yellow then they chop that husk with a machete, which is what he did. He brough his cart over and had it full of coconuts and began to clean them and open them for me so I could make the coconut cream. I used a blender and chopped the meat so and so yummy, I do not think that if you ate this anyone who hates coconuts would love this as its tender and soft almost gummy and not so sweet kinda mild and good. I liked dipping in the raw sugar and eating as a crunchy and soft gummy taste.

Anway he asked me what I was going to do with all this, I told him I was having a little party and wanted to soak the chicken in that and in Ginger and garlic. And make a delicious cake with mango and coconut that Ardella taught me. I made four cakes actually and piled them up. But no mangos could be found. I then improvised using the plantians and one banana I had. I sauted them in a pain with guaro, and sugar. then used them in the middle of the third layer. Topped it with Cream cheese frosting made with there powder sugar, and some strong Vanilla. It was so good everyone that came I told them about Zachary the Pepa man. He is 27 years old, god loving, and very sweet. He helped me the next day gather more flowers and bamboo and palm leaves so I could decorated the front of the place. We had a great time. When you are in Jaco look for him , Maybe he will still be selling Coconuts out of his cart, or Maybe he will thinking about the question I asked him as to where would you like to be in Five years? this quesiton baffeled him a bit.. told me about it the next day, so he must of thought about it all night.

I cooked all day Friday, after the dentist to get them whitened, then to the farmers market, while Iw as there TWO HUGE RED PARROTS FLEW right over my head, they were so close, then this morning as I was looking out the sea from the back they were there again close flying over my head. Macaws are very large in flight. The party was ok only a few people showed up but it was fun, I made ginger coconut chicken and every one loved all the food, we had some drinks, But I could not drink anything because of the whitening, he said to stay away from anything that would damage them for 48 hours. Which means no coffee till tomorrow BOO.

I got up and cleaned up the place it wasn't too bad a little messy ate a big peice of that CAKE YUM! got I feel so guilty but it was so good, I poured the mild over the cake when i was making it and then frosting and a little coconut, then the plantains in the middle Really really good.

It was huge and there is only a little piece left now.
After I got showered and came down to the sea here sent emails and began to blog. ITs a beautiful day today, I mean beautiful the air is cool and the breezes are blowing perfectly for me, the sea is rich in color today not like the days before when it was brown from all the storm and the rain. ITs blue and greens, and lots of white caps.

Watching the light catch on the waves looks like sequins glimmering in the distance, and the Island looks extra green againsts the aqua marine blue of the sea. Its really That color today. Small wisp;s of clouds are hanging on the tops of the mountian's looking like smoke, but its clouds.

Not too much on the agenda now that the party is done. I think enjoying the next week before going back to the USA Is the most important thing, taking in all the sun, and breathing really deep. Hopeing that Milo is coming as I got a mail saying he was flying here on Weds, and coming to Jaco then I he would take me to the Airport on Friday which is awesomeone because I was a little worried about that trip with all my things. I may just leave all my clothes here and more. That way I can bring back more stuff when I return.? In a day or two I will know. I want to enjoy the pura vida and not think about anything right now. I want to just know who I am and what I have become since I have expeienced this place. I know I learned some paitence's already. As making a cake with out a mixer, is a hassle, and finding out the cake mix here is not that great and havingt to ride all the way back to to

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