Monday, September 05, 2005

Monday catch up

Monday, had to down load the photos from Sarchi to show the rest, I had a pretty cool weekend. With Milo leaving making parting sweet sorrows as they say. It was sad and bitter sweet, knowing that I met someone who really clicked with me , yet it was just for a moment. The day going back I flashed on the things we shared and how much fun we had, as I traveled in an airconditioned van, the tourista van which cost allot more around 21 dollars, but Milo really was great about getting me back. Thank's Milo I was safe and sound and cool no less, with a beautiful ride back to the WACKY JACO. I got back on Friday around 11:00 the bus let me right of at Jaco bell, which is around the corner from Rich and Amandas house. I came in to a clean house, Hot but clean, I set bags down and Gloria showed up how she does this I don't know but she does. We talked and I got my things together.

I Really enjoyed my time with Milo, it was a great memorable thing like something you would watch in a movie... I went over Eidas and Joeys later to fix dinner for her and the girls I made this pasta with Spinach, brocolli, olive oil garlic, and curly pasta, a little chicken cooked in some small amounts of garlic topped with butter. It was tasty, Eida and I drank some wine and talked outside while the frogs played a symphony for us. All sorts of frogs and birds, SO JUNGLE LIKE She loves it I was in awe, more like amazed at all the sounds. The rains came and you could hear in the distant as it moved toward us it got gradually louder and louder, a little thunder but not much. Eida was so entertaining to me telling all her stories of her world travel and her adventures to Indonesia. We laughed and drank and had a great time, She didn't want me to go home so I Spent the night slept with the girls. In the morning I got up early to the sound of extremely loud birds right on the porch chairs singing in my window A bright yellow bird I have never seen. Kinda large... they were all eating the dog food having there breakfast as they should .
I sat with the girls for a while it was warm an we watched Cartoons. I had rode my bike over and I was not quite ready to get up and ride back to the house. I made coffee while Eida and Joey slept in one of the girls rooms because the girl's wanted to sleep with mama in her bed. So when Joey came home after Closing Jaco bell they crawled into the girls room.

Eida finnally got up and we drank coffee and Kalin made pancakes.
I obliged, but I try not to eat too much bread or pancakes, its hard to keep your weight down when you have the body make up I do.
After I went home and began to blog and check emails and such , when I heard voices outside the door saying , Marianna, can we come in?? It was Eida, with two people.
It was Davide, and Alex a couple who have been emailing from the blog and a site, and wanted to meet me and stay here in Jaco. I invited them in and met them and we chatted then I made the beds next door and swept and let them have the keys.
I think they went walking around while I cleaned up and got ready to show them around.
When they returned Alex, a thin blonde blue eyed in her 40s was worn out from looking at property in the Central valley most of week. Decided to forgo any looking around and we just walked to the Soda in the Alley and had a couple of beers.
I Was a bit disapointed, as it would have been fun to go around in a car, but I didn't say anything to them about it. Davide was wanting to kick back too.
Later we walked to the beach tht is only a block away and walked in the water, came back and they went there way I went mine.
I ended up going to the store and getting somethings to make then a little dinner.
I swear I have cooked more in the time I have been here than I have in a year.
I made some fish chunks with a batter, sliced lettuce, tortilla, celantro, Onions, tomoatos, and blanched green beans in vinegar and oil, then stuck them in the freeezer to cool them down.
They Came and I made Casi casi for them and we ate, Gloria was here too.
Dinner was good, I was planning on going out dancing but I had injured my eye somehow when I took the contacts out and it had a huge blister on it. So I just stayed home and got on the computer and then went to bed.
I figured I better go early since this may be the last night of good rest since Rich and Amanda and the girls will be home.
I slept ok, not great I was too up early again, I got all ready I wanted to go to breakfast for the first time since I have been in Costa rica, I went to a soda type place and got the typical breakfast here gallo de pinto, sausage, So I thought and eggs, coffee. The sausage was like a hotdog grilled?
A little disapointed about the food I ate it anyhow, then I biked to Eidas she asked me to come over and swim all day then we were going to do dinner. she was still sleeping so I got on the bike and went a long bike ride. The Weather was incredible not too hot and the sky the bluest of blue.. WOW I was in a great mood, Rode like a hour or more. Can back to Eida awake and making coffee, I had to have some. She was cleaning like in a frenzy so I jumped in and helped.
We went to the store after getting things for dinner and drinks. I changed into my suit and she did to and the girls! we all jumped in the pool and louged most of the day, Joey was cleaning the yard and the pool so he was busy, while us girls played.
NOW THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE!! I went in and made The Casi Casi drinks, brought one to Joey an he was so impressed. He suggesgted I open up a bar. They were good and resfreshing I have to admitt. We swam and slid down the huge slide diving into the pool.

A few hours later some people came there, So I retired to the back bedroom with the girls Eida left and came back. I learned she had showned the Houses that Amanda and Rich live in to this million are?? Well after a long while of negotiations, Eida tole me they were interested in buying the houses that Rich and Amanda were leasing, meaing she would no longer be the owner, so whatever they had with her would be no longer.

I cooked dinner we talked again and this time Joey with us. As we watched the Thunde it showered the sky and totally lit it up. It crack and roared and was very loud, something I was not use to, but exciting to hear and watch. I forgot that Amanda was coming home, but didn't know they did not have keys to the house I had them. So they were locked out they called but I missed the calls.
Joey eneded up taking there keys over, letting them in. While Eida and I continued to talk.

She wanted me to stay but i knew I had to go an face the music over at the house. When I arrived everyone was alseep it was only 7:30 Jet lag I'm sure. So I went back out and walked over to Danis place and hung out there for a while till the rain when away. Came back to blog and talked to Milo for a long time on line. It was fun.

He is a different man, very tender, very emotional, I kinda like the guy. Maybe I am too strong for him, Time will tell ....TIME TELLS EVERYTHING, I mean everything...

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