Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Heading into town around 1:00 with a taxi

The sniffles and soar throat was getting to me, I didn’t go and work out today nor did I ride the bike. I took a taxi into town around 1:00 I went to Ice, the phone/ Electrical / Cell / monopoly, located at the end of my road. It is pronounced ESAY, to ask when they were coming to hook the phone up. Oh yes the technician was there working on (somting) as the Ticos say, in the office. I asked when they thought the phone would be hooked up he said around 3:00, well this was the time I was suppose to get the teeth fixed. So I asked politely if they would come now or if they could come later after my dentist appointment. The person, who is working at the desks, went and asked them in the back, and they said around 5:00 or 6:00. That was good for me. So I had the taxi take me into the town around the corner.
The town wasn’t busy,I figured a taxi is better than walking or riding today as I was feeling ill. I had him wait; he was in a brand new Toyota dual cab Truck in burgundy. It had a brush cutter in the front, I kinda liked it, was thinking I need something like this. I asked him how much did this truck cost; he said he got in San Jose` and it was around $ 16,000.00 American Dollars. That would be good for me, or a smaller Ford Truck with dual cab.
I really want a truck, because I could haul things around and then deliver things for clients should I do some interior design.

I dropped off my laundry at this autowash near the entrance of town. They wanted like $7.00 dollars to wash, dry and fold. I think that is way too much since I only had a few things? Anyway I learned something with that one. Then I had him drop me off at Mas X permanos the grocery store. I had bought some pepa juice and it was like vinegar, and some tortillas that were all mush. They were happy to take it back, but there was one problem, they didn’t remember me buying it and I had no receipt so I ended up throwing in the trash.

I walked the rest of the town shopping for a shower soap holder, and coffee pot replacement, pillows window cleaner and more. You can not just go to one place for all these things and some of the places carry something but it could be like five years old, like the window cleaner I saw at the Hardware store.
YUK it was so dirty and so gross. And they wanted $3.00 American Dollars for it. So I ended up at Super Fruitastica, a smaller grocery store and got ventana cleaner, Ajax for the toilet and some bleach which they call cloro.

Most of the places here have bad pluming so you cannot throw the toilet paper in the toilet, you have a small trash receptacle near the pot and you toss it in there.

I got all my provisions only after looking for hours and walking to all the places. I was getting hungry but I didn’t want to eat as I knew I was going to the dentist and thought I would have to brush, and I was a long way from home, So no eating.
I found a cool art gallery, I really liked the art but it was not cheap. It was around 3oo to a thousand for the there art but it was authentic Tico/ tica Style. I was thinking about Glenn when I was there. God there was one I really wanted it was weird had some poetry on it but it was colorful and cool. I may when I get all settled here invest in some. It is a huge stretch from my tastes in the states, but this was very cool and made me smile. So I might put it in an entrance to the house when I get it built.
I asked what time it was, it was getting close to me going to the dentist, so I rushed and walked very fast with all my goodies. Got there right on time, Sat for a moment and then he asked me in.

He looked at my teeth, and then told me that the bridge was not completed yet. Ok my first experience with Tico time. He continued to say he could clean my teeth, or bleach? I said fine whatever you choose. He smiled and began to clean. He used this device, which I as not familiar with it was like a hydro drill? Maybe they have them in the states I dunno, but I knew I didn’t like it. It hurt like sharp needles, I think the cold I have is making me sensitive to everything. I had a lot of blood so he knew I was in pain. He could see my toes curling up. Then he asked if he could deaden it or numb it with a shot? I said sure. Well he missed and it went all down my throat, that was the worst taste. GOD I was thinking ok I’m not doing so well here. He did it again and it was fine, I think he was nervous that I was already in pain and he was trying to be very careful not to prick me hard and thought he had the needle in but he didn’t.

I have not had my teeth cleaned in a long long time, so I had a lot of tarter, and he could see they have not been cleaned. He was very thoroughly cleaning, and then he polished. I was surprised that he did it him self, because in the states there is always a hygienist that does this. But he did, he told me that tomorrow the bridge would be here so to come at three again. When I left I was all numb the whole mouth and my throat and belly! LOL I had to laugh, I had no one to talk to so I told myself it was ok and just laughed as I walked towards Eidas souvenir
shop. It was like about two or three blocks so I figured what was a couple more blocks.

She wasn’t there she had this Nica there running the place so I walked to this cute little dress shop at the end of the blvd, and bought this green top, for only $11.00 dollars. Then I walked back checking here and there trying to find a clock for the apartment. Not an easy thing to do in Jaco, No mail, no Clocks No no no…. So I just continue to walk till I got close to the apartment then the taxi would be like a buck. I needed to be back before 6:00 I thought as ICE was coming to install the line.
I got back made some dinner of meat and lettuce and tomato all sauté` with some tortilla chips. After I ate watermelon and sat alone here in the dark. It was kinda hot out but not as bad as it was when I first arrived in Costa Rica, the weather is cooling down now. I was waiting for ICE, but now another experience with Tico Time. No show!! I waited and waited. Looked and looked… no one. I wanted badly to get on the internet, but I have no internet and won’t have it until I return in Dec.

So around the corner by the sea is Del mar that huge hotel/ club sitting right on the beach that has wireless, so I sometimes go there and sneak. It was dark; I put some longer clothes on, and tennis, and loaded the Computer in my basket on the bike. I rode around the corner, braving it.
There was no one around just me and the frogs and the sea. I went to the place I normally go, but to my surprise was a security guard; he had a flash light and was walking the grounds. So oops Mari didn’t go up in there quickly I sat with my back to him on the ground as if I was watching the sea. I opened the computer in the case and tried to see If could hook up, but I was too far away, I hurried and closed it and got the hell out of there quick, because I did not want to ruin my secret place to hook up.

I was discouraged and not feeling so good. No Phone, No internet no TV WAAAAAAAAA I was sad.
I lay on the little couch that is in my apartment and watched the ceiling fan going round and round, I could actually control my eyes to focus on the blades and could see them individually? WOW THIS WAS STRANGE… I know that we do not use the brain as powerful as it is, but I tried and controlled my sight and could occasionally see three or four blades, It was so strange, It tripped me out actually but I found out, I could focus on something and really see it close too??

Then Fell asleep and dreamed some strange things, so I got up and got on the bed, read this inspirational book that Diane my friend in the states gave me, Funny too the story was about something that applied to my life a the moment. I ate mamones, and read. Then fell asleep.
Woke up several times, but it was still dark, so I went back to sleep. Woke up again around 6:15, made coffee in the new pot, and pooped around. Looked out the bedroom window it was dreary, reminded me of Vancouver with only the Sea in the background. Still to this moment it is dreary, I went to pilates/ yoga only after I stopped at the ICE at 6:50, then to the bike shop right by the gym to have them adjust the seat. Then to the gym, no one was there I was too early.
Then I went across the street to the store, God when you go into the stores it is so hot its like suffocating, I hate that. So I got some water, and a small bag of cereal and ate it plain.
Walked back and had class. We finished class early as a huge cloud was coming and every rides bikes so we all scrambled to get on the bikes and go, well guess who got caught? Yep I was getting soaked, so I spun around the corner and hung out at ICE and tried like heck to get them to come today.
The Guy assured me they were coming today, but for some reason HAAAAAAAA I do not believe it. So My plan was to sit there until he couldn’t stand looking at me any more, and the rain stopped then I would bike like a maniac to the house.

Which I did, then I came home and cut some white pineapple, and mango, had some coffee and some of this delicious fruit. The white pineapple is not very well liked by the Ticos, but I like it allot. It has a taste of Gardenia, and sweet pineapple. I love the flavor. Here there is no chemicals so I know its very good for you.

I cleaned up the place and swept, and now in a while I am going to get dressed, then go over to the internet secret place and log on ask Terry my neighbor to watch house for the Techs, but I have the feeling there not going to come. Then at three again I go for the teeth. I may just take the computer with me and stop at Poseidon tonight and have a cocktail and internet for along time. Then come back and make sweet potato, there red here, and plantains fried, lettuce with oil and lemon. This is a Nica thing and I like it very much.

I miss my nica Friends, Danni and Gloria. I was thinking about my sister earlier how she would like all the fruits and the flowers that are here, and how she would be dying in the heat. I bet she would like Milo, He is very different than any man I have been with. I bet he is worried about me, since I have not chatted with him an awhile, I miss him too!

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