Sunday, April 27, 2008

THe Weekend in Jesus, and in Punta Jondal

What a nice weekend I have had.It was peaceful and eventful, met new friends, went across the island, and met more new friends. It began Sat in the morning, I made my self my normal breakfast in the pretty new place with out furniture still. I decided to go to the beach, hang out and see people at the Talamanca. I can say it was an interesting weekend, I walked from the Jesus, the way I have been. I want to try to find a short cut one of these days.

When I got to the beach it was pretty full,I can people are now starting to some to the Island.

I went in side checked the internet, talk to the people who work there that are now becoming my friends. Said all my hellos, then went out and laid on the pure white sand that surrounds the Talamance Hostal. The water is so clean and clear, but its super cold.

Later I regressed to a table out on the edges of the Hostal were locals hang out. I saw Simon, and three other of my friends, Two gals one from Portugal, and her boyfriend, and my friend Makala from Holland.

We all talked Makala ate and then offered me a ride to the apartment. We both sat and talked outside for the longest time. She speaks perfect english and wants to learn Spanish. She is very dark skinned, tall attractive, dark hair, and has a really cute little white fluffy dog, Billie.

We waited for the phone call I was suppose to get, but it never rang, so I fixed us a nice dinner of chicken in garlic and shallots, with turnups and red wine. We talked some more and then she suggested that Sunday we go to the Flea market, and then to this fabulous beach in Cala Jongal and area just south of Ibiza.

I got up early the next day and got ready for our day out, took all my things for the beach and waited for her to come.

She was two hours later than planned but I was fine talking with the owners grandmother and playing with the baby. We had Spanish coffee, and toast and chatted outside.

We did go the flea market but it was closed, so off we went to a place called Blue Marlin and Yemanja - Cached Check out these two places, this is where we went. It was incredibly clean, pristeen area, with pine trees, and first class everything. I was in a dream for more than half the day. Sitting in the sun at Yemanja in one of the sun beds, watching tons of people come and eat and drink and sun them selves on this exclusive area.
I felt so privileged to be able to enjoy the scenery, the sun the bed, the people. Makala knew a few people so she flitted about and talked and drank and ate with others, while I sun baithed and drank bottle water.

Later she invited me to one of the tables of three German guys she knew, I was embarrassed, I don't know one word in German, and she speaks it fluently. So I sat and listened and smiled thinking wow this is the coolest place. I was thrilled to be somewhere so differernt. It is amazing that I was capable of doing this, how long I have no idea but I can this I enjoyed every moment of yesterday.
I was thinking I wish my stupid camera was working because the photos would have been super!
At that moment, the guys invited us to this Sangria, with Cava, its like champagne. Filled with Fruit a bright orange color, is has to be the most refreshing delcious drink in the sun.
I drank about three glasses and felt very tipsy! The music at these places are so calming and good. They call it chill out music, a mix of jazz, trans, and house. Using mixes of all these in combinations. The sounds of the sea, with that was fantastic.
I felt as if I was in a dream...

We then were invited to go to another beach to watch the Sunset, and listen to drummers drumming, a hypnotic thing they do here. The Island diffinately has its own feeling.

Before we left one of the men Leo asked me for lunch for today, Monday. I said sure why not?

He is a nice looking man dark hair thin, speaks little Spanish, good English and very fast German.

Today I woke up early again to banging there constructing a new apartment next door. So at Eight oclock I woke up made my espresso with the steamed milk, and enjoyed my morning.
I washed clothes up stairs and hung them out on the line to dry, then Makala came by again but I was busy with laundry, she left to do business. I cleaned up the apartment, tried to make a flyer but some how the computer is now traslating in Spanish which is good but it won't print English so I struggled with changing the idioma. Untill the phone rang and it was Leo.
I got ready he picked me up and we again went to yet another beach placed called the Malibu the absolute best beach in all the Island. The restuarant was perfectly devine, the food presentation was perfect, the sangria delicious.. the fish perfectly cooked with bits of garlic, and the salad was picant and pretty with fresh pansys. We had avocado with this tomato crush they make here. some fried goat cheese with salad on the side and a tomato jelly with crispy toasts.
Fresh rustic breads, and the ham of Spain, then some scrambled egg they do with bits of lobster, and chives. All served so nicely, in a good size portion. I sure was studing it so I could recreate it.

I think the best was the cheese with the tomato jelly.That was scruptious!
The day was cloudly but it didn't matter, we shared the table with his two other German friends who were very fun, even though I could only understand a few words here and there. I knew they were enjoying them selves! and I was too smiling from ear to ear thinking Thank you... for inviting me to this great location, good company and terrific food! Wow what a day... then we came back to see his little house he bought in Ibiza an chatted for a while, untill I asked him to take me home because it was about to rain and the laundry was on the roof. I needed to go the store to buy a few things too. He told me maybe he would talk to a couple of friend see if he could help me get some work. Since nothing on the two offers have come through.. So lets see now what happens. It was a nice day... wow I am in Spain, but I am missing the weather in Costa Rica - Cached

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Yesterday was a fun day, I walked miles, I saw a few people already that know me and yelled out my name. Funny how already people are knowing me! Stephano was on the side walk talking with people when I walked by, I didn´t know it was him till he yelled... wanted me to come back but he was busy so I kept walking. I went into town, but first I was at Talamanca which is where I am now. I plan on sitting on the beach. There is nothing much to do today..

I found out here that on Sat, eveything closes at 2:00 and does not open any more. Sat is a rest day and Sunday too.. I am kind of bored honestly, I have not been doing much. Just trying to get know the areas, and meeting many Italian people, and Spanards. I met a darling lady on the boardwalk here near the beach, name Charo.. shes older recognised me and stopped me and asked are you the lady I saw in Talamanca? I said yes and we talked.. she invited me to go places with her, and if I need a ride.. But I will wait a while to ask for a ride. I have just been walking my legs off really.
Still no funishing in the apartment.. I know she doesn´t have money now the grandmother told me this morning... So wow its expensive the rent and no furniture???? Monday I am going to have a talk with her.. No furniture in next couple of weeks I will tell her I discount the rent.
I only have a bed and a small table, its pretty empty its a very nice space I can say that.

Last night I went once again to the San Francisco coffee\bar. It was full again I use the internet there at night, which is Day in USA and Costa Rica. I stayed till closing and went to the house which is about a half block away went straight to bed.

Nothing great happening except one Italian guy when I was walking today named Luciano, said hello to me and introduced himself.. he walked fast ahead of me. I really was enjoying the walk to Talamanca because its seems to getting warmer. I saw him bend over and pick something:::: he then waited for me to approach he said Marianna here... and handed me a flower. I smiled said thank you, then He asked are you living here? I said yes, he said sometime lets have coffee, I said yes in San Francisco. He asked do you know people? I said only one or two people, he said well know you know me.. so I will invite you when I return from Barcelona, I asked when he said in a week. So I met another new friend today.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The new Apartamento

I have spent two days now in the new Apartamento.. esto es muy tranquillo.. this is very quiet, nice! I love the owners, she is so accomedating, the grandmother is adorable, and Eian the little one is a doll. It makes me miss Julian. The two nights I slept fairly well, the bed is new and super hard. I like a softer bed. It has one large pillow across the whole queen bed. Here in Europe they have this enormous pillows, such a difference from Costa Rica. Where you sleep on pillows like rocks and tiny.
I love them!!! Iwant more!! I sat out in the sun two days and ate on the pine table, it is very pleasureable and quiet.
I took a walk and found just about everything in this tiny little pueblo. Flower shop, hardware, designs stores, furniture stores a small shoe store. Two butcher shops, Italian wine tasting room and several Restaurants- bars.. book stores, video store, Real estate.. grocery stores, fruit marekt and a Euro store.. where everything is one Euro or a little more... like a dollar store. I bought hangers, and cups and little things yesterday for the place.

Still I have no furnishings inside, the owner keeps telling me there coming.. I am sure they are but when??? Maybe she doesn´t have the money... I think this might be the problem, but I am being patient and sweet.. and trying to enjoy the empty space. Of Course the designer in me is putting all sorts of things in side.. but Money has to come before I do that! I found out I have to have papers for work. So last night I got on line at this coffee shop called San Franciscos on the corner from my place and looked of the process and rules. I will have to apply.
I ate in the coffee shop last night whilst tons of Spanards played cards.. smoking drinking yelling! they are such happy people. The language is strange to hear.. but it is very fun. You can tell its not only a means of communication but a total way of there life by the way they speak. Some sing song, some loud, some hand expresssions, some deep and lots of sssssssssssssssses. I had chicken pieces, like wings but all cut up, in wine and peas, and olive oil and spices, with a bit of cheese, and glass of Sangria.

Today I cooked breakfast and made the best coffee! I have a espresso machine, everyone drinks espresso, hard or cut. I made the steamed milk and now I feel spoiled by this.. I had one egg, tomato some melon and half of a madrin orange. Listening to latin music while enjoying my breakfast in the new place.
I got all ready walked to the book store to see if I could buy paper to paint post cards, but they didn´t have much at all. So I began walking towards Talamanca and now I am here 40 minutes later. I talked to everyone here and I am going to Pacha to see if I can get that interview, then to town to buy some shoes. I gave most all mine away, and I need clothes I have very little... I gave it all to the churches and to my friends.
The day is Fabulous its not blazin hot like Costa, and I believe I am going to love whatever time I have here in ESPAÑA I can not believe I am living in Spain! its very different. I can say so far the people are loving, kind, friendly.. and very generous.

I do miss the children, I heard from Nancy, Jordans partner.. seems to be some problems concerning Jordan. I prayed this morning that GOD would open his eyes, and make he see... what he needs to change. I am a little worried, I know that me being away has some play in this problem.. But he is a man he will figure out sooner or later and if he doesn´t life will do what it does.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

In my new Spanish villa apartment

Yesterday the owner Kathy called to say that the apartment is almost ready. It is located in a small village called Jesus. It is a double tier building with the owner above, the apartment is all white, the outside is spanish style, with white washed walls, the inside is all white too.. I like color so maybe in a few weeks I can paint and they will accept. It is nice and airy and bright, lots of light, a bedroom with all new furniture, huge armoir, and modern style furnishings. so far the sofa has not come yet, but the dinning room table is in the bathroom is all new in a fresh blue and white and it is very perfect for one person. The terrace is all Italian style aggregate, very nice, with a large canopy to sit under when its hot. It has an old pine table out side in the sun for
breakfast dinning or lunch. The kitchen is all done in a honey color marble counters, with stanless steel stove, oven and double round sinks.

when she called I was about ready to purchase a ticket to fly out of here. After hearing her say its ready, I changed into my bikini went out side to the beach there in front Of Talamanca and enjoyed the day. My friend Simon the britsh guy came out and sat with me and talked. He was happy that I am staying. My friend Stephano, Italian man who has the real estate company was on the other side drinking a beer with this freinds from Italy. I saw them so I put my clothes on and went and sat with them and talked. They ate I watched drink bottle water, and talked. He told me he would help me later take all my things to the apartment. We sat for some two hours. It is normal here to sit for hours when eating. No rush for anything.
As I said before everything closes at two and opens again at five. So no rush for anything...

We laughed talked, I really enjoy the Italian people wow if I could only understand the language!! their dialect is really hard to understand.. along with the Castilano Spanish that is spoken here.
I ordered, my lunch, Large white melon with ham, but its more like procuttio, it was stupendious! I was in total heaven eating this.

Then he waited for me some three hours for them to prepare my bill and get my things. It took them that long.

When we arrived at the apartment they were not ready, they still were waiting for furniture, and putting the drapes up, cleaning. So We put everything inside, and decided to go back to Talamanca, sit and listen to Simons music. We did for some two hours, then the game was on, the Barcelona, England.. big game. so he invited me to go his flat over the Marina and watch with all the guys from Italy.
I said sure why not. I ended up cooking dinner for all of them, the all treated me with such respect, so sweet and concerned because I was so cold. The wind was blowing and he was on the top floor of this huge condo complex.. right over the water.. SUPER CHILLY... so we watched and laughed. I drank a shot of baileys to warm me up but it wasn't enough. Finally Stephano, brought me a blanket, they all teased me. I didn't care I cuddled in it and watched them bet money on line.

Later we went, today was special, he came back in the morning to make sure I was ok, and if I needed anything, he brough clients for the owner, because she is moving to a new place and wants to rent the top out. He had the perfect client! She was so happy to have me and now he!
I put all my things away, rearranged a little and then went right next door to the super, bought wine, olive oil balsemic, herbs, chicken fruits fresh breads, cheese, eggs, and procuttio, melons too..
Came back the old women who lives there and tend the garden helped me, put things away.. I made a nice breakfast lunch of Melon and procuttio, wine, cheese and fresh bread.
Wow I sat outside in the sun at the old pine table and was in a world of my own. So peacefull and nice!
Right across the street, is a restuarant, a bar, a coffee shop, a bank, a interior design stuido, abook store a real estate and more.. around the corner is beautiful thai restuarant, Italian, Spanish hair salon police and more little shops. Its so perfect, only thing is its far from Iviza. The beach is about 40 minute walk... I need a car now! But I think Stephano is going to help. he is so sweet.. Thank god for him! now the owner is pleased too because she has her situation resolved since I came along!

Right now I am in the cafe/ bar called San Francisco, sort of like Rossies but better ten times better... many people come here. Its international, they have free internet and its across the street! so for now its ok.
I am drinking another glass of red Spanish wine with rich olives and roasted nuts. The day is pretty hot but windy breezy. I know things are going to be ok!

I love that there are loquat trees outside, in my house as a child we had lemons, oranges, loquats, and always a veggetable garden. Its a memory, and now I understand my heritage, why my mother planted these things with catus.. because this is how they do it. I asked Stephano, in Italy is it the same type of planting? he said yes.. but here is nice weather.. you would never make it in Italy. He told me its too cold for you mi amor!
Not only are there these trees but lots of Roses, herbs, Rosmary, an Oregano. We had that too growing up. I told the old woman, I would plant my own herbs, and a flower area she is excited to have me.
In the Morning she brought me a bundle of herbs from the garden, I can not wait to paint the flowers, and I have a place to sell my painting's if I chose because people walk past all day!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The walk to the Gas station for Credit

Well I got up fairly early at by the sea an egg tomato yogurt and toast, then got cleaned up to go on my walk to collect the credit for the phone. I was distressed, feeling like I needed to get out of here, wanting my own place to settle into it. I felt so nervous and had thoughts of going back to USA, I was going to get on line to buy the ticket, but there were many people waiting again for the Computer and mine was still not working.
So I just got all dressed, stopped by Simons Trailer wished him a good morning and walked a very long way, I have no idea how far but far to this gas station where I put credit on the phone that got credited to someone else.
In the walk I stopped at Pacha the largest discotech in the area, for an appointment with the artisitic director for an interview. I also saw one apartment only because I noticed people moving out, and I questioned if they knew of any in that area.

IT WAS HORRIBLE, smoky, dirty, cramped three bedrooms but so small. Then finished my walk to the station. I asked the Manager for the credit and he said no too much time had passed. This was the third time I went to get the credit, didn't matter it was too much time. So I gave someone a nice 15 euro Credit for there phone.
OH WELL! its sorta normal!! that this kind of thing happens with me. Later I walked to this huge super market. Now remember in Costa Rica they really don't have these big markets, its little pulperias, that you have to have someone select for you, its difficult. Or Maxi bodega, that is a mini walmart sort of speak.. not really as good in fact its very mediocre. Then you have Mas permanos with now American prices, and all sorts of things, except what your looking for. So for me it was like being in an American super, with everything you can think of. They had home supplies, clothing and of course some shoes, a little bit of everything. Even a caffeteria, in the front, where you can eat and drink coffee. I spent a hour or more just looking around, it made me happy of all things.
Walking back thinking god I need to get a place, I can not pay any more for this hostal, and besides I want to begin my life. I came back got on the computer and read mail, I had quite a bit, one made me feel a little sad.

I had so many thoughts yesterday, should I go back to Costa Rica? should I stay here and try to make something of this for a while? Should I go back to USA? that one was pressuring me, because I do love my children, and I do miss my grandson and Kelsey. But I can not exsist, in Vancouver, the mentality there? the people? the cold? and now with the Economy as bad as it is. Also having to listen to the constant bad news, which here and in Costa Rica is called Noticias, is too much on the spirit and the brain. I am glad I do not listen to all the bad news, Even here I hardly listen, I do read the paper, but when it comes to things about the USA I put it aside. Don't get me wrong there are many things I appreciate and love about USA, but I can say from what I expereinced in Costa Rica with Americans, how they feel everything they say or do is correct, and no one else matters. How they demand service right now! its not just that its the government, its everything. It was also the conflict with my children, I felt so alone, I was kept up in my little house for months at a time feeling very depressed . Not very many visits, if none at all for months. I felt like life is too short to be sitting here moping about being alone, and worring about my children not having much time for me. I want to see something different, go where it is warm, feel sun eat fresh foods, just enjoy a latin atmostphere. And that I did! I am not saying I won't return to Costa Rica, I like many things about it too! But maybe it will be a good experience to try Spain for a while. I would love to go to Italy that was my plan also. Maybe spend a month there and just find my roots.

I had said before I met Stephano, and Italian guy he owns a imbolliaria, this is a real estate company. I met him here in the Hostal he is super nice. His friends from Italy came four days ago. Two bald guys one is a spray artist, Graffiti in places in Italy, the other's I have no idea what they do. The other bald headed one has deep eyes, thinks alot, and is actually very witty from what I can understand. The Italian language is beautiful! I love listening to them talk and laugh.
The came and visited me last night here, one looks like fonze and they call him that only he is much more handsome. The two bald guys are super cool, actually they are all really cool.
They waited for an hour to get a menu, they wanted to eat at 11 at night. So strange people eat late late late here... I was not hungry althought they invited me join them. I sat and talked to Cristina the camenera, (Server) They wanted me to sit with them so I did. I know Stephano we have chatted daily on the computer and on the phone. He is the one who is helping in a small way. JUST FRIENDS! They laughed talked, we drank a glass of wine and they talked and talked. I was getting so tired, but I listened in order to learn some of the words in Italian. So different than Spanish ..ALORRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA

Finally at 2:30 in the morning they went home.The Hostal still was serving them chipitos, small drinks, and coffee. I was sitting and listening to everyone and really trying to understand and laughing.Two of them speak Spanish, one english so I got some of what was going on.

Now today getting up late because of the later hour to bed, its gorgeous out sun is shinning, few clouds in the clean blue sky. I am waiting on the lady of the Apartment, but If I don't have something by Thursday, I may have to get a ticket to go... not sure where yet.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rainy lazy day

It was waking up to rain that discouraged me from doing anything at all today. It was dreary when I woke. I went down got a cup of tea with honey, a piece of toast and tried to get on line but there was a whole group of people waiting. So I took the Tea back to the room and turned on the tele, and rested. Thought some.. It has been a little weary the last couple of days, the costs of the hostal, and not being able to be in my own apartment is getting to me. So many drunks here, Now I have found three women who all hang out, all Maikes friends. Obnoctious really, I need to hurry and get a place, its driving me nuts because I spend most of the time in the Hostal . There fore seeing all the locals and the local drunks. TOO MUCH!

The owner decided yes to have me make some of the big floral pieces for the Wedding. So in turn I did get to help, I was nervious why? because it has been so long since I worked in this area, but I was happy that she permitted me to do the big entry pieces. It was a beautiful wedding here on the sea, what good energy it put into the Hostal. I happy positive feeling.
I walked after two of the girls Marvessa, and Makai, not Makie dropped me off in Jesus, to talk to the lady about the Apt, that I was looking at to rent. It was a nice day so I was fine about walking some two or more miles back to the hostal. When I went to see the place it was still the same as it was four days earlier. Not one bit of work done to it at all, today I thought God if they do not finish this in a day or so. I am going to have to look for something else. And loose what money I have paid here at the Hostal to wait for this one.
It is very far when walking I realized how far it is. But in a car only five or so minutes from Talamanca beach and 10 to town. The area is super peacefull, full of huge vegetable gardens. Fields of wild red poppies, purple lupin, scabiosus, lots of yellow small wild flowers. The walk back was pleasant, long but nice. I saw so much nature, and I love the country side. You can see vistas of the sea in areas. It is a community that has chickens and horses, and then Tall modern apartment buildings poping up. Its still pretty rural, but modern mix. Hard to explain, but its nice. Now I need to find a car, but the point is how to pay for it. I need to get work right away. I love walking and will walk, but a car or a moto would be great! nice to go the Grocery store, in town and or to work!

After the sun came out today, I walked on the beach next door some 30 meters, about half a block, to this little restuarant in the sand. I ate a whole grilled fish with garlic and fresh green beans and peas. First time I have eaten peas in ages. I am getting addicted to the ajillo with bread and fresh green spanish olives soaked in Garlic and onion and spices. I ate some pastry the tipical Pudding. It think it was a form of bread pudding with whiskey poured on top and orange.
After I went back to the Hostal dropped off my key and walked out, I met a man looked like George Clooney, he stopped me told me I was pretty.. we talked and I told him we would talk later I wanted to walk off the food. ( by the way I don´t ever remember playing a man) and Playing for what is my question?

He was dark skinned and Ibizan, maybe around 48.. I have seen him here with another woman one night and one older German lady the classy one with her little dog alerted me about him.. said I must go look at him that she was in love!
As I walked off I thought wow this is the kind of guy I have writen on a piece of paper. I have a paper that I carry in purse, a sort of description of the man I would like to have. not only his looks but his character and qualities. He certainly fit the looks department..
I walked all about the Marina, looking at the beautiful Apartments overlooking the bay and the marina. I went into all the little shops that were open, and watched people eating at a number of restuarants that are now begining to open for the season.
I walked all about the yatchs looking at names and smiling at some of the ideas people have about there HUGE BOATS! the best was BELLA.

AS I got to the end of the Marina I saw a light house way off at a point. I noticed there was a walking path to it. So hopped right on it and went to the lighthouse. It was beautiful out windy, cool I walked all along the sea to the light house and then all around the light house rock wall. Down to the other side where HUGE perfectly shaped squares, bigger than life were all tossed in the water as a breakfront These were actually very artisic looking to me, Huge huge blocks of cement. Maybe they were aproximately 8 feet by 8 feet or larger I really need this camera fixed so I can show things.
The sea has areas where it is perfectly clear and very sharp aqua blue, then deep marine blues. Its interesting you can see the huge rock formations very clearly in the bottom it is very deep.
I played alone on the side of the break wall where a small beach was. I sat in the rocks and noticed all the different formations of rocks. I saw lots of crystal formations, and beautifully colored rocks of pink and red.
I have always been a rock hound, nature lover.. it pleased me much. I enjoyed the moment in peace alone with out hearing drunks!!! Walking back was brisk, I walked up this hillside to the other side of Talamanca, I found a new way! I am already learning some of the areas.
From this light house WOW what a view of Ibiza, incredible. So many buildings and boats.. it is a gorgeous place.
I must try to stay and at least make some sort of go of it..
Walking back down the hill side seeing the beach thinking I really would like a place in this area its much closer and so much easier if your walking. Lets see what happens this week?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A wedding at the Hostal Talamanca

Yesterday I noticed bib boxes coming into the Hostal, I quickly ran got my photos and talked to the owner about helping. She looked liked the pictures and said maybe but Maybe no? I was so excited that maybe I could help, because I am about bored doing nothing and this would give me something to put my mind too.
Later I tried talking to her but it didn´t seem to matter, she wasn´t interested in my help. I looked at some of the work... it was ok, good concepts. I can see if i decided to do my design work here, I will do very well. I looked today in the yellow pages to see how many people here do this work. Only three were listed. Meaning I am sure there is more than enough work here to keep all of us busy. Should I decide to go back to this.

I spent the day pretty much here, when I saw this polish girl Marvessa, she offered me a ride to repair the phone problem. In asking the people at the gas station about this problem, they simply said return on Monday now! of course!! now it feels like Costa Rica.. keep going back, waisting time. And then finally a resolution ! MAYBE!! I am familiar with this. We left and she wanted to go to a place on the Marina called Sydneys. Nice restaurant and bar. I said why not were not doing anything. We sat down and I saw two people two German men from the Hostal. They waved and invited us to sit with them.
We did and they bought a bottle of champagne. We all talked, spoke english and laughed... the Champagne was expensive, I noticed that one guy had all Armani clothes and shoes.. he had a bag from prada.

Ok I was trying to be cool, and hopefully charming. I had simple jeans and a tank top that was given to me and my little sweater. She had some kind of designer jeans and jacket. This doesn´t mean much to me honestly I have never been one to worry about the tag on my clothes. But here it is definitely evident that it matters.

We spent a two hours with them went down town and walked around. But I couldn´t find what i wanted to pick up. I then saw one of the gals that works at the Hostal, I told them I was going to walk back with here, so Vanessa and I walked about two miles to the Hostal.

It was about 5:00 the sun goes down here around 9:30 pretty late and people eat so late. The place was packed last night, because today is the wedding! I am happy to see this and maybe in the future she will want me to help her with events.

I sure hope on Tuesday I have my place. I been meeting people daily, Its very different for sure.
Today it is beautiful out, sunny warm, and ya know the water here in the Med, just sparkles so much. Eating breakfast next to the sea is a this is something I will always remember, and for sure use some how in other ways. Soon I will be eating in an old fashion garden. They have a nice terrace with a beautiful canopy, a fountain and a few fruit trees. My plan is as always to have huge pots of plants out front,plant flowers in the areas I can see.. and make it really inviting. The older woman I am sure will be happy to have company in assisting her with the garden.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Yesterday and the Day before

I did not want to blog yesterday as I was feeling pretty discouraged. The previous day was a nice one actually. Simon this man from England who lives here on the beach in a trailer offered to take me to Escanard to pick up my things that were accidently left at the bands house when I danced last week. We took a beautiful ride through the countryside, over hills and mountains, along all the beach areas to the north. It is so different the architecture and the scenery, the pines and shrubby bushes, catus and many vineyards, olive trees every where. Lemons, oranges, and mixed inbetween are some tropical plants like bird of paridise, and flowering trees.
He drove his car that he brought here from London, it has the steering on the right hand side. This was the first for me to ride in a car with the wheel on the opposite side of the car. He played some music he is a DJ too. Its like everyone here is trying to be DJ although he has all his equipment and sound devices, many Cds and computers that work his music. He wants me to Dance with him as a combo, Belly dance for this Hostal and maybe find other hotels and Restauarants that need entertainment. He has the perfect music!
We enjoyed the ride, about 40 minutes north to an area on the sea, called Escanar. We picked up my things then headed to the world famouse Hippie market. This was huge, it is every Weds, and brings people from all over the world to shop.
It has been in exsistance now for some 45 years. It has established village with houses in pueblo style design. All painted the same peach color with plantings that resemble something in New Mexico.
It was fascinating for me to see and expereince. I didn´t purchase anything, I am trying to be super carefull because I need to get into a house, Apartment or something. So holding back on buying was easy. I had no desire to purchase, keeping this in my mind.
He drank a beer, I had water and watched the people for a short while. Then we both ate at a small cafe near the beach and had our late lunch, which is normal here around 3:00. Then the places are all about closed.

We rode through an area close to Talamanca Called Jesus, I love this area... its so tranquil and pretty, sits nestled in the mountain side next to the sea about a 10 minute walk to Talamanca, and to town central it is about 30 or 40.For right now that is fine for me, I learned alot walking in Costa Rica, I have come to love walking. It makes you feel so good. But yesterday was not possible. It was raining and very windy and cold.

Simon stopped to get ciggarettes, I saw a woman in a huge garden across the street and noticed there was a house with people upstairs and no one downstairs. It looked something like the place I lived in Costa Rica, the owner above with an apartment below. Only the Garden is rustic, like in the old days huge vegetable garden with fruit trees, and strawberries just planted. It had a small swimming pool above ground and a old fashion well. Next door is modern tower apartments, but not looking directly into the garden. I watched the woman tend the garden and thought???? hmmm maybe I should ask her if she knows of any places close? I walked up kindly greeted here in Spanish and we began to talk. Lovely lady, in love with her garden! We talked about hers, then she asked if I ever had one, my reply was oh yes!!! and I loved my garden I worked in it almost daily. I said I would love to help you as well. Come to find out they were remodling the apartment below perfect for me one bedroom airy, high ceilings. I looked and liked it but it is not finished.
We left and went back into Talamanca.
Riding back we both needed to pay to charge up our phones, We went to the gas station which is where most people go to do this.I paid 15 euros he as well, but yesterday when I went to make calls for Apartments the phone system said you have no credit. In looking at my receipt the gal had applied the money to someone elses phone!!! I had asked a couple of people to give me a ride to this station so I could correct it, all three of the people here said yes, but not one gave me the ride.

I waited all day walking around, looking... no transportation again!!! the taxis here is impossible unless you are willing to pay 100 euros per day to get around and that is more than 200 dollars. The buses are not running in this area till late spring. So I was stuck.

Then Stephano later in the evening showed up and he took me to the apartment that I had seen the day before, the daughter of the woman in the garden is the owner and she said my mother told me all about you. So I said I would come again to see and discuss terms with her.
Stephano, the Italian guy with the real estate business Drove me over and he talked with her, serious business. In the end the Apartment is mine.
Its slightly expensive, yes but its the area, the sea, the garden,and the peacefull ness of it all. There is nothing any where for less to be honest! I was very discouraged yesterday before he showed up knowing that if I didn´t show up like I had promised someone else would come and I would be with out.
When he did I was surprised and immediately got into his car... he was not one who promised to take me he just showed up and talked and I got in and said lets go!!!

When I returned I felt so releaved, and now I can concentrate on getting work.
I had letters today from many people in Costa Rica, saying stay there... do not come back! wow I thought, because yesterday my thoughts were maybe I should return, its less expensive and try to find other work, and at least I know people. But in these letters, which were from four different people who do not know each other, they pretty much said the same thing.
One was the chamber of commerce, she said Marianna give a whirl!! make it happen I know you will do good there, there is money there and you can do this! ok wow I was happy to hear that.
The others pretty much said, its very bad in Jaco, no work bad things happening, and for me to try as hard as I can. Like they were rooting me on!
How nice ya know? so this was confirmation of me staying for a while and doing what I love or desire.
Today, I woke up a little late after eight, went to turn on the computer.. and it has done it again. So now I have no credit on the phone, the computer is black the screen will not boot up, and the camera that Roberto bought me is saying erroorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... God Here we go!

I ate some cereal here in the hostal and a coffee, now using the hostals computer. Then I am going to the station to get the credit I hope fixed. Later into town, to buy a thing or two.
But it is interesting here, in this place. The types of people that come and go... I know from my past in designing things in Hotels that there are some strange people who just hang out there all the time. And Talamanca has there locals that hang out.
For example a german guy named slvac long pony tail about fifty with a small red dog, one I have no idea his orign, Koeke, tall hippie looking in his fifties, Makie, black hair in her fifties strange character... then the group of younger ones that are always here in the afternoon drinking there beers and chatting. One tall black man who drives a delievery truck he stops every night has his champagne three or four.. and sings alot.
Then here is Alegria one of the main bar tenders, the only thing he constantly says is ALEGRIA, yeah yeah yeah, meow! ( ok I don´t know what to think about him) also an older German lady.Every day very classy in her high heels and short leather jacket, with leopard skirt and her little dog at her side.
There is more... It proves to be interesting.

Not good weather yet today again rain, windy cold I want to just crawl in bed.. but I should check things out with the phone and try to get my bill here discounted for the lenghty time i have stayed. I will feel much better knowing they can give me a little break!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The pronouciation is EBETHA, I notice lots of words are pronounced with a thaaa or multiple sses. It almost really sounds like everyone has this lispt, sometimes I catch myself giggling at them. Then I try to immitate them so I speak the words the same. But its not working yet, they always I mean always ask me where I am from. It is certainly different here.

Still chilly, today cloudy looking like it might rain. The water is dark and choppy, not to breezy yet boy yesterday sure was.
I spent the whole day in the street walking for about 7 hours looking for an apartment. I found two actually, studios in the price range of 850 Eruos, Small Tiny places one was nice had two beds and all new kitchen, but it is just not right to mu ch money. I aksed everyone I saw, lots of real estate companies, Apartment rental companies, bars, Stores, people in the apartment buildings or in the areas, if they knew of anything. Not much available now... Still it was a nice day, I got lots of sun.
I ran into the Italian guy that has the real estate company, I think he owns other things as well. Because when we bumped into each other on the street, and I mean literally bumped into each other... he was unloading a truck with linen to a restaurant. I didn't ask he volunteer, said it was one of his businesses. We chatted for one moment and I went on about my way. He was super busy I could see, but I reminded him to remember about looking to see if he had a clients Apartment that would be good for me.

After walking for hours, I noticed at 2:00 everything began to close. Here they close almost everything at that time, reopen at 4;00. So now what to do? I keep looking and window shopped.

Then tired and needed to eat I stopped at this little restaurant and sat out in the sun, in an alley where it is located in the older part of Ibiza. Its little Narrow alleyways, paint peeling from most of the buildings, Clothes hanging from balconies. Here and there some plants with boganvillas climbing up an occassional arbor over the alley. I found myself thinking about how lucky I was to be here. I waited for the waitress to come and asked for bottle water, then ordered the special which was lentel soup.
She brought out as normal a dish of rich spanish olives, briney and tender! and some ajillo crema, and crusty bread.
Its sort of a sour cream but not sour, or close to it with Garlic infused in olive oil. Its super creamy and tasty and you just want to EAT EVERY DROP!! I sat there in this alley and watched the french bulldog, beg me for a bone. When the lentel came I did give it all my bones and fat! She was please.
These dogs are common here, Many many French bulldogs, small breed but bigger than a boston bull dog.Cute short faces, pointed ears. Pretty darn smart! she watched me the whole time I took a couple of photos but still can not get the card to read in my computer.
Back to Lunch, I sat enjoying the soup the Barry white that was playing on the system, the whole Barry CD when two women walked up. German, older, they were taking the cruise that is offered here on the med.

The sat with me at the table and we talked about there cruise, and the food here in Spain, they love the Tapas, because it is small amounts and you can keep ordering what you choose. It is kinda fun but I haven't fully experienced it yet. Only the one night that Jaime took me from the Hostal.
We the three of us gals, enjoyed the day and I said my goodbye's then saw a salon that was brand new across the way in a cubby hole in the alley. It was called DAVIDS from Europe, like the statue? the owners were Italian, I met up with them and talked and now have two new friends. I will return and Filipo will be doing the hair from now on.
I found him a place to stay it was one room for rent, i thought I would do it, but it was too small for me, and five people... I am not sure I can do that. So I recommended it to him and I think he took it.
Then I walked back it was about 5:45 at night, took about 40 minutes to Talamanca from Down town Ebetha.
I went in got on the computer, never heard from the other Italian about the apartment, and just got online with the news paper here.
Later I sat in the bar where everyone goes, and watched people. Talked to the gals that work here and observed. I went to bed late we all sat by the fire last night everyone drinking champagne, One man kept buying.. and talking. I was the first to go to bed.
Now today back to try to find my place. I heard this morning from Stephano, ( the Italiano) said to wait another day he has a place a house not an apartment, and they are repairing some things today , he would take a look at it and then call me.
I sure hope so, I had an offer last night from a friend of someone here who has a nice place in a new complex,It sleeps Six people three bathrooms. He said he would love to have me there, pay for the room and use the whole house. This might be a good idea for now.
So I will see?
No word from anyone in emails!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chilly in Espana

De clima esta es muy frio en este momento....

I am having a little problem with the climate, its very chilly for me. My blood is so thin from living in Costa Rica for the past few years that its is difficult to keep warm here with the cold nights.
I am still at the Hostal, no luck yet! but I did see a beautiful one yesterday and wanted it, but the lady was a little odd, they have to think about you for a few days. Then let you know if you can have it. I really want it NOW!!!
Aside from that, Daily I meet people, all different types. The woman Makie, I am trying not to associate with. I see she really is a hard core alcoholic, last night she entered the hotel, there is a restuarant and bar lots of people locals come in and hang out and eat a little bocadillo, and drink a beer. I was in there talking to this Italian guy that one of the gals here knows who has a real estate company close to the Marina which is directly across from where I am staying. She told him I needed a place so we were chatting, when Makie walked in with some man. She didn't recognize me at all.. I watched her actions and listen to her.. and knew this is not for me. I don't say she is bad but after all I have experienced in such a short time with her, its a warning to not get to close.
I have had many types of friends, not all are perfect but I try to find the good in everyone, the best way to keep a good relation with her to is to be distant and just say hello.

The Italian guy seemed very nice, on the quiet end, not boisterous more reserve. He has long hair in a pony tail, dressed very classy, kind eyes. He said he would help me find the place.
He also knows many people in the industry of Discos, and he told me he would introduce me to them for design work. He said that PACHA the largest discotech in the world needs help with that in general.. and that He would propose I so some work.
I have not heard from the other people yet on the job.. but right now this is not my main concern its getting a house.
It is lovely here I must say and eating Crossiants with fresh strawberry jam and fruit in the morning is a delite, but BOY I WANT TO BE CAREFULL. The food can be problematic, because my body is adjusted to clean simple food from Costa Rica.

I ate a salad last night at the Marina, the cost was less than this Hostal, I watched the Sunset and ate while people chatted and drank beers and wines. They drink early in the morning here, in fact all day... even the employees of the hostal drink during working hours. Its ok they say???

It is normal that type of life style, drinking wine is a normal thing... I love the sangria but I haven't seen as much here as in Madrid.
I sure hope today is the day the APARTMENT COMES!!!! other than that I been busy looking... for now Send me positive thoughts, and I hope all my friends are doing well. I got a letter from Rossy, very sad.. said its not the same with out me. Said all my boy friends are Calling Raquel on my cell phone! I laughed I don't have boy friends... only guys I know asking where is she when is she coming back.. said one guy at the jungle bar was telling her he missed me and wanted my number here.. I use to dance with him all the time , like a permanent dance partner.. I didn't tell him I was leaving. Rossy said all he did was keep bugging her about me.
Said the business is dead, Jaco is dead, and she is so bored with me there to make her laugh and talk about life. We always discussed everything... NOW SHE MISSES ME.. Actually I miss her too,Rossy is a difficult person, only had one friend that was close she said this many times, and it was me.. the reason was I never argued with her.I let her say whatever she chose, do whatever she cared to do and never judged her for anything. I never got angry with her, I set my mind to be free of that with her as my friend. Just like the party I wanted she wanted me to her self basically and she did not want people eating free at her restuarant... some how I understand, and I do not hold any resentment, but I was a bit sad. People came later about ten.. but the food was cold and I heated it up in the micro wave.
One guy drove all the way from San Jose, he is one of Rossys good friends and mine too there near the end.. Carlos. very intellengent man, speaks many languages, and is world traveled. I like Carlos he is funny he made me laugh the last night I was there... So now my friend Rossy is sad. Frankly I am too.. I miss her snotty ways, her snide remarks, her wit! I don't think there is anyone like her, she is a one of a kind.
Raquel has been writting me too, she is missing me, and so is Gloria another friend of mine. I heard from Elena my friend in Herradura, she is an Americana Tica, lived in USA a long time.. she is riot.. very snotty too.. hmmmm I seem to like snotty people? its just there wit that makes me laugh and I like rye humor.
Well have a great spring day its Tuesday already here... the sun is blasting but its cold. the water on the sea is sparkling and its very picturesque!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Enjoying the Ibiza sun

I am enjoying the sun today, I plan on sunning and thinking and getting a solid game plan f0r finding the apartment and hopefull more work.

I found out what happened with Makie, Well I noticed when Iwas there that one night she drank a whole lot two bottles of wine.. I met her at the Talamanca Hostal, I guess she is a regular there.. she does have a drinking problem and could not remember where she dropped me, so left and went with friends and later in the day we caught up. I gather my things was very pleasant to her although this was entirely rude and irresponsible, especially when she insisted I stay cancell the room. It didn't matter I found a great spot again in Talamanca.
Tomorrow the plan is search the whole day and find the place.

Last night Dancing went super well... It was clear on the other side of the Island the taxi fair was big.. but It was a great experience. The group was live when I thought it was going to be aDj, it was mieko and his band. He was the lead for Prince as I said before. It was a great band sax and all two drummers, one bass one lead. And little ol me in the middle dancing and the crowd loved it.. THey asked to continue with all there gigs.. I am not sure, the pay was only enough to cover the taxi. It was fun though I was greatfull for the experience. I May continue depending on the pay...I have to say people were certainly nice and complementary after.

Many people came to us and complemented on the music, very funky.. very hip.. and the dancing.. People wanted to buy me drinks, I drank water wasn't really up to drinking... The day was a little stressfull and I was in a place unfamiliar, I didn't want to have a drink and not know how to get back or get in a situation of parting all night.
I was happy to accept the bottled water they serve here with gas and lemon. And I was gratefull for all the offers. IT WAS FUN!!

I got a belly dancing offer for a big party for someone named Ziggy, he has some huge mansion here in Ibiza, and he is throwing a spring fling. With Dj simon, from London, and he asked me to dance also. I am gonna have to practice because this is really difficult dancing. But I am excited because one of the things I said to my friends who by the way are writing daily missing me especially Rossy... I spoke out that I wanted to dance belly in a restaurant or some where.. because its so beautiful and so intense, great exercise and fills something in me that desires to be filled.

I dont have the date but I am thinking it is in a few weeks. So he and I will have time to prepare the songs and dance.

Other than this, the ride back from San carles, was really cool its on the north side of the Island it hillsides are dry with lots of cypress, short pines, catus.. and tall grasses. Its houses are all flat tops and mostly white occassionally made of square stones or blocks of clay. Along the roadway are walls of the same stone holding back, the soil.

Its very different than Costa Rica, no tropical plants except Palm trees. But I saw many places that sell huge Jardinaros, big urns, giant pots all hand made and fired. WOW I use to search for these in USA and could hardly find them and when I did they were expensive.. Here not so bad. If and when I attain a place I have to have plants in one of those enourmous pots! And maybe tons of Spanish Lavender.
The boganvillas right now are begininng to bloom all over , the color is instense too but nothing yet like I saw in Costa Rica.

OHHHHH I have to say, This food is killing me.. too much cheese, too much bread, crossiants, meats, I tried to eat fruit yesterday nothing like I love. DANG IT but hey if your a pastry lover, you will fit right in here... Oh hell this is hard!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Vera Del Rey

The Past two days I been Vera Del Rey, this is an area in Central Ibiza a tiny bit historic, and has nice plaza's with restuarants, pubs, and shops. I stayed in an old Hostal, probably in the early 1800's or more. The Hostal is located in the center of the square and you have to climb seven levels of stairs to get to the hostal. Thank God Eric carried all my things.. I was absolutely exhausted by the time I climbed them all. Now today I must leave it, its very expensive and not in a great condition. I may go back to Talamanca its is much more modern, and for the price my oppinion much better. Located right on the beach and it includes breakfast.
I have been trying like mad to find an apartment, not easy yet... I keep trying to be super positive, but nothing yet. I will say I am a little frustrated about this.
Eric and Mark left so I didn't have help yes.terday. I walked all over this one area,old historic very cool I like it much with in the castle, little apartments in old buildings small walkways up hills stone walks. Lots of paint missing on the buildings, really quite quaint. But nothing I found.
The night before I checked in the Hostal, I went down below to eat.. its chilly I am not use to this at all. I try to convince myself I am warm but its too cold!!! I ate but not comfortable, I drank two glasses of red wine, and since I been here wine is in my diet daily. It warmed me a little, while i was eating I saw the two young handsome guys that talk to me earlier about renting there apartment together with them. Its a good deal but I don't want to live with five young guys. NO NO NO... they offered again but I said I will think about it.
Then later the lady in the hostal talked about a place called Bamboobuda, groove. A famous Restuarant and bar in another area of the Island. So I bit the bullet and took a taxi to this place to check it out. I wore a small black cap, I was so cold to cover my head was inportant, jeans, high heels black, and black and brown top. When I got to this place I was in shock at the taxi fair, then to see this place WOW!!! it was nothing I have even experienced or seen ever. Cleaverly done in a private location, with loads and loads of Bamboo surrounding the building. Lights in the ground up lighting the bamboo in colors of orange, pink and amber. Wow, fountains statues lights levels and incredible paintings.

I sat ordered a caiparina` waited and drank slow... it was expensive.. Waited to listen to lots of british people talking, laughing. Then other types Europeans, no Americans. The music began I talked to Two German girls who live here.Lovely girls, one was a dress designer, one jewerly.. We talked and laughed. THen I decided to dance a little I haven't danced in so long... Hours went by when a famous DJ that plays base guitar for Prince came up to me began talking
He invited me to dance with him on stage tonight Sat at this exclusive party at a discotech. I was happy but shocked, he said yes you are beautiful, I want you to dance for me, and display all that energy to the people so they dance too! I said Are you sure???? he said Positive your energy got all these people dancing, wear nice dress come early and dance in the front of the stage... So I went yesterday to a designer shop... Never have I bought a designer dress.
IT was amazing because they were closing the line, that day shippping is all back to Amsterdamn. I met the designer him self it is Kemichi. I tried on several things unbelieveable dresses then one white one wow! He said no this is it your body is made for this dress! I loved it I bought it... it was not expensive concidering... and I know it will rock tonight! We didn't talk money but when I arrive I will ask, and then negotiate depending. But he said he would love to have me all the time dancing... So who knows?

I am so preoccupied about finding an apartment that I can hardly think though.. one little thing today, I spent the night at Makies house the lady from Belgium, and she dropped me off to check out of the hostal and stay with her... but she never returned so I been waiting in the street for hours. Finally I put my things back in the hostal I have the computer and I am eating... then I plan on walking to her place with is in the marina. Some two miles or more... I need to get a hold of her.. the bad thing is she left her phone in the house, My phone is her house too charging.. so how do I get a hold of her, and where did she go?
I was scared for a moment then thought ok you lost this day now, no looking for apartment, but enjoy what ever it is walk to Makies and then ask if she will return to pick up my bags... rest then get ready for my first job!
Wow I love dancing... I bet this is going to be fun!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Seeing a little bit of the Island

Yesterday I stayed with Mark, a friend of mine from Ibiza, he owns a business here in the Island. He lives in an intirely different area of the main city. Its country Mountain side dotted with pine trees, catus, various bushes. Lots of olive trees, and grape vineyard assorted farms.

Hilly but not high altitudes from where we are Its winding roads, and curves are fun. They drive super fast here. I see that almost everyone needs a car on this Island. All the cars are very nice, unlike

Costa Rica, the highways are great. Most of the roads from what I have seen so far are well taken care of.
I experienced my first sight of women with out bikini tops yesterday too, its common here to go around with out. I have heard this and was aware but never experienced it till yesterday.
The Freedom they must feel! No one stared, it was normal.. So yes this is something I will have to get accustom too.
Mark sent me into town to find an apartment while he worked during the day. I looked at one with a nice vista, a view of the sea.. it had a decent swimming pool. I was not impressed or happy with the area. I need to walk for a time untill I get a car. This look ghetto, everyone had lots of junk in ther balconies , it just looked ugly to me. Not for me.
After he took me to the central and I waited for another person I just met called Maike, a woman from Belguim. She speaks five languages, she is fifty four years old a designer... has been in Magazines in Europe.. and is quite the character.
We ate lunch late about 3:30. normal for here. Then we waited for the stores to open at five by going to her beautiful apartment in the area I believe I want to reside. Its the Talamanca area. Its very quiet, a mix of people but lots of single people too. She has a two bedroom New Modern place with all antiques, it was interesting, nothing I would do but she had my favorite color combination in the room, Hot pink and orange.. with bits of purple. Sort of artsy. We waited for a hour then drove back to purchase a phone for me. It took all of about 5 minutes, WOW different than Costa Rica, waiting some five or six months to get a normal house phone and almost a year for a cell.
After going back to her place for wine and a supper that she cooked, all Belgium style. It is near
the grand Marina is which is where I wanted to locate because of an opportunity I have with Luxury Homes, and properties in Costa Rica. This is owned by my friend Daphne, she sells nothing but High end properties and would like for me to Market Costa Rica for her here. I would need to situtate my self in an area where travelers with yatchs come in and can look at Information. I'll only be reffering people but it could lead to many other things. That is only one idea I have for income here. I have about five and As soon as I get settled I will be putting the plans together. Also going for interviews with the two people who emailed me previously, plus look for more.
Mark and his friend Alex are being a great help.
He has to go to Barcelona tomorrow,so I sure hope I can find a place today!

The weather in the past three days, has been cloudy windy, slightly cold for me. I need different clothes, I said this to Maike, pronouced MIKeAY. She said no in a couple of days its very warm here and it won't be needed. So If I can hold out a few days!

I have met some different people alright, from all over the world but I do hear alot of British accents, some Americans, not many from what I can see. Mostly Ibizians, Europeans, British. The language is very different, Lots of SSSSSSSSSSSSSS and thasssss its sounds like every one has a lispt. They speak so fast, hard to catch what was said. Although Not everyone has the heavy s structure. I think its long time residents or born to the Island. Because I have heard other Castillians and I can understand it.

The food though, I am having a little bit of a time with that. WAY TOO MUCH BREAD.. although its soooooooo freaking delicious! Crusty, toasted generally with olive oil. HARD TO resist for me. But I am, I know how I use to look and BREAD was a huge part of it. PASTA BREAD POTATOS they eat a ton of it here.

I haven't tried any real pastries yet, but I sure do see lots of bakeries.

For Sure I have to purchase a coffee or expresso maker, Coffee not a big thing, but Costa Rica coffee made me more addicted than ever. I love my coffee!

Hopefully, today I will find a place!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Sitting in Ivizza watching the sea

Listening the greatest music at the Talamanca Hostal, on the Talamanca sea.. Having breakfast at Sunrise was incredible. A simple breakfast of a boiled egg, some slightly flavored yogurt, and crusty bread... this is going to be hard not to eat this great variety of breads.. pastries ect.

What a beautiful morning. I am waiting for my friend to pick me up today and then the rest of the week finding my place,and doing the interviews.

Last night was nice I took a walk earlier to a little store up a hill near the bay and bought water and some snaks that are popular here. The whole area is so different. Not much vegetation, hills in in some parts, flat near the sea.
The architecture is very rustic for some of the homes that sit near the sea. More Spanish Med, But there is also huge structures that are Apartments and condos that are extremely modern. There is a huge Castle right in the middle of town, surrounded now my modern structures. But close near by are many historic buildings. I counted some 6 castles on the island map. I would love to see them all.

After my walk, and doing a little observation of where I am, I went into the back bar where all the people who work in the hostal and friends and nieghbors of the area meet. I had what they called shanves, its a beer with lemonade in it basically. VERY GOOD.. like a mechelada but a bit better. I drank two they serve the beers in wine glasses.. kinda strange and of course there small portions.

Then the owner came in and invited me to eat out with him.. actually he is only a part owner I found out a woman owns this place and she is a floral designer too! the place is super cool. So I agreed, I wasn't doing anything and it was very nice of him to ask.
We rode into town with two of his friends, they dropped us off at this place on a corner near the police station down town. We had cheeses, goat cheese that was scrumptious, and manchego, and some other blend of manchego and goat. Of course toasted intregal bread with crushed tomato all over it with infused olive oil. Then he ordered Tapas, this is a variety of things but is the main source of meals here.
We had something called reweltas.. eggs scrambled with black mushrooms, and shrimp. I could taste some garlic but very mildly. Also a little celantro very light, with a great wine red called luis xv11 super smooth delicate.

By the time we ate and drank I was so sleepy. I am not use to eating at 11:00 at night.. I really have to adjust or try not to do this often.

But we had a very good time. Just chatting I met the owner of that restuarant also. A woman who is a painter, I have her site and will post it her paintings are very interesting, deep rich colors with lots of feeling.
She invited me back for coffee sometime.
It is not hard to meet people here in Spain, the people are loveing, warm, I am really enjoying this. The feeling here is special, its almost magical.. They really embrace people, kiss on both sides of the cheek and greet with QUE TAL??? the say an expression of Vale` meaning in Costa Rica Quanto Vale` how much is the value.. but here the end each conversation with Vale` meaning perfect value.. perfect, or its all good or great.. very different sayings.. I think I will adjust fine to the language, but the food is a challange. The weather is another thing, I am so used to the scalding heat, that the chill here is strange.
But soon in a few days it is warm..
Listening to great ,music, part arabic, jazz, latin, combo really nice for the morning.

Thank you for reading, and thank you being a part of my life.

Monday, April 07, 2008


Since everyone is talking about the boobs, I will too! Wow thank god for surgeons! LOl go to Dr. Bernardo Mantilla Peralta and look at his page. He actualy has my body on the site, he told me before I left for Spain that he had used it because it was a great example of change. I am the second one in the tummy section on the right. Where it says Abdonminoplasty can only be 6 months for the change that and its an Amazing the change. The boobs are not on there yet, but he does want photos for records. I told him when they are healed I would send a photo.

Ok now on to what has been going on:


I have photos but since the computer was fixed it is giving me issues with posting the photos and turning or croping. I will try today to work on this:

But the last day in Madrid was super nice, Martin the British man who came to sit at my table and asked for my company. Had invited me to spend the last day together. He is a very interesting man, left England because of politics, and his job was eating him alive. We had so much in common, it was fun just having someone to chat and laugh with. We met early at 11:00 in the plaza that we had met in the day before. This is what they called center areas where concrete parks with fountains or sculptures, benches and plants.. sometimes little cafes` and bars. Early by meaning that people stay out late here and eat around 9:00 at night after the sun goes down, and its about that time close to 9:00. We walked some blocks it was chilly to me I could hardly stand it, the shade of the buildings were making it cool and breezy. We found a really neat place small in a corner that served breakfast. I had read about European breakfast, but never experienced and I can say I am having problems with so much pastries, and cheese. I am trying like heck to be super carefull, these are my two weaknesses in food. My mother always baked such wonderfull pastries and as a young girl I ate a ton. Having a weight problem my whole life with the style of eating we had as a family. Big Meals lots of cheeses, breads.. pastas. So anyway! I ordered my normal breakfast with a twist. I love the cheese they have here called,Manchego sort of a parmesean/ reggiano. Flavorfull and with wine devine! So I had one egg fried and they used olive oil, tasted so good with a toast that was huge, tomatos and the cheese. Good strong expresso coffee.We talked alot, waited for the sun to arrive from behind all the tall historic buildings.

Then walked to a plaza, but they weren't ready with tables. So we walked some more and talked looked in shops, and then found a table to sit at in the sun. He drank beer, I had water, I found me interesting,and was so curious about my so called bohemian life style now. He said that he admired that I could just follow what I felt. I told him it wasn't easy that day. In the morning I looked at my three bags, of things. Felt a bit sad thinking wow I sold everything and this is all except for a good amount of money for me to survive untill I find great work.

I might as well be concidered retired, I am worthy I have paid alot of dues, been through so much in my life that I am throughly enjoying things.

He could understand and I liked his views on people.

We later took the underground train and saw some sites. We didn't do a whole lot mostly sat in the sun and talked in various places. Then he went his way, (Just like the toliet paper guy!!! LOL who ever wrote that you had fun with that one!) and I walked up grand Villa in the center of Madrid, to the The barrio Chueca. Lots of shops and little places tucked in to cubby holes everywhere you look. It is so different and interesting.

I bought some post cards to send to my sister, and my kids. A couple for myself. As memory.

Then I walked some miles to the hostal. I interneted talking live to one of my friends on line. Using the camera and mic that is built into my computer. And I think I may just do a live chat on here soon.

In evening I walked to a plaza to eat a gloified grilled cheese sandwich with ham. They called it mixto sandwich. I wanted more but I was not about to walk all over town searching for a simple snak. I watched people and was amazed at how many were out and about so late eating dinner, drinking and enjoying the company of friends.
Walking back I went to this corner wine bar, I saw it filled everytime I past it so I thought I would check it out and take notes. For a future idea I have had... I stopped ordered one glass of tempranillo, sat in the corner cold... watching people and listening to the strange sounds of all the SSSSSSSSSSSSS they use in the Spanish in Spain. It is quite different, and the words are too compared to Costa Rican.

When a brutish looking man came up to me and began to chat about wine. We talked for some hour, he invited me for another I refused, I really was not wanting to talk any more to him and I wanted to go to bed honestly so I was fresh for my flight. He insisted so I finally gave in said I would try the vino torro.. a dark red with lots of rose over tones. Very good not bitter smooth..
We talked some half hour then he looked in his wallet and had no money.. asked if I would pay f0r another and I declined, I wanted to go. So I left and walked the short block to the place. I got acousted on the way by some crazy spanard, and he refused to let me go... untill I yelled DETENTE!!! NO MAS! some two guys were looking on and stopped, I forced the door open and ran upstairs.. he wasn't being mean I just think he was drunk and saw me and thought oh i need to talk to her that kinda thing... FAMILIAR WITH THIS... it was harmless but he was agressive. Told me all about his three stores he owns.. YEAH RIGHT! I ran.
In the morniing I wanted coffee but to find something that simple in Spain is hard, I am seeing that people do not drink much coffee mostly tea, and wine and beer. Sangria too...
I had a taxi driver stop me ask what I was looking for since everything was closed in the morning, and I was the only one out besides the party people who were try to find there way home.
I told him and he offered me a ride about to see if we could find something. but nothing! I needed a ride to the airport he would not allow me to pay for the ride searching so I said well take me to terminal 2 in Madrid for Ivizza. He helped with the luggage and off we went.
The Airport is not helpful, in fact rude.. but I smiled and didn't allow anything to alter the fact that I was about to see and experience a great thing today!

I tried to call my friend so he could pick me up at the airport when I arrived but he didn't answer some four times... so Arriving at the airport with out transportation and a hotel.

I walked outside the airport here in Ivizza, and was not upset, worried or freaking out. I saw a tall beautiful lady struggling with her three children. I told her its normal, my boys were like that when they were young.. she got right up and came over to talk to me. We talked for like 30 minutes I told her what I did, talked about the kids where they had been and what they do.
They own a privite hotel restuarant, on there own private beach called:
She liked me right off, so now in less than a half hour a new friend and a job offer. She said how are you going into town, I told her probably the bus since my friend didn't come. She offered me a ride and her husband who is by the way the one in the purple shirt in the photos with dark hair she is in black... took me a five star hotel, talk to the people told them I suppose who he is and got me a discount rate. They dropped me off we kissed, and she ask me to call her.. said they do lots of weddings at there rustico place and could use someone like me!
How nice!!! so nice!!! then later I went out of the big hotel I am in and walked the beach... I saw two restuarants on the beach near the water in the white sand. I took photos walked and checked it out. One was the hostal I was suppose to be staying at so I went in and talked with them meeting the owner by luck! the gal told him she is muy Alegre! he was tickled to meet me and we talked and laughed.. he offered to make me a special drink.
So I sat down in the out door restaurant right on the water, filled with people, a man playing the guitar..and others playing in the sand the water and children laughing. it was so pleasant.
The sun was bright but not so hot as Jaco.. I sat waited for my drink! it was Blood orange with cranberry and vodka. wow yummy and refreshing.
Then I ordered this great salad with walnuts roguefort, and mustard dressing dabbled with that great ham they serve here... I enjoyed that with crusty bread. Watched people listen to the music and thought WOW how lucky am I? and thanked the god above that I have what little I have and can see new things in life!!! I was so in awe of what I accomplished... I know some of you can understand.. but to think something out that sounds nearly impossibly a few months back, and to see where I was and what I was doing was a miracle.

"That a man can change himself and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind that is wide awake to the power of right thought."

I will not be kept in poverty by my lack of graditude! THANK god and thank you my friends for encouraging me to keep going and be strong, and in sending me that one gift TINA! I don't care what these I won't call them people I would call them mouths say.. you know where I was and I thank you over and over and the god in heaven for taking me from one level to another by my choice, and of asking. I will find something that will repay the giving and kindness my friend shared with me.
By giving to others is one way.. which I do..
So great! I go to pay the bill and the owner refuses to allow me to Pay!! ok this is something and I have only been here one day! I said oh please I don't expect it he said not to worry it is a pleasure! hmmmm giving is a great thing... and receiving is super nice.

I walked into town after kissing everyone, and was frankly alone on the street not knowing where I was going passing a marina that seemed like it was miles and actually is miles long.
Wow o wow I thought... I know I am going to do well here.. using my skills, people here spend the money and believe in parties which was my work for some 28 years. Weddings, parties, conventions, and inspirations to others... by writing what I create and giving advice. So I had a great day!
When I came upon two young handsome men dark hair both wearing pink shirts.. oh I am bad I think?? they are gay partners both in pink??? how sterotype is that? they stopped me said wow your pretty where are you going? I said to town get a coffee check things out, I need to find an apartment in a couple of days... they said they had a big one that other people lived there that I could have a room for 250 Euros a that is good... so we had coffee they invited me, found out they were from France, working here in the gymnasium doing animations, for Internet.
We had coffee and I went to see the beautiful Apartment over looking the Marina... I though Hmmm I don't know but I didn't say a word to them. I took numbers and thought well it was a nice gesture and a good option saving me some money while I search for my own place and work.

Although I already have one offer and two interviews from before setting it up some two months ago.
I decided this is better than Sevilla but I may still go.
Then I walked back, Got to the hotel almost dark.. threw myself on the bed kicked off my shoes, feet were killing me.. and then bathroom when the phone rang.. It was my friend he said he was on his way to take me to eat and drink. I said I wasn't hungry but lets go and have a drink next door and introduce him to the owner.
So we did, and then he offerd me to not stay in the hostals, to come to his place relax, take it easy he has an extra car, phone.. and said he would help me find the right apartment, and to take my time.. How nice ok? I like it here!!!!!! although Costa Rica is beautiful and the food is so clean , I love the nature yeah that is right,MANGOSSSSS I am really enjoying this world too... getting use to the food is going to be a little different, change my whole eating habits. But I will remain strong, control my weight, and exercise.. Find the good things of Spain...

Right now I am so in love with my life! I am happy and finding joy in everything and not allowing nay sayers and of course story tellers using this page to beat a good woman down! SHOPPING CART MY ASS!

Saturday, April 05, 2008


I have friends of many types, not just gay, lesbian? and Prostitutes. I happen to find good in all sorts of people. I have old friends, older in age, young young friends, male friends, female friends. I just so happen to find some people colorfull. I am not bias, color is also not a problem.
All these people, have shown me many things in the world that most of you have never experienced because of your narrow minds.

Sending me money? I work for my money, and if someone wants to send a gift then that is great. I don't recieve many gifts, I ask Tina to pay her back and she refuse. Like she said she has known me for years!!!
The Gay men I met from Italy were wandering around this court yard I was sitting at a table for four there were no more tables, I invited them to sit with me and told them I would not bother them. I was being kind, funny how people love to turn everything in a drama!! when all it was was a nice meeting, them being happy I offered a table and they rewarded me with one glass of wine. We ended up walking and shopping, they invited me to see one show, but I laid down to sleep and never got up till the next day.

Now Yesterday, I went to very cool little sidewalk cafe, But first interneted at the hostal I stayed at the day before. Because I needed to buy a ticket and I did not have internet at the place I am staying now which is called Hostal Camino on one of the main roads in Chueca, a barrio inMadrid. I walked some five blocks to ask if I may. First let me go back, I am so time lost that I woke up again yesterday at 1:30 feeling so out of sorts and not well. So by the time I dressed and walked to this place it was about 3:00. I sat down to eat, but the restuarant had closed only bar food. It was some potato thing they call Spanish toritilla... but it doesn't resemble a tortilla at all its like scalloped potatoes baked in a form.
So I had a double coffe, that and they always I notice give you the best bread. I was carefull only at half and a couple of bits of bread. This s suuch different food than I am ajdusted too.
When I sat down I sat with a young lady, Spanish gal about 23 we talked and laughed and then her boyfriend came, after about 20 minutes they left. A nice man chinese, next to me from Holland sat down with his lap top and we began to talk also. He was talking quite alot untill this blonde handsome man walked up and asked if he could sit at my table. I said sure, it was hot and sunny and I was enjoying sitting in the warm sun. Drinking a double coffee and nibbling on my tortilla?? it just doesnt look like one to me! so all of sudden he spoke, English. Wow he had a british accent. We ended up talking and laughing and spent the whole afternoon together. He walked with me to shop for an adapter for the plug on the computer I told him I have been in this mode where I believe I am going to find something or do something and it happens FAST! he was laughing in disbelief! well we walked out to one street, I saw a key shop stopped asked where I could buy this adapter they pointed across the street . We trotted across and got it that fast! he was looking at me like hmmmm?? how did you do that so fast. Living in Costa Rica was huge help doing anything was a major chore so this was simple. Here it is more sohpisticated, and of course more up to date with everything. Then we walked to get Shampoo, I needed some I bought it and he bought a beer, for him and for me a water. We walked back to the center square and sat in the sun for hours. Right now the sun goes down around 8:30 its still day lite at 9:00 so we said our good byes, gave a hug and he invited me to do something today. I would love to see some sites, so after finding a cell phone which is our goal. We are going to eat and then see some sights.
It was quite an amazing day just taking my time and visiting, laughing and talking. He tried selling me on staying in Madrid , and not to go to Ibiza, encouraged me to stay. Said there are great opportunities here. But he may be a good contact he is an engineer. I can call him or find other contact's through him and I am sure return to visit or visa versa. I want to go a beach area, where it is warm. Besides I read that events and my work is very impressive in the cities I have researched to look at. And I have a job opportunity in Ibiza and Sevilla. So I want to check it out. One is with a design company for Interiors, the other is with events. I have three contacts there.
I want to go to Sicily in Aug so these places are closet to Sicily making the tickets easier and less money.

So going to get dressed, go eat and then meet him at 11:30 am.
The weather right now is so nice very warm in the day very cool at night. Last night I watched the people from the balcony. Lots of different types, partying and singing, making lots of noise. I took a long bath, washed my hair finally from four or five days of not having shampoo. Sat in a tub which is something I haven't done in years.. and enjoyed the bath! then I jumped into bed and fell asleep.
Last night was the first night of really good rest. I didn't hear much street noise and the bed on the other side was better. not so beat up!
I have sensory overload, there are so many stores, shops, sites buildings fountains, people, cars that are just beautiful! I really am enjoying this. I can not wait to post photos if I can figure out this Camera that Roberto bought to replace my Cannon.
They have these food bars, I don't exactly know what they are called, but today I will photograph one. It is various things, huge ham legs like procuito, and marinated veggies. Potatos, well lots of things I have never seen, in the form they eat them in.

I really haven't eaten much since I have been here. So lets see what today brings!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Flying to Ibiza Sunday

1. Rosie didn't want people eating for free, she is money she has a boob job she was my inspiration for the $2800 dollar miracle that is a common thing for many women, only they lie about it.
2. Liar, why? I don't need to lie, I say what I feel at the moment. I am happy about my life at the present, no need to lie about things.
3 Running away? No sorry it is an adventure, believe the truth, no people would rather believe a lie.
4. Selling all my belongs brought a nice sum of money, I am not a person to ask for handouts, THANK GOD FOR TINA HER HELP and the book. This is what made me turn around and realize really who I am... I CAN DO ANYTHING and YES I AM A MASTER DESGINER, and have had many accomplishments in my life.
Money comes and goes, yes there a time here recently some four months or more agao when the car was stolen, the house robbed no work, the house flooded and more.. YES I HAD NOT A DIME TO MY NAME, it was tough... who in there right mind would be seriously thrilled? and happy with that? I made a decision to do something else. Change my course, sell what I had and see what else is new that would be interesting and possibly teach me more in life. CONDEM ME FOR THAT? Jealousy..... is what I think. I am not asking anyone to help me, when I write its what I am feeling. My friend Tina is an Angel and I never asked her for anything she felt it in her heart knowing me for years.
I am giver, I give to many people.. Not a gold digger, user, WOw you guys have called me just about everything in the book.. But I have to say I am not mad, sad or angry with any of these comments. I know what I am, I know what I want, I aim and I go.. I wanted a column I professed it and got it, I want a new CADDY CTS didn't have the money really professed it and got it. I wanted to write for an inspiration page I confessed it and got it. I was FAT FAT FAT I confessed one day I was thin thin thin, and I conquered and got it.. Please What I am doing is living a dream from the time was SUPER young. I will not allow any negative messages to kill what I am about to do. I WILL MAKE IT I WILL BE doing well as I am right now. I am not worring, I have changed my mind the same way I changed to body from fat to trim with self discipline, watched what I ate exercised and now a little tuck here and there. HALF MY FRIENDS HAVE HAD THIS LONG TIME AGO...
When I think about all the ticket money I spent to go to the USA to visit friends and my sons it came too:$10,000 in the time I was in Costa Rica. WHERE DID THAT MONEY COME FROM? HARD WORK... selling my belongings before. Don't get me wrong I love the country of Costa Rica it is beautiful I love the majority of the ticos and ticas. But the lack of work the robberys, the drug addicts and the fact that droves of Americans are Going to Jaco and buying all the land changing everything making super expensive made me think... I thought ok life is short, I want to enjoy what I have now, the future who knows.. tomorrow you could be hit by a car exactly like I WAS! I have had several bad brushes with death, once hepititus when I was young almost killed me, my father found me in the bathroom bleeding profusly, I had spinal menegetis, almost killing me, I had kidney falure problems once that set me back months in the hospital. I clipped by a car in Jaco breaking my leg seriously and had three surgeries on it. I watched my mother die of Cancer, My Father, My brother... LIFE IS SHORT!! I am going do what I can while I still can and do nothing but enjoy, learn new things and hopefully inspire other people in one way or another..

HEll I know people who spent a thousand dollars in dinner.. I never had said anything about what they do. ITS THERE MONEY. I was poverty, the thing is I experienced the REAL THING REAL POVERTY, no food barely able to pay for the power that was only 14 dollars, and having to learn how to recoup and survive. PUT ME DOWN FOR THAT? I don't blame anyone for things that have happen to me. I am not understanding more about life than ever, and I am greatfull for what happened as it changed me just like having a husband who beat me all the time, untill I made the decision to leave and raise the boys alone. THAT WAS BAD but I thank god for it because it made me who I am today. I STRONG, VIRTUOUS Woman who is independent, and has the courage to do something new. BEING BOLD AND USING MY BRAIN to get by... I happen to love my body, it just need some perking!!!

What you do with your life is your life, I am not hurting anyone, and not my self, SELF CENTERED. SORRY but loving yourself is the only way you can have someone else love you. Take care of you, then all the rest follows.

I don't have a husband, and frankly I don't want one. A good friend a partner yes.. I don't have a boy friend but it is never hard for me to have a man. NEVER! I have children and they have busy lives. I can not wait to see the rest of the world, HOW? I don't know how it is all going to happen, but I am going to be positive about what I want and know it will come. This a part of me that use to be very alive and productive in the USA, but the USA Killed it and in Costa Rica I forgot I could be like this. I will visit costa rica, and by the way everything IS PAID FOR!!! God people are something!!! I am laughing really because you have put me in this outfit of being this horrible person that is a prositute, robber, liar, and god knows what else! When all I am is a woman who has worked very hard for the majority of my life from the age of 14, teaching swimming lessons to on and on.I am a woman loves life, loves many things, from food to wine, to nature, history, architecture, the arts, culture, all the girl things, and interested in physics oh hell many things ok? and is trying to enjoy adventure of a life time.

So what I am saying is take those comments and sit on them, there not going to affect me in the least, I will survive I HAVE FOR YEARS supported two children, ran a business, bought a home on my own, cars and more... So if you build a castle once, that means you still have the plan and can build a castle again.