Friday, November 30, 2007

It is Marianna and has been for many years

My mother's Name was Marianna, and mine was Marianne from birth, but I changed to my mothers name when I was 16, My sister never accepted the change and insisted to say Marianne. It is formally and offically MARIANNA. So like it or Not Sis it is. She says she does not read this but I know she does. If you hate me so much why are you keeping up with my lies as you say? or the so call lies?

That is all I have to say about that.

I got on the plane at 11:45, with all my things I had purchased for my job at the biggest resort in the country only after they made me take 8 pounds out because
I was over on the weight. Part of it was because Clint sent a ton of presents to his friend here in Costa Rica so I hand carried a bunch of things for him.

The ride was long but not as bad as the coming to the USA. I slept only after I contemplated the hour long brow beating, arguement with Brandon. There were a couple of points that he said where totally valid, but I really think it is best I am here. Out of all those who feel I am this horrible person's, way. The only thing I found curious, is that the statements that my son said where same word for word statements that my sister said in her nice comment on here.

I slept more on the second rung of the trip, but woke up feeling so beat down and sad to be alive.
No not poor me, but God I must be this awefull indiviual who is totally not worthy of being on this earth.. THIS IS THE TRUTH. I waited hour and 40 minutes in immigration, the line was huge. So many people coming to Costa Rica.

Then Diego was late, I sat on the curb for another 45, then we went and pick up product I bought before that wouldn not fit in the car. He was tired and did not want to drive so I drove the 2 and half hour drive back, stopped at one place looking for garland's I needed they were sold out. I went to drop off Diego, and his friend. Then to another place it was now 7:00 at night. I went to my office filled the car absolutely full of thing's and drove to Los Suenos. I unloaded a whole car full of materials and organized things. THEN WENT DIRECTLY TO ROSIES.
We sat outside and had a drink, with four of my friends here and two Americans untill 12:30 am, then Kevin called and wanted his gifts so I went to the house to meet him and talk untill 2:00.

I got up at 8:00 and had a fast coffee ran to the nicas house for work, he was not there. He was suppose to paint all these limbs for me.

The car died, wouldn't start. I panic i have this Job at the Marriotts!!!
So I prayed, and in a few minutes it started.. I went around town, trying to find guys and I found three. I bought paint, and then ran around looking for tree limbs because all the ones I got before I left were cleaned up and thrown away... So I managed to find them, and ordered a small truck to trasport them to my friends Randy's because he has a sprayer, and he said Don't worry hun,I will paint them for you. Go to Los Suenos, shut the car off it wouldn't start again.It has new battery, new alternator so what the heck now?

I took the three young guys with me to the hotel and we began. It went smooth these kids are the most awesome workers ... I don't have to say anything twice! wow different than those i ever had do things for me before. Everything went super smooth... and they are happy at the hotel.They kissed me and sent me sodas, water and a radio, so i can call for whatever I need! I know this is going to be a very good thing. I finished at 1:00 tonight then read all those lovely comments.

I can honestly say now that I am back, I have no anger, because I do know what I am, and I do know I have good in me.. also I know that HATE IS CONTAGEOUS.. I won't allow it in my life any more.

I have helped many people in my life, many. Even here I have given and given, and lent hands and money.
I have one friend here I gave 200 dollars to two and half years ago when I first came. She never paid it back, but I know she needed it... she knows I been having a rought time and offered me to eat whenever i need from here little hotdog stand that I invested in... I have helped her in her stand many times.

I don't have to give an account of what I have done. Or what I do. This whole blog was for my family orginally, and friends that I STILL HAVE.. so they could keep up and see what I am doing and feeling. Many people have these.. Actually I love them. So I say this again. IF you do not like what I say? or how I feel STOP READING... And stop reporting.

I will continue here in Costa Rica untill I can't anymore...

On the good note,I can not wait to finish the Marriott, its so beautiful already. And its been a pleasant experience with my guys who are helping....
Additudes here are different, And believe it or not I have changed. I have gotten mellow, and I have soften, and I have lost the stress.. and I have changed my heart..

THis place does it to you... PURA VIDA...


Anonymous said...

We all know who has the problem. Your loving sister who for some reason still can't get over the fact that you spell your name differently? What's that all about. Someone who has some real mental issues. Filled with resentment because you made your choice to change your life. Maybe it's because she wishes that she was the one in CR. Who knows. All I know is that your home now and welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl Just to let you know that you made it back just in time. We're being pounded by a winter storm here in Vegas. My daughter this morning said that it's raining cats and dogs. Very cold northern type of storm. Here in the desert any rain is welcome but most people have no idea how to drive. First rain makes it very slick. Lots of accindents. Now your back and hope all is will for you. Wishing I was there. Dennis.T