Saturday, November 24, 2007

Still eating Turkey but alone In Brandons house

I been spending the nights here alone. The house is cold the temp is set and you can not change it so I have been trying to cuddle in blankets to stay warm. I also have been eating little by little the left over turkey and stuffing that is to die for. I forgot to say that I boil all the giblets with celery and sage onions, and poultry seasoning first then make a broth and add butter to it. Its really very good.. Everyone eats lots of it.

I have been trying to think about what I can do in Costa Rica to make money. Obviously the design work is not holding up well. The landscape was going good and it dropped off too.
I have been watching kitchen nightmares,which is my youngest sons favorite show. I have never heard of this show until this week, Now the reason I said I been watching this is because he is an inspiration to me. He turns failing restaurants around and makes them work and profit. I need someone to turn me around or give me inspiration on what I can do to make a huge change in my life.

The last comment on my blog, and I have no idea who it is, but they said I was a great cook and maybe that is my calling. It is my sons, he is awesome.. and I am pretty dang good too. I use to cater for people here some 400 one time in one day. Not plain food either very high end classy and tasty food.
I have offers often from Rossy and other people there to cook for them, Every time i cook I get standing ovations. It is natural, my mother was an Italian Julia Child no lie, she taught me pastries, pies, I mean fancy pastries, cakes, cookies Italian traditional things and the best food ever. So it is natural for me.

I laid on the sofa here last night and racked my brain on what???? Cook??? bake?? but you need a kitchen and oven and its very hot in Costa Rica... I want to do something that is a demand, like for an example this night mare kitchen dude... does demographics in areas there was a fine dinning restaurant, in an area where it mostly young people.So they changed the atmosphere and menu to suit younger crowd and turned it around.

Where I live is lots of Prostitutes, beautiful young women, lots of Old,chubby American men. Well men of all ages, lots of Surfers, young and old, male and female. Men and women of all ages that are ticos. I need to come up with something that targets these people. We have a sushi restaurant that is super expensive and its always packed not many locals but some of us go, and mostly Americans and some prostitutes with there dates. Also another high end restaurant that does excellent, The souvenir shops do well, the surf shops excellent and Rossy's coffee shop does very well, now she has two and a small grocery store.
We have a kfc, a subway, a quisnos, and three icecream shops. No juice bars,and there is another coffee shop. A baglemans that is barely hanging in there.

I don't know if I want to do food, catering, or something directed to the women in town. I had a letter this week from the Jazzercise corporate, asking me to come to a workshop to become and jazzercise teacher but the franchise fees, and percentages that you have to pay will be probably as much as I would make. But doing my own thing might work as long as I figure out the sets before. The women here will go, but how many dang classes can one person teach in a day?? NOT VERY MANY there fore this is a nice idea but not really much money. Or something directed to the surfers? how bout a service for the men who come to buy the women? Or something to do with tourisum? I dont kmow but all I know that after this last visit. I Have to live somewhere warm and sunny. This place is to depressing, and way to cold for me I am like a popcycle here.CAN NOT THAW out!

Suggestions would be perfect. Because I do not want to move back here at all. There is nothing for me here. No interaction, too much traffic, the costs of things wow!
So anyhowwwwwwwwwww. Thank you who ever you are that said you love me. I needed to hear that!

Well going into Portland to find some clothes for Eugenia, this gal that works for rosie she gave me a small amount of money so I need to go look for her.
My son is making Turkey soup and invited me but its so dang far to his house and I already spent too much on gas. So I have no idea what I am doing today but I hope its getting warm sometime today.

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