Thursday, November 08, 2007

finishing up the little display

Got fairly early but Raquel did too, she went with me to the soda and we had a very lite breakfast together. She is such a serious face always seeming mad.But its more like sad. She needs money too.But she is not resourceful and I am.
She doesn't care about much, its was rough yesterday because I flat out told her I needed the money and this was not working for me. She did a little incident in a store, like painting her nails with the paint, when I saw her doing that I asked why are you using that? she said its only 300 colones, I said you have three hundred? she said no but you do. I blew it, I said I am not your mother and I am not paying for your things.
She just doesn't care.

I picked up some more holiday stuff for Rosie and now she wants even more! That's good its not a ton of decorations but its a good reason for people to ask who did it?

After that I went to Ice, he called Tony and Tony said he would come today after 9:00 so I hope so! I don't know You never know when people say something here if its the truth or not.
This is how I will get chip back for my phone. So that will resolve this bad situation. Its like I am helpless. No one can call me, I have no way to contact people, and if I had work I wouldn't know?


Haven't seen Lucas at all, nothing going on in my personal life either, kinda boring now.

Later in the day I worked on the little display, nice pieces but so few. I may have to move some down to Nelsens when he gets back from the USA, I need to sell fast.

I used the deposit money from ICE to buy more so I can make a little money. Really pathetic I mean it I feel so dumb right now.

Well Los Suenos wrote me and I have a meeting with them today at 4:00 To go over details so I think I got the job of decorating the whole hotel for the holidays.

This will be a super good thing, Many many people go there, and have houses and condos I don't know what percentage eat at the hotel but I am sure a few visit from their complex.
That will bring other business and hopefully get me rolling again.

BGEEE ( John) came over for a few minutes last night. Raquel and I and he watched the big plasma, he fell asleep on the leather sofa, MALDICION! SOFA!

That damn sofa makes everyone sleep, I mean everyone! its so comfy people fall out especially me. That is like the one place I sleep great lately.
I have no idea what time he left this morning but he wasn't there when I got up.

It is still Cloudy out no sun today again, I NEED SUN! it was very cool last night I felt cold actually. Not humid at all right now.
I was at Rosies for a few hours eating popcorn and diet cokes, and talking. I met a couple of interesting people. Two guys from Italy very cute and spoke five languages, USA needs to teach more than just Spanish and english and some french, and the Spanish is not manditory. Then I met this young man about 24 from San Diego he was visiting here alone. His parents sent him for a graduation trip.
He was very friendly, we talked for an hour or more.
Carlos a friend dropped by and he chatted with Rosie and I for a while.

Other than that It was quiet.

I sure hope I have Los Suenos! That will be a very nice thing and may change my whole situation here in Costa Rica because of the exposure to my work, and the association with them.

This could be a very needed answer. OHALA....

No birds singing its very quiet today strange. Today the power is going to be shut off most of the day today so I better get ready now its almost 8:00.

They didn't explain why but there was a notification to people in Jaco no power all day.

Don't know how much I will do today then? I have Tony at 9:00 at 11 the chamber for an idea I came up with, and 4:00 Los Suenos.
I want today to go well! NO MORE BULLLLLLLLLLLLLL

1 comment:

Pulsante said...

Sou português e vou de 23 de Novembro a 3 de Dezembro à Costa Rica.
Gostaria de ser aconselhado por alguém da aí sobre o que deverei ver...podes ajudar-me?
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