Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sunny weather again

The past three days have been super nice. We had sun and I went to the beach for two hours each day. I am not sure about today since the truck with the old Christmas decor is coming from San Jose for me to preview and figure out what I am doing with it. I may be going to this small town outside of Punta leona to pick up lights and a few other things depending on the check I am getting from Los Suenos. We found our branches I am going to customize, and today get a truck to pick them up an take them to an area near the Los for storage and paint.

I sure hope I figure How I am getting to San Jose Sat, since the plane leaves at 7:45, and its Two hours from here. That is a very early drive in the Morning! I want to go the night before but I don't know right now who is driving me. In the past Cristhian took me and or I took the bus. But then I would have to pay for the hotel and Right now hotel is not in the budget. This sounds so silly that I can not afford a hotel for one night??? and yet I am flying to the USA.

The ticket was purchased a long time ago, but I did have to pay a big transfer fee of two hundred dollars recently. I used rent money to do that.. Its been so bad. So unfortunately I am busted practically. I need to figure that part out right now. Funny thing is I have no clothes to bring. All my clothes are hot weather clothes. I have one pair of jeans that fit, two blouses and one little sweater. So my luggage will be fairly light. But I want to bring some trunks to take back holiday product to use at the Los Suenos, so lugging around two empty trunks on a bus Friday night might be what I am doing.

I plan on visiting several people while I am in the States, one is Jon Dickey long time friend, ex employee. Jon and I have a great rapore and I love his guts! The other is Clint of course, My Two sons most importantly and grand kids. I look forward to spending some time with them. I want to try to build a better relationship with these guys but its hard at times. Their lives are busy.
Then there is Bill White a great friend and old Client for the holidays. I Use to do such beautiful Christmas and other Holiday work for this man. What good memories I have about him and his family.
Then Patrick and Shirley Hanley, I became friends with them after I created this dream like Hollywood style wedding for them, It became a yearly thing to decorate there whole home, and we became friends through this. Shirley is a beautiful woman inside and out, I miss some of these people.
I sure hope I can get Sharon to give me an hour. People lives are so hectic in the states no time for anyone. Terry an old friend hasn't seen me in three years. I don't think he would recognize me if he did! Every time I fly to the states I get in contact with many people but only one or two come through.
I need to thank God today for one of my friends, Tina.. She is doing something special for me.With out asking she offered a hand and I was so happy.
I prayed so hard yesterday that God would send a blessing, open up doors of opportunities and allow me to get back on my feet.
The roller coaster ride I have been on is hard tiring if not stressful. So I need to say THANK YOU TINA!!

Amazing sometimes how things work.

So today is going to be a little hectic, but I am happy!! I want to be doing something other than worrying.

Its a beautiful day THANK GOD FOR IT!

Yesterday I had calls from several people here, Saying that they saw me on a special for the Kumbia All Starz, Its true I am in the new video, but they said the special on a music station on the television here shows the whole thing and shows me allot. The Video only has a small snip of me in the beginning, dancing of course! and you can see me in the background shots of the other parts. But it was cool because people called. I have Chanel 48 on right now waiting for the special so I can see what I look like dancing...

Raquel is being better I had a long talk with her and I sure hope nothing goes on while I am gone. I am going to make sure my landlord knows I am gone and a talk to a couple of my friends that know her and me. I want nothing bad when I return!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you love my guts! I love your guts too!!!!

Anonymous said...

What's up with this.