Tuesday, November 06, 2007

hope you like these photos?

I didn't write yesterday because it took so long to put up those photos but I hope you liked the perspective. Its hard to take great shots with the vibration of the plane, and being that its just a normal camera. But I did manage to get a couple of nice ones. This plane was built for Experimental flying and observation in Africa, I wrote a whole story about it in the Jaco guide this month. It has dual engines and cruses very slow at 500 feet or less. It is very quiet too in comparisons to other planes. Not to disturb wildlife and is meant for ground observation. Its really a blast to ride in so if you live here in Costa Rica please come and try it! if you come to visit Contact me and I will set you up with a flight.
The best part to me was the take off, in less than five seconds we were off the ground with incredible force and up in the air floating rapidly above 800 feet. Soon to a thousand. The air was cooler of course, its humid and hot here so that was nice to feel the fresh cool air.

We went for about 45 minutes, I didn't have to pay because I gave them free publicity this month and I wanted to be sure I knew what I wrote about in reality.

I Did get the car fixed however this morning I could not sleep. I got up at 4:00 turned on the air conditioning then laid back down and worried. I got up shortly there after about 5:00 as soon as it was daylight. I went out to the car I was worrying about it and looked at the tires, well I saw two nails in the front and now I somehow have to pay to have these replaced, How I don't know Money is so tight. But I did get the other part fixed. Lucas did pay for it and I agreed to pay him back. I noticed he gives money to lots of people... He gave some Colombian girl a few thousand.. so I guess I am not special.
He hasn't seen me much since I been down. To busy with his Colombians... I wrote him a note explained how horrible I feel about myself but he didn't comment. Anywayyyyyyyyyyy

I did receive papers from my attorney here for my incorporation, you have to be Incorporated in order to work here as an American.
I needed those for ICe to Return my deposit on the power bill for the office. I got it back yesterday. So two things resolved, then I went all over getting a few items because Tom in the Century 21 offered me the whole front of the office to display my Christmas designs.

Nice but I don't have very much no money to produce them but Wow that was very nice, I didn't ask he just came to me and said wow all the pretty things you making and there stuck here in the back where no one sees them, I will let you have the front for now an put them out there and hopefully you will sell some. So we started renovating that area and today will begin to display some items.

Well while I was doing this yesterday my cell phone was on the bar that was in my office and is now the reception counter in Century. The reason it was on the bar is there is no signal inside this building except there.. everyone puts there phones there. I don't have an office phone yet and no cards so this is my only phone for communication and work... WELL SOMEONE STOLE IT.
Now in the states this is not an issue you cancel get a new phone and reconnect the line.. but as an American here almost impossible.
The reason is Tony an ex employee got me the line he is Tico you have to have a Tico to get you a line... there are no more lines here available till Dec MAYBE??? but he has to disconnect it then come sign papers reconnect it.. HASSLE and he doesn't exactly live here nor does he talk to me... So Today I am going to try to get another chip, and borrow another phone I need it I pray god intervenes on this one

So Many trials lately I am so tired and worried I can't sleep and I been eating more junk because no money to buy good things , cheap is the word.

I finally heard from Brandon my son, I wrote a note saying both my sons can't write five words to ask how I am or say anything. He wrote eight and told me to be happy! I laughed but I want more than EIGHT DANG WORDS!!!

I sure hope this ticket deal gets straightened out other wise I lose over a thousand dollars on this airline thing and I wont be able to see the kids or have the passport stamped. With no other options I don't know what I am going to do.

I already did some cleaning here this morning, Raquel is still sleeping, still not working although she helped me yesterday a little.. She does not like to work. She wants to return to Spain.. I hope that happens soon for mine and her sake.

Right now there are lots of birds singing, hummingbirds are coming to the patio drinking from the Heliconias out around. I heard macaws yesterday above the apartment and hanging in the trees out back.
There is not much sun lately cloudy and cooler, Rained like hell last night. I was suppose to install Rosie's holiday decor I created but it rained too hard for me to put it up.
Everything is outdoors here so I need to wait,maybe today during the day I can and surprise her when she shows up.

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