Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sunshine and the Rose parade

Waking up this morning to the sun was a blessing. I love to wake up and see the sun shining. What a beautiful day today is. My only wish at this moment is to be surrounded with family or Friends to share our day and reasons for being thankful.

Later today I will share with Jordan, his girlfriend Nancy, her Brother
Jim, A friend Clint and my grandson Julian.

For years a tradition in my family was to wake up early all get together and first watch the Rose parade, while we prepare the food for the day. Today the tradition has not carried on. I woke up alone on the sofa of my oldest sons home, made some coffee, let his dog out and turned on the news.
Then the Rose parade came on I have such good memories of this day with my family. I will remember this one as a strange and very unusual day of giving thanks.

I had a comment on last nights blog about being thankful for the things we have.

Believe me This is not the only day I thank God or tell others that I am Thankful for whatever I have. Daily I thank God .. for all the blessings in my life.

I have had some real struggles,I have had life threatening health situations, brushes with illness that could have caused death, but yet I am here still alive! looking like the picture of health. Grateful that I have been giving a body or face that is resilient, the normal person would not believe the types of diseases and situations I have endured.

I have had dangerous situations where my security, and life was threatened. I have been attacked a number of times and yet survived, because I am a survivor! Grateful for the strenght that I have been graciously given.

The talent that was put into my hands, and my mind that gave me the ability to make a living on my own.

That I have two handsome sons, who are not drug addicts, thieves, or idolaters. both are motivated to achieve but at different levels. Grateful that they are who they are.

For all those people I care about in the USA I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, say to you Most of you are very blessed.

One thought I had yesterday while I was shopping in the Costco in Portland... I saw all the incredible things in Costco and how so many people take the opportunity to shop. Consider this only my thoughts... being that I am living in a country where its not so rich..
(Mind you I know and realize there are many countries that do not share what we as Americans have) and although Costa Rica is not super poverty country is it not as indulged as USA. Ok so my realizations was Wow I have not been exposed to such excess, I forget how blessed I was here when I lived here. Not that I am holy because I have this attitude now but I so greatly appreciate things and I wish I could share these ideas with others.

I was shopping it was for Ribbon and some paper to bring back for the holiday job I have with the Los suenos. It's hard to find Ribbon, and paper that is nice. Simple things that we Americans take for granted are a novelty there so I was thrilled to find the beautiful things I found! I didn't have money to buy anything for someone else or myself, but I saw things I would love to have been able to bring back to enjoy. I saw many things I wished I could have bought for a couple of my friends and people I know.
And so My thought was WOW How lucky I was when I use to live her but I didn't realize how lucky and now although I live in Costa Rica, I am grateful for the opportunity to return and do Material things here in the USA.

It really is a Material world here.

Enough of that!! well I am off to Jordan's my young sons apartment. I have food in the car that I will prepare. Its the most simple Thanksgiving, but I am going to make sure I enjoy it and tell Jordan, Nancy, Clint, and Jim.. To let me know what they are grateful for. I plan on making this a nice day for them, and forget my sorrows of not being able to be with all my family, only two my son and my grandson, and two friends.

I may try to run by Sharon's, there house is full on all the holidays and it is a reminder of the years past when all my family use to be together...

Happy Thanksgiving and I wish many blessings on those of you who are in need.

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