Saturday, November 03, 2007

With out a car

Well I did exactly that yesterday I got ready to leave and Raquel got right up and got ready to go with me. I told her I was not paying for breakfast, she walked along with me to the soda. I was feeling pretty low, although I tried not to show it. I dressed really nice yesterday trying to make my spirit feel better by appearing to be totally together and fine, but inside I was sad, and worrying about the car, and how I would get through this. Even So Lucas had said the night before he would help me and not to worry??? I felt strange about this. Using someone to pay for my problems is not like me. IF he should it would be great, and it would be a huge relief for me since its been one thing after another ya know?

So we ate I had one egg, two slices of tomato and orange juice. Raquel, pinto sour cream, meat and veggies. WE Walked to the town, at the corner she told me she was going to get her hair done... I stopped for a minute and looked at her strange, then said ok by. Inside a little angry that she had money to do this but still owed me the rent... not knowing where she got the money for the hair.She cleaned Lucas house last week I told him how much she owed me and he gave her that much. But she has not given me any of that yet.

Thinking the whole way walking to the office which was quite a ways away. I felt used, angry a little and worried more.
When I got to the office I emailed called a person or two, then tried to create some holiday decor, but I ran out of glue and no greens to cover the Styrofoam. discouraged because I was without a car not able to run to get what I needed, I sat out on the curb and watched Lucas ride by on his bike. I think he saw me but he kept on going and didn't say hello.

I thought about this situation with him. In the three weeks I have known him he is always pleasant, but... The reason is that he has so many different women there when I visit. Mostly Colombian girls which he adores all the Columbianas allot. They do all sorts of things for him I am sure for money. Or because they have those intentions of getting money out of him. He is certainly nice but I have heard from his mouth some things that were not exactly respectful or considerate to me, should he feel the way he says he feels about me. Like for example asking if he could do other things with Raquel after she cleaned his house??? No really he asked me this.. I was cool I responded" I don't care what you do its your business" but inside I was upset thinking anyone that respected me would not dare to ask me this! maybe I am old fashion in that respect, but that is only one incident I care to share on the net about him. When I arrived at his place last night some young Colombian girl was putting up all sorts of goddy Christmas crap! I was really mad because he knows I do what I do, and didn't have me do it... but paid this young prostitute to do it for him and wanted me to sit and enjoy here putting things up! come on now! that is ridiculous.. Oh yeah and Raquel was there when I arrived too, drinking , smoking and buttering the guy up for whatever reason, This kinda ticked me too! so I was angry and left

He is a great old guy really, I realize he can do whatever he chooses hes not connected with me even though he has been telling everyone I am his next wife. HE is 70 and I am sure he this is his way of life. Many women ,people wanting money, and well him drinking it up and partying till he shuts down, as he says. He is polite at times times and is generous, but I feel strange about having him do things for me.. its not correct. And I do not like the fact that there is all these young girls around doing whatever for him!

So I think the best thing is to just stay away from him. I do what I do.

Raquel followed me out the road when I left ten minutes later only after buttering up the old fart, and convincing him of how sweet she is.
Upon coming to the road she was not friendly, It was dark I was trying to call a taxi but none available. When I saw two coming down the road and yelled out Taxi, she got mad at me... of course she was a little high from drinking and doing whatver with Lucas earlier...and then she said in spanish why are you yelling for a taxi are you crazy and called me a couple of names... I looked at her in shocked and now anger and said you can leave now. Go away from me.. she said you too! and walked off. So when I got into the taxi you know now I was really pist.

I rode to the shop that is open 24 hours a day its very dark, and I am brooding now... then the shop says its $100 bucks for a hose and change of oil.
I didn't have it, I argued with the guy saying you charged me more because I am a gringa, 44 dollars for a hose? and 38 bucks to change the oil?
Ok now I am embarrassed and upset... I call a taxi and leave for the house.
About a half hour later Raquel walks in I am eating last nights chicken. only meat nothing more...

We don't talk she goes out side and I see she is smoking so I go out with a glass of water to sit.
I tell her her hair is pretty and she goes on on about Luca's giving her something and more...

She left went out for the night, I stayed home and thought. Ate popcorn and watched the tv tell I fell alseep on the couch.

Today I was suppose to go in the plane with John, But the weather is not great, then later today a very handsome single attorney is coming to Jaco. I did some things in his little office, he called yesterday and said it was lovely... wants to meet with me so I look forward to seeing and getting paid.
I want him to buy my sofa that would be the answer to all my problems right now...

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