Friday, November 02, 2007

Faces, car issues... ticket issues... ice issues

Raquel painted this on herself


don't know her name?

scary Mari zebra

This is Lucas bald head

Halloween was a small success, I painted a number of faces, didn't get photos of all of them because I was the only one painting... Raquel was going to help but ended up flaking out, only did one the whole night because I told her get BUSY! people were waiting in line. I made only 95 dollars but it was fun and I met allot of people.. who maybe will remember me for one thing or the other. I was two different things that day first a zebra, then a lion. I have photos of the lion in a friends camera, Tomorrow I will try to locate him and put it on the web.

Things are bad, I been fighting with ICE to Return a deposit of 300 dollars I made for the old office, they wanted documentation that I was the owner, I gave them what I had only after five trips there.. everyday it was a different story, so every day I took something they needed... I asked every day what more. THEY SAY NOTHING THEN WHEN I RETURN TO GET THE MONEY ITS SOMETHING ELSE... so stinking frustrating!!!!! Right now its about the papers for the license its expired in Oct and Juan Carlos my attorney will not return calls or mails or messages? WHY I HAVE NO IDEA just pile that on to the rest of the crap I am dealing with...
Now Continental will not issue a change in my ticket to return to the states for Thanksgiving because it was in Cristhian name, I bought it , paid for change 200 bucks but now its papers they want from hi,m.. he is in San Jose has no money to get back here and the papers are probably here... he is being elusive about things too....
The car last night started to make a strange noise when I went to get Lucas, for dinner... I wanted to thank him some how for giving me some money the other day to do the toes and nails so I went and bought some food for dinner and made orange chicken, mashed potato's, salad, Italian bread and wine... When I left the car acted up? it was the power steering again... Now I am flabbier gas ted ok, No money to repair this car again and with out that I am dead... no work and no way to get around again..
I made it to his house he was having a cocktail with some man and didn't think I was coming.
I said hellos and said dinner is ready but inside I was pist and frustrated because of what happened with the ticket, the ice and now the car!
It was obvious I was not happy... He came and I told him in the car about the car and he heard it... So I went right away to this car wash/ auto shop.. that is open 24 hours. I pulled in and they looked and it was a hose... but who knows if it damaged the pump? I HOPE NOT, he told me have them fix it and change every thing oil, transmission, breaks s total.. BUT WHO'S PAYING for that.. I asked him he said Just do it...
So we took a taxi back to my house where Raquel was in here PJ's and waiting laying on the couch.

I rushed got things together and served dinner. IT was a nice dinner he enjoyed and I ate way too much.
We sat outside and talked a little and then he rested on the couch laying down to sleep for a couple of hours. He had to take a taxi home.. don't think he liked that.

So I went to bed shortly after that. I woke up depressed, worrying about everything... especially the ticket issue that is a thousand dollars of a loss, the three hundred is possibly a loss too, not to include the closing of the other place and losing all that..

I need positive energy to get back on track here... Something has to break again!

Yesterday I didn't do a whole lot, I ate in the morning, then went to my place.. but David a friend from the states needed a ride to Herradura, I took him after mails at the office. Pick up my things at Rosie's and returned them to the office. David made suggestions of sex to me.. as a form of payment for the ride. DID NOT impress me in fact I was upset because this is the last thing I have on my mind right now... HOW ABOUT five bucks for the ride I should have said! a taxi would have charged ten.

Then I had a coffee at Rosie's the town is dead, nothing going on no people... I ate some banana nut bread toasted with butter and relaxed and thought about Thanksgiving with my kids, and how that bread reminded me of the times I made it for them and my mother... funny how things trigger memories sometimes?
I enjoyed thoroughly.... and reminisced in my mind... praying that all things work out here, and that I get back on my feet soon.

Then went to the mas permanos and bought things for dinner...

I am walking about two miles today to the office, no taxi money and well I ate so much last night it will be good for me to get the exercise. Its nice out today sunny and pretty so the sun should make me feel better I hope?

Now for the weekend... what is in store? hope to hear from the kids...

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