Thursday, January 26, 2006


The dinner at Alleujala fajita's rice, homemade tortilla's black beans, plantains, chicken with anote, deep fried pork...THIS ">

This is the guy at the soda in Orotian from Atlanta, and the view to the Sunset at Villa Caletas

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

t This is the theater outside over looking the sea, it was live jazz and live oil painting to the music, drinks and hors de orves. WOW ITS AWESOME!! I have more photos but the down load wont work today so keep looking!! MARIANNA

This the sunset view from Villa Caleta

Today is Weds, Tues was spent cleaning up washing and hanging up the new plants I planted. I got it all done when the phone rang it was Doug he was going to San Jose and he knew I wanted to go badly, but he said he was only going to pick up a starter for one of his trucks, for his company and would'nt want to shop with me, and that he was willing to drop me off. I agreed since I been wanting to go to San Jose now for weeks and weeks. So he picked me up wet hair and all and we rode in this old car to San Jose, I wanted mangos so we stopped on the road side and bought huge Mangos. The Avocados were huge too but I didn't get any. There was art work along a roadside too that I really wanted to stop and see But I thought it would be asking too much to stop again. Besides he had to get there to get the starter.

He left me off at this killer place in Aluejuela, where I got all sorts of things for the apartment, when he returned he laughed as he had this little toyota and I had furniture and more so we loaded it up like bevery hill billies and rode off in the sunset! We did stop at this great place in the town were they served this platter of food two appetizers, and dessert all for 12 dollars. We had Chicken, fajita's, pork, beans, rice, Plantains, home made tortillas, pico de gallo, and rice pudding. Cevechi and plantanos. All for that price! it was good and so tasty, and I got the name so I will be sure to take other people there that visit me. We drove back in the dark on that whinedy road scary to me but he drove just like a tico! ESTA LOCO! god I was so scared, especially when he almost rear ended this huge cement block truck and kept doing it over and over... I thought for sure that we were going to be eating cement blocks for dessert!

Then we stopped in Orotina at this little soda for Coffee con leche, and talked about his work. I think that Doug is going to be a very good freind. His son just moved here to be with him and to help with the thriving buidling business that he began some years back. Now its going gang busters, and I believe he may use me in some way to help.

He is a good soul, he use to be a rock star in Canada for some very well known band in the 80's.

I got home late the power was out again! and so we took all the things upstairs and the minute I opend the door the power came on, when that happens here every one all over cheers and you could hear the cheers and the applause, and I bowed he laughed!1 I said see Im magic I made the power come on by the twist of my key!...

He left only after helping me unpack half of it since he wanted to see how things looked.

Later after putting everything away the kids down stairs the three eighteen year olds came up and checked out the apartment and asked if they could move in?? I said NOoooo then they talked with me on the balcony for hours untill 1:00 am.
I slept in today till 7:00, cleaned up again then I was getting ready to leave when I heard a knock. It was Ken this freind from New York who has a condo in Monterey he want's to Sell for 340 thousand, pretty nice place but he has a couple so he wanted to tell me to go with him to the century 21, Well This was my opportunity to ask if he would pick up my table at this little store.

I have no car, and its been sitting paid for almost a week now. So we traded off, he took me to get the table and I Talked to Carlos about his place to get it all set up. He doesnt speak spanish so I sort of helped him a little. Then we went and had a smoothie and he went home. Now I am at Del Mar Of course and its nice I am talking to Sara, Becca my sister and Milo all at the same time while I am blogging.

I can not wait to see what the rest of the day will bring..

Monday, January 23, 2006

Ice Cream in pineapple at the Bullfights

Liz and the pepa man in orotina, liz is my friend. You may have seen this pepa man in an earlier Blog. He rides the bus in Orotina and sells for a few miles... Really different.
Wow has this been a very interesting past week with Zaida visiting, to
dancing at Monkey's with Rosie the owner of Cafe Del Mar till 4 am! to Seeing this incredible place in Herradura called Via Colettas.

Via Colettas sits on the top of mountain overlooking the sea, with the most fabulous set up ever. With three dinning areas, an infininty pool, an awesome amphtheater, bar and spa and rooms. The gardens are beautiful, the interior on the main dinning room is perfect

I will be doing my first Wedding at this place in Feb! I was so down that day feeling like nothing was working, nothing was left for me as though I called my life quit's in the states and now I had no real purpose but to hang out and be here, although its a great and really beautiful country, I want to do something more untill I die. That day after I had my down moment I got all dressed cute in a pair of Capris that did not fit me when I was in the states, and now fit me! I put on a smile and rode down the road on this beater borrowed bike that my friend from Columbia lent me.
AS I rode past this one Construction site near my apartment, where they are building these beautiful Condos I rode very fast because I saw the workers sitting all on the ground under the tree resting after there lunch. Prior to this day when ever I would ride past the site a couple of guys would wolf whistle at me all the time. But today I knew I was going to get more than a couple. Well they all whopped and hollered and yelled and whistle.. THen I turned my head because I was embarrassed, they hollered more. I kept turning my head and waved to stop! then they yelled more and one guy sounded the fire alarm, I suppose to suggest I WAS HOT THAT DAY! I never ever got a five alarm fire signal from anyone ever!! I laughed so hard I had to stop the bike, and just smile I knew the daywas going to be good!

And it was the rest of the day was great, from visiting with Liz to Seeing Eida and meeting a new person there to Seeing Via Coletta's and then dancing till 4 am with Rosie.

I have been talking to betty and trying to teach her English a little, Then that night when I was with Rosie she introduced me to her partner, he is Italian, they found out I know how to cook very well and asked if I would cook a special dinner of Italian classic or real Italian food for them at the cafe on Sunday night I said sure!

So sunday rolled around and I had phone calls begining at 7 am friends calling and Well MILO CALLED! we had a great conversation and it looks like things are begining to mend I hope it remains. I saw the kids I am doing the wedding for down at the soda so I went out on the balcony and waved! they invited me to come down and join them. I talked to Milo a long time then showered and went down to visit for a bout ten minutes. They are very happy I am doing the wedding, the funny thing was she asked If I ever did any! H AD TO LAUGH HARD in my almost thirty years of wedding work I think I may have done a thousand or more...

The rest of the day was getting ready for the dinner I was going to prepare at Cafe Del mar... I bought all the stuff for Chicken marsala, and had to go to three places to get all the items I needed to make the dinner. I dropped it off at the cafe, this friend of rosies which Roise is Lucy you know ricky and lucy? sister.
Anway she has this freind who is from Argentina he is beautiful! god... has the prettiest blue eyes, and his voice is so sultry. He took all the stuff and placed in one of the fridges, so I left and went down to betty's and hung out till time to cook.

I left at 6:30 and began cooking in the cafe, when a couple of people I knew popped in and thought I was working there! I said no I was doing a private dinner for the owner.
I talked to a few and finished the dinner had one of the workers to call Rosie and her mate.

I put the spread out and one of the guys I met from New York who I invited to come to dinner and that Argentinian and one other woman showed up to eat. Of course people walking by saw the spread and smelled it and were wowing and looking. We ate Chicken Marsala, gnochi Palmadori all fresh and home made, great peasant bread and butter, and a Salad of two kinds of lettuce avocado and tomatoe's with lemon olive oil and vinegar.
I also purchased this flat sweet that had honey and sugar on it to eat after with expresso. We drank wine and everyone really enjoyed the meal. As were sitting and talking Rosie and I decided that we would try on Every Sunday To have me cook a special dinner, we will charge it is by invitation only, or Vip list. There were be a set fee, including wine or beer, and dessert and cappucinos or Expresso's. She is going to Advertise me and get the list started for Next sunday which I may make the same meat and a different side dish. Maybe we will do one month of Italian, and one month of Cuban and one month of Japanese, and one month of Mexican, so on and so on.. I do know how to cook many different styles so it will be not just work but fun and I sit and eat right along with the guests like a private party only I get a little cash and meet all sorts of fun people! so this is a new venture I never thought of which will be a good experience here in Jaco. I am sure once is catches on Bella Esperanza will be following soon. If only now Investors come, and I find the right place!

The gentle man from New york was Italian too so he totally enjoyed the food and the company being new To Costa Rica, he offered to take my bike home and give me a lift so I accepted and we talked for a few minutes then he went home to his house in Monterey Costa Rica which is about 25 minutes away from Jaco.

This morning I checked on my airline flight and set it for March, to return and then fly back only after two weeks of a visit there. Then I came to Del mar Hotel and interneted. I plan on contacting the man in San Jose about the bussiness opportunity that was suggested to me tomorrow. Then Possibly stay with zaida and have some shopping time.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Plantain pancakes and the counter help

The food counter at the bull fights, look at the chinese noodles YUM! that is chicken in the far right corner.

I have been pretty busy the past few days, actually this week has been full of very different experiences here In Costa Rica. No jobs yet but each day I believe I am closer to something that may bring me some income. Being that I was self employed for the majority of my life, I find that that spirit of entrepreneur still resides in me. So thinking of ways to make money is really been my focus lately.

I had sent and Email to Zaida, a friend I met in Tres Rios who houses people and does recovery for Plastic surgeons, her place I showed a long time ago is beautiful, it is a total reflection of her herself, A vibrant smart, beautiful Tica woman. I asked her if I could some how get people to come here to stay at the beach for a week who are interested in Plastic surgery, I would house them here and cook then show them around prior to the surgery and we could work a deal out where I would then take them to San Jose introduce them to her, and the doctors, allow the people to make there decision's and if they do choose to do it then she would take it from there. Which is something she already does. BUt now I want to be a part of it, and allow the people who concider this to have a week of pleasure first and that way I am making a little income and meeting lots of new people.

I told her if she was every interested in Staying at my place of knew of anyone whom she trusted wanted to stay at the beach I would be willing to take them in and cook and at least make a little money.

Well she wrote me back saying that she and her friend whom I met in San Jose from USA was wanting to come down for a couple of days, so for the past two days I have been entertaining them, taking them On hikes and showing them around. Cooking and having a nice time with them in my home.It was great I loved the people she brought and they gave me some money for all my efforts! I was happy.

I did go to Ortina before hand and bought some goodies and prepared a bit before they came.
So it went very well.
,I hope that I have some luck with this other Idea I have. I have many angles here to work and I am trying to do them but it seems nothing really goes through its tought here to make things happen.
I WONT GIVE UP YOU CAN COUNT ON THAT, Even though just this morning I had a very bad situation that I don't feel ready to talk about happen... I still have hope that all things work together for a good situation! I really think that out of the bad something good does happen, Zaida is the perfect example, when Amanda and Rich left me High and dry when they got robbed I didn't know Zaida they just up and left me there to find them gone... well out of that bad came a great relationship with her,I know she is much like me, and it is going to be a good friendship.

I have been talking To Eida, I did refuse the job, She did offer me now the Tour job, but I am concerned about differences with her and I do not want to loose my friendship over mis understandings. I need to be carefull so I am still thinking this over too.

I got up very early today got on th bike and rode into town to see about something that happend last night and I found out my intutions where right .. I was angry and came home, prayed and asked god to forgive this person for the things they did, and came down to internet. Amazing how I have these strong feelings about things and it happens or its true or I feel it and something tells me this is going to happen Ya know?

I didn't eat I just drank juice, I ate so much pasta and bread while my company was here I feel so guilty, I am not working out yet, but I think this weekend is the weekend to put a set together and try to practice it to teach, and begin to focus on that part of my life too.

That was a major part of my life here for the past six or so years so letting this go for the past two months is making me sad and worried that I will lose what shape I have now. VANITY I KNOW but hey at least I think about it.. Today I plan on resting and visiting with people maybe fidning liz and seeing how her feeder is, she copied mine but I made the top for her its really different than mine and cute!

I may just go out dancing tonight, but I will let the day have its course.. When Zaida was here we went on Miro's mountain the jungle here by my house... We walked early around 7 am it was beautiful and cool but we didn't see any animals at all.. I was mad cause I wanted her to see them! they were all hiding from us.

I hope to hear from Milo, I have been asking him to call for days and still no calls although I had an email this morning from him saying he got a card but the pin number was invalid? so Maybe he will call tonight I want to hear him, I feel sad that I have not heard from him.

Pura vida I suppose... The weather is pretty nice so far cool breeze this morning unusual than what I have felt here.. it was sweltering all week I was dying a few days ago and the power was off all damn day I MEAN ALL DAY so you couldn't do anything not even cook... I went into town bought groceries they have a generator allot of the big places do

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

THe past two days has been really interesting, I met this Taxi driver with Gloria and Danni I believe I talked about it already his name is Marvin Great guy really very hospitable, and kind. Well he took us the bull fights but the girls were so long in getting ready that we missed the entranced. It was the last night and there were so many people that we just couldn't get in. I was sad I really wanted to see the last night, we stood around for a while and I took some photos and got my shoes all dirty. So when Marvin came back from dropping off clients at Los Suenos` I asked him to take me back. He did.

Then yesterday was a good day, I got up pretty early was going to do a number of things , but then I looked out and there was Marvin eating at the soda,I opened the big window facing the soda, this window is huge almost the size of a sliding glass and I yelled out at him to be quiet he woke me up!! He laughed and asked if I had the coffee ready yet?? I said yeah and so did a couple of the other drivers they were all laughing and saying they were coming over, Here I was standing in my nightie yelling at them too funny!!

I got my coffee and phone rang I was going to wash all the sheets and make up the beds I felt compelled to fix the place. It was liz, she wanted me to come to see her bird feeder she copied from me! Said Milo her husband who is also Milo would pick me up, then after if Iwanted I could Ride to Orotina and they would drop me off to shop. They have a Finca in Orotina so she said she would go with me! YEAH I SAID OF COURSE!

So I washed the clothes, and hung them up and then cleaned the floors got ready and ate and they came. Before they came Zach showed up to get the Bbq that Chad left here at the Apartment, so he could start a bbq bussiness at night in town. HE is so poor I feel so bad for him I wish the best for him he is very sweet. So I helped him with the BBQ and told him my receipe for the best bbq you ever tasted. I won three contests with this sauce I made.

Then liz and milo came. We drove to there Condo in Jaco and I looked at the feeder it was great! they birds loved it so she was happy that I shared this with her. We then drove to Orotina, I had only a hundred dollars and I needed many things. I needed some nighties, some sheets, a radio, a pot for a plant, and more...
We stopped at my friends little food bar in Orotina its on a corner in the end of town where the bus leaves you off, hes from Atlanta Georgia and hes a great guy too! I ate this yuka root stuff with Beef and cream cheese. We walked the whole town, looked at so many things, then I found this store that is like dollar store I asked about the radios but they didn't know a thing about them, they have no cords on them and they don't play them they think your suppose to buy them because of the way they look! I went to two places to look at TVS and Radios none had cords and none would play them for you so STUPID!! I got mad at the one place and walked out. I told the second one in Spanish Hey you buy these because of the sound not the looks not because it looks pretty but sounds good.. finally after many hours I found one and he played it for me. It was very expensive and its tiny over 50 bucks, but I needed some noise in the apartment its so quiet and no one to talk to.

I found a neat jar, and the radio and some other stuff, I went to pay for it almost $75 bucks and they would not take the 100 dollar bill no one would I walked everywhere no one would take it I WAS SO UPSET!! then I walked to the bank and the bank was so full of people they would not let us in. So we walk to another bank and they would not let us in, then we walked to the clear other side of town and the bank was closed just a few seconds before we got there. So I tired the american's little restuarant, he didn't have enough change, you see it is not easy here In Costa Rica everything is a challange and the only way you will make it is if you are strong and patient. I AM BOTH Now and am learning how to be patient. Its tough...

I then tried again at the bank they let us in but the line was ever so long, liz being retired was sitting on the side while I waited in a line that would probably take an hour there... She was thinking OH I AM A PESIONAUTO, so she got in the special line, The security gaurd was eye balling me so he pulled me out of the line and her too told us to go to the side and get out things done, but I knew he was up to something! YEAH HE ASKED ME OUT I said no they dont make change here... so back in the line she went. After about ten minutes she got the change we walked again back to far side of town and bought the stuff now were at three hours of this.

We looked some more and then stopped at this soda who had a wall made of plants very cool and had a bite to eat, then caught the bus.

I was suppose to have a date with this Tico guy who has been begging me to go out I said ok I will go to dinner, I got there late 6:30 he said 7:00 Got ready showered and He didnt show up... its as well I really didnt want to go anyhow. So I took a cab and went to Tsunami and had sushi and came home! But I was happy I thought perhaps it was going to be fun but no it was not meant to be...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Morning, first started off with Monte asking to use the phone, didn’t make any coffee just warmed up yesterdays, and made a bowl of the Amish Granola with nuts and coconut, and some fresh liquid yogurt, I got dressed early to go and Internet by the sea, but for some reason it would not pick the signal up today.
It just kept saying no connection in range. So I messed around with the computer for a while then rode in to town only to stop at Trish’s house to see if maybe someone in her neighborhood had Wireless and Aerinal hotel did around the corner.
I was at this little restaurant in someone’s house on the beach by Trishes house. You see they have these little roadways on the beach and houses sit right on the beach with the road, This place is owned by French people Peter to be exact, and well its like eating on there patio. Its quite nice, although I didn’t eat I saw the food it looked pretty different compared to the Sodas food.
I over heard a conversation with six American Men, who were talking about investing quickly here in Jaco, Maybe Mob? I don’t know… but I heard that the Beatles bar which is basically all prostitutes got sold and that these guys were going to build another one similar to this bar. I really was listening to there conversation not internetting. It was very interesting but it made me sad because every since I have returned here this place has been upside down with Americans and Europeans, Canadians coming and rushing and buying everything. I am not kidding, even this week Carlos my land lord put his new apartments here for sale too, everything around it has sold in the last four weeks. I am worried now about investing here. The Americans have driven the prices up, because the ticos know they have money so they raise the price on everything during high season. The land has doubled since I left.

After eves dropping on this very interesting conversation with these good looking slick sharks, I decided to slide out of there before they noticed I was listening, I got on the bike and rode down the little alley past the little river and around the corner to Aerinal there is a soda called Hidalgo it’s a classy soda with table linens and candles at night. I sat there thinking I could order a café con leche with azucar and turn on the computer and catch Aerinals signals, but they had a code were on the unprotected signal. So I could’t use it. Now I am on trip three, I get the computer and go all the way to Galeone, the el centro the little mall in the middle of town. I sit and I internet there for as long at the battery would last, Talked to Sara a bit and then Made the MORTGAGE PAYMENT. GOD SOMEONE HAS TO BUY THIS HOUSE I HAVE NO MORE MONEY TO DO THIS!! I was chewing my finger nails while doing this and it makes me very nervious that I have to continue paying with no renters and no buyers.

While I was sitting there one of my American Friends walks up and says god your just everywhere I see you everywhere… and he kissed me and kneeled down to talk to me for a few. Then A moment later one of my Columbian girlfriends and her American boy friend walked up and invited me to dinner some time. She is about 4 feet talk if that, and he is about 6 foot 2 funny but shes so dang cute, Erica is her name, his name is Mike.

When the battery went dead, I made a trip to the end of the strip which is the whole street, where Century 21 is to pop in and see if Tom was there, Tom is this big heavy soft spoken man American with a high voice but he seems like he is cool. But he wasn’t so I left another note saying I am interested and to call me ASAP.

Talk to the other Carlos my Italian friend and Shawn, I am suppose to be Shawn and his lovely hunny poo’s wedding in a four weeks.

I then rode back to the house to plug the battery in to charge so I could finish my internetting. This is getting very frustrating not having internet.

I sat down turned the air on because the house was stuffy, I ate some watermelon and thought about the things I could use, such as a TV, a Radio, some sheets, towels, bed covers, and more. Wishing to my self that if I had a car I would be gone already to San Jose to get a few things, TVS RADIOS AND ALL Electronic are extremely expensive here.

I thought well while the battery is charging I wil ride my bike about two miles or so to this guys house where he repairs TVs and Radios, he sometimes sells the ones that people never pick up, So I got the keys and the bike and began to head out, when this taxi pulled up, it was abig one like a suv, I thought ok whos taking a taxi now? As I walked out the window rolled down and it was Danni and Gloria bell They were going to eat the soda next to me and wanted to invite me, but it is closed on Monday. So they didn’t know what or where to go. The driver asked me where I was going and said to the repair televison. He said I know where its at I will take you, I said no I will ride I don’t want to pay a taxi, he then said NO Get in I will take you. Danni and Glory said come on. So I did. He took me to the place, but wouldn’t you know it, typical Tico things. He closed at 2:00 and it was 2:30 so it was a waisted trip. Then he said are you hungry, actually I wasn’t I ate some sandia at the house but I said sure. He said were going to drive to Herradura for luch wanna go? I said sure. So we all went. He went and dropped off this gal we picked up on the way to Lost suenos, and then retuned to eat with all of us. MARVIN is his name a funny looking odd sort of thinner than shrek but a shrek looking guy. Kinda talked like him too!

He was very soft hearted and paid for lunch. I thought I asked for Ensalada con pollo, which is Salad with chicken, instead the gal thought I said ensalada repollo which is CABBAGE SALAD NO DRESSING ok it was grossssssssss when Marvin returned the girls told him and he went right in to the kitchen and got me some friend chicken and tortilla’s and sat it on the table.

He’s a good person to know!!. Well on the way back he went down the road by this pet shop, I said stop stop lets look. I knew Glory was feeling down she had told met that her place was too small and they needed more room now that Danni is pregnant , cant work and the responsibility is now on Glory. She is only nineteen. I knew she was down so I begged Marvin to stop. He did, there were two toy white poodles and two medium white poodles and one german Shepard, and four white bunnies and lots of tiny birds. We looked and awed and ooohed and then Marvin gave in and bought Glory a bunny. I white Canejo. She named it Marianna since I asked Marvin and she was happy that he got it for her.
I think hes kinda sweet on her.

Then he dropped me off a the house only to tell me that he would return at 6:30 or 7:00 to take us to the Bull fights!! Yeah I was happy. So rushed got the computer and went to del mar, And like this morning No connection. I then got bold and went into the bar where low and behold sat Monte my neighbor. We sat together and internetted. I talked to Milo for like five seconds and he pushed me off had another if not always meeting.

So I did my thing went home and changed and got ready but they were late like and hour the bull fights start at 8 so I knew we were probably going to miss it. I was talking to Terri in Hermosa on the phone when I heard loud honking it was Marvin the taxi man. He was eating Pringles smaking and said get in the girls are not ready. We rode to the cabina ‘s where they stay which is not far from my place. I got out of the car and there was gilian this tico man who has been asking me out. He Runs the quad tours here and I always put him off.
He was on a motorcycle and called me his Amorish… Told me I was beautiful. Asked me to dinner for tomorrow night.

I went in and got Danni told them to hurry I wanted to go. But when we got the bull fights it was too late. Too many people and they wouldn’t sell me a ticket. I was mad but I took photos of the food court and ate a stuffed churro that is made like spingee, and Italian treat, with anise in it and filled with carmel. GOOD! Then I asked Marvin to drive me back. He told me this\” Marianna it was a great pleasure to meet you and I want you to call me if you need anything at all. Anything. I will find whatever it is for you.” I felt good I knew when he said that he meant it and Maybe I might have a good amigo who will take notice should I need to do something LIKE GO TO SAN JOSE!! HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO try to find me a cheap tv so I could at least watch television.

So here I sit in the dark on a totally moonlit night. The air is fresh tonight not humid but fresh its actually cool. Hoping that this week brings me good news on every turn.

I was missing Brandon tonight, I felt him really strong around 9:00 I hope he is ok,

Monday, January 16, 2006

This is actuall jungle mountains
This is from the top of the mountain on the other side I hiked five hours, the beach is Hermosa originally I wanted to build a house up here. overlooking the sea,

These are cutter ants and they actually make paths that are worn in the ground the ant hill's are HUGE

THis is view from the left side of the top of the Restaurant

The far south view from Miros New Restauarant, its not completed but I hope I have something to do with it before it opens.

This is just one of the many trucks that ride around adverstising loud messages in combination with music, very strange look at those speakers GOD!
Miros Mountain Hike

Finally after all these weeks, I took the hike I have been thinking about and talking about.

First yesterday afternoon, I rode the bike to Eidas shop to talk to her about the offer she made me for work. I decided not to take this offer. But she was going home and saw me on the way and did not stop, so I went to talk to Holly this young gal and her baby girl at the Century 21. We had a bite to eat at the soda where I first discovered Mechelada’s
A beer that they pour over ice with lemon actually its an orange lemon and salt on the rim. It is very tasty and refreshing in this heat. Although tempting because it was hot, I did not drink one, as I am on some antibiotics right now so not a good idea.

I rode home in the dark and saw several people who stopped me to say hi, one is this Israeli man whom I met last week and is a very very good artist, he sells his work sometimes in up to thousand dollars. He is interesting to me, I like the way he speaks and we have talked about demonstrating to me some better techniques for painting. He asked if he could come by my place and I said sure, so he came and we sat out on the porch talked and drank Ice tea.. it was a nice evening. I am excited to learn some better ways to paint that will help me see things more realistically. His name is Gil, thin Dark hair but very close to his head almost shaved, no beard no mustache but very pretty dark brown eyes and long eyelashes.
I also ran into the American that I talk to several times on the street who is helping run the hang gliding tours he stopped me and talked for a few minutes too, as well as the bicycle shop owner. He wanted to know If I would go with him to the bull ring, I want to go but I don’t know about going with him!!!

This morning I got up sore and cranky feeling, I decided immediately to go to Miros mountain and do some more thinking about Eidas offer. Making breakfast of eggs and cantelope, a few grapes and the last of my jummy toast, yummy it what we say Jummy is what they say. Wanting to see nature and feeling a bit down about my house situation, the sale fell through I thought Now is the time to go on the mountain and be at peace and find the answers.
So I put on some tan shorts and sheer top and some tennis and began to walk to the mountain. The Entrance is about two or three city blocks away. It begins right behind Miros house. He has canopy tours there too and nature rides on Horses, but I wanted to walk it its steep and sometimes very muddy the road is all just dirt and at some points is very narrow with drop off ravines.

When I was walking I was thinking about the incident with Miro and Eida, and how all the dreams I had went washing away after they got together, in other words any relation ship I may have struck up with him to be hired for his restaurant or help with the botanical garden was all washed away by what happened. I was thinking how could this be saved and how could I approach him to ask again if he would consider me to work for him and design the inside of his place? A long shot but it was a nice dream there for awhile, in fact I really believed in my heart that it would become a reality. I decided to go to the restaurant on the hike up the hill. Now imagine this….. It’s a very lush jungle terrain on a huge mountain that is very untouched and still has tons of wild life and flora. He will not allow anyone to build on it, but at the very edge facing Jaco he has begin to build this incredible Italian style two story restaurant, with bal straights all around the viewing areas over looking Jaco beach. Its really pretty spectacular and I so want to be a part of the opening and the design of the inside… But in my head I knew that would not happen now. I walked up the hill with out stopping much and staring all the way up looking for animals or anything in nature. I got to the top and stopped at the view point looked for a few moments then proceeded to the walkway that the last time I was on it had bamboo railing. Now there were light posts and cement railing and the walk way had gravel… I prayed God bless Miro for allowing people to enjoy his mountain and god bless him for trying to make some sort of impact on the world for people to remember with his nature reserve and the Botanical Garden that he wants to create.

I honestly was thanking god for him, otherwise I would not be able to see what I did see today or be able to enjoy what is left in this world. When I approached the restaurant mind you its not any where near finished but the floors are done and most of the exterior walls. I saw Miro sitting alone overlooking the best view of the whole Jaco. He sat facing the ocean, him and his two dogs. Blackie small female dog and Ice a white dog some sort of mut. They did not bark at me, they watched me approach him. Then when I spoke his name they barked onced he did not turn around I said MIRO! GOOD MORNING, he then turned and said Ice sit down. Walked over and greeted him and said I was just thanking god for you, because with out you letting people explore this mountain none of us would ever experience some of the things of nature that exsists. He smiled and said sit down. He pulled up a red plastic chair and we both sat over looking the sea. My timing today has been perfect.

I then spoke casual to him, no mention about any of his ideas or projects. I had my binoculars of course because I was hoping I would see some animals and birds. I sat them down. He said he was trying to see the people on beach, they had just got out of a huge bus and were now trying to enter the sea. I handed him the binoculars he smiled and liked the idea.

We then talked just small talk, about the tree that was obstructing a portion of the view, he said he should cut it down. I said no it’s got great arms and structure and is necessary for clean air you have a view from almost the whole restaurant, that one area could be a focal point with lights on it and orchids in the limbs HE LIT UP LIKE FIREWORKS! And smiled at me I knew he liked my ideas but I won’t give him any more. What I will do is go back now in a few days and suggest I become a consultant for the place and he can pay me for the ideas I have and if he uses them a commission is due. He repeated Orchids yes orchids in the limbs and I said yes and bromeliads too exotic ones! He just smiled then he began to talk to me more like a real human, more than ever before. I know that this was not accidental, it was meant to be. And now from this point on I will continue to be friends with Miro. I will make a point to go and talk to him very often every week, until he accepts my proposal. When I left him I kissed him on the cheek and he said softly to me, don’t walk to late its too hot and not good for you. I said ok have a wonderful day. I walked off and continued up the hill, I walked for hours 5 to be exact. It was beautiful, the farther I got up on the mountain in the jungle the quieter from the human world it got.
I only heard bugs and birds and humming birds buzzing right over my ears and head, they like to buzz you up there! I did not recognize a few of the sounds, at one point I was almost scared thinking that eyes were looking at me and they were! The higher I walked the cooler it got but not like cool in most mountains this is jungle and its very hot. I saw so many different plants and tried to be care not to touch to many so I didn’t get any poison on my skin. But I did pluck about six different varieties of ferns and brought them back the apartment to plant in an hanging planter. I saw butterflies of every size from teeny tiny orange about the size of kernel of corn, to gigantic iridescent blue and black ones that were about 8 inches across. Red and black ones yellows orange ones. Then as I walked ever so softly thinking about all the national Geographic’s I have seen and all the nature shows telling you to be quiet as to not scare up something. I came across six monkeys they were on the tops of trees I saw one jumping then looked up with the binoculars and saw a whole bunch of them. They were the black kind with the white faces. But they were just ahead of me so I stopped dead and stood still and looked up and watched them cross the road with the branches that met over the canopy. I could not get a good picture of them as they moved pretty fast. But it was exciting, one looked right at me and when I said pssssst he looked and stopped and stared at me. He didn’t move just stared like I was staring at him.
I saw few more as I walked on all in the same area, so I will remember the area next time I go and be prepared to take photos. I didn’t see any sloth’s but I did see toucans and some parrots and some other birds I never have seen I heard all sorts of calls and bugs that made extremely loud noise. I walked all the way to top on the opposite side of the mountain were you can see Hermosa beach perfectly, I saw some lots that were all cut away and thought yes this is where I would like to live some where overlooking either Hermosa or Jaco.

Then I heard the quads coming on the main dirt road not the one I took but another one, such a shame because I know in time that is going to ruin the nature of the place and change the environment with the fuel and the loud noise they make. NOT ECO FRIENDLY!

I walked back and was quieter than ever after hearing those quads I was mad in side thinking they are ruining my walk, but as soon as they were out of hearing, nature returned and bird sang and bugs chirped. I stopped and pulled up some ferns and then I saw a cute black and bright lime green spotted frog, wow I got the camera to take the photo and he disappeared in a snap.. oh I was disappointed I wanted Kelsey to see this frogy, so I will have to look close next time and spot it and take a photo too. The down hill part was easy, as the closer you got the bottom of the hill the louder it became the sea the people screaming the cars and trucks.. THIS IS WHY I WANT TO LIVE ABOVE and just be able to have some real peace. You know we really don’t know how loud our world is unless you do something like this to show you really what the difference is.

I walked down the road the sodas was stinking full loud people and now the new tenants below blast there music way louder than mine and its like heavy metal, and they left the gate unlocked. I was upset I hope that they lock it because I do not want Helene’s bike stolen or my house broken into!

I came in called Eida first thing and told her I would be by, I am going to give her the news that I am sorry but I must decline the offer. I made a tuna sandwich, the tuna here is delicious, they can it like we do but they put Oregano and herbs in and its so dang good I want to eat the whole can. I put avocado and lettuce and tuna and some diet Pepsi, sat down put up my feet and ate and now I am blogging, I just looked up and saw a blue tananger looking in the window.

Those are pretty birds. Now I will shower and clean up ride into town go to Eidas then x Mas Permanos to get some more toasts, and some items I want. Got to see who will go with me tonight to the bull riders in Herradura.

Well I didn't go to Herradura, instead I was so tired I rode my bike to Eidas to give her the answer to the offer. I declined the offer because I really felt it was not the right job for me. It was ten hour days, 6 days a week in a hot small kicthen on cement floors running the register, ordering all the food and making sure it runs right and collecting and hireing and fireing for $500 a month. I just felt like I worked my whole life like a dog really hard phsyical and mental work sometimes my days in the states with my business were 15 to 16 hours then I would do all the paper work on the computer. I just felt it was not they way I would want to spend my time here in Jaco. I need a better position so I went to her personally and let her know but I did say thank you for the offer. She wanted me to stay and eat but Iwas so tired I just wanted to go home which I did but god the new neighbors are dang loud.. so I guess I will see how this goes now?

Saturday, January 14, 2006

To the left is a real gecko, to the right is a fake one I thought this was funny they are small in size and most are tan or brown, this one is black he posed for me at the souviener stand.

This is the freeway connected to all the areas, concidered the American I 5 This is the one I rode to Herradura. Its a nice freeway but it's busy.


Woke to birds again it was pretty early, I didn’t get up I decided to lay in bed for awhile and just rest. I was so exhausted last night, I suppose from the long rides. I laid on the bed last night for a few hours and just stared, then I got up and made a huge bowl of granola and milk. I really wanted some cereal but I didn’t have any so granola sufficed.

This morning I was sluggish, I don’t know if it the medication or the infection I have, but I was slow to getting around. The good thing was though that the swelling under my eyes went down, its almost normal now.
Yesterday I bought some sheets for the guest room why? I just felt it was necessary incase someone does decided to visit, I have the room all ready for guests. I am sure I am just hoping! They had to be washed so I washed them by hand which is what I have been doing since I don’t have a washer and I found that taking the clothes in town to have washed can add up quickly. Every time I do it might be about five or 7 items. It runs around 8 bucks. Or sometimes 10, this would be about $40 bucks a month, so I am saving for the time being.

No birdies today at the feeder, even though I put fresh fruit scraps and new things every day for them. Maybe they are in different areas today?

Carlos rented the apartment to some seedy looking guys, about 30 years old I believe, Tico’s Now I am worried. If they find out I have nice things they may tell there friends. I will be sure to keep a close eye on those guys. I had bad vibes when I saw them.

Besides I had met these two nice ladies from the states that wanted the apartment, and I got there number and talk to them a long time for Carlos, but they didn’t return his call he said…. I don’t know but I don’t feel good about these two. They look a little rough.

Monte the new neighbor now has a habit of coming to my place in the morning and using my phone to call cabs and talks to me frequently. I really like Monte, he always has a big smile on his face and his eyes are beautiful! He is short about five foot 6 or 7, and medium build, nice dark hair pretty greenish brown eyes, and beautiful teeth. He has a nice voice too. I bet he’s about 38 or so, not married no gal. Great personality, He is from Florida. Lots of people from Florida here.

I washed all the clothes and hung them out, and now there is pounding and sawing going on in the apartment down stairs, funny when I got him the renter for the upstairs they redid all sorts of thing, and mine sits as is??? Now he is doing all sorts of special crap for these seedy guys, I don’t know maybe I should give them a chance but I felt strange when I saw them.

The sheets are blowing in the breeze, it’s a hot breeze, They are orange and coral and yellow with some brown design on them, Really wild but I like the colors they look happy. The surf is rather loud today; I just looked up and saw a pretty appaloosa horse go galloping by on the beach with a long haired tico on it.

I plan on going to petras today, she has a cute little Furniture store here. I saw a nice bed table with palms on it that would be good for either my side of the bed or between the two twin beds in the guest room. Its about $89 dollars. It is made in Guatemala, so the craftsmanship is not very good
I have been waiting for Heidi to take me to San Jose but she never shows or calls. She is very busy with real estate I am sure, I know she offered me a job too, but people just do not follow through on things here. Its kinda making me mad to be honest, anyone that knows me… knows I like integrity, I do what I say I am going to do and I expect others to do that. But here Forget all that… no one does what they say they are going to do, unless you hound them. Not that Heidi doesn’t I am sure she does, but she probably has so many other things going on that I am not even on the agenda. I would though like to get to know her, as she seems very on the ball and right up my alley as far as personalities go.

I just called and talk to her sister Vrenni, she seems very nice too! Maybe this is the week we go? I don’t know but I am dying to go to San Jose to shop.

I did email Zida about the plastic surgeon and possibly hooking up with her on sending people to him, she has a beautiful place that houses people after their surgery, so her and I are going to work on setting it up on the net, connecting people with the right doctors. I have been thinking of every angle to make some money but nothing has come through yet.

I really thought about Eida’s offer, and Well although it would be nice to meet new people, since lots of people go to her little taco shack, I think that the hours and the money is way out of bounds for me. I worked most of my life long hours and very hard, and now is the time for smooth sailing, not 10 hour days, in the heat 6 days a week. I understand its Costa Rica and the money they offered was probably generous for here, but not enough for me to want to work there. I need to tell her this today,

I phoned Tom I heard he wants me in a special service office to the clients that buy property. Like a design office and I would really like that. I just hope as I said this comes through, and if it doesn’t well it wasn’t meant to be. Frankly, I am enjoying the ease of not really doing a whole lot except working on putting the apartment together and enjoy some life for once, but I will grow tired of not really doing allot. This is what I believe Heidi wanted to, so to work for both would be devine!! I pray something comes. Or the Internet sales would be good too!! Simply good!

Milo has not given me any idea’s as to when he might be working here again, we have just been talking online, no phone calls.. wish he would I would like to hear his voice.

I talk to Sara everyday on line and its nice to have that communication with my daughter in law, she is always positive and well I feel like its been good to really get to know her. We laugh on line and talk about everything really… I miss Kelsey her daughter my step grand daughter, she is so cute and so smart! I want her to come and visit, I know even at her age 5 she would like it here, but she would SAY IM HOT HOT HOT I AM SO HOT… she is always hot… its funny!

Maybe tonight or Tomorrow I will go the bull fights again, I bought a darling brown peasant skirt, with a sheer cream colored top with no sleeves only straps its so cute… I have the brown and tan shoes to match that have sequins on them just like the skirt. I think I spent like 28 dollars for the top and the skirt. I cannot wait to wear it, TO THE BULL FIGHTS!! I was surprised last week when I saw how the women dressed. They all dressed very nice but sexy.. Sexy here is everyday, some women wear hardly any clothes and the shortest skirts you ever saw, not including hardly but a drop of material on top!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday freeway blues

Yep its Friday, the last two days were spent in town trying toborrow a bike from my friend Helene who went back to Columbia, she did lend it to me so that is a relief for the time being untill I can buy another bike. I went all down town looking again to see I saw anyone, but there are many that are very similar to them so its hard I do have a distinction on it so If I see it, sounds terrible but I have the good mine to knocked them off the bike and take it back... and believe me I will!

I have been Teaching three days now for two to three hours a day this gal from Columbia some english, its been interesting. We sit on the sidewalk where she sells her souvieners, and we write and talk and laugh. She has no money I just do it to help her. Betty is a very different sort of person, but I am begining to like her some.

I rode the bike nearly to Herradura today to pick up some pillows I ordered from the bed store, I asked a couple of people to take me but noone replied so I borrowed Helens bike and went its like 15 or miles. then I rode the la Ferria, its five or so from my house. GOT A GOOD WORK OUT I WOULD SAY... ate chicken at the chicken walk up restaurant

I woke up today around 7:00 got a sinus infection and was groggy so Didn't sleep well either . I had plan to ride today not internet till tonight. I made coffee, ate pineapple n eggs and this great toast thingy that comes in a bag already toasted... I LOVE THESE there delicious...
I turned on the Boccelli Cd and played it loud for the birds, I am sure waking up Monte the new neighbor, I sat on the back balcony and stared at the waves and the palms all the birds. the macaws in pair's flew over and then a pair of peach faced parrots came close to the balcony... A few customers at the feeder... I ate and watched and thought about a propsal I got last night from Eida, about working in her JACO BELL, I really don't know about this. so pondering on it for a day or two may help.

Got dressed and put on the gray and black camofloge tshirt, and some black shorts.. tennis an got on the bike and rode to Herradura, it was hot lots of traffic but I made it there and back. BEfore I returned I heard someone yell my name... I looked and I didn't see anyone then I heard it again mind you I am on a bike and along way from Jaco. I look again its DANELLA!!! SO went back and sat at the bus stop with her and talked for a long time it was nice to see her.

She is pregnant now third baby to send back to Nicaragua, what a shame...

When I got back Carlos was working on the other Apartment, I got my purse and left to the Farmers Market where I bought a bunch of things, I did see Eida and she stopped me said to come by but I didn't have it in me to stop. I just rode on home and bought a cute skirt and top to maybe wear to the bull fights tomorrow night I wanna dance too!

The skirt is all brown with sequins on the top and bottom and little ivory beads, with bigger brown beads the top is ivory and I have the shoes to match that have the sequins on them!! the skit is like the ones they were wearing when I left kinda full like an old time hippie skirt.

Then I got home turned on the air cause it was hot hot hot today and came to the seas to watch the sunset and here I sit. I hope I sleep well, I went to the farmacia you go there instead of the doctor and you tell them what hurts, what you feel and they give you the medicine you need so I got some meds to take tonight before bed and for the next five days. I hope it kicks it out of my system its bad. It may be the dust that is everywhere

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Helene the Columbian pedicurist and hair stylist

This spider was on the table whre I internet, it was about 6 inches
The feeder and a huge Strangle root tree

Great Day Tuesday was, I woke up happy and singing, the birds where chirping loud again. I turned on a CD called Foreplay its jazz and I really liked something mello for the morning. I mde the coffee and ate some Papaya with salt and lemon and some yogurt that is fresh here, made by a local man. I put the homemade granola that I buy at the farmers market from the Amish its very good! I sat out on the balcony and watched the wave's the birds and listen to the music while ate and got ready for the day.

Iwas suppose to met Milo on line early so I got all dressed up with a cute dress, and sparkley shoes earings thinking he could see me with my cam, but he wasn't on line for more than an hour. I Sat and blogged and emailed all the people who have written about this blog and my one of my friends. Then we chatted for a hour or so till he went to a metting. I walked back to the apartment in a rush it was very hot!
Went up and began to sweep and clean up as usual, worked on applying this bamboo bathing mat I found at the farmacia, to the counter that is in the kitchen. It was really unsightly so I used the mat and nailed it with little copper nails to the counter, the mat has the same color tirm on it as the walls that are painted. The color is like a pumpkin very pretty. So the mat has a small pumkin trim and its light bamboo. Funny it fits perfectly around the whole cabinet. now it looks very classy and it was really inexpensive to do. So I decided to do the same thing to the sink area that has no storage or doors. That way I can build some shelves under that and store my tools and cleaning products. It fits perfectly the opposite direction. So Today Will go and see if I can find a spring tension rod to use and some clips.

After I did this I got my self together and walked down town, its along ways but I did it anyway . I stopped and talk to the bycycle shope guys, and then progressed into town. I went to El largar the hardware store and got some calking so I could glue the velcrow onto the mat where its tile and I canno't nail it. The guys there are begining to know me now and greet me with a smile!.... simply because I harrash them they all look so glum.. I said SMILE NO FROWN!! now they see me and they smile... oh you know it begins with you ok? you have to smile first or be freindly first and others will follow... like cows we are untill there is the head cow the other heffers just stand there... you know what I mean? this happened this morning too!

Monday the Soda is closed next to me... I go over there on monday and get the rake and rake up all the trash that people just throw on the ground and I put it all in the garbage, I been doing this several times, because it buggs me that they don't care and I have to look down at it everyday... yesterday when I got up.. they were out there cleaning it up! I yelled down to them Thank you for cleaning! and I applauded them they smiled, And whenI returned from Internetting the guys who I bought this huge fishtale palm from came and brought me a brand new one.. because I was nice and insistant that they come and look at it as it had a fungus and I knew it was going to die.. I love my plants and I know tons about it since it was part of my business, after the third time of riding my bike on the freeway to talk to them they finally came and saw it, when he did, I showed him an article that I wrote about landscaping and the photos, I explained what I did as a job... OH BOY HE WAS EMBARRASSED... I didn't harrass them I just asked nicely. Then Yesterday they showed up with a beautiful healthy HUGE FISH TALE PALM I WAS SO HAPPY I CLAPPED... So now two wonderfull things in one day! After I walk to town... now back to town..

After the Hardware store, I looked for the bike, of course I wont find it someone has it and probaly dismantled it and painted already... but I still have hope! If I see it believe me I will knock the people off and take it!

I walked to Bettys and ask about Helene, to get my glasses and to aske to borrow her bike.

The town is alive and busy with people tourists and kids... it was blazing butI walked anyhow... I saw Zach and asked for a coconut cause I felt as if my kidneys were bothering me. I found out that Agua de pepa, the juice of the fresh coconut heals many things so I bought one from him.. He then left I talked to Helene who is going to Columbia today and got my things, she said borrow the bike tomorrow.

I talked to several people whom I have met... then went To century 21 to see if Tom was there he wants to talk to me about work. He wasn't but I got Shawns number as he and his gal are having a wedding on the 19th and I am doing it here... MY FIRST WEDDING HERE. I didn't advertise it but I have the feeling that others will be calling, and thats fine but I really didn't want to do this again.. if it brings some income Im ok with it, but it is very hard work and very stressfull, almost Thrity years of it now im doing it again??? OH WELL PURA VIDA

After I walked across the way to say Hi to Eida, the tica friend of mine that has been distant... I greeted her with a kiss and said she looked pretty, she never compliments me ever but I always try to be kind to her. We chatted, nothing big nothing important then she said she needed to sit down with me and talk... I don't know what this is about but I am game... I then walked back and saw another columbian girl I know I worked out with her, I Told her I wanted to begin teaching aerobics at Allens gym, Johns is too little. She said you?? I said yes so Then started to spread the word that I WILL BE TEACHING! I don't know how Im going to correograph it all but I am working on. I think it will be great and I need to work out so if only a few people come in the begining Im ok with it... I am going to try anyway.

Then I walked back home, as I was almost home I saw Trish my friend whom she and I did the Charity function for the children, she yelled out I would give you a ride but I am going to a community action meeting, I said oh I heard about that I am interested! she said yeah? I said yeah My landlord had spoke to me about it and thought I should get involved. I said I thought it was on the 12th she said no its tonight at this hotel. I said lets go! So I hopped in and rode with her to pick up liz the canadian I talked about and then to the hotel.. WOW THE HOTEL WAS BACK OFF THE MAIN ROAD AND SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!
I have seen the sign when I was riding the bike and thought I shuold go back and check it out but I never did. Wow It was incredible, and I was surprised it was there all alone on a dirt road with many little cabinas on the way to it. Astounding landscape and great design and layout of the buildings.
I may contact them and try to see how much they charge so I can help people who inquire about coming here.

THe meetting was cool, It was all about the community and efforts to help it, which I am all about! so I believe now I know part of the reason I am here. The meeting was filled with Americans five ticos so nineteen to be exact. We had a good discussion about many issues. I am alread assigned to finding Rice sacks for the la ferria the farmers market so they can stop using so many plastic bags, and recycle the rice sacks. If anyone has information about where I can buy these cheap let me know. We would need lots of them.

I met several new people, but amazingly, even though I have only been here a few months I knew more than half the people! like minds seem to attrack each other.

Then Trish took me home and I ate and went to bed early the feet were killing.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

THe Soda is working, the bird soda that is! Well yesterday I got up to get ready for the walk now and not the ride. Some may think this is obserd, but right now I have to watch my money, My house has not sold and I am living on what I can untill I get some difinate work and some income from the sale of the house. So buying another hundred dollar bike is really not a good idea. So walking for a few days untill I can borrow a bike is where I am at.

I talked to the police, made the report, but its just a bike and Well they dont care here.. I went to ICE Pronounced ESAY to see how my bill was progressing nothing until Feb thank GOD!! then Iwalked all the way down town. As I past the bicicletta shops they all knew I was robbed, Zachary had gone and told them to watch for parts and the bike itself! THANK YOU ZACK... HE WONT SEE THAT HE HAS NO INTERNET, he doesn't understand computers. Anyway they all greeted me and said they were sorry but that didn't return the bike. I then walked to Helene's but everything was closed, Betty said she partied all night and was out like a light so I didn't get my glasses back or my things I left behind. She was going to lend me her bike to, because she is going to Columbia for a few weeks. She is from Columbia. I then walked all throught the town meeting some new people, and seeing ones I knew and just talking. I wanted to go to San Jose but its not happening yet. I am upset over this I need to buy some real personal things and some supplies that are cheaper in the big city.

I did meet up with liz an older Canadian woman who walks everywhere we talked, she wanted me to see her place and her bird feeders and needed help with some things so I did.
Then we walked back to town and tried tofind a place to eat one had no beans and rice, shes a vegan, and one was closed and then finally we found one and ate. It got late so I walked back all the way home which was about 5 miles. It was dark I came to the gate and unlocked it and walked up the stairs to turn on all the lights. went back down then watered my indian statues with plants in there heads! they were tired and wilted . I then washed all the tile down and and retired upstairs to drink water with mint from my little herb garden I started and sat in the cute chairs on the balcony and watched people. Then the phone rang it was SARA, she was mad about Nancy and Jordan... this battle is a detailed one. My kids my kids my kids.... I just listened and hoped that soon this will all end for all of them. Too much contention for me....

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Birds, the Bike and the Bulls

The Feeder is up and running and it is fun to see who is eating today! From the moment I install the feeder I had visitors, one morning I woke up to screaming birds, they were arguing over who was getting what and who was eating there first. There were like ten or so various birds. It was very cute but, No photos yet of lots of them I think they need to get more comfortable with me watching them upstairs.
Its not much to look at but the birds like and I its nice in the morning to watch them come and go and gather in a line to see what that thing is?

This weekend was very eventful, I had a new person move in next door which I thought was going to be Vreni, but it is a guy named Monte? So I don’t know how long he is going to stay but he is very nice, and seems to have a good attitude. I hope were good neighbors. I will tell you why in a few moments.

Friday night I went out about 9:30 to a place that was suggested to me called Plankton, it was a reagatton disco, which is basically what most of the places here play. It makes me think of Brandon my son, because at one point he wanted to open a bar, and with his ability and his taste for music, he could have a thriving business here. But I know that’s not in the plan too bad too cause they need it desperately. The town now on the weekends is Thriving and absolutely bustling with people. It was kinda fun, I had two very young Tico men, sitting by me and a gal I met from Toronto, they wanted to dance with me both at the same time… So I did a couple of times it was fun, The theme of Friday night was two two two.

I stayed there for about two hours then Victoria, and three other people and I all caught a cab and went to Monkeys to dance there. It was full of people. Packed to the rafters I should say. They have Air now so its not as bad when you dance. From the moment I walked in Two different guys took me by the arm and danced with me most of the night. Victoria and I saw Helen, and Betty, and we all danced most of the night till about 3:45 am. I couldn’t go anymore I was none stop for hours. Great Exercise! I only drank two beers total but mostly drank water. My intent was to just dance.. since I do not have my JAZZY.. Waaaaa so that was fun I got home very late and went to sleep soundly. That next day Carlos collected his rent early like 8 am, and talked to me about the place just merely conversation.

I then cleaned up and hung out washing clothes by hand hanging them on the line and doing chores around here. Later I called reinford, this guy who has this cool truck taxi, its like brand new and very nice. I called him to come take to me FM this place where they sell mattresses and there is an interior design store but I didn’t dare go look in there! I bought a 4 inch foam pad for the bed, since its so hard I have a rough time sleeping. The pad and pillows I got from him were not that expensive around 20 bucks for the foam and the pillows were 9 bucks each.

Came back put it on the bed and made some dinner and hung out. I danced again by myself here, and listen to the party shuffle I made on the computer through lime wire. WOW IT COULD BE A DISCO TECH TOO! I had a good mix of reagaetton, blues, jazz, hip hop, rap and contemporary music. Even though I am my age I love all sorts of music.
From Frank Sinatra to 50 cent, though he’s hard to look at I sometimes like his raps.

I found this one group called Gypsy kings, and I EVEN FOUND THEY SING A SONG MY BROTHER RECORED AND I Have to find out if they got the rights to it, I think If I am not mistaken my brother wrote the song. Its called Marina, Marina, he use to sing it to me in Italian when I was a little girl. I down loaded this song with out that thought in my head and when I played it I WAS Shocked! It was in Spanish but My brother recorded it in Italian, I need to find out about this its really on my mind. I was listening and I took out the little painting I been working on here and there, When I heard someone call my name from down below. I went down and it was Angelic, this young gal that borrowed my bike… we talked through the gate I did not inviter her and her boyfriend up or in. An hour later I notice the gate was opened to the point of just barley enough to slip out or get the bike out. We have not locked this gate ever because where we sit is pretty protected but Ya nevah know! I went down bare foot walked on the rocks and shut the gate thinking to myself hmmmm I wonder why that was opened? I am here alone??

I looked and the bike was fine. Then I heard another someone yell my name from down below. It was Zach, this Tico American kid I have talked about who sells Coconuts. He loves to speak English and cracks up at me

I wanted to tell him I was busy but I let him come up for a while. He was sad, coconuts is not doing so well for him, I explained that sometimes the things we do must come to an end, or we need to revamp our ideas and change the process or begin a new. Simple as that, He doesn’t want to climb the trees any more his back hurts him all the time he says he says he is too old to do this like when he was young. Mind you he’s only 28 years old but they get old fast here. Most are old before there time.

We discussed a new idea of orange juice stand, and fresh squeezed with coconut smoothies, I said pay some kids to climb the trees, get the coconuts. Possibly get some financing from a couple of friends. He loved this Idea. So he is going to talk to another friend of both ours Carlos my Italian friend. He did and Carlos said yes he would give him the money to begin. After much discussion on the porch I sent him home. I was tired from the night before and didn’t much feel like socializing but prior to this, I had gone down to Del Mar and Interneted for three hours talking to Milo. We have made up and and are now talking again. I am happy about this, I really like Milo, and I hope that he and I can continue and enjoy life together!! Time will tell it always does, Time tells you about everything.

This Sat was the first time I ever shut the blinds and closed up the place to be completely dark so I could sleep in instead of getting up a the crack of dawn. I drank some mango juice and went to bed. In the back of my mind was thinking I should lock the gate but I didn’t OK YOU SHOULD ALWAYS LISTEN TO THAT LITTLE VOICE AND DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU HEAR!!! Because when I got up the gate was open again just the same way it was the night before. AND WELL My beautiful Coupe de ville was gone. Yes someone stole the bike and now I’m on foot again. I sat on the steps and of course as women do I was in shock then I cried, as I said in my sarong, on the steps to the apartment, I stared out thinking it had to be someone around there watching, but the night before I was out till 4:00 and the bike was fine? Why this night? Was it Angelic? selling it to make money? Was it Zachary? Who needed the money but says he would never do harm to me because he too believes in god, and I tell him all the time about Gods laws..?? Was it the nicas across the street? Someone at the soda whos been casing the place? Who knows but I was lax and now I know If I get another one, which that one was a hundred bucks!!! I will get a lock and chain and from that point the front gate is constantly locked. I told the police they said to go the office and make a report, although I know they won’t do anything about it I did it and I walked there and to the whole town. After The report I searched the campgrounds and the surrounding apartments, and as I walking down the road I saw some guy on the bike. I ran after him and stopped him and made him go to the police with me but I didn’t have the receipt with me so they couldn’t check the serial number.

Problem Is Gallo mas Gallo sells tons of these bikes and in the same style and color so who knows?? I was pist I wanted to grab that guy and knock him down. I screamed and yelled as the little firey woman I am came out! Then I continued to walk down town to talk to people and look on the streets for it. I told allot of people about it and one guy said he knows who the dude in town is who steals all the bikes and sells them for Crack.. Great! I was so mad… I went to Betty’s souvenir stand and saw Helen there told her so she let me borrow her bike for a few hours to go to the store and do a couple of look arounds.

I saw Zack on his pepa cart and explained to him. He was pist he said he was going to find out who did this and see what he could do. Who knows? We all hung out and listen to the radio and watched the people in town and enjoyed the company of friends for a while when this guy came and asked us to all go to a fiesta??

I said sure why not It may make me forget about the bike, ended up not my idea of a Fiesta but we all went to Heradura to the bull fights!
Wow ok this was fun… The place as packed too, they had rides, and booths selling fresh fruits, and assorted things gifts, and a huge discothèque. The bull ring was stadium style and was very close to the bulls.

There were lots of Cowboys and bull riders, they did that for hours. After the riding of the bulls then the fights. They actually let people if they want to enter the ring and let the bulls chase you, wild to me but I watched as one guy got rammed by the bull.
It was very fun and really different. I liked it. It is suppose to be
going all week so maybe next weekend I can go again. It was based on a fair idea, like the fairs we have in the states, but really all focused around the bulls. They had a Bull Queen too??? She had a very sexy dress on and a huge Sparkly crown. I did see a couple of other princess’s I believe they had crowns on too.

So getting out of there about ten or eleven and riding a tax home with four people I didn’t know.

Cost about 4 bucks total

Then this morning I have to go to the police dept to give them the number. It’s a mile or more walk, then try to go to Helenes to get my glasses. I was suppose to go to San jose but I have not heard from Heidi who said she may take me. I want to go possibly tomorrow or Weds to meet up with this man who has some sort of business he wants to begin with my help that is exactly like mine in the states. Hes been following the blog and has been emailing me for months now. I have a llot to do and on foot it takes forever. I don’t know about this week… Dang it I liked that little caddy, guess I learned to be more cautious, and to listen to that voice.


Friday, January 06, 2006

La Ferria

This gate is around the corner from my place it has part of my name on it, I want it! They are going to tear it down and build a huge hotel called the topical sands, a 6 year project I met the owners.
The next photo is the mist over the moutains this morning outside my bedroom balcony

Jaco Yesterday the beaches are not as full as they have been but you can see this is about half the beach
La Ferria

The Farmers Market, I look forward to Fridays when I can go and buy the weeks worth of veggies and fruits and god only knows what else? The Farmers market is small but I do enjoy the atmosphere, the vendors and occasionally I see someone I met.

The morning was dreary the skies are gray but the clouds are high so The likelihood of rain is half and half. I was really hoping for a good day, as riding the bike to the la Ferria is first a long ways from here, second carrying all that stuff back is such a task.

The morning brought this toucan that has been hanging out, in the yalang yalang across the street, I realize that they like these trees, as every time I see one they are perched in those trees. Right now the tree has yellow to tan leaves, soon it will all be green. I believe its spring here now, I am not quite sure though. Also this morning I heard someone yelling my name from down below, it was the people who made my patio furniture, I wanted one more small table but the one I saw they had last week was scratched and I didn’t like I told them to bring a new one by, they did it was the same one. I graciously took it but I told him I wasn’t happy with the surface, I think I said it right? I hope he understands to exchange it when they make new one. It cost like 20 bucks but there very nice.

It rained really hard last night but not like the night that street was a river It was just normal Northwest rain.
The ground and all the plants are washed clean of all the dust that is flying all over these days here in Jaco. The streets are the worst ever so this is the cause of the dust. Its strange because I have gone to a few other cities and the streets are great compared to here, and there is more tourists and money here than most places? Corruption I am sure, the monies collected from Local businesses are not put to the cities benefit but to the pockets of local officials.

Yesterday’s day:

I spent the morning digging the hole for the feeder, mostly rocks here in the ground and with a pitiful little shovel I dredged through the soil to put the pole in the ground. Then I swept the tile down stairs of the building, and watered the plants in my Costa Rican statues I bought. I have two of them with plants coming out the tops of there heads, they look like freaking Indians! Then I came in got ready to go the internet at Del mar.

The bird feeder is up and running I had two customers right after it opened, Two little wrens, husband and wife I am sure. They came to inspect and grab a bite of bread. But I scared them when I tried to take there photo from the balcony. I haven’t seen any visitor’s yet. But humming birds are curious, not stopping but buzzing by.

Talk to Sara and by the way Milo. We had a nice conversation while I down loaded music from Limewire, checked on towels from Walmart, and search the web for a few things. I heard the story of Clint and Jordan being demanding of the money they think they should get before the jobs they are suppose to be complete. Frankly I am disgusted with the issues at hand with my work. I left them to tear down the Holiday décor at only a couple of places, and it has been a total issue with Jordan, Clint, and Brandon. I had asked Brandon to take care of things for me, but its just not possible with Jordan having the hard feelings he has, and causing the division between the whole family. I know that if a family is divided they shall fall. I pray that this gets resolved,

Thing is in the real world, when you work… you have to wait for checks, but since I am the mother of one of the workers, and a so called better mom than the real one to the other…. They expect me to jump and hand over money now. Honestly, I have spoiled them with many things, but have some respect!!!

I came back to eat a little and then walk on the beach, I walked almost all the way to town then back. The water was incredible yesterday really aqua blue, the tide was out so It made the water clear. It was very warm too; only where the little streams enter the sea was the water refreshing. The sand is filled with rocks too in some areas so it makes it hard for me to walk barefoot on it. I have tender feet.

I came back to stop at the corner store, a small country store but since the Del mar and El Sol is close the prices are quite high. The Man who owns it always says Hi Marianna, when he rides down the street he waves or stops and talks to me for a few minutes. One day he invited me to go dancing, I said sure… but he hasn’t pursued it. I got a Cuba libre there, that’s a rum and coke they sell in a can. I didn’t know it was rum and coke I just thought it was some sort of different coke. It was pretty darn good too. They say its guado, so I now know that the sugar cane liquor here is rum but they call it Guado

I made a tortilla with left over chicken and red peppers, sour cream and avocado, sat on the porch and then I watched the cars the people walking and riding bikes. Zachary went by and yelled at me… I asked him where are you going? He said later…

Later he showed up and sat with me on the porch, told me he was hungry so I made him something to eat. The Poor kid has nothing, sells coconuts, and I guess he looks to me for help but I have to be very careful as I have heard story’s about ticos here. But honestly, I can not let someone be hungry, I have done this many times before in the states, where I fed someone who was hungry and I feel that its wrong if someone asks you and you turn them down. I was taught to give so I do. Let’s just say that beyond this tough exterior I have a soft heart. I wont give money, but I will feed them. I Just hope that if I am hungry someone will feed me too.

Also I am checking into adding some sales items to this blog, If you are interested in anything such as furniture, vacation rentals, souvenirs, art, photos, coffee, raw sugar chocolate anything you think you would like from Costa Rica you can contact me here a the blog or at If you are reading from My home town please contact me if you are interested in a washer and Dryer, fridge, and a great van. I need to sell these items. Including the HOUSE!

I will be posting some vacation rentals, and working with real estate at the local real estate office here. So please do not be afraid to email me about anything. I can even set up tours of any sort for people and families. Although this is not the basis of this Blog, Its about life and as it happens and its to inform my family and friends of what I am doing. I thank all the readers I have which now at my estimation is about 1000 it could be more. I have my webmaster installing a counter so I know for sure how many of you out there are reading. PURA VIDA!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I woke up this morning to a sunny beautiful cool day. I had gone to the soda last night for dinner, then walked back and had a glass of wine only after a hot shower, which was the first hot shower since I arrived here, Carlos's son fixed the heater all this time it was on a lower level so I had very little hot water, wow it felt so good to take a hot shower! then I drank the wine and fell right to sleep.

So when I woke I was fresh and happy! But my dreams were filled with dreaming about dog poop, people poop, and snakes, very strange all night snakes all over and piles of crap god what the heck was I dreaming this for?

But the morning brought a great day! I made coffee as soon as I made it I walk ed to the balcony of my bedroom over looking the sea, and I saw 6 red parriots landing on the tree in front of me, The circled and then landed, wow I watched them with the binoculars, as they had their breakfast meeting in a huge fiddle leaf fig tree, it was incredible to see so many together and so close. Then after I got my coffee I turned on fourplay a jazz CD and listen to in the early morning hours of 6:30, then two ospreys flew right over my head and buzzed me and soon there after a whole flock of peach face parrots, then I heard the Toucan that hangs out around my place but I couldn't find him there hard to pick out unless you know there traits.

I love the birds and I was very happy to see so many to greet me this morning. I got out the painting I started and worked on that for about 20 minutes, then began to sweep and clean up as usual. This day was refreshing, the weather was really nice for most of the day. I used it to wash clothes, water plants, and listen to music, while I worked on the bird feeder. I almost have it in the ground now. Its funky but I like it! I hope the birds do too.

I then got ready and rode my bike back to the nursey to talk to the guys about my fish tale palm that is not doing well, I bought some herbs and put another orchid aside for the house. They agreed to come over plant the herbs and look at the tree, so I rushed back only after going to the hardware store, and to my little market I like on the highway.

I made some avocado and tomato salad with flour tortillas,then sat on the porch watched the people and drank diet pepsi. pleasant day Really! then four people came in the couryard, asking about the Apartment down stairs, I talk to them and explained how much and who the owner was, they were french from Canada, have been here a while and she too loves gardening, and cleaning and birds so if they move in I will have a nice friendship I am sure.
The rest of the day was riding back to town to get some silicone, and bird seeds, then riding back and working on the feeder, digging the hole and now internetting by the sea, its dark now I watched the sun go down. SO I suppose I should close and go eat dinner and end the evening with a glass of wine again. Seems to make me rest better, untill I am able to get a foam pad for the bed. I did try to get one today but they were sold out! I went last week and saw tons of them I didn't know if I wanted to spend the extra money but I realized that sleep is very important the hell with the extra money!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Sunset from the beach before set
Sunset from the balcony of my bedroom

Thought the new year was going to be rung in with new friends but I was wrong. I also thought I would do it with out drinking but after this situation that changed my mind, although I do not drink to excess I did have a couple.

I had gone to the house I was told to go to, but when I arrived not a soul was there for the fiesta. Instead, there was a very attractive older women who sounded French but spoke Spanish, In fact I think she was French because some of the words when she spoke to me were in French. I was trying to find the party but this lady came out and wished me Nueva ano, I reply equalimente`.

Then I noticed her drunken husband keeled over on the porch, it was getting dark so I mostly saw his silhouette, and not his face. He sounded very barracho… Super Drunk. Then she lamented to me about her husband being an evil mean man. I looked down at her wrist because she took a drag off of a cigarette when I noticed blood all over a white cloth wrapped around her wrist.

Ok now I really took notice, I looked and it was apparent that she had purposely sliced her wrist in reaction to her husband behavior. Then I asked what happened to your arm? She then told me that she did that because there was no reason to live. That he chokes her and does bad things so she wanted to die. I then told her I wanted to call the emergencia, and she kept saying no no no, I decided to leave to tell someone about her, the house, and where she lived so they could send help. As I began to get on the bike the whole bike fell on top of me, I twisted my leg then the bike slammed down right on top of me. I was wearing a white skirt, cute wedge blue sandals, with sparkles, a sheer blue top with little beads on the front and tie straps around my neck. I really hurt my leg and was upset because everything including the bag I had with stuff for the BBQ went flying including my purse! I felt like after she touched me something flew on me and knocked me down. Who knows? But that is what it felt like.

After I picked my self up and dusted me off literally, ruined my cute white skirt, rode to Helene`’s to see what was going on? It was dark but she had clients to do, hair and styles and things. So I sat drank a beer and waited around for a while, until Angelic decided to borrow my bike.

She wanted to go somewhere, l allowed her but after I began to get worried inside when she didn’t return for two hours. Finally she did, and told me she went home and took a shower called her mom, and had a little brush with the police. So I don’t know? All I know is I got the bike and skedaddled out of there.

Riding home in the dark in that skirt was fun it was flying as I was petaling away. I got to the house to hear the fireworks begin, this friend of mine was waiting for me when I arrived, he and I went up ate a snack, then went out back and watched all the fireworks blaze, and I mean BLAZE It was more like artillery fire, a war zone. Nothing like I have heard in Vancouver Washington! And they blow allot of money there shooting off fireworks. But here I kid you not, not one second went by with out huge blasts booms shocks and thunderous bangs.

We sat with a little music playing but you couldn’t hear it the pops were way to loud. The show was cool though I saw so many fireworks, and people yelling and screaming. Thank god I am at the south end of the beach. I cannot imagine what the town was like?

I did see a fire before I left town, someone probably shot some works off and it landed in a pile of limbs they were torched!

This morning the Soda was quiet, but then again I woke up at 9:00, that’s a first for Costa Rica? But I did have about three beers so that may have set me in for a while.

Today I pittled around I began painting a drawing I did from the back porch, I was thinking there has to be a way that maybe I can do something some art or something??? I can’t be stagnant here reaching for anything to be sure! Verdade`

washed dishes, laundry by hand, since I do not have washer, I went from a very nice washer and dryer to a tile sink with a drain on the side for washing laundry, wringing them out and hanging them on the line. It Really reminds me of when I was a child, My mother had this washer on the porch, in the country in Fresno where I was raised, she only had it a while then progressed to a big new washer and dryer but it was one of those ones that had the wringer on the top and you would run the clothes through it. Then you would hang the clothes on the line. I use to love to play in the clothes when they were hanging. Now I am hanging clothes but not for fun but I kinda do like the fact that you hang them out and let them dry. Less use of energy.

Then I watered our front, washed the tile down in the entrance, dirt and dust is bad on this street like clouds of it, the bus has the road all tore up and so do the big trucks huge potholes and puddles and yuk and dust and gross gaucalee!! But on the back side is the beautiful beach and breezes and wow what sunsets!

Wrote a little watched some birds, dumped out my old flowers then walked to the store and bought some beans came back made beans and yellow rice with onions some nachos. No body here makes nachos, hm that might be an idea!

Good dinner then I saw a huge ship going across the horizon here on the beach so I got my camera, binoculars and peddled to the beach to see, I took many photos and then watch the sun go down, which I noticed allot of people do , its like s a ritual here, I am begining to see why.
They are incredible it’s the closing of the day the sun gets Red like a huge ball in the distant, the sky becomes orange, blues, pinks, peach melon and reds, the reflection on the sand is orange and red and the clouds all change hue. This could be great beginnings for Paintings of the sunset for me.
This is one of the reasons I wanted to be here also, so I could possibly get back into art and painting for my pleasure.

Woke up to the sound of hammering rain at 4:00 am. I never heard rain this hard ever in my life. When I looked out the front window, I saw a car stalled in the road. The water was so high that he couldn’t move. It was like a rushing river out there. Not just a stream but a river. I was curious and kept looking watching the rain. Now in waking I see all the birds are wet and cold and shivering but its not cold out? They are not singing yet. The sky is gray today reminds me of the Northwest. But I can see clear skys in the horizon out to sea.

I of course make the perfect coffee, and swept out front my morning routine now, Can not wait till Natalie gets back to begin working out.

As I said before I wanted to begin my own aerobics, but I need a basis of routines to begin. I am sure I can do it and I know I will have an audience and students will like it. But it’s the fact of not having a format that scares me a little. I know how to improvise easy, but to write it down and make it work all the time is the hard part. I really think this would be good to do since there is only one instructor in town and no other dance or jazz or aerobics here.
Well I guess give it more thought and really begin to put some effort towards it.

Today I go to talk to Tom if he is back from the US, to see what he wants me to do with working there for him.

Eida’s offer fell through, and she is still in the USA visiting friends in Seattle. So I suppose when she returns we will talk, maybe not about work, but we will talk.

Happy new year all my friends in the states, I wish that this year brings good things, a change of life for many and the hope that life is renewed!