Buckets of Rain
Waking to as I said to the sound of someone yelling over a mega phone wandering around the streets on a Sunday morning. Not my way of Waking up on a Sunday. It looked as though it was going to be a very pleasant day, but really it ended up not so pleasant. After leaving Eidas, She allowed me to borrow their old White Chrysler Van, this thing is really had it from the abuse of the roads, and the weather. I found out the brakes had finally gone out. I saw the light weeks ago, the abs sign was on and then the brake. But today it was completely shot. I drove very slow and had to use the emergency brake a couple of times. You drive slow here anyway because of all the potholes so I was pretty careful not to get to close to any cars or back up into anything that I couldn’t stop before hitting it. I came to the apartment to find that I have left the refrigerator door open slightly and it had damaged most of the food in the fridge, A bit disappointing. But I cleaned it all up and tried to get it go on high to chill the rest of what was not damaged. The house was hot with no air so things spoil rather quickly in such heat and humidity. I went down to the beach and got on line to chat with whom ever, Mickie and Milo, read all my couple of hundred mails, returned some and then went back to the house to shower and get cleaned up.
There was one mail that was pretty important, so I had to go back into town to net and mail this person all the information that she had asked for.
But before that I stopped by Eidas to tell her what I had to do, then she said they were leaving with Miro to go to Los Suenos, he never invites me. . Although he could use my help, as he is building a restaurant on the top of the hill. But never the less, the fact is he is very disrespectful to me and ignores me or snubs me completely. He is a very rich eccentric, old Yugoslavian man, unfortunate for me really as this would be a good connection for many things. Nothing was ever said or done he just likes Eida and wants nothing to do with me since I did not like the artist he forced on me earlier on in the month. I think he thought he was helping me, by finding a man, but the approach was so rude and so strange. I was hot and sweaty had no shower had just gotten back from the parade that was four and half hours long, and wanted nothing to do with any man. He showed up after the parade and literally forced me to go with them to coffee. So my reactions I am sure were an insult to his gesture of finding me a man.( NOT THAT KIND) teeth were bad very bad and he was really well not so pretty!
Back to the subject at hand, I was driving the car to go email my agent, spent like hour and half on line, thinking that they had gone to los Suenos.
I was suppose to pick up lupita the little dog at 5:00. so I went to her shop and waited for more than 30 minutes. No show. So I slowly drove back the Eidas house. I saw them all standing outside in the pouring down rain. Mind you this rain was really hard rain flooding all the streets like pools and rivers really deep.
I was shocked to see them out there I thought they had gone and were waiting for me as maybe I had the gate keys? But alas it was not that… it was they had not gone yet and I could see in all of there faces that they were angry or upset? I didn’t know why? Then as soon as I got out of the car the car got locked and the keys taken immediately from me. I had my purse and the computer, a sleeveless dress and flip flops on and it was really raining hard. I was thinking what is going on??? She said they hadn’t gone yet, but I at that very moment Miro showed up.
She asked me what I was going to do? I really didn’t know at that point? I was thinking I was going to go into her house and wait for them? But she locked the gate and there I stood? With Computer in hand umbrella, and water up to my knees, I said well I guess get a taxi? But I do not know how to call for one? Generally she calls or I wave one down? In stead she said “taxis are out there” and pointed to the street? I said walk in the rain? She got into Miros van and they drove off leaving me there in near dark and rain? I was shocked honestly… I would never do that to anyone, So I guess my expectations of friendship is much different than what it really is. I was upset that I was left in this water down pour with the computer, and flip flops. To walk out to the road to Harold a cab, the road is a little ways away, but in my head I would think that one would offer you a lift to the house since JACO is very small, and its only like two minutes if that? Or offer to take you to the streets to wait for a cab so you would get your computer all wet and or you? But not all of us think this way I understand. This is an American polite additude, but I suppose that is not applicable here? I dunno.
Well walking in the down pour was so humiliating after they drove off, I was almost in tears then I called the cab to me, he could see in my face how upset I was and tried to be nice. Actually he was so nice, he spoke English to me and said are you alright? I said no I am not, he said can I do anything to help you? I said oh I wish thank you kindly but no its ok and really that is very nice of you to offer??? In my head thinking hmmmmm this man has manors. I was fumbling to get the fare, when he said “do not worry just give me what ever change you have”. It didn’t make the fare and I almost cried. He said no worries and god be with you. I felt so happy that he said that but sad at the same time.
I went in the house turned on a CD LOUD!! I was upset… feeling like this Miro thing was all turned around. I opened a bottle of wine, took out some chicken, and all the veggies I had that weren’t ruined in the fridge. I made this most delicious chicken, lit all the candles the rain was coming down like crazy you could hear nothing but the rain. But I cooked so much stuff and made it so good that it felt like I had company.
I drank the wine ate and sat on the porch and watched the rain and listen to music with the candles all lit in the house and on the balcony. It was so pretty and I felt so happy at this point. Then the power went out. Dang it, well I had another glass of wine, and then sat out on the porch and watched nothing it was dark I could hear tons of different frogs. The frogs make the most unusual noises here. At first it was scary when I heard them but now I know what it is and its really like a symphony of frogs. They all make different sounds and its so cool really I like it. Not croaking like you would think, its like motors, or drums, or someone yelling or regular frog sounds but its so cool. The crickets, the katy dids, and some other strange bug that makes a really strange humming noise. Then all of sudden, I saw flickering lights all over the fire flies were coming out, tons of them it was just like a light show. Wow this was awesome, not exaggerating; I stood on the balcony in awe, watching them get closer and closer. They lit up the areas, they filled the streets, and all around the apartment. Then I watched as they slowly edged there way in to the balcony of my place. As I looked up they were in the ceiling of the patio. I looked around in the dark and saw them all around me. Wow this was awesome. I was giggling and laughing thinking this was the best evening ever! So all that madness and upset just flew away with the fireflies , the food and the wine.
After seeing this I got in the fridge and got some memones and sat out here eating them one by one. What a memory this will be pasted in my mind till I die. Seeing all those fireflies so close and how they surrounded me slowly was surreal, It felt like I was watching it on a movie instead of being in the midst of it.
A thing to remember.
In the morning when I woke I heard today very early the roosters crowing, first time. Then the dogs, I knew I needed to get up early as it was garbage day, it comes twice a week here. Mondays and Fridays so I had to get up and put it out since I Missed it on Friday. I made it they came around 6:30.
Made the coffee, ate some granola with coconut, and drank some strange juice I got. Went to the gym, it was stupid today didn’t like the routine, I saw Eida come late again I saw her trying then I waved, looked in the mirror and she was gone? HMMM I thought? Oh well I carried on and did the work out best I could which wasn’t very well today.
I rode back but this time I took the beach, I never did that. It was interesting, seeing all the very nice and large houses right on the beach here. I MEAN HUGE. I rode till the sand got too soft and I met this river. Then I had to walk the bike through it so I took off my socks and muddled through. I rode until I saw all this garbage, so I stopped and picked allot of it up and threw it away. Ther was tons of of it on the beach. I found a railing to a staircase and brought it home. Interesting I have found several pieces of architecture out on the beach. When I retuned I showered and got ready for the day, in the shower I was thinking about Carlos, and him selling this place, How I loved it and was wondering what I am going to do about returning ro all this. When I got out of the shower there was Carlos down stairs? Funny I do this allot any more. I think of someone and they either email me or they show up. I asked him if he would mind taking me into town as I needed to pick up a fax at Eidas. So he did, but when I got to Eidas she was with Miro, and they totally ignored me as if I wasn’t there? I said HELLO GOOD MORNING? No answer, only a hand in the air? Like hold on or hi or whatever?? I said Eida did I get a fax? She said she didn’t know, I looked, and there was no paper in the machine. So I came out and interrupted them and said I am going.
I then went across the street to see Lucy and Ricky and to see if my New realtor had fax the papers to me, well I caught my email, then the three of us went to lunch at the soda where Danelia works. I saw her and chatted for a little bit and ate a great steak and rice and beans dish called a casada. We all talked and laughed an had a very nice lunch. After I began to walk through town checking here and there on things like souvenirs, Thinking of people in The States I wanted to bring things too. I also was looking for a head set for the computer but no luck.
I finally walked all the way almost to the house, by this time it was very dark, I came across five guys walking down the road in the opposite direction, I saw a taxi going in the same direction so I flagged him down and asked if could take me to Soda Almistad, that is where I live near the soda here there are no addresses its just like land marks and everyone knows where the land marks are and what the buildings or houses are? Strange but it works. He didn’t want to take me since it was only like a two minute ride. I convinced him to take me since it was dark and I had the computer on my shoulder. He agreed.
I got to the house and the neighbors were partying down they came and talk to me for a little bit. I warmed up the chicken from the night before and ate and and relaxed. I listened to the radio since this is all I have at the time.
In the morning ROOSTERS WERE CROWING AT 4:00 am, it was going to be a sunny day again the birds were chirping early too, I snuggled in and refused to wake up missing my work out, I woke at 7:00, decided not to go to pilates and just go to Eidas to see if she needed me to watch the girls for her trip to San Jose today. I cleaned up the house, washed the floors folded all my clothes, and put them on the rack. I got cleand up and all dressed and ready after I made eggs, and some good bread, and little banana. If you think you have eaten a good banana you haven’t unless you been here. The taste is entirely different here, because they are fresh no chemicals and right off the tree. Like the Grapes when I was kid growing up, we would pick the first crop before they did anything to them and they would be yellow and little and so darn good. No Giberelle, nothing plain ol grapes very sweet and tiny. Same here, there all types of bananas. Coffee was warmed up from yesterday afternoon, still very good. They use a little Sugar in the coffee here, to cure it . It takes the acid out of it, so its delicious.
I got all ready to leave and rode the bike on a beautiful morning. I smelled the air and took in all the sights today I had a new attitude today, really looking around and appreciating all that god has created. I realized that the butterflies like to ride with me, when I looked to my left there was a beautiful blue butterfly riding along with me. They do that here. Every color you can think of, and tons of Dragon flies too! It was a beautiful morning. Still not to hot a bit over cast, the freshness for one of the very few times I have been here was in the air. I got into town and thought I should just go by Eidas to see if she left, I saw this car exactly like hers, and The woman driving looked like her, I chased her to the freeway, it wasn’t Eida… HA I THOUGHT! Anyhow it was fun chasing her on the bike. The town was bustling as usual, pot holes were bigger than ever, because of all the rain. IT’S THE WORST! I hate this about Costa Rica. The Roads suck bad… in town that is. Out on the big roads not as bad at all in fact very similar to ours.
I got to her house and woke her up it was ten, she was still asleep didn’t go to San Jose` so I made some coffee we talked for a few then I left to try to get my mail and fax my papers back to the states. I ended up at the century 21 and faxing. I decided since everyone around me is talking about how I cook? I decidedTo have a few people over on Friday and make some things, and little get together. So I invited Ricky and lucky and couple other people, almost now at 25. So We will see what happens on Friday. I need a bunch of things, But I think I will use resources around me like banana leaves, Bamboo, Halaconias, Ginger Coconuts, and more. It should be fun and very different I am sure for the people I invite!
I went back to the house, and bird watched and took some photos and had a little treat of Coconut and almonds they make it at the corner store. It’s a snack as I was walking back Miro went by, this time he actually stopped for like 5 seconds and said where are you going? I said to the house I got me a little snack, he said little you deserve big? Hmmmmmmm ok he talked for five seconds. Drove off, I thought this is good time to go and explore and enjoy the day. So I did I went to all new areas I never had rode to, and found the most incredible places being built and some that have obviously been there for some time. I took all sorts of photos. Wow it made me see how really pretty this place is.
Some of the houses Right on the beach are to die for. In my neighborhood God I want to live there!!! I found more rivers and streams and lots of fauna and flora.
It was fun I really was smiling and no one was there to see it. I found a secret road that curved around and about, it went by the police office I didn’t know was in the jungle,and a clinic so I will have to remember that. If I ever get ill? It’s all free here…
I went to find a vase at the little junk store I call it, and found a cute very curvy modern style glass vase for three American dollars. I got it for my bedroom to put ylang ylang blooms or wild ginger. By the way that Ginger is the best tasting and pink in color. The root that is.
I wanted this Large orange one that was modern, but I debated over and over weather to buy it? It was around 8 dollars. I didn’t like it that much. I think Bamboo would be better. Maybe I will create my own by tying several pieces of bamboo together and putting all the stems in each one.!! I have not used any creative energy here so I may have lost it.
I went to the super market, its almost all done its huge.. now they have all sorts of Italian things in it!!! I saw my French friend from the gym, there are lots of Europeans here. She said hi and was looking at my basket. I had gorgonzola, bacon, which is rare here, a single apple that was like 50 cents, some orange carrot juice they sell I love, a papaya, some diet 7 –up, Eggs, butter, and these bioland crackers made of rice with caramel. Like Rice crackers with caramel actually. Oh yeah and couple of rock Ice. This drink they have here.
Then I found this local Soda around the corner I never saw so I stopped and had some boca’s, little tiny tacos with chicken with a cabbage salad, and some papacones, Plantains double cooked with some mayonnaise thing they put on it. This made me think about My brother in-law Alan, he would like this and the mayo thing. They use mayo on all sorts of things here.. Strange but this tasted actually very good, with lemon squeezed on it. I sat close to the biciletta, so to watch my groceries and stuff. Its all outdoors anyhow. Then I rode off in the dark to my house hitting every pothole along the way, the rode to the apartment is sort of well very dark, only a couple of lights along the way. I actually had to stop cause I almost dumped the bike once, but I got right back on and rode fast to the place. Came home and put it all away. It was a good day, I loved the exploring and seeing new things, like this fruit that is use to make bowls out of? I took photos there large and green. The new water ways I found, lots of them around here. The architecture that I had no clue was there…. I want to use some of this in my own place eventually.
Well I woke to rain again, loud rain, I thought heck no I am not riding to the gym in that! So I slept in and snuggled in the bed, it felt so good. The music I left on during the night had gone off? Power must have gone out while I was sleeping. I head all the chickens no roosters. The dogs next door were barking again. But I didn’t care I snuggled in. Got up around 7:30 made this fried tomato thing I had in dominical where you put a whole or half tomato with garlic, olive oil and salt and pepper in the pan then fry and egg. I got the coffee going, then cut open a small papaya, seeded it and tore off a piece of the good bread the amish make. The juice with orange and carrot is now my liking in the morning. I sat at the table with all the windows open, looking out the huge glass windows at the rain on one side, the sea at the opposite end of me, and the jungle at the back of me. I turned on a Andrea Bocelli Cd, and sank into a beautiful thankful mood. I was admiring my surroundings, just like I use to admire my garden in the states.
But this was different, because I had nothing to do with the surroundings. There I helped form my surroundings; here it’s all Gods doings. It is so serine and so beautiful seeing the ocean and the mountain’s together with lots of nature mixed with it. I had tears, thanking God for all of this, and thanking him for allowing me be able to experience all this beauty. I know I put it into action, but it is true that when you want something bad enough, you can do it. It took allot of doing getting here, and now that I am It was truly a good choice. Life is short and I want to see and experience things and enjoy the earth. The only missing link is having someone with me to share it with, but that will come soon.
Before today I was battling a little bit about returning, then yesterday confirmed to me that I should return, at least for a while and see more and retain the peace I feel, that I have not felt In allot of years. So the plan is to return in Dec, I want badly to have at least one son some back with me and see for themselves what is here, enjoy Costa Rica, and understand that there Mom is ok. Try to continue with the work that was offered to me, and make a go of it, who knows It could lead me to other places too!
While I listen to the CD, I washed my clothes by hand, there is this sink here that is made for washing the clothes, so I been doing this since, Saturday, it cost allot to have your clothes washed here, and there is no laundry mat that I have found? So hand washing is what I been doing, actually not a bad thing, I kinda like it too,For a while anyway. I washed the windows, swept the floors, cleaned the bathroom and made my bed, As I was making the bed I thought about Jordan and Nancy, and the new baby Julian, I want to call him Juliano. He is going to need a crib, and all sort’s of things.. I know they do not have the money for this so they were on my mind allot this morning. I suppose I will ask around when I get back to see If I can help them find some things to borrow, or if someone will lend it to them for a time. I looked yesterday for Cute Costa Rican baby things, I think I found a shop and I might go there today before I go back to the dentist. I just pray they will be ok, they have to be, there is nothing else they can do.. its time to grow up now, the baby is coming. GOD IM GOING TO BE A NONNIE!! AN ABULAH, A GRANNIE>>> oh god… and to think that my new Friend Milo is going to be a Grandpa at the same exact time. His Daughter is expecting too I think on the same date.
I wonder what she is having? I hope a girl. Milo and I are still planning on being together in Portland when I return, and hopefully coming back here only after I go to New Mexico for a short time, the return to Portland to do some holiday work.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Saturday, Heavy breezes blowing waves are churning
Yesterday was Friday, Didn’t really do a whole lot, but did miss the internet connection at my friend’s house. I went there like four times on the bike back and forth. It was a very dreary day rained most all day in buckets. It rained all through the night too.
I was thinking it would be good to go on the Canopy tour, but the rain and the weather was kinda bad so it wouldn’t be as fun or as pretty.
Interneting yesterday was a little better than normal at least I only got cut off five or so times compared to the constant cuts lately. The day was just a sort of errand day, went to the farmers market and got some fruit, and couple of veggies, then to the x mas permanos. I also got a pedicure from Helene. She has a tiny little shop that now has a grass patio cover over it made with timber bamboo, and palm leaves. She put some plants out on the entry so its kinda getting cute. She had this tiny little white puppy, named Lupita. Lupita may be a cross of something but she was a street Dog, on Sunday I will be puppy sitting for Lupita, she is adorable, so I will take some photos of her.
Later that evening I went home only after visting half the night with my friend. It was such a terrible miserable rain something like we have there in Vancouver, only slightly worse in the case that there is not let up and it rains really hard, sheets of it. The only saving grace is that it is warm and not cold.
In the night I looked out back in the dark as I always and saw still through the rain that Fireflies do flicker? Curious I opened the door and listen to all of the tin roofs, clamor as the rain poured down on them and watched all the fireflies sparkling in the rain. Really cool! I found it soothing and climb in bed actually pulled up a cover and began to write, but fell asleep very quickly.
In the morning the rain continued, but it let up about 8:00 so I quickly got dressed and got on the bike and brought the computer down to Del mar, right around the corner an got on line to see who mailed me. I had like 300 mails, wow! Shawn my webmaster forwarded all the mail From Absolutely Beautiful! That was sitting there, I was shocked. So much mail, plus whatever was there from The love gmail address. So found a couple of business ones in the midst of Viagra commercials and love match’s Astrology’s and more junk mail. Among them were some letters from people whom I have corresponded with from this blog. So that was nice to have some response from this experience also.
I looked for Milo especially to chat live with him and he was on, I got to complaining about a couple of things I was feeling and he got bumped off so I felt like he was very upset with me, I wrote a letter of apology, so I hoped that he was not totally discouraged with my feelings.
I realized later that, It is time for me to rethink my doings with him, and go ahead and juggle my life to correspond with his. Mine is not so crazy as it was, and my responsibilities now are far less than ever, allowing me to be open to a decent relationship hopefully.
Which by this I feel means do what I have to when I return to the states, by selling the house in Vancouver, paying off things, flying to New Mexico to learn more about Milo, see his life style and begin a new and strong relationship. Then return to Costa Rica, which in hope’s that he gains the postion with intel for the project in San Jose` Costa Rica. That way I can continue the new works of being a consultant to Americans in Design for their homes, Gardens, selling Real estate, set up tours, renting ATV’s, not to mention be a help to a few other people who have offered me some work. Then OUR plan is to, Design, build homes and sell them. With Milos expertise, my expertise, I am more than sure we will do very well. The mountain will be ours! The writing with the papers are still in negotiations and I wish that quickly they would come together so I may use that as a form of advertising for what We are about to begin.
It will happen but I know now in TICO TIME!
About the Phone, well they blew me off again so what I did was sit at the desk soaking wet shivering asking for my money back, then when I do return in Dec, I will start the process all over again, this time hopefully get one before the next year? God its funny that the systems here are the way they are, yet in other things its so up to date? Kind of hard to understand since were so conditioned to get things immediately in the states, YET ANOTHER LEARNING EXPERIENCE COMING FROM A FAST FOOD SOCIETY! By that I mean everything is equated in the states to fast food, Fast bank, fast fast fast.. here no fast.. its slow, and very slow in some cases, unless you grease the palms.
Oh yeah and I saw in the very beginning, allot of Italians, well I suppose there are other societies here in effect. Just a mention.
Well while I was blogging the other day the coco man was up in the trees, he was trimming them and cutting down all the coconuts at del mar, he saw me watching him and I Photographed him doing this he smiled from way up on top and gave me the thumbs up. He was clear across the way with coconuts and drinking the pepa juice, I was watching him and thinking in my head god I wish I could have one and see what it is like, at that very moment he turned, now mind you he was more than 250 or more feet away, he turned and raised up the coconut to me? I nodded, he then walked all the way from the beach and came with it all ready for me to drink. It was heavy and I drank and drank really good and refreshing, Not like the ones in the states, it had lots of soft goowee fleshy meat. The liquid was not real sweet but sweet, cool and lots of it. I was shocked that he could read my mind or was I reading his?
Fun that I got to see that, and share that experience with just him and I. Later I went home and though god I should have brought the coconut with me, but it was so big and I had the computer and the bike too much to try to balance.
Well again I spent the night with Eida, wow seems like all the time, I do not know what she is going to do when Joey gets back from the USA? We tried to install the wireless remote but I needed a another piece of a router. So I couldn’t do it. Getting this morning to some loud speaker, with some guy yelling about something on a mic, there are trucks here that go around screaming out commercials and that is what I work to. We made the coffee and sat out by the pool the sun was out and it was very nice, drinking our coffee much to my shock , was a iguana leaping from the tree above and diving into the pool!!! wow I couldn’t believe my eyes. It swam around I watched so did Susie the husky, and Eida did the laundry and the starting cutting the yard. I took tons of photos funny thing, never knew iguanas like to swim??
Then Miro showed up, of course never said a word to me again so I got up called this guy to come and fix the internet, got dressed borrowed the car and went to internet and came home. I must have left the refrig door open cause everything in the frig was hot, dang it I just bought all this stuff. I cranked it up so I hope its not burned out. I cleaned up and sat down and ate this little tiny lemon meringue, that the Amish made, God they make GREAT STUFF! I bought a bunch of there jelly to bring to Tosh to see if we want to begin to export it? Also I thought this morning that I would bring back the coffee of my choice now, and some guado liquor they make here, and a couple of other things for my friends and family. I know that Jordan is gonna love this sauce they have here called LIZANO.. good yummy stuff..
Well I must go into town and go the century 21 to email my new realtor! YEAH CRISTINE!! I hope she sells the house quick, If your interested email me ok?, then to Eidas to return the car and do somethings over there, if it clears up I may go to the canopy. But it looks pretty bleak.
Pick up Lupita at 5:00 and see what I have to do for her. She is so cute!
Yesterday was Friday, Didn’t really do a whole lot, but did miss the internet connection at my friend’s house. I went there like four times on the bike back and forth. It was a very dreary day rained most all day in buckets. It rained all through the night too.
I was thinking it would be good to go on the Canopy tour, but the rain and the weather was kinda bad so it wouldn’t be as fun or as pretty.
Interneting yesterday was a little better than normal at least I only got cut off five or so times compared to the constant cuts lately. The day was just a sort of errand day, went to the farmers market and got some fruit, and couple of veggies, then to the x mas permanos. I also got a pedicure from Helene. She has a tiny little shop that now has a grass patio cover over it made with timber bamboo, and palm leaves. She put some plants out on the entry so its kinda getting cute. She had this tiny little white puppy, named Lupita. Lupita may be a cross of something but she was a street Dog, on Sunday I will be puppy sitting for Lupita, she is adorable, so I will take some photos of her.
Later that evening I went home only after visting half the night with my friend. It was such a terrible miserable rain something like we have there in Vancouver, only slightly worse in the case that there is not let up and it rains really hard, sheets of it. The only saving grace is that it is warm and not cold.
In the night I looked out back in the dark as I always and saw still through the rain that Fireflies do flicker? Curious I opened the door and listen to all of the tin roofs, clamor as the rain poured down on them and watched all the fireflies sparkling in the rain. Really cool! I found it soothing and climb in bed actually pulled up a cover and began to write, but fell asleep very quickly.
In the morning the rain continued, but it let up about 8:00 so I quickly got dressed and got on the bike and brought the computer down to Del mar, right around the corner an got on line to see who mailed me. I had like 300 mails, wow! Shawn my webmaster forwarded all the mail From Absolutely Beautiful! That was sitting there, I was shocked. So much mail, plus whatever was there from The love gmail address. So found a couple of business ones in the midst of Viagra commercials and love match’s Astrology’s and more junk mail. Among them were some letters from people whom I have corresponded with from this blog. So that was nice to have some response from this experience also.
I looked for Milo especially to chat live with him and he was on, I got to complaining about a couple of things I was feeling and he got bumped off so I felt like he was very upset with me, I wrote a letter of apology, so I hoped that he was not totally discouraged with my feelings.
I realized later that, It is time for me to rethink my doings with him, and go ahead and juggle my life to correspond with his. Mine is not so crazy as it was, and my responsibilities now are far less than ever, allowing me to be open to a decent relationship hopefully.
Which by this I feel means do what I have to when I return to the states, by selling the house in Vancouver, paying off things, flying to New Mexico to learn more about Milo, see his life style and begin a new and strong relationship. Then return to Costa Rica, which in hope’s that he gains the postion with intel for the project in San Jose` Costa Rica. That way I can continue the new works of being a consultant to Americans in Design for their homes, Gardens, selling Real estate, set up tours, renting ATV’s, not to mention be a help to a few other people who have offered me some work. Then OUR plan is to, Design, build homes and sell them. With Milos expertise, my expertise, I am more than sure we will do very well. The mountain will be ours! The writing with the papers are still in negotiations and I wish that quickly they would come together so I may use that as a form of advertising for what We are about to begin.
It will happen but I know now in TICO TIME!
About the Phone, well they blew me off again so what I did was sit at the desk soaking wet shivering asking for my money back, then when I do return in Dec, I will start the process all over again, this time hopefully get one before the next year? God its funny that the systems here are the way they are, yet in other things its so up to date? Kind of hard to understand since were so conditioned to get things immediately in the states, YET ANOTHER LEARNING EXPERIENCE COMING FROM A FAST FOOD SOCIETY! By that I mean everything is equated in the states to fast food, Fast bank, fast fast fast.. here no fast.. its slow, and very slow in some cases, unless you grease the palms.
Oh yeah and I saw in the very beginning, allot of Italians, well I suppose there are other societies here in effect. Just a mention.
Well while I was blogging the other day the coco man was up in the trees, he was trimming them and cutting down all the coconuts at del mar, he saw me watching him and I Photographed him doing this he smiled from way up on top and gave me the thumbs up. He was clear across the way with coconuts and drinking the pepa juice, I was watching him and thinking in my head god I wish I could have one and see what it is like, at that very moment he turned, now mind you he was more than 250 or more feet away, he turned and raised up the coconut to me? I nodded, he then walked all the way from the beach and came with it all ready for me to drink. It was heavy and I drank and drank really good and refreshing, Not like the ones in the states, it had lots of soft goowee fleshy meat. The liquid was not real sweet but sweet, cool and lots of it. I was shocked that he could read my mind or was I reading his?
Fun that I got to see that, and share that experience with just him and I. Later I went home and though god I should have brought the coconut with me, but it was so big and I had the computer and the bike too much to try to balance.
Well again I spent the night with Eida, wow seems like all the time, I do not know what she is going to do when Joey gets back from the USA? We tried to install the wireless remote but I needed a another piece of a router. So I couldn’t do it. Getting this morning to some loud speaker, with some guy yelling about something on a mic, there are trucks here that go around screaming out commercials and that is what I work to. We made the coffee and sat out by the pool the sun was out and it was very nice, drinking our coffee much to my shock , was a iguana leaping from the tree above and diving into the pool!!! wow I couldn’t believe my eyes. It swam around I watched so did Susie the husky, and Eida did the laundry and the starting cutting the yard. I took tons of photos funny thing, never knew iguanas like to swim??
Then Miro showed up, of course never said a word to me again so I got up called this guy to come and fix the internet, got dressed borrowed the car and went to internet and came home. I must have left the refrig door open cause everything in the frig was hot, dang it I just bought all this stuff. I cranked it up so I hope its not burned out. I cleaned up and sat down and ate this little tiny lemon meringue, that the Amish made, God they make GREAT STUFF! I bought a bunch of there jelly to bring to Tosh to see if we want to begin to export it? Also I thought this morning that I would bring back the coffee of my choice now, and some guado liquor they make here, and a couple of other things for my friends and family. I know that Jordan is gonna love this sauce they have here called LIZANO.. good yummy stuff..
Well I must go into town and go the century 21 to email my new realtor! YEAH CRISTINE!! I hope she sells the house quick, If your interested email me ok?, then to Eidas to return the car and do somethings over there, if it clears up I may go to the canopy. But it looks pretty bleak.
Pick up Lupita at 5:00 and see what I have to do for her. She is so cute!
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Friday, September 23, 2005
Teaching Eida to drive the new car
Teaching Eida to drive on the jungle road
Rose again at 6:00 I really do not know how I do this with out a clock, or anything to wake me but I wake up every day about the same time??? I made the coffee and looked out the back window at the sea, I could See Carl whites Car in the house that he owns behind the apartments.
Carl or Carlos is the owner of these places. He is a very nice man; I really like listening to him talk. He came up last night before going to the back house and chatted with me for a while, we talked about Miro, and what a strange situation he put me in and how I felt very odd with him. Carl is very pleased with our conversation, he talks such cute broken English and so animated. I enjoy his presents, and he really thinks good of me I can tell by all his complements. Obviously he was in corporate Costa Rica and is now retired. A very smart man, gentle and kind to boot. He has gone to my site and read all about me, and I suppose he read the blogs too? I dunno but he seems to know allot about me and is very happy to have me as a tenant.
He likes all my attention detail, and noticed every little thing I have done to the place so far. God what would he do if he really saw what I could do? I have to laugh its very sweet. He was here to talk to a new tenant today so he comes up from San Jose and spends the night.
After coffee I looked out and tried to use the binoculars but no bird’s this morning, I cut some fresh pineapple. This was a yellow one and wow what a flavor. I honest to god cannot believe how things taste there so sweet and no chemicals. I warmed up these little cresent rolls I bought from the Amish again. Those are yummy. Then I got dressed to ride in to the gym.
Well yesterday When I was looking into the jungle I knew there were snakes there of course there is, well today when I was riding, I noticed I had two flat tires.. so I went kinda of slow because if I hit one of the potholes it would blow the tire out and then I would be suck. So in my slow pace I noticed my surroundings more than I had before, as I looked to my left right after the horses, and the first little river. I saw this Tiger looking bird again and I stopped the bike. Looked at him or her probably him… he had a long long snake in his mouth it was red and I think it was a coral snake. I KNEW THERE WERE SNAKES IN THERE GOD I WAS PETRIFIED! All I could do was watch him eat it. There were two men working across the way filling in the soil in this field, they had to look too.
As I rode I smelled the air the rain had made the yalang yalang smell so good today. And the Rivers were very swollen and dirty interesting to see the change and the rush of the water. I stopped at my biciletta shop, before the gym and had him fill my tires. He now whistles at me when I ride by, its only a friendly whistle, this is what most everyone does when they want your attention or they come to your house they whistle. So you know you have company. I remember my father always doing that, he would whistle as he approached your house or you. So it’s a very familiar thing to me. I like it too I always whistle now at people whom I am beginning to know.
Gym was yoga Pilates, I am getting much better at the down ward dog, and the stretches that make you pretzelized. My friend was struggling; it is very hard to do. When we were finished we went to her house and she made me breakfast. Hot dogs split and fried, eggs scrambled, beans, papaya, and coffee. I looked at the sausage and noticed it was hot dogs? This is what they use here for sausage. We ate it was good then we hopped in the car and I taught Eida how to drive. We went to the road that goes into the mountains and jungle and leads up to the Aerial tram and canopy tour. Wow this was very pretty, and so untouched. Lots of wild life and flowers, trees guancaste, which is to us these HUGE SILK TREES. If Clint saw these he would totally freak out. Now I know why his father loved these trees now.
They are gigantic and so cool sprawling and filled with pink fluffy flowers. My mother had one in the front yard, it never did very well but it was pretty. That tree was miniscule compared to these monsters.
It was fun she is a very fast learner, didn’t take her long to learn how to shift and clutch. We drove the road maybe three or four times and she was ready for the real road. Before the road we went into the canopy tour and checked it out. So To use for the office when she opens it, I am suppose to be helping her with this. It’s going to have tours, ATVS and Real estate. So we set up a connection with them so that we can help visitors who come to town. This tour is first class and very very nice. I think maybe this weekend I may just go on it to see it for myself bring my new binoculars to see things!!
We were on the road in about a hour of practice, she did well. As we left the horses were making there way up the road.
We rode all over town and did errands. Picked up the girls from school, then I dropped of the laundry and she went to the bank, while I bought ice cream for the girls. We watched this truck bring this GIANT UMBRELLA That was made out of bamboo to a restaurant or something it was huge. It is fun to the watch the street lots goes on there.
The rest of the day was spent there. I did go net and talked to Milo for quite a while. He is really missing me, and I kinda miss him too. I wish he was here. He did request the Costa Rica project for Intel so I hope he gets it!
If he does, we are going to build a house get it all decked out and sell it, and build another one and carry on. With the two of us we should do pretty well.
I can not wait to be looking out my window at the sea and having a nice pool to dip into and have lots of visitors from all over the world come to see me. I know that If I have a great place it will encourage people to visit.
I talked to Sharon today that was nice.
Tomorrow Gym is Step which I won’t do I delete the step and just to the moves, then after I am suppose to go and see the install of Eidas Internet. YEAH!! WIRELESS!! YAHOOOOO Then I can be on line anytime, until I come back and bring my own wireless. I have a whole list of things I need to bring here. Too bad these simple things to us in the states are so expensive here. Yet all the other things are cheap? Doesn’t make sense, but I suppose its trade off for all the other great things here.
Jaco is expensive period. But Its not far from other places where I believe if I have a car I can go and get things much cheaper. I think this is a good base for a while getting acquainted with lots of people from everywhere its a hub kinda, in a small way. It’s the first beach town from San Jose so its gets lot’s of traffic. Lots of visitors I met a guy and this gal the other night from Paris, he works for L’Oreal, they were very cool. I have met people from Italy, Switzerland, France, Canada, USA, Columbia, Argentina, Peru, Nicaragua, and Israel. And I have only been here a short time. I know if I return I will meet people from everywhere. It’s a draw here, the beach the main drag, the aerial tours, the butterfly farms, the canopies, the ocean, jungles. There is much to do here if you want. Like drop off a cliff and parachute, or ride horses, or ATVS, surf, these weird boats I have no idea what they are but you can go on those. Hike, swim, site see, or just sit and do nothing like have been doing mostly. I do know that if I do return, I want to take the small boat ferry across the bay in Punteranas to Tamarindo and over to the Nicoyca Peninsula, and up around Arenal and see the Volcano.
Well I hope I make it Farmers market tomorrow, its raining allot now like PLand, not fun the only thing is its warm and people run around with just shorts soaking wet in the rain and no shoes.
It makes me smile to see the children run in the rain like that.
Rose again at 6:00 I really do not know how I do this with out a clock, or anything to wake me but I wake up every day about the same time??? I made the coffee and looked out the back window at the sea, I could See Carl whites Car in the house that he owns behind the apartments.
Carl or Carlos is the owner of these places. He is a very nice man; I really like listening to him talk. He came up last night before going to the back house and chatted with me for a while, we talked about Miro, and what a strange situation he put me in and how I felt very odd with him. Carl is very pleased with our conversation, he talks such cute broken English and so animated. I enjoy his presents, and he really thinks good of me I can tell by all his complements. Obviously he was in corporate Costa Rica and is now retired. A very smart man, gentle and kind to boot. He has gone to my site and read all about me, and I suppose he read the blogs too? I dunno but he seems to know allot about me and is very happy to have me as a tenant.
He likes all my attention detail, and noticed every little thing I have done to the place so far. God what would he do if he really saw what I could do? I have to laugh its very sweet. He was here to talk to a new tenant today so he comes up from San Jose and spends the night.
After coffee I looked out and tried to use the binoculars but no bird’s this morning, I cut some fresh pineapple. This was a yellow one and wow what a flavor. I honest to god cannot believe how things taste there so sweet and no chemicals. I warmed up these little cresent rolls I bought from the Amish again. Those are yummy. Then I got dressed to ride in to the gym.
Well yesterday When I was looking into the jungle I knew there were snakes there of course there is, well today when I was riding, I noticed I had two flat tires.. so I went kinda of slow because if I hit one of the potholes it would blow the tire out and then I would be suck. So in my slow pace I noticed my surroundings more than I had before, as I looked to my left right after the horses, and the first little river. I saw this Tiger looking bird again and I stopped the bike. Looked at him or her probably him… he had a long long snake in his mouth it was red and I think it was a coral snake. I KNEW THERE WERE SNAKES IN THERE GOD I WAS PETRIFIED! All I could do was watch him eat it. There were two men working across the way filling in the soil in this field, they had to look too.
As I rode I smelled the air the rain had made the yalang yalang smell so good today. And the Rivers were very swollen and dirty interesting to see the change and the rush of the water. I stopped at my biciletta shop, before the gym and had him fill my tires. He now whistles at me when I ride by, its only a friendly whistle, this is what most everyone does when they want your attention or they come to your house they whistle. So you know you have company. I remember my father always doing that, he would whistle as he approached your house or you. So it’s a very familiar thing to me. I like it too I always whistle now at people whom I am beginning to know.
Gym was yoga Pilates, I am getting much better at the down ward dog, and the stretches that make you pretzelized. My friend was struggling; it is very hard to do. When we were finished we went to her house and she made me breakfast. Hot dogs split and fried, eggs scrambled, beans, papaya, and coffee. I looked at the sausage and noticed it was hot dogs? This is what they use here for sausage. We ate it was good then we hopped in the car and I taught Eida how to drive. We went to the road that goes into the mountains and jungle and leads up to the Aerial tram and canopy tour. Wow this was very pretty, and so untouched. Lots of wild life and flowers, trees guancaste, which is to us these HUGE SILK TREES. If Clint saw these he would totally freak out. Now I know why his father loved these trees now.
They are gigantic and so cool sprawling and filled with pink fluffy flowers. My mother had one in the front yard, it never did very well but it was pretty. That tree was miniscule compared to these monsters.
It was fun she is a very fast learner, didn’t take her long to learn how to shift and clutch. We drove the road maybe three or four times and she was ready for the real road. Before the road we went into the canopy tour and checked it out. So To use for the office when she opens it, I am suppose to be helping her with this. It’s going to have tours, ATVS and Real estate. So we set up a connection with them so that we can help visitors who come to town. This tour is first class and very very nice. I think maybe this weekend I may just go on it to see it for myself bring my new binoculars to see things!!
We were on the road in about a hour of practice, she did well. As we left the horses were making there way up the road.
We rode all over town and did errands. Picked up the girls from school, then I dropped of the laundry and she went to the bank, while I bought ice cream for the girls. We watched this truck bring this GIANT UMBRELLA That was made out of bamboo to a restaurant or something it was huge. It is fun to the watch the street lots goes on there.
The rest of the day was spent there. I did go net and talked to Milo for quite a while. He is really missing me, and I kinda miss him too. I wish he was here. He did request the Costa Rica project for Intel so I hope he gets it!
If he does, we are going to build a house get it all decked out and sell it, and build another one and carry on. With the two of us we should do pretty well.
I can not wait to be looking out my window at the sea and having a nice pool to dip into and have lots of visitors from all over the world come to see me. I know that If I have a great place it will encourage people to visit.
I talked to Sharon today that was nice.
Tomorrow Gym is Step which I won’t do I delete the step and just to the moves, then after I am suppose to go and see the install of Eidas Internet. YEAH!! WIRELESS!! YAHOOOOO Then I can be on line anytime, until I come back and bring my own wireless. I have a whole list of things I need to bring here. Too bad these simple things to us in the states are so expensive here. Yet all the other things are cheap? Doesn’t make sense, but I suppose its trade off for all the other great things here.
Jaco is expensive period. But Its not far from other places where I believe if I have a car I can go and get things much cheaper. I think this is a good base for a while getting acquainted with lots of people from everywhere its a hub kinda, in a small way. It’s the first beach town from San Jose so its gets lot’s of traffic. Lots of visitors I met a guy and this gal the other night from Paris, he works for L’Oreal, they were very cool. I have met people from Italy, Switzerland, France, Canada, USA, Columbia, Argentina, Peru, Nicaragua, and Israel. And I have only been here a short time. I know if I return I will meet people from everywhere. It’s a draw here, the beach the main drag, the aerial tours, the butterfly farms, the canopies, the ocean, jungles. There is much to do here if you want. Like drop off a cliff and parachute, or ride horses, or ATVS, surf, these weird boats I have no idea what they are but you can go on those. Hike, swim, site see, or just sit and do nothing like have been doing mostly. I do know that if I do return, I want to take the small boat ferry across the bay in Punteranas to Tamarindo and over to the Nicoyca Peninsula, and up around Arenal and see the Volcano.
Well I hope I make it Farmers market tomorrow, its raining allot now like PLand, not fun the only thing is its warm and people run around with just shorts soaking wet in the rain and no shoes.
It makes me smile to see the children run in the rain like that.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Wednesday, Rainy Season
Well still no phone, yesterday I was told by Ice, (pronounced esay, like ebay only esay) that they were coming again to install, but yet nobody showed.
The phone sits on a cute little table with the light on and no service. I really wanted the phone so I could make a couple of calls to the state’s and receive calls from those whom I have met here, and who knows maybe someone from Vancouver or New Mexico or New York like Dickie, would call?
I waited all day, at first it was a nice morning, it rained, then it got very hot. Making some eggs and mango, watermelon and coffee, I sat on the balcony and listen to all the morning noise. Later I walked around outside and looked at all the butterflies; there are so many different types. Then I walked across the street and looked into the jungle area only by the roadside, wishing I could walk into it but knowing that there could be something lurking in the grasses. So like someone looking through the glass, I peered into the Jungle just standing still.
It sits right across the street from me, with tall tall trees, Elephant ears halaconia’s tall grasses, giant Philodendrons that are called Monstera leaves, much more that I can not identify.
As I was looking I saw this fifteen cm hummingbird called green hermit. I heard it actually making a cute noise so I walked over to this hanging purple wild clematis. It was dipping its long beak into every flower. It was the largest hummingbird I ever saw. Beautiful bright green with purple and it wings actually made noise.
I keep staring standing very still, I was trying to take photos of all the different butterflies but no luck. Every stinking time I tried to get close and I did many times a car or a truck came barreling by. Then I noticed some wild zinnias, they were bright red very tall and kinda pretty. As I looked up in the trees standing very still, I saw all sorts of things. First I saw this HUGE Iguana; it was the biggest so far! This one from a distant appeared to be around 5 feet long, and about a foot in diameter. Its tail was about from what I could see three feet. It had a huge spiked back, with a red head. It was way up on top, and then I looked down and saw a dark green one that blended into the bark of another tree. This one is called garrobo, it’s a meat eater and it’s very aggressive. That one scared me..he was sort of big too. As I was staring a cute little tiny lizard called ground anole, went flying by me. This are the ground type of geckos, that stick on the ceiling of most house’s and and patios. They eat all the bugs, and insects, mosquitos too. I only wish I had the binoculars then, because I keep spying on more things as I stared into it. I am more than sure there were snakes in there and no way was I going to step one foot off the road to see. I went back in the apartment and did a few exercises, since I was there all day, with no TV, No cable, no phone, no cell, No internet. I read and tried to draw, but as I was drawing the only pen I had ran out. The little store on the corner may have had one, but being my luck I would walk down to it, and Ice would come. So I stayed in hopes they would show.
Looking out the porch from the balcony, I heard flapping looked up and saw two Toucans sitting in the top of the tree where I was standing earlier; they were the yellow billed ones, called chestnut mandibles. There big, now I really wanted the binoculars. Here they were right in front of me, I could see them very plane but If I had the bonoc’s I could inspect them! I guess this day was just a peaceful day with nothing in my head but waiting and learning patients.
I actually fell asleep and took a small nap, for me this is really out of order. But it was so nice I decided might as well.
When I woke up I was disappointed to find that it was late afternoon and yet No ICE!!! Guess its not meant for me to have this phone. I thought well I start something to eat, I got in the kitchen and looked out the big glass window that faces the street and saw Eidas van, she was out there looking up, I went out and she had a bag for me. It was dye for her hair, she wanted me to do it.
So I made coffee and we sat and I did her hair. We chatted out on the porch, she tried to call Ice for me but no one would respond. Then she asked me to come over of course, and I made some chili beans, she made the most delicious rice with onions and some cilantro, the beans were fresh so they didn’t take more than a hour and half.
I went around the corner from her house and interneted, but the net was having problems again. I was on line for but a few minutes, long enough to read mail, and chat to Milo. We talked about what we wanted to do, he was saying he wanted to come to Portland when I do and help me with the house. Maybe help me get something’s in order. Help with the party and then maybe both of us would fly back to New Mexico and hang out for a few weeks, until I have to come back and do holiday work, if that come through. Which I believe it will, if not I will contact the few I have and try to at least line up some work before leaving again.
But prior to this she asked me to cut her hair also. Mind you, I cut mine and have for along time, but I have been getting it cut. She wanted to have layers so I did, and it looked very nice. The rain was beginning to get bad last night. I mean kinda like Washington, but not cold. I didn’t want to stay I wanted to get in my own bed here since it’s a newer one and isn’t so hard. So I asked her to call a taxi so I could take my bike that I left there the day before because of the rain.
Taxi came and I put the bike in the back of that new Toyota truck I liked. He remembered me and was talking to me in Spanish all the way to the house. Asking me how come I have no boy friend or husband. I have to say this is a common question here. I guess someone that looks like me? I dunno, doesn’t look like I would be alone? Same question I have gotten over and over. He kept patting me on the back, nice kid, has one small child a little older than Jordan around 22 years old. He has very light skin and pitch black hair.
He smiles at me allot he helped put the bike away and greeted me a very nice night.
I came in and sat on the bed staring out the back to the sea it was dark but I noticed all these little flickering lights on the ground and in the air. It was fireflies; I just sat for the longest time and stared at them thinking to myself, how I was never going to get a phone here and what will happen when I return. I want to return; actually I don’t want to leave to go back. But I promised Sharon, and I need to take care of business with the house. I have to sell that house!
Talk to my children and get some things going over there. I was sorting things out in my head while I watched the dance of the fireflies becoming entranced by them. I suppose this day was needed, this is Pura Vida, the pure life. Taking what life gives you and just doing what happens. That’s a tough thing for an American, were so conditioned to rush rush rush.. and to do do do… not enjoying what God has created not taking time to breath or smell or touch or taste or even see. Too bad I didn’t come here earlier in life, could have prevented allot of mishaps buy learning the things I have learned already. But who’s to say that now is not the right time?
I do notice that every one I mean practically everyone here greets you on the streets, where ever you are they all say Hola, or buenas, or buenas noches, or dias, or tardes.. but they say something. You’re riding down the road you pass anyone they greet, young or old they greet. In the streets in the city they greet, in the super market everyone greets. No matter it’s a nice gesture, I like it allot. I always try to be first to greet. But I do notice not many smile? I still do not know why, but the curious thing is. When Eida and I came back from Punteranas, she mentioned to me how I am always happy, some may think or may know that I am not always happy, but for the most part of my life I have as far as I can remember have a happy spirit. I love to make people happy or laugh yeah we all have bad moments Mine are the worst. But generally I have a happy spirit, she sees it anyhow. She really was thinking about this and commented to me about it. She said she doesn’t have that and felt she needed it. Later when I was sitting on the bed I thought about that, and she mentioned to me again that she wanted that. She told me she was going to go to the gym with me and take some time for herself.
Waking early again, no Roosters, I got up made the coffee and opened the door it was dreary out. I could hear all these women across the street talking loud, too loud too early for me.
I just made some good yogurt they have here, with fresh strawberries and coffee and got dressed to go work out. I knew Eida was going and I was excited to have a friend with me.
I rode early and got to the gym, meeting this guy who works out with us Thomas, he’s funny I like him he says que lindo to me all the time which means how cute, or how sweet or how darling it means allot of things.
Tough work out it was kick boxing and Eida showed up late for the first day. I watched her in mirror, it was kinda hard for her, I do not believe she was feeling all that well. She was very quiet too, Everyone was teasing me it was just like when I was at Jazzercise when I would get teased or they would clap with me. I guess it’s the same only in Spanish, which I repeat still sucks. Everyday I learn a new word so maybe in a year or two I will have it all down HAAAAAAAAa.
When work out was over it was pouring rain. Eida had her car but didn’t offer to take me to the house. So I rode in the pouring rain and went really fast . Got home chilled a little, took a shower got all cleaned up because Ron Acosta, had asked me the night before to work for him typing his listings for Jaco Realty. I was suppose to meet him at 10:00. I was a bit late because Brian and Sara, who want to rent the apartment below me were here looking around.
I called a taxi and went into town with my computer. I Waited in El Centro for him for about a half hour. I had a lady phone since I had no phone. I messaged Milo and we chatted for the longest time since I have known him. He talked about asking to be in Charge of the Project for Intel here in Costa Rica, so He and I could be together. I was very excited to hear he was making an effort to push himself and get what he wants. He seems to be so positive with me and always telling me where going to be together, for me to believe it and it will happen. I assure him that I already know that he is going to be involved with it since he is a Mexican American and they are going to need a Spanish speaking, Gentleman in Charge who can negotiate and handle all the permits, and red tape to complete this long project. If so then he and I will work on the future projects together and our future too.
Milo is showing me some character of a man I thought was totally lost.
I hope that this all works for the best for him and me.
Ron never completes the offer, he says he feels sick and needs to go rest and that he would contact me later at my house but he never did. COSTA RICA! Well I went and got the binoculars, and rode the taxi to the dentist because I thought today was the last visit. WRONG ITS NEXT WEEK so there went a dollar for that ride.
Two dollars this time to get home, It was pouring down rain and it hasn’t stopped since. It’s now 9:30 at night so it rained from 9:00am till now. Sometimes during the day it was if someone turned on a fire hose with gushes of water spouting from the heavens, so I guess now this is The Rainy season. The moment it stops you can hear tons of frogs all different sounds, not typical of our frog’s I mean like a chorus. But for the most part it has not stopped.
Earlier I looked out with the binoculars and saw lots of different birds perched on the tippy tops of the trees All different types pink ones, yellow ones and black ones greens ones silly in the pouring down rain, not smart enough to get out of the down pours? I suppose this is why they say bird brain, nothing in there heads.
With that I go to the cama, the bed.Ciao
The phone sits on a cute little table with the light on and no service. I really wanted the phone so I could make a couple of calls to the state’s and receive calls from those whom I have met here, and who knows maybe someone from Vancouver or New Mexico or New York like Dickie, would call?
I waited all day, at first it was a nice morning, it rained, then it got very hot. Making some eggs and mango, watermelon and coffee, I sat on the balcony and listen to all the morning noise. Later I walked around outside and looked at all the butterflies; there are so many different types. Then I walked across the street and looked into the jungle area only by the roadside, wishing I could walk into it but knowing that there could be something lurking in the grasses. So like someone looking through the glass, I peered into the Jungle just standing still.
It sits right across the street from me, with tall tall trees, Elephant ears halaconia’s tall grasses, giant Philodendrons that are called Monstera leaves, much more that I can not identify.
As I was looking I saw this fifteen cm hummingbird called green hermit. I heard it actually making a cute noise so I walked over to this hanging purple wild clematis. It was dipping its long beak into every flower. It was the largest hummingbird I ever saw. Beautiful bright green with purple and it wings actually made noise.
I keep staring standing very still, I was trying to take photos of all the different butterflies but no luck. Every stinking time I tried to get close and I did many times a car or a truck came barreling by. Then I noticed some wild zinnias, they were bright red very tall and kinda pretty. As I looked up in the trees standing very still, I saw all sorts of things. First I saw this HUGE Iguana; it was the biggest so far! This one from a distant appeared to be around 5 feet long, and about a foot in diameter. Its tail was about from what I could see three feet. It had a huge spiked back, with a red head. It was way up on top, and then I looked down and saw a dark green one that blended into the bark of another tree. This one is called garrobo, it’s a meat eater and it’s very aggressive. That one scared me..he was sort of big too. As I was staring a cute little tiny lizard called ground anole, went flying by me. This are the ground type of geckos, that stick on the ceiling of most house’s and and patios. They eat all the bugs, and insects, mosquitos too. I only wish I had the binoculars then, because I keep spying on more things as I stared into it. I am more than sure there were snakes in there and no way was I going to step one foot off the road to see. I went back in the apartment and did a few exercises, since I was there all day, with no TV, No cable, no phone, no cell, No internet. I read and tried to draw, but as I was drawing the only pen I had ran out. The little store on the corner may have had one, but being my luck I would walk down to it, and Ice would come. So I stayed in hopes they would show.
Looking out the porch from the balcony, I heard flapping looked up and saw two Toucans sitting in the top of the tree where I was standing earlier; they were the yellow billed ones, called chestnut mandibles. There big, now I really wanted the binoculars. Here they were right in front of me, I could see them very plane but If I had the bonoc’s I could inspect them! I guess this day was just a peaceful day with nothing in my head but waiting and learning patients.
I actually fell asleep and took a small nap, for me this is really out of order. But it was so nice I decided might as well.
When I woke up I was disappointed to find that it was late afternoon and yet No ICE!!! Guess its not meant for me to have this phone. I thought well I start something to eat, I got in the kitchen and looked out the big glass window that faces the street and saw Eidas van, she was out there looking up, I went out and she had a bag for me. It was dye for her hair, she wanted me to do it.
So I made coffee and we sat and I did her hair. We chatted out on the porch, she tried to call Ice for me but no one would respond. Then she asked me to come over of course, and I made some chili beans, she made the most delicious rice with onions and some cilantro, the beans were fresh so they didn’t take more than a hour and half.
I went around the corner from her house and interneted, but the net was having problems again. I was on line for but a few minutes, long enough to read mail, and chat to Milo. We talked about what we wanted to do, he was saying he wanted to come to Portland when I do and help me with the house. Maybe help me get something’s in order. Help with the party and then maybe both of us would fly back to New Mexico and hang out for a few weeks, until I have to come back and do holiday work, if that come through. Which I believe it will, if not I will contact the few I have and try to at least line up some work before leaving again.
But prior to this she asked me to cut her hair also. Mind you, I cut mine and have for along time, but I have been getting it cut. She wanted to have layers so I did, and it looked very nice. The rain was beginning to get bad last night. I mean kinda like Washington, but not cold. I didn’t want to stay I wanted to get in my own bed here since it’s a newer one and isn’t so hard. So I asked her to call a taxi so I could take my bike that I left there the day before because of the rain.
Taxi came and I put the bike in the back of that new Toyota truck I liked. He remembered me and was talking to me in Spanish all the way to the house. Asking me how come I have no boy friend or husband. I have to say this is a common question here. I guess someone that looks like me? I dunno, doesn’t look like I would be alone? Same question I have gotten over and over. He kept patting me on the back, nice kid, has one small child a little older than Jordan around 22 years old. He has very light skin and pitch black hair.
He smiles at me allot he helped put the bike away and greeted me a very nice night.
I came in and sat on the bed staring out the back to the sea it was dark but I noticed all these little flickering lights on the ground and in the air. It was fireflies; I just sat for the longest time and stared at them thinking to myself, how I was never going to get a phone here and what will happen when I return. I want to return; actually I don’t want to leave to go back. But I promised Sharon, and I need to take care of business with the house. I have to sell that house!
Talk to my children and get some things going over there. I was sorting things out in my head while I watched the dance of the fireflies becoming entranced by them. I suppose this day was needed, this is Pura Vida, the pure life. Taking what life gives you and just doing what happens. That’s a tough thing for an American, were so conditioned to rush rush rush.. and to do do do… not enjoying what God has created not taking time to breath or smell or touch or taste or even see. Too bad I didn’t come here earlier in life, could have prevented allot of mishaps buy learning the things I have learned already. But who’s to say that now is not the right time?
I do notice that every one I mean practically everyone here greets you on the streets, where ever you are they all say Hola, or buenas, or buenas noches, or dias, or tardes.. but they say something. You’re riding down the road you pass anyone they greet, young or old they greet. In the streets in the city they greet, in the super market everyone greets. No matter it’s a nice gesture, I like it allot. I always try to be first to greet. But I do notice not many smile? I still do not know why, but the curious thing is. When Eida and I came back from Punteranas, she mentioned to me how I am always happy, some may think or may know that I am not always happy, but for the most part of my life I have as far as I can remember have a happy spirit. I love to make people happy or laugh yeah we all have bad moments Mine are the worst. But generally I have a happy spirit, she sees it anyhow. She really was thinking about this and commented to me about it. She said she doesn’t have that and felt she needed it. Later when I was sitting on the bed I thought about that, and she mentioned to me again that she wanted that. She told me she was going to go to the gym with me and take some time for herself.
Waking early again, no Roosters, I got up made the coffee and opened the door it was dreary out. I could hear all these women across the street talking loud, too loud too early for me.
I just made some good yogurt they have here, with fresh strawberries and coffee and got dressed to go work out. I knew Eida was going and I was excited to have a friend with me.
I rode early and got to the gym, meeting this guy who works out with us Thomas, he’s funny I like him he says que lindo to me all the time which means how cute, or how sweet or how darling it means allot of things.
Tough work out it was kick boxing and Eida showed up late for the first day. I watched her in mirror, it was kinda hard for her, I do not believe she was feeling all that well. She was very quiet too, Everyone was teasing me it was just like when I was at Jazzercise when I would get teased or they would clap with me. I guess it’s the same only in Spanish, which I repeat still sucks. Everyday I learn a new word so maybe in a year or two I will have it all down HAAAAAAAAa.
When work out was over it was pouring rain. Eida had her car but didn’t offer to take me to the house. So I rode in the pouring rain and went really fast . Got home chilled a little, took a shower got all cleaned up because Ron Acosta, had asked me the night before to work for him typing his listings for Jaco Realty. I was suppose to meet him at 10:00. I was a bit late because Brian and Sara, who want to rent the apartment below me were here looking around.
I called a taxi and went into town with my computer. I Waited in El Centro for him for about a half hour. I had a lady phone since I had no phone. I messaged Milo and we chatted for the longest time since I have known him. He talked about asking to be in Charge of the Project for Intel here in Costa Rica, so He and I could be together. I was very excited to hear he was making an effort to push himself and get what he wants. He seems to be so positive with me and always telling me where going to be together, for me to believe it and it will happen. I assure him that I already know that he is going to be involved with it since he is a Mexican American and they are going to need a Spanish speaking, Gentleman in Charge who can negotiate and handle all the permits, and red tape to complete this long project. If so then he and I will work on the future projects together and our future too.
Milo is showing me some character of a man I thought was totally lost.
I hope that this all works for the best for him and me.
Ron never completes the offer, he says he feels sick and needs to go rest and that he would contact me later at my house but he never did. COSTA RICA! Well I went and got the binoculars, and rode the taxi to the dentist because I thought today was the last visit. WRONG ITS NEXT WEEK so there went a dollar for that ride.
Two dollars this time to get home, It was pouring down rain and it hasn’t stopped since. It’s now 9:30 at night so it rained from 9:00am till now. Sometimes during the day it was if someone turned on a fire hose with gushes of water spouting from the heavens, so I guess now this is The Rainy season. The moment it stops you can hear tons of frogs all different sounds, not typical of our frog’s I mean like a chorus. But for the most part it has not stopped.
Earlier I looked out with the binoculars and saw lots of different birds perched on the tippy tops of the trees All different types pink ones, yellow ones and black ones greens ones silly in the pouring down rain, not smart enough to get out of the down pours? I suppose this is why they say bird brain, nothing in there heads.
With that I go to the cama, the bed.Ciao
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
parade and more
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Monday, September 19, 2005
It's Sunday,

Its Sunday,
I went out last night and danced till 1:30 took a taxi home. Some of the bars stay open till 3:00 or 4:00 here. I was really tired; dancing here is not in air conditioned clubs it’s mostly outside but covered, Tons of people and many many Americans of all ages, it was fun! I drank a couple of beers, these ones called Rock Ice, and there like a michelada, with orange lemon juice in them and little salt. Pretty good, I shouldn’t have had any, but it was so hot and people bought them for me so I did. I still have this cold so the beer was not good. I slept in, first time till 9:30 then I made some eggs, watermelon, a small piece of the this bread pudding that the bakery makes, O YUM, Orange juice and Coffee.
I sat listen to music since this is all I have at the moment, and watch the butterflies and birds outside. There are allot of butterflies here all kinds every color, it’s so pretty in the Mornings. I need binoculars, so I can view Miros Mountain, and see all the fauna. I went to this place here and found some for 45 bucks big ones kinda high powered, but I didn’t buy them, I thought about it, then after thinking about it for a few hours, I thought WHAT THE HECK?
I sacrificed all my belongings, and have very little what is $45.00 to have some enjoyment in the mornings and evenings when I look out? So I tried to bike back in the middle of town and get them, but I got caught in a rain storm and had to hang out under cover, so I wouldn’t be soaked and catch a worse cold. By the time the rain and finished it was 7:00ish, so I stopped by my friends talked a bit then went home to eat and get changed. I felt like going out and being around people and dancing!
I have been really thinking about Brandon allot, so I had Cyndy who I chatted with on line other day, call him and Jordan to tell them I was missing them, I also wrote to Brandon and apologized for hurting him. I feel like I have not been a very good mother.
He’s just in my heart, I know something is going on I can feel it. So Cyndy agreed to call.
She is a sweet friend, I have allot very sweet and very good friends in the Portland area. It took a long time to get these friends, its not easy to make friends at this age and there especially, SO I feel very appreciative to have good people who still care and and will lend a hand.
Now I am connecting with again some very nice people who are really being kind and generous, and being friends, My Exercise friend, who I am not sure of her name the one with the Red long hair , who I thought perhaps was once a man? She is cool I like her style always dressed beautiful no matter how hot is is, then theres Alicia, from the century 21, she loves me I do not know why? But always YELLS when she see’s me and said Hola Bella!!! Or Caio Bella!!( they do not say adios here they say Ciao) I called her Lucy and her boyfriend Ricky they crack up, then there Is Marisol, the sales girl who also works for Terry and Jungle Soul, she walks around town selling makeup and clothes and stuff??? Strange but shes always pleasant with a huge smile, Always waving at me saying YOUR BEAUTIFUL! Then there is Gloria dios Lol no her name is Gloriabel, she is the cute Nica that stayed with me for a while, and Danni, they are sweet.
I really am frustrated with the internet at the time, today it wont connect, it seems to do this on the weekends? I do not know who runs the servers but on the weekends its not good. I I have not been able to get on hardly at all only for a short time to read mail and answer Hope it returns so I can post some photos and this. Never Got to send my Sister her card or talk to anyone because of the gliches in the system, VERY FRUSTRATING!
I am going to my Friends house, swim maybe and I promise to make Chili beans. So that is the extent of the day I guess, Tomorrow I am going Punteranas I was suppose to go the other day but that fell through. I am going to check on Residency papers, and look around basically. Nothing much just to see another area of the country. Its Is about a hour and half from Jaco it is the main port, so I will check on where the containers go for Tosh . It shouldn’t be a bad drive.
I am wondering what they mean this is a bad season? I think the rain they get disturbs them, As I think about the rain in Portland really this isn’t really bad at all. It does get lots in a short time I mean inches. But it only last for a hour or or less sometimes. Yesterday it, poured like buckets for two hours then it stopped and all was fine. Well looks like no connecting to the net. I am really disappointed as I have nothing to do today, I wanted to chat with Milo since god knows when I will see him again and who ever else was on line, so some email but I couldn’t post or anything Internet was going off and on like it had a short.
I left and went to my friend which is only a little ways away from where I was trying to internet, but they were not home. I left a note saying come and get me and I will make the chili, but I never heard from them. Rode home, wow its hot today seems hotter than it has been. Took the computer in, and laid on the bed. I was blazing sweating like crazy. Decided to shove the bed against the closet and prop up pillows to watch the ocean, lots of surfers again and many people out there playing in the surf, I saw a couple of BIG OCEAN Liners or something in the distant, I really got to get those binoculars. Lots of big pelicans floating out there too with the surfers.
I ate some Mamones, I am so addicted to these. When I return to the states, I am going to have withdrawals, guess I will eat gummy worms those use to be my favorite. Then I read the bible, and some other things I had here I was so bored. I made a drawing of the outside of this restaurant
I saw in a dream when I was in Washington, only this time it was clearer. Imagination is seeing things not as they are but as they could be, and belief is making it happen through your creative sparks. I believe this is really going to happen, for some reason I have this feeling I am going to have a restaurant and bar. I have the name it’s called Bella Esperanza, Beautiful hope. The possibility of it happening is very high. As someone I know is offering to support this, with a botanical garden.
More about who and how and when, later as time goes on. I was thinking that the restaurant could be in the center of the garden, with a huge cover, white roof that is fiberglass, tall walls all planted inside like a greenhouse, stone floors, planted with tropical plants all over in really heavy settings, large palms on either side of it in these huge round planters, not in the ground, two giant spheres like I had shown in the photo of one of the post’s those spheres are a phenomenon here.
Bougainvillea’s on the sides growing over the top of the cover, I mean this cover is like two stories high, could have a second floor up there and be able to look down, into the garden and the restaurant. It will be Italian, food will be simple, coffee is paramount, as well as wine. Pastries in the morning, and in the afternoon Tapas or bodas, music live all the time either someone playing guitar, or piano, or something? Andes style music, salsas ect ect. I see it with water features on the edges,and one in the center. The chairs and tables will all be rustic, and made from resources from the land that we clear to to do this.
This dream was so strong in my head when I was in Washington, and recently something happened here, that made me understand why. This information when it gels will really be incredible to me, since I saw this, and felt it when I was gardening one day in my house in Vancouver. Actually I laughed in side and out when someone told me yesterday that they wanted this and are willing to pay for it. I guess time will tell, it always does with everything. I will be so thrilled to be a part of this or to have this!
Gerri Espinoza, once told me I should have a restaurant, and recently said I should write a cook book or several of them, Then Eida the other night after I whipped up something for her and I and the girls said, I really think you should write cook books. I am pretty good cook, not as good as my sister was, or my mother but pretty darn close to Mom. My mother could cook things, which would make you slobber just by looking at them! She was so good, the most beautiful displays. She really was into presentation. She would use Pretty plates and bowls and silver and more. I do not see myself working in this place simply making sure things are up to par, I will hire a manager and a chef or two, and plenty of nica’s y nico’s to work. This would be cool for Jordan if he was interested in being involved. The location of this, is going to astound people. I first thought near the beach, but better yet on top of mountain would be the best since the garden will need cooler weather than the beach here.
The Beaches are hot, not like in the states where you get cool breezes.
After the drawing which only took a few minutes, I laid there and watched the sea and birds. I fell asleep and woke up to pitch dark and these terrible tribal drums, on the radio that has been playing now for hours. I got up and made a simple salad of Avocado, tomatoes, cucumber, and fried plantains, squeezed some kumquat juice on them and salt and pepper. I cooked a sweet potato that is so good here, there purpley red, and yellow inside. They are really good I put a tiny bit of butter and sour cream on it and sat outside and watched and listened to the thunder and lighting storm on the porch in the dark as I ate. As I was eating many byciletas went by a couple with double people. This is cute here they all hike each other on the handle bars or on the middle bar, girls sit with there legs on one side and the guy pedals, Or Moms, or dads with the kids on the bar. Some are fortunate and have a baby seat in the back and they put them back there and ride around.
Quads are the other big thing here, lots of people have quads. Not all fancy but the basic quads, kinda a good idea, I may just get one. Cause you can go anywhere here with them, the allow them on the streets people zip up and down like maniacs, Motor scooters or sprees, dirt bikes too lots of those loud as heck. I thought when I came here it would be so different than it is. In some cases its very behind the times but in most its not. The clothes are very in style now they dress just like us in the states, actually some are way better as I said earlier on, they really care about there appearances here. The houses on the other hand from most are not as important. The cars are not as great, but there are bmws, A couple of Mercedes, and lots of trucks and pradas, and suvs. In San Jose though is like the states only much more metropolitan. Most of the houses are made of cement, I think because of the humid climate.
I came in from eating to still hear and even now the dang tribal drums with different instruments occasionally stuck in, ITS TERRIBLE! Gonna put a cd on and go back to bed. Hopefully get to talk to Milo tomorrow, and see who mailed since I couldn’t net today. Then off to Punteranas. Ok Went to Punteranas, that was the worst. It is a very run down comunity and it looks like a terrible Tijuana. The beach is huge and you can see the Nycoya penisula, but other than that is bad. I did like the farmers market in side this old building . It reminded me of the one in Fresno they use to have long long time ago, it was painted the same colors, a wierd pink, and there were many eating places inside. It was so hot in there I almost felt like passing out. I had an offer for Marriage too. Eida and I went for her to do some business there, I just looked around and we did do some shopping. Surprizingly the shoes were very cute and not very expensive, but I resisted. We did her thing and then ate at some place by the sea. I drover her new car for her since she is not ready yet to drive a stick. She worried that I didn't know how, but I am a pro, since I learned on one and ran into my mothers fence wrecking my sisters volkswagen when I was but 16. So driving this was easy!
We came back over potholes galore with a bad storm. It rained like crazy buckets, then rivers in the road. We laughed and had a nice time. I found the container port for Tosh my friend who wants me to export from here. So at least I learned that much. It was a very pleasant drive. We returned to Jaco to a huge rain storm OK now I know what there talking about. It was like buckets not lie... the streets were totally flooded in less than a hour or so. I heard that the road from San Jose to here today slid into the valley and killed several people the hill actually slid down into the valley. I am sorta familiar with slids since we have them in Portland and In Seattle and all along the roads to the coast.
I suppose in the next few weeks I will see their Rainy season. I had her drop me off at Sunami, this sushi bar
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Parts of Milos Moutain, the leader of the parade and the parade

Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Friday Farmers Market
Thursday night los suenos, was beautiful, every time I think I see something so beautiful that there can’t possibly be any thing else that would top that. I find something else that tops it! LOS SUENOS IS GRAND the hugest resort I think I have experienced. If I had worked for something like this I would be very wealthy, doing what I did in the states this place would completely support me, Clint, Jordan and about 50 to 100 other employees. This place is a myriad of condos, roadways and beautiful luxurious hotels and pools. Not just a pool. but a water way of pools. If you have been there you know exactly what I experienced in seeing this place was Spectacular. With the marina at night with all the lights glittering in the water and in the distant, the Island in the background and the whole beach with the pools in the foreground, the palms the plantings the waterfalls. The sounds of all the water and ocean and birds.
There was a man playing the piano, just like the one I bought Jordan for Christmas, playing classic’s I loved it but I was sad inside thinking all this beauty and no one to share it with. The Children and Miro and Eida were all occupied, the children were playing and running and eating anything they wanted Miro provided. The two of them were in a heavy conversation about the mountain, I excluded just sat.
But I did take some time to walk around while they talked and just admired the floral arrangements which were good, not great, of course I am super critical because this is part of my life my life’s blood so I looked at them with respect, but considered the material they used and thought about the applications of it and how I would do it.
The furniture was exquisite, I even saw some of the chairs were like the ones I had in my bedroom in the states, ones I loved and didn’t sell so I may find a way to get those and bring them here. The night was long, and I was very ready to go home. We rode no one said a word. Then I rode my bike home around 12:00 midnight a little distressed, but I got home.( I never ate so tired and hungry do not mix) I came home and just jumped into the bed.
Woke up and watched the waves rolling such a great thing to wake up too. This country is very beautiful, but I have to admit the heat takes some getting use to.
I was raised in and area in the State, California, Fresno to be exact where its blazing hot from May to Oct, I mean burning hot, but dry hot. The humidity makes you sweat all the time so your sticky and wet and dripping, anyway I do. But I notice not many Ticos sweat? Strange, its like I am the only sweating. Today especially! I after I made eggs and toast, and some delicious bread pudding that I found in the bakery, and coffee, I rushed got dressed and threw the garbage out, then rode to the gym.
Today was better than last Friday, I dumped the step and just did the moves. It was ok nothing like jazzercise but better than it has been. I So miss my jazzercise, I WANT BADLY TO BEGIN ONE HERE but only after I get this Spanish kicked. I am mad at my self for not paying more attention in Fresno, where tons of people speak Spanish! If I knew it well I would be starting one now!!
I cannot wait to go back to it when I get there in Oct, its like that is the only thing I look forward to aside from my children and a few of my close friends.
Work out was hard I was soaked completely through, left and rode to Eidas, then to the internet spot in the mall where I can pick it up free. I sat on line for a while, then went the dentist to have him finish the bridge, he had to put some white porcelain over the old tooth so it looked more natural. Then I found this ICE TRUCK!!! I beg, as good as I could in Spanish, and pleaded as well as I could, and they followed me to the apartment one thing thought I forgot my keys at Eidas,( it is probably 3 miles or so from where I found the truck, I peddled non stopped all the way)
After the Ice truck left and before I left to go get the keys, I pulled weeds, and raked the leaves in the yard and out front. I got some strange looks. I do not think women do this, if they do its in there private place?? I dunno but I got some weird The day was filled with bike, bike bike… back and forth here and there. Gezz many miles. Oh yeah and in-between that I was missing my yard, mind you this apartment has no garden, its rock out front, if you know me you know I dislike rock in a yard bad! The weeds were coming up all th
So we wrote a note they told me they could not install it that another truck had to come, OH OF COURSE!! So I thought there not going to come today???Right?? Well I had put on the note to call Edia the keys where there and went back on my bike to get them and to go to the farmers market. Figuring they would show up late. AHEMMMMMMM well I was wrong again! They showed up called Eida she wasn’t home they called and called my neighbor Terry told me . GOSH I WAS SO DISAPOINTED!! I want the phone. Of course I would miss them, now back the office to make yet another appearance and another appointment. Probably another week WAAAAAAAAAAA.
Farmers Market was filled today the weather was great, HOTTER THAN FRITTER! Lots o vendors and lots o people. I bought lettuce, red, ruffled and iceburg, shrimps, huge ones, and mamones, I am hooked on these. Yellow and red ones. Pina` tomatoes, avocado’s some scrumptious cresent rolls that the Amish people made, some mango jelly from them also and these little tiny oranges looked like rounded kumquats, he said they make great lemonade so I bought um. I got Cass too! Cass is really good blended add milk and ice, or ice and cass and guado yum!
Went to Eidas and got the rest of my things and rode like a mad woman again to the house with the bike loaded down. I am getting pretty good at this riding with lots of stuff. Its hard but I find it a challenge and fun. When I arrive Terry was standing on the balcony looking and me and shaking his head???I said what???he said nope no phone. I said What? he made the gesture no phone I was like AWEEEEEEEE nooooooooo OH GOD… he explained, I went in a yelled a couple of times WHY?? I want my phone just whining to myself.
Put away all the food, and began to prepare the shrimp and chopped the sweet potatoes and the plantains, I sad down for a second it was hot and air condition was just cooling the place down. Then I saw Eida in the car below. She wanted to dye my hair so yes again I packedup everything and went with her to the house. I made dinner there of fried plantain’s delicious, and sweet potatoes, and lettuce with olive oil, tomatoes, onions, and lemon juice. Ok this is way better than vinegar. I really like the way it melts the lettuce down and makes it very tasty. I coated the shrimp in this mixture they sell her with like corn and coconut its good.
After we just talked out side in the corridor she calls it this to me it’s the porch with a cover. And then she dyed my hair, kind of a cinnamon color looks good to me, since I am tan it looks great. We talked about my house in Vancouver Washington, and how I have great people looking after it, how grateful I am but disappointed in the fact the realtor is doing nothing. I decided to sell it myself in our conversation I thought I would put it on Craigslist, Plus mention it on my blog. The house is about 1577 sq feet, has a huge lot that can be subdivided for three house’s has an very beautiful garden, a waterfall, pond and many great features. Fruit trees and hops and grapes, and flowers galore. The house itself is two bedrooms at the time but could easily be made back to a three bedroom. I did an awe full lot of work on it new roof, new floor in the bathroom,and the entry and all the slate rock I put in.I mean sub floor and all. This bath was my favorite it had very nice tile and two shower heads and lots of hot water. Glass block for the shower, and a large master bedroom with French doors. The house is very charming, and the surroundings are beautiful, because of all my hard work and ideas and back ground. I need to sell this in order for me to build my dream here In Costa Rica. I cannot support two houses, now that I am semi retired. I am going to lower the price to $285 thousand. I think it will sell if I do this. I had a good feeling about this tonight! This will be a good place for a first time owner or someone who loves to garden, or for someone who wants to invest and build more and make there money back three times.
If I had the financial ability to do this I would because I know that area is really close to everything, and in a few months will be worth even more after a development or two goes in to the vacant areas. If anyone is interested email me at and I can put you in contact with the person who has the key to see it and to show it.
I Told her all I was thinking we high fived. I took a shower washed the dye out of my hair and she called me the taxi. I came home and here I am… I woke this morning to a very lovely morning, partially sunny and cool. Standing on the front Balcony I watched the birds, and the butterflies, drank my coffee , put some fresh mango jam on these wonderful little cresent rolls that I bought yesterday at the farmers market. I sat outside and looked at the moutian, Miros mountain it sits right on the edge of Jaco, It is one of the best views I think in the whole area. How fortunate that I have it. I never dreamed that I would be sitting by the seas looking at the forested moutians in Costa Rica, Well actually I did dream about it, but really never thought I would be here in one of the best spots. As I sat I saw these Two red giant Macaws flying over my head and screeching so loud that you couldn’t help but give your attention to them in flight. Then the power went out! Dang it I was suppose to meet Milo at the seat to internet and chat all morning early. But that didn’t happen. So today was his birthday I find out after I get back her and get the net. He left only to leave me a beautiful letter about his love for me and how he dreams of being with me and by my side. As I read it the net went out again so I decided to come and write some more.
I hope today is filled with good things for him and that he has a great birthday! Monday is my sisters Birthday too, so when the net gets up here I am going to send both of them a card via internet.
Looking forward to Riding my bike all along Jaco, if you go back a few blogs I posted the whole photo from Miros Moutain last Sunday. You can see where I am going to ride.
Thursday night los suenos, was beautiful, every time I think I see something so beautiful that there can’t possibly be any thing else that would top that. I find something else that tops it! LOS SUENOS IS GRAND the hugest resort I think I have experienced. If I had worked for something like this I would be very wealthy, doing what I did in the states this place would completely support me, Clint, Jordan and about 50 to 100 other employees. This place is a myriad of condos, roadways and beautiful luxurious hotels and pools. Not just a pool. but a water way of pools. If you have been there you know exactly what I experienced in seeing this place was Spectacular. With the marina at night with all the lights glittering in the water and in the distant, the Island in the background and the whole beach with the pools in the foreground, the palms the plantings the waterfalls. The sounds of all the water and ocean and birds.
There was a man playing the piano, just like the one I bought Jordan for Christmas, playing classic’s I loved it but I was sad inside thinking all this beauty and no one to share it with. The Children and Miro and Eida were all occupied, the children were playing and running and eating anything they wanted Miro provided. The two of them were in a heavy conversation about the mountain, I excluded just sat.
But I did take some time to walk around while they talked and just admired the floral arrangements which were good, not great, of course I am super critical because this is part of my life my life’s blood so I looked at them with respect, but considered the material they used and thought about the applications of it and how I would do it.
The furniture was exquisite, I even saw some of the chairs were like the ones I had in my bedroom in the states, ones I loved and didn’t sell so I may find a way to get those and bring them here. The night was long, and I was very ready to go home. We rode no one said a word. Then I rode my bike home around 12:00 midnight a little distressed, but I got home.( I never ate so tired and hungry do not mix) I came home and just jumped into the bed.
Woke up and watched the waves rolling such a great thing to wake up too. This country is very beautiful, but I have to admit the heat takes some getting use to.
I was raised in and area in the State, California, Fresno to be exact where its blazing hot from May to Oct, I mean burning hot, but dry hot. The humidity makes you sweat all the time so your sticky and wet and dripping, anyway I do. But I notice not many Ticos sweat? Strange, its like I am the only sweating. Today especially! I after I made eggs and toast, and some delicious bread pudding that I found in the bakery, and coffee, I rushed got dressed and threw the garbage out, then rode to the gym.
Today was better than last Friday, I dumped the step and just did the moves. It was ok nothing like jazzercise but better than it has been. I So miss my jazzercise, I WANT BADLY TO BEGIN ONE HERE but only after I get this Spanish kicked. I am mad at my self for not paying more attention in Fresno, where tons of people speak Spanish! If I knew it well I would be starting one now!!
I cannot wait to go back to it when I get there in Oct, its like that is the only thing I look forward to aside from my children and a few of my close friends.
Work out was hard I was soaked completely through, left and rode to Eidas, then to the internet spot in the mall where I can pick it up free. I sat on line for a while, then went the dentist to have him finish the bridge, he had to put some white porcelain over the old tooth so it looked more natural. Then I found this ICE TRUCK!!! I beg, as good as I could in Spanish, and pleaded as well as I could, and they followed me to the apartment one thing thought I forgot my keys at Eidas,( it is probably 3 miles or so from where I found the truck, I peddled non stopped all the way)
After the Ice truck left and before I left to go get the keys, I pulled weeds, and raked the leaves in the yard and out front. I got some strange looks. I do not think women do this, if they do its in there private place?? I dunno but I got some weird The day was filled with bike, bike bike… back and forth here and there. Gezz many miles. Oh yeah and in-between that I was missing my yard, mind you this apartment has no garden, its rock out front, if you know me you know I dislike rock in a yard bad! The weeds were coming up all th
So we wrote a note they told me they could not install it that another truck had to come, OH OF COURSE!! So I thought there not going to come today???Right?? Well I had put on the note to call Edia the keys where there and went back on my bike to get them and to go to the farmers market. Figuring they would show up late. AHEMMMMMMM well I was wrong again! They showed up called Eida she wasn’t home they called and called my neighbor Terry told me . GOSH I WAS SO DISAPOINTED!! I want the phone. Of course I would miss them, now back the office to make yet another appearance and another appointment. Probably another week WAAAAAAAAAAA.
Farmers Market was filled today the weather was great, HOTTER THAN FRITTER! Lots o vendors and lots o people. I bought lettuce, red, ruffled and iceburg, shrimps, huge ones, and mamones, I am hooked on these. Yellow and red ones. Pina` tomatoes, avocado’s some scrumptious cresent rolls that the Amish people made, some mango jelly from them also and these little tiny oranges looked like rounded kumquats, he said they make great lemonade so I bought um. I got Cass too! Cass is really good blended add milk and ice, or ice and cass and guado yum!
Went to Eidas and got the rest of my things and rode like a mad woman again to the house with the bike loaded down. I am getting pretty good at this riding with lots of stuff. Its hard but I find it a challenge and fun. When I arrive Terry was standing on the balcony looking and me and shaking his head???I said what???he said nope no phone. I said What? he made the gesture no phone I was like AWEEEEEEEE nooooooooo OH GOD… he explained, I went in a yelled a couple of times WHY?? I want my phone just whining to myself.
Put away all the food, and began to prepare the shrimp and chopped the sweet potatoes and the plantains, I sad down for a second it was hot and air condition was just cooling the place down. Then I saw Eida in the car below. She wanted to dye my hair so yes again I packedup everything and went with her to the house. I made dinner there of fried plantain’s delicious, and sweet potatoes, and lettuce with olive oil, tomatoes, onions, and lemon juice. Ok this is way better than vinegar. I really like the way it melts the lettuce down and makes it very tasty. I coated the shrimp in this mixture they sell her with like corn and coconut its good.
After we just talked out side in the corridor she calls it this to me it’s the porch with a cover. And then she dyed my hair, kind of a cinnamon color looks good to me, since I am tan it looks great. We talked about my house in Vancouver Washington, and how I have great people looking after it, how grateful I am but disappointed in the fact the realtor is doing nothing. I decided to sell it myself in our conversation I thought I would put it on Craigslist, Plus mention it on my blog. The house is about 1577 sq feet, has a huge lot that can be subdivided for three house’s has an very beautiful garden, a waterfall, pond and many great features. Fruit trees and hops and grapes, and flowers galore. The house itself is two bedrooms at the time but could easily be made back to a three bedroom. I did an awe full lot of work on it new roof, new floor in the bathroom,and the entry and all the slate rock I put in.I mean sub floor and all. This bath was my favorite it had very nice tile and two shower heads and lots of hot water. Glass block for the shower, and a large master bedroom with French doors. The house is very charming, and the surroundings are beautiful, because of all my hard work and ideas and back ground. I need to sell this in order for me to build my dream here In Costa Rica. I cannot support two houses, now that I am semi retired. I am going to lower the price to $285 thousand. I think it will sell if I do this. I had a good feeling about this tonight! This will be a good place for a first time owner or someone who loves to garden, or for someone who wants to invest and build more and make there money back three times.
If I had the financial ability to do this I would because I know that area is really close to everything, and in a few months will be worth even more after a development or two goes in to the vacant areas. If anyone is interested email me at and I can put you in contact with the person who has the key to see it and to show it.
I Told her all I was thinking we high fived. I took a shower washed the dye out of my hair and she called me the taxi. I came home and here I am… I woke this morning to a very lovely morning, partially sunny and cool. Standing on the front Balcony I watched the birds, and the butterflies, drank my coffee , put some fresh mango jam on these wonderful little cresent rolls that I bought yesterday at the farmers market. I sat outside and looked at the moutian, Miros mountain it sits right on the edge of Jaco, It is one of the best views I think in the whole area. How fortunate that I have it. I never dreamed that I would be sitting by the seas looking at the forested moutians in Costa Rica, Well actually I did dream about it, but really never thought I would be here in one of the best spots. As I sat I saw these Two red giant Macaws flying over my head and screeching so loud that you couldn’t help but give your attention to them in flight. Then the power went out! Dang it I was suppose to meet Milo at the seat to internet and chat all morning early. But that didn’t happen. So today was his birthday I find out after I get back her and get the net. He left only to leave me a beautiful letter about his love for me and how he dreams of being with me and by my side. As I read it the net went out again so I decided to come and write some more.
I hope today is filled with good things for him and that he has a great birthday! Monday is my sisters Birthday too, so when the net gets up here I am going to send both of them a card via internet.
Looking forward to Riding my bike all along Jaco, if you go back a few blogs I posted the whole photo from Miros Moutain last Sunday. You can see where I am going to ride.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Red white and blue, Costa Rica Independence day
Today is Costa Rica’s Independence Day from Guanacaste`. I really do not know the whole story but I got to participate in there parade and celebration. But before that, yesterday I went to get the teeth fixed, and yes the bridge was in and he cemented in my mouth only after numbing me again.Oh yeah and no phone yet, I kinda lost my patients with the people at Ice, only after Eida showed up behind me and put her hands over my face, I felt her ring and knew it was her.. She told them they had promised me over and over, but Ticos do not know how to tell the truth when they are in business. They are so polite that they hate to tell you that you phone may take a whole month!!! So I was a little upset after having three hours of no power, and water then to find out once again that I will wait how many more days until I get service, I wasn’t exactly rude I just said well it was easy for you to take my money but not so easy for you to install the phone on time? Manana` manana~ manana~~~~~~ Little did I know, that the guy was talking to this was his first day so he got the rath of an Americana, name Marianna… So I suppose on Friday if there open since it is Independence Day today and the rest of the week is Celebration That I may have to go and eat crow and apologize for my American Behavior.
Aside from all that the rest of day was pretty much ok. I went as I said to the dentist and got my bridge, now the teeth look great! Feels so strange though because there porcelain and when you bite down it feels like a plate in your mouth. I went to Century 21 to email my idiot Realtor in the states, who will not respond to my mail, or do his job!! To tell him I want him to be released from the contract since he has negated it by not doing his job.. here it would be easy, there are no laws or licenses.. there in the states its not.
So I did that, then I emailed my sister, and Brandon, and tried to email a couple of other people including Hap Clint’s friend The internet was free there so I just hooked up. Besides there all so nice in there, they all know me know Carlos, Alisha, Tom, and about five other realtors. They all treat me very well.
Then I rode to Eidas as I promised to help her with the girls and the house for the celebration today. They made these candle holders in shapes of house’s and hearts to hold at night and parade down the street. We went to the school and watched the girls and all the other children with there Candle holders lots all different types. Very interesting to me, how they all constructed them and they all know the tradition of walking down the road to represent the independence Celebration the night before. After we ate at this soda by Eidas house. I couldn’t eat anything hard since my teeth were just cemented, he suggested I take it easy for a while. So I ate scrambled eggs and gallo de pinto. ( Black beans and white rice) also some kind of beet salad that I liked allot.
We then went to the shop and got some papers for something and met these other people at another Soda and talked and laughed. It was a woman Named Patrica, with her friends I do no remember his name he was a tico Patricia is White around 64 and has been in Costa Rica for a number of years. She was a tall older blonde Italian American.. with a heavy southern accents. Said she knew Bush.. I don’t want to talk about that conversation, it made me mad since I really dislike Bush and his Idiot ways. Lets just say we shared the same views!
She was a gas I really liked her, A true professional person who had humor and candor and honesty. I aked her about her children and how they felt about her in her age living in Costa Rica, she exclaimed that one daughter hated it and thought it was fine for her mom, and understood that her mother had to do what she needed to live her life. Since she was a clinical Psychiatrist, and had her own life in the states. Her son thought it was interesting but really was set up in the states and misses his mom but he had his own life and he was an Architect too! Her other daughter is married to a piano player from a very famous Rock band in the states, and she was practically raised here and thought it was wonderful that her mother was doing some good here In Costa Rica! She is single too so we had a great conversation.
Eida , Patricia and I are all going to working together on some real estate dealings. When she found out I was a designer for events parties and homes and gardens… we came up with an Idea! She has put together several Charity balls here for The children, for computers, books music, and more. So her and I are going to throw a charity ball with Marriot supporting us and sponsoring us, I will coordinate it and design it and advertisse it she will get all the money’s and the publicity for the schools. It may a huge thing ! so I am very excited about this. I want to help the kids, They are very well educated here, I can tell you that this is there priority more thaanything else. EDUCATION IS NUMBER ONE.
We left and Eida did not want me to go home again God I am getting to the point where I just want to go to my own place and have some quiet time.. but no she said stay I need you in the morning with the girls for the parade.
In the morning we got the girls ready well she did anyhow I made coffee, and ironed for them, and tried to calm nervious nelly Jessie down. She was an Honor student in the parade, the best in the school. And her class…
Come to find out She was the leader of the parade! I was so proud of this little one she is very very smart! She lead the huge parade through the town. It was colorful, Red, white and blue are there colors just like ours. The people were all dressed so nice and in there country colors most of them anyhow.
I took tons of photos, so on the next post it will nothing but photos. The parade just like the ticos was slow took forever and the town is small but it was fun, and I noticed that hardly anyone smiles? Strange but I did notice Wow they sure know how to keep the beat, and they have major rhythm. The little ones can dance in the parade like I never saw… the shimmy and they shake, and the foot work ok I was having fun watching. I was thinking wow I couldn’t have planned this better than to see there actual cultural celebration. I drove the car to the end to pick up Kalin and Jessie. Kalin was a representing the county of Cartago, all dressed in costume, and Jessie was the Honor student of the year.
After we drove to the house and when we arrived who was sitting in the car but Miro, and some man??? They were waiting for me??? OH GOD I HAD NO SHOWER THE SAME CLOTHES AS YESTERDAY IT WAS HOT AND MUGGY AND I WAS SWEATY AND NO MAKEUP HAIR WAS GROSS…I was so mortified! Yeah they were waiting on me. He wanted to introduce me to this Famous Costa Rican Artist, who of course was single. He was of Italian Decent so Miro was doing his little match making thing. I tried to be polite, but I was not happy I didn’t want to meet anyone, I wanted to get my stuff and my bike and ride home, take a shower get cleaned up and go on the internet to see I could talk to Sharon and Milo and who ever else was on. Read my mail and get on the with the day. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOO
They followed us in I went potty, then came out, Eida said change your top so I did, then I went with them to have coffee all sweaty and ugly and grouchy no less. Brother WHATEVER!!! I WAS NOT FEELING ENTERTAINING OR alluring. Miro went on and on about how I was talented and beautiful and Italian .. I was fuming in side. We had coffee and I finally told the man who was very portly, and teeth were kind of bad
( honestly I can not remember his name but he is a Famous Artist here) I said I am all dirty I need a shower and I am sorry but I am very embarrassed and would like to go home.
He could tell I was not into this, Miro insisted he touch me and put his knee next to me I was getting more and more frustrated. But I smiled and didn’t say a word.
As we drove Miro suggested that he take all the girls and me If I like to go to the Marriots los Suenos tonight for juice and hor’s de orves but he called them something else. So I hope that , this man does not come along.I do not understand why people think its necessary to try to set me up?? All I know is that I need to nice to Miro, he is the mountain, and mountain keeps coming to me. Something about me, is I wont compromise my feelings just because someone is setting me up. I will say it like it is if I do not like the situation.
Now I am going to shower go sneak down to Del Mar and interenet then Call Eida to pick me back up, so I can get my things and my bike and go to the store to dye my hair and at least accomplish some things for my own self. Besides I want to talk to Milo and see what the plans are for Intel and Oct, We may just fly back to Portland together when I return to the states. Then back here in December.
Today is Costa Rica’s Independence Day from Guanacaste`. I really do not know the whole story but I got to participate in there parade and celebration. But before that, yesterday I went to get the teeth fixed, and yes the bridge was in and he cemented in my mouth only after numbing me again.Oh yeah and no phone yet, I kinda lost my patients with the people at Ice, only after Eida showed up behind me and put her hands over my face, I felt her ring and knew it was her.. She told them they had promised me over and over, but Ticos do not know how to tell the truth when they are in business. They are so polite that they hate to tell you that you phone may take a whole month!!! So I was a little upset after having three hours of no power, and water then to find out once again that I will wait how many more days until I get service, I wasn’t exactly rude I just said well it was easy for you to take my money but not so easy for you to install the phone on time? Manana` manana~ manana~~~~~~ Little did I know, that the guy was talking to this was his first day so he got the rath of an Americana, name Marianna… So I suppose on Friday if there open since it is Independence Day today and the rest of the week is Celebration That I may have to go and eat crow and apologize for my American Behavior.
Aside from all that the rest of day was pretty much ok. I went as I said to the dentist and got my bridge, now the teeth look great! Feels so strange though because there porcelain and when you bite down it feels like a plate in your mouth. I went to Century 21 to email my idiot Realtor in the states, who will not respond to my mail, or do his job!! To tell him I want him to be released from the contract since he has negated it by not doing his job.. here it would be easy, there are no laws or licenses.. there in the states its not.
So I did that, then I emailed my sister, and Brandon, and tried to email a couple of other people including Hap Clint’s friend The internet was free there so I just hooked up. Besides there all so nice in there, they all know me know Carlos, Alisha, Tom, and about five other realtors. They all treat me very well.
Then I rode to Eidas as I promised to help her with the girls and the house for the celebration today. They made these candle holders in shapes of house’s and hearts to hold at night and parade down the street. We went to the school and watched the girls and all the other children with there Candle holders lots all different types. Very interesting to me, how they all constructed them and they all know the tradition of walking down the road to represent the independence Celebration the night before. After we ate at this soda by Eidas house. I couldn’t eat anything hard since my teeth were just cemented, he suggested I take it easy for a while. So I ate scrambled eggs and gallo de pinto. ( Black beans and white rice) also some kind of beet salad that I liked allot.
We then went to the shop and got some papers for something and met these other people at another Soda and talked and laughed. It was a woman Named Patrica, with her friends I do no remember his name he was a tico Patricia is White around 64 and has been in Costa Rica for a number of years. She was a tall older blonde Italian American.. with a heavy southern accents. Said she knew Bush.. I don’t want to talk about that conversation, it made me mad since I really dislike Bush and his Idiot ways. Lets just say we shared the same views!
She was a gas I really liked her, A true professional person who had humor and candor and honesty. I aked her about her children and how they felt about her in her age living in Costa Rica, she exclaimed that one daughter hated it and thought it was fine for her mom, and understood that her mother had to do what she needed to live her life. Since she was a clinical Psychiatrist, and had her own life in the states. Her son thought it was interesting but really was set up in the states and misses his mom but he had his own life and he was an Architect too! Her other daughter is married to a piano player from a very famous Rock band in the states, and she was practically raised here and thought it was wonderful that her mother was doing some good here In Costa Rica! She is single too so we had a great conversation.
Eida , Patricia and I are all going to working together on some real estate dealings. When she found out I was a designer for events parties and homes and gardens… we came up with an Idea! She has put together several Charity balls here for The children, for computers, books music, and more. So her and I are going to throw a charity ball with Marriot supporting us and sponsoring us, I will coordinate it and design it and advertisse it she will get all the money’s and the publicity for the schools. It may a huge thing ! so I am very excited about this. I want to help the kids, They are very well educated here, I can tell you that this is there priority more thaanything else. EDUCATION IS NUMBER ONE.
We left and Eida did not want me to go home again God I am getting to the point where I just want to go to my own place and have some quiet time.. but no she said stay I need you in the morning with the girls for the parade.
In the morning we got the girls ready well she did anyhow I made coffee, and ironed for them, and tried to calm nervious nelly Jessie down. She was an Honor student in the parade, the best in the school. And her class…
Come to find out She was the leader of the parade! I was so proud of this little one she is very very smart! She lead the huge parade through the town. It was colorful, Red, white and blue are there colors just like ours. The people were all dressed so nice and in there country colors most of them anyhow.
I took tons of photos, so on the next post it will nothing but photos. The parade just like the ticos was slow took forever and the town is small but it was fun, and I noticed that hardly anyone smiles? Strange but I did notice Wow they sure know how to keep the beat, and they have major rhythm. The little ones can dance in the parade like I never saw… the shimmy and they shake, and the foot work ok I was having fun watching. I was thinking wow I couldn’t have planned this better than to see there actual cultural celebration. I drove the car to the end to pick up Kalin and Jessie. Kalin was a representing the county of Cartago, all dressed in costume, and Jessie was the Honor student of the year.
After we drove to the house and when we arrived who was sitting in the car but Miro, and some man??? They were waiting for me??? OH GOD I HAD NO SHOWER THE SAME CLOTHES AS YESTERDAY IT WAS HOT AND MUGGY AND I WAS SWEATY AND NO MAKEUP HAIR WAS GROSS…I was so mortified! Yeah they were waiting on me. He wanted to introduce me to this Famous Costa Rican Artist, who of course was single. He was of Italian Decent so Miro was doing his little match making thing. I tried to be polite, but I was not happy I didn’t want to meet anyone, I wanted to get my stuff and my bike and ride home, take a shower get cleaned up and go on the internet to see I could talk to Sharon and Milo and who ever else was on. Read my mail and get on the with the day. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOO
They followed us in I went potty, then came out, Eida said change your top so I did, then I went with them to have coffee all sweaty and ugly and grouchy no less. Brother WHATEVER!!! I WAS NOT FEELING ENTERTAINING OR alluring. Miro went on and on about how I was talented and beautiful and Italian .. I was fuming in side. We had coffee and I finally told the man who was very portly, and teeth were kind of bad
( honestly I can not remember his name but he is a Famous Artist here) I said I am all dirty I need a shower and I am sorry but I am very embarrassed and would like to go home.
He could tell I was not into this, Miro insisted he touch me and put his knee next to me I was getting more and more frustrated. But I smiled and didn’t say a word.
As we drove Miro suggested that he take all the girls and me If I like to go to the Marriots los Suenos tonight for juice and hor’s de orves but he called them something else. So I hope that , this man does not come along.I do not understand why people think its necessary to try to set me up?? All I know is that I need to nice to Miro, he is the mountain, and mountain keeps coming to me. Something about me, is I wont compromise my feelings just because someone is setting me up. I will say it like it is if I do not like the situation.
Now I am going to shower go sneak down to Del Mar and interenet then Call Eida to pick me back up, so I can get my things and my bike and go to the store to dye my hair and at least accomplish some things for my own self. Besides I want to talk to Milo and see what the plans are for Intel and Oct, We may just fly back to Portland together when I return to the states. Then back here in December.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Ok I slipped away and went to Del Mar, got on the net and was copying and pasting from word document when these four guys walked up to me! Ohh ooooooo I was looking with my eyes wide, hoping they were not management?? They were drinking beer at 2:00 in the afternoon so maybe not? Maybe so? Ya nevah know here.
I was messaging Milo he was in a meeting in New Mexico but he was still talking to me, as well as Sharon from Vancouver Washington, who was telling me she read the blog , and dickey my friend Jon From New York, was telling me how awesome the site is and how he totally thinks its great! Needs more photos, but I tried to tell him that it takes a long time to down load them so we were all talking then Tosh, my Japanese friend in Portland Oregon who wants me to Export Products from here was chatting with me all at the same time. He is putting a site together for me so people can buy the things I find and we can export them to the states. Our plan is to export, souvenirs, and all sorts of food products, and some furniture and house wears. This plan may take a while but I do have some irons in the fire. Milo and I were trying to chat, but there were too many people talking to me at once and the four guys.
Come to find out these guys were the developers for the field next to my place; they are building a huge hotel there, called tropical Sands. I asked them for the gate that is there it has my name on it! I want it for my house on the mountain that I will build. They laughed but I tell ya I am going to get the gate. I asked Carlos about it the day I rented this place, then come to find out I run into these guys and I asked them directly! Tings are weird here… anyway they are building this hotel, one of the guys is from England and he talked to me too. I asked if they needed an Architect!( MILO) of course. Or a designer, but ya nevah know??? Maybe? Michael Beane is the man I talked to the most. He was from Colorado. So In the Morning I may go over there and get on line early and see if I can see them again.
Ok needless to say ICE never showed up again so I guess I go there too in the morning, AND TO THE DENTIST AGAIN! GOD no wonder it’s so cheap.
No really tings happen, the bridge came in but it was the wrong color. He felt so bad he sat next to me in the office and smiled and tried to be nice to me, thinking I was going to bite his head off, after all I missed ICE< TWICE NOW… and I had to bike clear across town he’s on the other end, the fact that I have this head cold or whatever it is? On top of all that is not fun. From the cleaning yesterday and numb mouth throat and tummy, to head cold, no net and now still no phone!! But I didn’t bite his head off, he’s so nice and very good looking so how could I be mean? Besides he has my toothers.. I want my bridge to be good. So patients is a virtue here. I am learning it, so again in the Morning I go to the dentist for the third time; let’s hope that the saying in the states is True, Third times a charm! Besides, he’s pretty pleasant to look at. I do not think I will mind. As long as he doesn’t prick me again and make my tummy numb!
After this I lugged the computer, and my self to the end of the blvd, to see If Eida was around but she wasn’t. I talked to the other Carlos the loud Italian, he was outside the century 21 and he wanted my Hilton contact information, as he has some land he thinks they may be interested in. I was casual with him, I am leary of these guys now after that incident with them the other night.
I then took the bike to the Soda where Danni and Gloria hang out. I saw them both, and sat down and had a tea. Then ordered some arose con Pollo, with plantains. GOD SHE CHARGED ME ALLOT I wasn’t happy with Danni at that point. Then I talked to Gloria for a bit, walked over to Amanda’s and we had a drink, and talked about the blog, and bout her situation there with the house. I guess there going to move. She seemed happy enough. I picked up my things I left there, and we chatted for a while. I walked back to the soda and go the bike, but at this point I had a big bag of stuff and my computer and my purse. Try hauling all that on a bike I am getting rather good at balancing things but it is hard sometimes.
It was getting dark so I thought hmmm maybe I should forgo Poseidon, and hit the trail and get home. It’s a long way to the house from town and there are no street lights so I rushed, rode like a bat out of hell on the bike. Got back here was sweating like a pig, and threw my clothes on the bed and changed, I tossed my hair on top of my head, was washing my hands when I heard a foreign voice? Not Spanish, I listened again and went outside, to find Miro, Not Milo as I thought, his name Is MIRO the Yugoslavian man around 75 to 80 in great shape all white hair and lots of it, very defined facial features still a good looking man but I bet when he was younger was woman killer! This is a man who owns the mountain and the island, and the rest of the mountains.
He had this young Tica girl with him . He told us on Sunday that he was supporting this girl, paying for her school and her education. She is around 9 years old. He asked me if this is where I lived, I said of course would you like to come up? And he said well my house is all dark an I need to go turn on lights but I would like to know where the little girls live? I said oh Eidas? He said yes, I said I would be glad to show you, the fact was I was thinking right before he came. That I wish I could go over there and use her phone and see them, but I was tired and didn’t want to ride all the way back. So he showing up was perfect timing for me. He went to his house and turned lights on he lives right around the corner from me. Took him all of five minutes.
I got in his car and took him to the girls house, Eida was shocked to see us, as we were talking the other day about him she doesn’t understand him at all, I tried to explain what I see and what I know, I said he is a very wealthy eccentric man, He probably gets tons of people wanting things from him. He wants to check you out first and see what you’re about and if you’re ok? I tried to tell him my story, but he is not interested, although I have the feeling he already did with Carlos, in San Jose. I did tell him though that I had run a small business in the states for along long time and rasied two boys pretty much on my own with no help. No man, and no means practically. I told him I made something out of myself from nothing. So that may have stuck in his head. I want badly to tell him all about me, but I think my approach is for him to just let him see who I am in just being a friend, he knows I want to build too, I know there is a reason for meeting him. If not to help him with the restaurant or to have him help me… who knows but I am continuing the friend ship.
Our ride over was interesting, I told him that sometimes I see things around people. Like I see auroras around plants and flowers sometimes, but sometimes I detect or see small shadows around people too, Maybe my eyes are getting old I dunno but I do this just like the ceiling fan WEIRD OK JUST WEIRD… his is white, and very bright. Scares me, I am Leary about talking to him. He is very strong to so that may have allot to do with it.
We get to Eidas as I said she was shocked, we go in and he’s looking around, the girls are instant friends, she directs him to the pool because he wants us to go the Del Mar, Eida says she has a big pool. So he sees it and likes it. He stays and talks to Susie the husky and I.
We talk about trivial things but its ok; I wasn’t in the mood to talk about business or anything no matter, not feeling good. He does say that in December another Marianna is coming to Costa Rica and that she is a very special one, Well I guess I’m big headed but I know I was told many times I was very special, I wanted to use my humor there and say YEP I AM VERY SPECIAL but I didn’t I just listened and wanted to validate my self but no.
We stayed and watched the girls swimming I was cold it wasn’t cold out, just not feeling up to par. He asked me if I was staying as Eida was cooking dinner, I said no I wanted to go home. So we rode back, Mind you he drives just like my dad when he was getting up there, Slow as a turtle and every one was honking, and he almost Crashed into this car at the corner. I yelled loud and he stopped. I thought about my dad at this point, and thought wow I remember how my dad and I had great conversations as he got on in years. I just allowed Miro to talk, he told me somethings, and then he asked me some questions, About Carlos, if I liked him?? I said not in that way but I do find him a very kind and incredible man that I was very impressed with him. He then asked how much is your rent I told him; he said well someone may not know you Marianna, but after knowing you they should lower the price, He should have lowered it for you and he smiled I sat in the car and looked down thinking there is more to what he is saying, that maybe he senses that I am having a hard time and realizes I am a very talented person? Or am I getting to deep in thought? Does he just think that Carlos is over charging?
I did not comment at all, I looked down and then smiled, and said Good night and thank you and I kissed him on the left cheek like all the Ticas’ and Ticos do. He smiled and said have sweet dreams Marianna sweet dreams.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Heading into town around 1:00 with a taxi
The sniffles and soar throat was getting to me, I didn’t go and work out today nor did I ride the bike. I took a taxi into town around 1:00 I went to Ice, the phone/ Electrical / Cell / monopoly, located at the end of my road. It is pronounced ESAY, to ask when they were coming to hook the phone up. Oh yes the technician was there working on (somting) as the Ticos say, in the office. I asked when they thought the phone would be hooked up he said around 3:00, well this was the time I was suppose to get the teeth fixed. So I asked politely if they would come now or if they could come later after my dentist appointment. The person, who is working at the desks, went and asked them in the back, and they said around 5:00 or 6:00. That was good for me. So I had the taxi take me into the town around the corner.
The town wasn’t busy,I figured a taxi is better than walking or riding today as I was feeling ill. I had him wait; he was in a brand new Toyota dual cab Truck in burgundy. It had a brush cutter in the front, I kinda liked it, was thinking I need something like this. I asked him how much did this truck cost; he said he got in San Jose` and it was around $ 16,000.00 American Dollars. That would be good for me, or a smaller Ford Truck with dual cab.
I really want a truck, because I could haul things around and then deliver things for clients should I do some interior design.
I dropped off my laundry at this autowash near the entrance of town. They wanted like $7.00 dollars to wash, dry and fold. I think that is way too much since I only had a few things? Anyway I learned something with that one. Then I had him drop me off at Mas X permanos the grocery store. I had bought some pepa juice and it was like vinegar, and some tortillas that were all mush. They were happy to take it back, but there was one problem, they didn’t remember me buying it and I had no receipt so I ended up throwing in the trash.
I walked the rest of the town shopping for a shower soap holder, and coffee pot replacement, pillows window cleaner and more. You can not just go to one place for all these things and some of the places carry something but it could be like five years old, like the window cleaner I saw at the Hardware store.
YUK it was so dirty and so gross. And they wanted $3.00 American Dollars for it. So I ended up at Super Fruitastica, a smaller grocery store and got ventana cleaner, Ajax for the toilet and some bleach which they call cloro.
Most of the places here have bad pluming so you cannot throw the toilet paper in the toilet, you have a small trash receptacle near the pot and you toss it in there.
I got all my provisions only after looking for hours and walking to all the places. I was getting hungry but I didn’t want to eat as I knew I was going to the dentist and thought I would have to brush, and I was a long way from home, So no eating.
I found a cool art gallery, I really liked the art but it was not cheap. It was around 3oo to a thousand for the there art but it was authentic Tico/ tica Style. I was thinking about Glenn when I was there. God there was one I really wanted it was weird had some poetry on it but it was colorful and cool. I may when I get all settled here invest in some. It is a huge stretch from my tastes in the states, but this was very cool and made me smile. So I might put it in an entrance to the house when I get it built.
I asked what time it was, it was getting close to me going to the dentist, so I rushed and walked very fast with all my goodies. Got there right on time, Sat for a moment and then he asked me in.
He looked at my teeth, and then told me that the bridge was not completed yet. Ok my first experience with Tico time. He continued to say he could clean my teeth, or bleach? I said fine whatever you choose. He smiled and began to clean. He used this device, which I as not familiar with it was like a hydro drill? Maybe they have them in the states I dunno, but I knew I didn’t like it. It hurt like sharp needles, I think the cold I have is making me sensitive to everything. I had a lot of blood so he knew I was in pain. He could see my toes curling up. Then he asked if he could deaden it or numb it with a shot? I said sure. Well he missed and it went all down my throat, that was the worst taste. GOD I was thinking ok I’m not doing so well here. He did it again and it was fine, I think he was nervous that I was already in pain and he was trying to be very careful not to prick me hard and thought he had the needle in but he didn’t.
I have not had my teeth cleaned in a long long time, so I had a lot of tarter, and he could see they have not been cleaned. He was very thoroughly cleaning, and then he polished. I was surprised that he did it him self, because in the states there is always a hygienist that does this. But he did, he told me that tomorrow the bridge would be here so to come at three again. When I left I was all numb the whole mouth and my throat and belly! LOL I had to laugh, I had no one to talk to so I told myself it was ok and just laughed as I walked towards Eidas souvenir
shop. It was like about two or three blocks so I figured what was a couple more blocks.
She wasn’t there she had this Nica there running the place so I walked to this cute little dress shop at the end of the blvd, and bought this green top, for only $11.00 dollars. Then I walked back checking here and there trying to find a clock for the apartment. Not an easy thing to do in Jaco, No mail, no Clocks No no no…. So I just continue to walk till I got close to the apartment then the taxi would be like a buck. I needed to be back before 6:00 I thought as ICE was coming to install the line.
I got back made some dinner of meat and lettuce and tomato all sauté` with some tortilla chips. After I ate watermelon and sat alone here in the dark. It was kinda hot out but not as bad as it was when I first arrived in Costa Rica, the weather is cooling down now. I was waiting for ICE, but now another experience with Tico Time. No show!! I waited and waited. Looked and looked… no one. I wanted badly to get on the internet, but I have no internet and won’t have it until I return in Dec.
So around the corner by the sea is Del mar that huge hotel/ club sitting right on the beach that has wireless, so I sometimes go there and sneak. It was dark; I put some longer clothes on, and tennis, and loaded the Computer in my basket on the bike. I rode around the corner, braving it.
There was no one around just me and the frogs and the sea. I went to the place I normally go, but to my surprise was a security guard; he had a flash light and was walking the grounds. So oops Mari didn’t go up in there quickly I sat with my back to him on the ground as if I was watching the sea. I opened the computer in the case and tried to see If could hook up, but I was too far away, I hurried and closed it and got the hell out of there quick, because I did not want to ruin my secret place to hook up.
I was discouraged and not feeling so good. No Phone, No internet no TV WAAAAAAAAA I was sad.
I lay on the little couch that is in my apartment and watched the ceiling fan going round and round, I could actually control my eyes to focus on the blades and could see them individually? WOW THIS WAS STRANGE… I know that we do not use the brain as powerful as it is, but I tried and controlled my sight and could occasionally see three or four blades, It was so strange, It tripped me out actually but I found out, I could focus on something and really see it close too??
Then Fell asleep and dreamed some strange things, so I got up and got on the bed, read this inspirational book that Diane my friend in the states gave me, Funny too the story was about something that applied to my life a the moment. I ate mamones, and read. Then fell asleep.
Woke up several times, but it was still dark, so I went back to sleep. Woke up again around 6:15, made coffee in the new pot, and pooped around. Looked out the bedroom window it was dreary, reminded me of Vancouver with only the Sea in the background. Still to this moment it is dreary, I went to pilates/ yoga only after I stopped at the ICE at 6:50, then to the bike shop right by the gym to have them adjust the seat. Then to the gym, no one was there I was too early.
Then I went across the street to the store, God when you go into the stores it is so hot its like suffocating, I hate that. So I got some water, and a small bag of cereal and ate it plain.
Walked back and had class. We finished class early as a huge cloud was coming and every rides bikes so we all scrambled to get on the bikes and go, well guess who got caught? Yep I was getting soaked, so I spun around the corner and hung out at ICE and tried like heck to get them to come today.
The Guy assured me they were coming today, but for some reason HAAAAAAAA I do not believe it. So My plan was to sit there until he couldn’t stand looking at me any more, and the rain stopped then I would bike like a maniac to the house.
Which I did, then I came home and cut some white pineapple, and mango, had some coffee and some of this delicious fruit. The white pineapple is not very well liked by the Ticos, but I like it allot. It has a taste of Gardenia, and sweet pineapple. I love the flavor. Here there is no chemicals so I know its very good for you.
I cleaned up the place and swept, and now in a while I am going to get dressed, then go over to the internet secret place and log on ask Terry my neighbor to watch house for the Techs, but I have the feeling there not going to come. Then at three again I go for the teeth. I may just take the computer with me and stop at Poseidon tonight and have a cocktail and internet for along time. Then come back and make sweet potato, there red here, and plantains fried, lettuce with oil and lemon. This is a Nica thing and I like it very much.
I miss my nica Friends, Danni and Gloria. I was thinking about my sister earlier how she would like all the fruits and the flowers that are here, and how she would be dying in the heat. I bet she would like Milo, He is very different than any man I have been with. I bet he is worried about me, since I have not chatted with him an awhile, I miss him too!
The sniffles and soar throat was getting to me, I didn’t go and work out today nor did I ride the bike. I took a taxi into town around 1:00 I went to Ice, the phone/ Electrical / Cell / monopoly, located at the end of my road. It is pronounced ESAY, to ask when they were coming to hook the phone up. Oh yes the technician was there working on (somting) as the Ticos say, in the office. I asked when they thought the phone would be hooked up he said around 3:00, well this was the time I was suppose to get the teeth fixed. So I asked politely if they would come now or if they could come later after my dentist appointment. The person, who is working at the desks, went and asked them in the back, and they said around 5:00 or 6:00. That was good for me. So I had the taxi take me into the town around the corner.
The town wasn’t busy,I figured a taxi is better than walking or riding today as I was feeling ill. I had him wait; he was in a brand new Toyota dual cab Truck in burgundy. It had a brush cutter in the front, I kinda liked it, was thinking I need something like this. I asked him how much did this truck cost; he said he got in San Jose` and it was around $ 16,000.00 American Dollars. That would be good for me, or a smaller Ford Truck with dual cab.
I really want a truck, because I could haul things around and then deliver things for clients should I do some interior design.
I dropped off my laundry at this autowash near the entrance of town. They wanted like $7.00 dollars to wash, dry and fold. I think that is way too much since I only had a few things? Anyway I learned something with that one. Then I had him drop me off at Mas X permanos the grocery store. I had bought some pepa juice and it was like vinegar, and some tortillas that were all mush. They were happy to take it back, but there was one problem, they didn’t remember me buying it and I had no receipt so I ended up throwing in the trash.
I walked the rest of the town shopping for a shower soap holder, and coffee pot replacement, pillows window cleaner and more. You can not just go to one place for all these things and some of the places carry something but it could be like five years old, like the window cleaner I saw at the Hardware store.
YUK it was so dirty and so gross. And they wanted $3.00 American Dollars for it. So I ended up at Super Fruitastica, a smaller grocery store and got ventana cleaner, Ajax for the toilet and some bleach which they call cloro.
Most of the places here have bad pluming so you cannot throw the toilet paper in the toilet, you have a small trash receptacle near the pot and you toss it in there.
I got all my provisions only after looking for hours and walking to all the places. I was getting hungry but I didn’t want to eat as I knew I was going to the dentist and thought I would have to brush, and I was a long way from home, So no eating.
I found a cool art gallery, I really liked the art but it was not cheap. It was around 3oo to a thousand for the there art but it was authentic Tico/ tica Style. I was thinking about Glenn when I was there. God there was one I really wanted it was weird had some poetry on it but it was colorful and cool. I may when I get all settled here invest in some. It is a huge stretch from my tastes in the states, but this was very cool and made me smile. So I might put it in an entrance to the house when I get it built.
I asked what time it was, it was getting close to me going to the dentist, so I rushed and walked very fast with all my goodies. Got there right on time, Sat for a moment and then he asked me in.
He looked at my teeth, and then told me that the bridge was not completed yet. Ok my first experience with Tico time. He continued to say he could clean my teeth, or bleach? I said fine whatever you choose. He smiled and began to clean. He used this device, which I as not familiar with it was like a hydro drill? Maybe they have them in the states I dunno, but I knew I didn’t like it. It hurt like sharp needles, I think the cold I have is making me sensitive to everything. I had a lot of blood so he knew I was in pain. He could see my toes curling up. Then he asked if he could deaden it or numb it with a shot? I said sure. Well he missed and it went all down my throat, that was the worst taste. GOD I was thinking ok I’m not doing so well here. He did it again and it was fine, I think he was nervous that I was already in pain and he was trying to be very careful not to prick me hard and thought he had the needle in but he didn’t.
I have not had my teeth cleaned in a long long time, so I had a lot of tarter, and he could see they have not been cleaned. He was very thoroughly cleaning, and then he polished. I was surprised that he did it him self, because in the states there is always a hygienist that does this. But he did, he told me that tomorrow the bridge would be here so to come at three again. When I left I was all numb the whole mouth and my throat and belly! LOL I had to laugh, I had no one to talk to so I told myself it was ok and just laughed as I walked towards Eidas souvenir
shop. It was like about two or three blocks so I figured what was a couple more blocks.
She wasn’t there she had this Nica there running the place so I walked to this cute little dress shop at the end of the blvd, and bought this green top, for only $11.00 dollars. Then I walked back checking here and there trying to find a clock for the apartment. Not an easy thing to do in Jaco, No mail, no Clocks No no no…. So I just continue to walk till I got close to the apartment then the taxi would be like a buck. I needed to be back before 6:00 I thought as ICE was coming to install the line.
I got back made some dinner of meat and lettuce and tomato all sauté` with some tortilla chips. After I ate watermelon and sat alone here in the dark. It was kinda hot out but not as bad as it was when I first arrived in Costa Rica, the weather is cooling down now. I was waiting for ICE, but now another experience with Tico Time. No show!! I waited and waited. Looked and looked… no one. I wanted badly to get on the internet, but I have no internet and won’t have it until I return in Dec.
So around the corner by the sea is Del mar that huge hotel/ club sitting right on the beach that has wireless, so I sometimes go there and sneak. It was dark; I put some longer clothes on, and tennis, and loaded the Computer in my basket on the bike. I rode around the corner, braving it.
There was no one around just me and the frogs and the sea. I went to the place I normally go, but to my surprise was a security guard; he had a flash light and was walking the grounds. So oops Mari didn’t go up in there quickly I sat with my back to him on the ground as if I was watching the sea. I opened the computer in the case and tried to see If could hook up, but I was too far away, I hurried and closed it and got the hell out of there quick, because I did not want to ruin my secret place to hook up.
I was discouraged and not feeling so good. No Phone, No internet no TV WAAAAAAAAA I was sad.
I lay on the little couch that is in my apartment and watched the ceiling fan going round and round, I could actually control my eyes to focus on the blades and could see them individually? WOW THIS WAS STRANGE… I know that we do not use the brain as powerful as it is, but I tried and controlled my sight and could occasionally see three or four blades, It was so strange, It tripped me out actually but I found out, I could focus on something and really see it close too??
Then Fell asleep and dreamed some strange things, so I got up and got on the bed, read this inspirational book that Diane my friend in the states gave me, Funny too the story was about something that applied to my life a the moment. I ate mamones, and read. Then fell asleep.
Woke up several times, but it was still dark, so I went back to sleep. Woke up again around 6:15, made coffee in the new pot, and pooped around. Looked out the bedroom window it was dreary, reminded me of Vancouver with only the Sea in the background. Still to this moment it is dreary, I went to pilates/ yoga only after I stopped at the ICE at 6:50, then to the bike shop right by the gym to have them adjust the seat. Then to the gym, no one was there I was too early.
Then I went across the street to the store, God when you go into the stores it is so hot its like suffocating, I hate that. So I got some water, and a small bag of cereal and ate it plain.
Walked back and had class. We finished class early as a huge cloud was coming and every rides bikes so we all scrambled to get on the bikes and go, well guess who got caught? Yep I was getting soaked, so I spun around the corner and hung out at ICE and tried like heck to get them to come today.
The Guy assured me they were coming today, but for some reason HAAAAAAAA I do not believe it. So My plan was to sit there until he couldn’t stand looking at me any more, and the rain stopped then I would bike like a maniac to the house.
Which I did, then I came home and cut some white pineapple, and mango, had some coffee and some of this delicious fruit. The white pineapple is not very well liked by the Ticos, but I like it allot. It has a taste of Gardenia, and sweet pineapple. I love the flavor. Here there is no chemicals so I know its very good for you.
I cleaned up the place and swept, and now in a while I am going to get dressed, then go over to the internet secret place and log on ask Terry my neighbor to watch house for the Techs, but I have the feeling there not going to come. Then at three again I go for the teeth. I may just take the computer with me and stop at Poseidon tonight and have a cocktail and internet for along time. Then come back and make sweet potato, there red here, and plantains fried, lettuce with oil and lemon. This is a Nica thing and I like it very much.
I miss my nica Friends, Danni and Gloria. I was thinking about my sister earlier how she would like all the fruits and the flowers that are here, and how she would be dying in the heat. I bet she would like Milo, He is very different than any man I have been with. I bet he is worried about me, since I have not chatted with him an awhile, I miss him too!
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
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