Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year

New Years Eve

Today is New Years Eve, the town the beach the streets are full of people laughing and enjoying the most beautiful weather I have experienced yet. The ocean is most incredible today the color of the water is awesome! the air is smelling sweet, I saw a white hawk this morning so I thnk that was a sign of begining the new year fresh and clean. Being I never ever have seen in my life a white hawk, he came close to the patio too!
I shut the air off when I got up because the ocean breezes today were not as hot as normal, and actually had a refreshing feel to them, so I opened the doors front and back which I have three glass sliders, and it really feels que Rico! Que Rico is a phrase used for many things. Que Rico can mean taste great, smells great feels great looks great, or refreshing, it can mean if it’s a lady She’s beautiful to look at like refreshing to look at, if it’s a man it means he’s really hot! Same for a girl its all how you phrase it. It can mean a number of things but I really like this phrase as well as Mi amoursh… which means my love my lover my sweet love friend many applications too? I think I am getting this Tico language. Also love this new one I heard yesterday! Guacala.. means gross, or ugly, or not good, or not desirable. GUACALA!! I don’t know if that is spelled right but I laughed this morning thinking about it I really like some of these phrases they use.

I was invited to a bbq today at Camilla house not Canella as I thought… But I don’t know if I want to go, I didn’t sleep a whole lot last night, because I went out with Helene and four of her friends Angelic, Beth, the other one I don’t know, and Camilla. The five of us went to this Gay Discothèque, its on the way to Heradura, we took a taxi, and it was really kinda cool considering this is Costa Rica. I am not surprised as most Gay men do an excellent job of decorating and designing.

The place was quite large, all dark of course. The walls were covered with CDs, I mean CDS everywhere, the ceiling the walls the bar everywhere, it looked really cool… I liked it in fact, when the music was playing the lights were flashing and it made really awesome reflections off the CDS, I am sure they saw this some where, I dunno how did they think of that? it’s a simple concept and it was I am more than sure a difficult application, but it was probably pretty inexpensive, and it was quite effective! GOT MY APPROVAL!

I had no idea we were going to this place, they said they were going to a good place where the tourist hardly go, so I said sure I am always up for dancing! Since I am not jazzercising I jumped at this opportunity. Well I think I over dressed, I really do not have very many clothes here, so I thought it was a upscale club but I was of course too dressed up, I didn’t care I danced anyhow and by myself DONE THAT ALLOT in the states.. there wasn’t many people there until really late when the show started, YEAH there was a show I was unaware of that too… Really gorgeous Men I mean Gorgeous!! God I was smiling, not laughing or embarrassed just smiling cause it was nice to see beautiful men with bodies to die for. Not there isn’t any here, but these guys were divine…

Incredible bodies not over done, and the faces wow… like models. A couple of them were straight, the other three were gay of course. Anyhow they did this strip show, I had no idea that this was the point of the evening… but I sat and watched and it was kinda interesting. They did not get completely naked so it was very tasteful and very well choreographed. The people at this club were all dressed nice, and I could see they seemed to be a good mix of different types. We left around 2:00 the club was still going but I wanted to get home so three of us took a cab to the monkey bar where they wanted to hang out for a while, but we didn’t go in there were far to many people in there now… and they enclosed it and added air conditioning now. God has this place changed since I got here back in the middle of the year! Wow it went from some primitive things to now very up to speed? Kinda scares me honestly.

I stood outside and talked for about 20 minutes, two very handsome American men walked passed us thinking we were all Ticas, said wow look at those three BEAUTIFUL WOMEN! And one smiled at me and winked… I didn’t smile back but I was flattered.

At that point I was ready to get the heck out of there and go home so I hailed a cab and left but when I got the house the Gate was locked and the keys were not in my pocket… I had to pay the taxi driver to jump the gate and to help me get in. GOD AT THAT HOUR THREE AM! But oh well I did it and it was fine. I slept till 8 until I head hilarious laughter from the soda, This soda is making a fortune I am sure… tons of people constantly here GOD IM HATING IT NOW… it was not like this when I got this place back in August, people were always there but it was quiet. Now it is like roaring crowds, I need a good stereo system to blast the noise out! Lol… I been playing the computer with Cds but I need more music, Limewire helps but it takes forever to down load here. I made Coffee moped around then ate some eggs French bread and fresh Pineapple. Watched the birdies come right to the porch now! Can’t wait to get that feeder up!

Yesterday was hotter than a fritter, I could hardly bear it, I wore a skirt but it was still blazing I stopped and talked to a few people I now know a bit, and I tried to find the palm guy who makes things with palms, as I want the top of the bird feeder to resemble a rancho, but he was no where to be found.

I ended up at Jaco sole, and talked to Camilla and Angelic, then went to pachis is the little bakery here there are two bakeries. I had some rice pudding with lots of cinnamon and a diet coke.. wow was that ever refreshing, I neved knew how refreshing rice pudding is??? It cooled me down like fast? So I guess that will be my once in a while treat..

Came home to make a grilled bacon gorgonzola, and apple sandwich, with Diet pepsi, and listen to Mariah Carey’s new CD. Love her! I don’t know how I can be the age I am not feel like I am this old and yet I love everything new and up and coming? ?I guess I will always be Young at heart!

Well I suppose I should think about the BBQ I really do not want to be alone here today since I hear so many people everywhere, and even the Landlord is in his house in the back of me, with tons of people having a party too… I dunno? Lets see what the day brings!

Friday, December 30, 2005

The Children for the fiesta we did, they are all fatherless and were so appreciated everything they got, some hotdogs cake and small gifts, a pinata` and candy.

These are the cards we had them make there moms
This is what I see almost everynight... So beautiful!

Well its almost New years, although you would think if you were here that it already is. The Fireworks have been blasting since before Christmas! I plan on going out dancing and not drinking but ringing in the new year with a smile.

I woke yesterday to loud people down at the soda, the amount of tourist here is incredible... they are every where all over the beach in the campgrounds on ths streets in any thing that is rentable and not rentable.. So the buzz of the plates and clammor of the morning talk was heavy and woke me at 6:00 am. I proceeded to clean up the floors as usual and then get ready for the day. I wanted to make the bird feeder so I began on that when I realized that one of the fittings was too small... this is typical here nothing is easy... I had to ride the bike all the way into town for one little tiny piece which I did and then found some other fun things to do like people watch... Wow the people, I rode like I fit in around cars taxis and trucks avoding watering hoses because people stand in the streets and shoot water when its hot and lots of traffic so Didn't get wet once darn it!

I went to a couple of places looking for an organizer for my tools but to my dicontent there were one to be found.. So I decided to eat at this soda I heard about and when I got there there was a line of people half way down the street. Its the first one I have seen that has like a smorgashboard!!! wow so I was boring and had Arroz con pollo, with fruit and some ice tea. I could have more but I am not doing jazzercise only riding and walking and so I didn't want the extra calories.
I saw some freinds they invited me to there place so After I went to the house to make the bird feeder I rode back to town and visisted with Helene she is the lady that does my pedicures, and her friend cannella. She kinda looked cinnamon too! I stayed for awhile they invited me to go a new disco with them at eight so I rushed home to see the sunset and eat a little something... and watched the sun go down and waited for them to come but they never I listend to music which I need more I am bored of the CDS now... and went to bed
today I got up early finished my poles on the porch with the windchimes and the potted plants and humming birds visited me the first time. Very big ones.. then Igot ready to come to DEl mar where the people are like ants I talk to the same ladies I been talking to every time I am here... they sit in the same chairs all the time. So Its nice to have someone American to talk to...

Now I am off to do some things in town and well see what happens today I missed the farmers market for the second time I forgot they do it on Thursday... because of the holiday! Well Happy New Years to all of you and GOD BLESS PURA VIDA!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Day After Christmas was spent riding around accomplishing nothing. I was trying to get a pedicure, that didn’t happen she was busy. I went to go see about a lid for my bird feeder that I am making that is going to be about 8 feet tall. I bought a piece of Aluminum pipe for the stand, since its very humid here and rains, I thought aluminum will not be affected by the weather. I also bought a huge pizza pan, and two clamps, and then I thought of a cover so that the rain doesn’t affect the food. So I found an aluminum Pot lid and it’s perfect. I plan on attaching some palm leaves to the lid so it looks more natural and maybe decorative too. What I will do is drill a hole through the pan and attached the clamps top and bottom then drill a hole through the lid and put a bolt with three washers and a molly inside the pipe so it stays put. Then digging in the ground and mounting the whole thing.

It needs to be tall since all the birds land on the tops of the trees, the trees here are enormous, so this will be short in comparisons to the tree, But they will be able to see it from above. I really want to see how many birds I can attract with this Feeder. It if works I may make them and sell them. I got this idea, because I was looking around in every store, I even went to Oratina, San Jose and Escaszu. There were no feeders anywhere.

On Christmas morning, I Saw so many birds, that I decided that I really wanted a feeder here, so I can sit on the back balcony, looking at the ocean, and watch the birds in all the trees.

I finally have all the pieces but it took four trips, things are not easy here. Then I was going to go the nursery where I bought my fish tale palm and talk to them about it, it now has a fungus and it killed four limbs. I Saw it when they brought it but I didn’t think it was that bad. Now it is. But I never got there. It was closed by the time I rode my bike. So I rode a couple of miles to a little store on the main highway, which I may add is very busy right now wow…. Tons of people. Then I rode back in the dark on the same highway carring groceries to the house.

Yesterday was spent getting the pedicure, but Hélène’s place is so dirty that I could hardly stand it, So I told her I would clean and organize the shop for her, and that It was my Christmas gift. She has tons of souvenirs, all in bags all over the place, dust and dirt, and gifts but nothing is in order its just thrown all over.. me being the neat nick I am was going nuts looking at it. So after the pedicure I spent about two or so hours cleaning and organizing, then I realized that she lived there in the back when I went to use the restroom. I was sad and shocked. She has a bed like mine, a TV a radio, a hot plate and a washer in the shower. Yes there is a shower there. But its only divided by a short wall to the shop. She told me she pays $300 a month so I suppose she lost her house she told me about and is now living there? Anyway I did it out of my heart, and she was thrilled. She didn’t want me pay for the pedicure but I knew she needed the money and I was happy that she made my feet feel so dang good. Besides it was only c 3000 colones

After I went to this little shop and bought a Costa Rican lamp made of palm stems from the fruit of the palm, which I have used in arrangements in the states, and coco fiber bleached white stretched over a frame to look like a bud of a flower, but it didn’t have any electrical, then I bought two pillow covers from India one a copper color and one a pink with gold threads, they were only 7 dollars each so I thought that was a good price, besides I been looking at them for months now debating weather I should get them.. Never would I do that in the states. I think that my mind is different here; I worry but not anything like I did in the USA. I also bought a cool wind chime. Made of bamboo, probably could have made it myself but it had a wooden toucan on the top a big one and all hand painted for 10 bucks its large so I felt that was a good price too! It was made here so if I ever get visitors they can see what things come from the area.

It sounds silly even to me that I want these things, what good are they? Money spent on trivial things?? But Its material things that make me feel good, I love esthetics, all my life since I was a little girl my mother would have me do all the set up for her dinner parties she would have me decorate the house for every occasion, she would have me find her beautiful things for accents in the house starting as far back as I could remember about age 7. So It’s ingrained in me to love things of beauty, nature, and life.

Then I went to the Il llagar, the hard ware store.. that took about three hours to get across that I needed a lamp fixture, which you find in the states everywhere even at Target I believe?? But here they never heard of it, they thought I was nuts and one guy there said its mucho travajo to try to make one. I insisted it was not and that they should show me the pieces and I will make it myself! So after hours of that… I got the plug, the lamp fitting, and the electrical wire.

I was Riding the white coop de ville, ( SO TOM CALLS IT SAYS MY BIKE LOOKS LIKE A CONVERTIBLE CADDY ) cause its all white with a big white leather seat. Always have liked caddies! When I saw Dennis this American I met on the bus from Oratina, he owns a house here and is from upstate New York. He stopped me in the street, then we went to Poncho villa’s and sat out on the porch and had a mechilada. LOVE THOSE!! When all of a sudden it began to rain and I mean rain hard.. here I had all the stuff loaded on the bike, and it was sitting in the rain god! Oh well Pura vida… I drank the beer we talked and it got dark.. I decided to go for it so I told him have a great rest of the week and I rode off in the dark and in the pouring rain. I put a bag on my head so my pig tales wouldn’t get wet.. and that was hilarious.

As I rode the bag caught the wind and reared back. So It was pretty funny people looking at me in the dark with a bag on my head. I got home fine, just soaked to the bone.. it was cool but not chilly.
Going in the house in the dark with all my stuff wet, was a bit tiring, but Then dried off and changed and put my sarong on. I made some rice pilaf for dinner and drank some water with lemon, sat out on the front deck and watched TV that is at the soda down the way. You can see the TV from my porch.

There were lots of people there last night and it was loud, making me a little upset not much but it was very loud, and every few minutes there was a blast of fireworks DANG IT JUST LIKE VANCOUVER!

Early to bed, This morning I rose early as have been doing, cleaned up the floors and swept outside then I heard the phone guys they were here at 8:00 ready to install the line for the phone!!! YEAH I HAVE A REAL PHONE!!! It took three of them to do it, one to look one to direct and one to actually do it.. laughing the whole time thinking how primitive since you can make a call in the states and have it the next day if not that day! It actually took three weeks here which is not long compared to last time two and half months? But Hey No Internet till April now so God I don’t know how I can continue to internet at places.. its hard.

I heard Toucans this morning and I still do,, but cannot locate them on the tops of the trees, there has been lots of birds and parrots all kinds of different parrots green little ones peach faced flocks of those, parakeets, orioles, white faced parrots, macaws, and more. More than I saw before when I was here.. Maybe tomorrow I go up the mountain for hike and see if I see monkeys and sloth’s and more animals? Maybe depends on what I get accomplished today, I need to go the nursery, and then to Terry’s house to borrow some tools. Hes the American I met a few weeks ago and went to dinner with last week.

It has been raining so the weather is nice, cooler than it has been, around 75 or 78.. so its tolerable. Lots of tourist’s here by the thousands.. the beach is full. So are the streets.. pray I ride safe, with all the quads, and motorcycles, cars, taxis, bikes, trucks. They all use the same roads.

I have been busy with projects, as soon as I can down load photos I will show what I have made. My porches are getting very interesting, with plants and flowers furniture and candles, now wind chimes and some hanging plant devices I came up with VERY COOL! Birds are liking my place.. hope the iguanas stay out! The GEKOS love it here… there cute little things that kiss all the time making a kissing sound. I love um!

Monday, December 26, 2005

A Merry Christmas

It was two days before Christmas, I decided to go into town, get a pedicure, and see about buying my things for Trish’s Christmas dinner. I got to the Century 21 and Went in to say hello, They invited me to an open house on the beach in Hermosa, but I didn’t have a ride.
Carlos said he would pick me up, and then this gal in the office offered a ride said she lived there and it would be on her way. So I ran down to Helene’s to get a pedicure but she was busy and I waited for more than a hour, ate and waited. But it got to late so no pedicure before Christmas.

I left to rush to the house, so that I wouldn’t miss this gal, but hours went by and no one showed up. So I went in to change and just as I began to change my clothes someone knocked on the window, I have a sliding glass window for a door. It was her at first I was happy that she showed but after getting in the car, I realized I probably would have been better off just staying home. She tore out of the driveway like her tail was on fire. I barely had time to clip the seatbelt and already I knew that I better hold on tight. She claimed she never had wreck or killed anyone, but I swear you couldn’t convinced me of that, by the way she was driving! We ripped down the road barely missing this lady and her , baby on a bike. Scared the daylights out of me… poor lady… Then we went to where she thought the house was, but there was not a soul around? Then to another area where I thought perhaps it may be but again no one or no cars that either of us recognized.

Being that is was in Hermosa, which is about 15 miles or so away, it was a ways back to Jaco. She then began saying, What am I going to do with you now? I don’t know if I should take you to this other place, ok now lets go back, when were were driving down the road she told me that her neighborhood was having a fiesta for Christmas, and that there were many people there.

She is a dyke, and I could tell that after she had me in the car and I commented on her driving she was not exactly happy with me. In other words, she became angry now that we couldn’t find the house and she was stuck with me… and me not being gay, well that I am sure, surely didn’t make her happy. I couldn’t tell honestly if she was a he or a she? But she got rude and angry, and I just never said a word. We got to the neighbor hood,and as she said, there was allot of people there. We got out of the car and I saw someone setting up a karaoke machine in the middle of a lawn or park area.

We walked in, she went off, didn’t introduce me to anyone, there many little children sitting on a board like bench and many people sitting on this board like bench all the way around the area. Someone was cooking some pig over a fire in a bit pot, boiling it in oil. There was Mashed Yukka root, and salasa, but no tortillas. She was talking to people she obviously recognized and I sat alone on the board. There were five or six chairs but they looked occupied by either these European looking people, or ticos, and or Two Americans. I ate some and drank a beer and watched the Karaoke, guy do his thing. You had to see his shirt, it said a foul word on, but I don’t think he knew what it meant.. or he may not have worn it to a Christmas Celebration.

To make it short, we only stayed a short time,and she Rushed to take me back and was rude the whole way back. I really didn’t talk, I just listened to her brag and complain and insult.

I got back to thinking about going back to the store, so I grabbed a taxi went to the store and bought the things I needed to make an Apple pie and some canoli.

Shopped around a bunch of people and came home to clean up and listen to the live music next door. They were celebrating, the funniest thing was they were playing later some disco music and they played wake me up for you go go… I laughed and sang along.

This morning I got up to the birds singing loudly as usual, drank coffee on the porch ate some breakfast, then rode in the heat to town the hardware store to get a pipe some fittings, a aluminum plate, a saw and some nylon twine. I wanted to make some bamboo posts with extensions, on the ends. Strapped these to the railing on the deck and hang flower pots from them, and Make a shelve out of timber bamboo.

So I spent most of the morning in town trying to do that, and then to store for a couple of things I forgot to get for someone as a gift.

I came back to a flooded apartment, the one down stairs had water pouring out of it, so I tired to open the windows to get in and to see where the water was coming from, but I couldn’t open any windows. Its UN occupied. I tried again and got one of the windows up and out. I got in to find that the pipe in the bathroom had burst and I shut off the main. It took hours to sweep all the water out to the front door but I did it then I called Carlos in San José to warn him and to tell him I took care of it. But he didn’t answer. If I hadn’t shut off the water, I would probably not have any water for myself since it’s a holding basin for all the apartments. I instantly thought about that, and how long was that water going? Who knows but It was at least eight or more inches deep in both bedrooms.

Then I carried on with my project, making the pies, and canoli which I found after I had everything done I had no oil to make the shells for the canoli. It is difficult here to do things with out the proper tools or supplies. I didn’t even have a rolling pin and I did it with a wine bottle.

Zachery showed up, so I put him to work on painting the statues, and cutting me some timber Bamboo for the porch and this shelve I want to make with Large bamboo and glass. I will take a photo when I am done.
He complained the whole time he was working, hate to see what he will be like in about 20 years. He would be an old man with his cane beating up little children as they walked by or sitting for hours doing nothing but complaining about the day… Lol I thought it was funny, as women and we all know this… can do twice if not three times more and still have energy to do more.

Ok now as for the Christmas tree, here they only use a tree on the porch all decorated, and generally not everyone, but everyone does have the nativity scene in there house. If it’s a real tree its an arborvitae, so it looks strange to me.

They shoot off fireworks everywhere like the forth of July in the states? And they begin the celebration of Christmas at noon on the 24th.

I have no porch tree, or decorations, no nativity nothing… but I will be going to Trish’s house in the evning to watch the sun set and have a turkey dinner. Should be different, since its going to be all women??? Two which I have met and well lets just say I am not fond of either yet.

Now the huge Fireworks are flying sounding like cannons, here I thought I was getting away from that in Washington where they shoot off fireworks from new years to the forth of July, loud as anything and well Its here too.

The morning of Christmas, I got up to singing birds as usual, but I worked on cleaning up the place and making my poles with pots hanging from them for the back porch.
I used the timber Bamboo which is about 6 and half inches in diameter, and some smaller pieces for the cross bars to hang potted plants from the porch. It is all cement so poses for a difficult situation should you try to hang something from the eve. Besides It not my place or I would drill. After working on that for several hours, I went then for a walk on the beach, and strolled down the la playa seeing many people surfing, eating and basking in the sun.

I walked to Trish’s house to tell her that I needed a ride later for the pie the cake and the wine and gifts I was bringing, since it would be hard on the bike to try to carry all that! But she was not home. So I walked back to the house, Trish lives about a mile away. I showered and got ready to go to her house for the celebration dinner. She did call and came to pick me up, but before we got to the house she found out her horse was out… Now the sun was going down and the whole point of dinner was based around the sunset!! JUST MY LUCK!! We had to drive around looking to see if we could find the horses… but we didn’t I pointed out that the sun was setting and they we should back to the guests, I hadn’t met. We did and there were more than just women there. There were several American Men and about five with me six American Women.

The dinner went well under candle light and out on the porch overlooking the Sea, her house sits right on the beach, she has four apartments there that she rents out. WHAT A SWEET SITUATION…. If only something like this could develop for me? I need something to happen in order for me to survive here aside from working day and night.

Dinner was great, all the food was good and my pie well it was fair, they thought it was wonderfull, but It was the worst pie I ever made. The crust was too thick and I didn’t have any cinnamon for the filling. Mom would have croaked eating that. It tasted good but it was not my opinion of a great pie. I need to work on perfecting things here, its hard with no tools and very little materials to work it. In time I am sure I will accomplish the ways of life here.

Eating way too much, I decided to leave a little early, the people were nice enough with the exception of a couple of catty women who I ignored, didn’t want to give place to any thing but happy thoughts as I was missing my family and friends, and listening to the gossip was making me upset. So I told them I needed to talk to my children and I walked home in the dark. My belly full and really hurting from all the turkey dressing green beans, cranberry pie and cake… oh yeah and mashed potatoes that were like Brandon would say SOUP! HAAAAA and I didn’t make um! They were instant I could tell gross but hey it was a good dinner!
Got home and called the kids and laughed and cried after I hung up missing them on Christmas night, and thinking about my grand kids.
A Merry Christmas

It was two days before Christmas, I decided to go into town, get a pedicure, and see about buying my things for Trish’s Christmas dinner. I got to the Century 21 and Went in to say hello, They invited me to an open house on the beach in Hermosa, but I didn’t have a ride.
Carlos said he would pick me up, and then this gal in the office offered a ride said she lived there and it would be on her way. So I ran down to Helene’s to get a pedicure but she was busy and I waited for more than a hour, ate and waited. But it got to late so no pedicure before Christmas.

I left to rush to the house, so that I wouldn’t miss this gal, but hours went by and no one showed up. So I went in to change and just as I began to change my clothes someone knocked on the window, I have a sliding glass window for a door. It was her at first I was happy that she showed but after getting in the car, I realized I probably would have been better off just staying home. She tore out of the driveway like her tail was on fire. I barely had time to clip the seatbelt and already I knew that I better hold on tight. She claimed she never had wreck or killed anyone, but I swear you couldn’t convinced me of that, by the way she was driving! We ripped down the road barely missing this lady and her , baby on a bike. Scared the daylights out of me… poor lady… Then we went to where she thought the house was, but there was not a soul around? Then to another area where I thought perhaps it may be but again no one or no cars that either of us recognized.

Being that is was in Hermosa, which is about 15 miles or so away, it was a ways back to Jaco. She then began saying, What am I going to do with you now? I don’t know if I should take you to this other place, ok now lets go back, when were were driving down the road she told me that her neighborhood was having a fiesta for Christmas, and that there were many people there.

She is a dyke, and I could tell that after she had me in the car and I commented on her driving she was not exactly happy with me. In other words, she became angry now that we couldn’t find the house and she was stuck with me… and me not being gay, well that I am sure, surely didn’t make her happy. I couldn’t tell honestly if she was a he or a she? But she got rude and angry, and I just never said a word. We got to the neighbor hood,and as she said, there was allot of people there. We got out of the car and I saw someone setting up a karaoke machine in the middle of a lawn or park area.

We walked in, she went off, didn’t introduce me to anyone, there many little children sitting on a board like bench and many people sitting on this board like bench all the way around the area. Someone was cooking some pig over a fire in a bit pot, boiling it in oil. There was Mashed Yukka root, and salasa, but no tortillas. She was talking to people she obviously recognized and I sat alone on the board. There were five or six chairs but they looked occupied by either these European looking people, or ticos, and or Two Americans. I ate some and drank a beer and watched the Karaoke, guy do his thing. You had to see his shirt, it said a foul word on, but I don’t think he knew what it meant.. or he may not have worn it to a Christmas Celebration.

To make it short, we only stayed a short time,and she Rushed to take me back and was rude the whole way back. I really didn’t talk, I just listened to her brag and complain and insult.

I got back to thinking about going back to the store, so I grabbed a taxi went to the store and bought the things I needed to make an Apple pie and some canoli.

Shopped around a bunch of people and came home to clean up and listen to the live music next door. They were celebrating, the funniest thing was they were playing later some disco music and they played wake me up for you go go… I laughed and sang along.

This morning I got up to the birds singing loudly as usual, drank coffee on the porch ate some breakfast, then rode in the heat to town the hardware store to get a pipe some fittings, a aluminum plate, a saw and some nylon twine. I wanted to make some bamboo posts with extensions, on the ends. Strapped these to the railing on the deck and hang flower pots from them, and Make a shelve out of timber bamboo.

So I spent most of the morning in town trying to do that, and then to store for a couple of things I forgot to get for someone as a gift.

I came back to a flooded apartment, the one down stairs had water pouring out of it, so I tired to open the windows to get in and to see where the water was coming from, but I couldn’t open any windows. Its UN occupied. I tried again and got one of the windows up and out. I got in to find that the pipe in the bathroom had burst and I shut off the main. It took hours to sweep all the water out to the front door but I did it then I called Carlos in San José to warn him and to tell him I took care of it. But he didn’t answer. If I hadn’t shut off the water, I would probably not have any water for myself since it’s a holding basin for all the apartments. I instantly thought about that, and how long was that water going? Who knows but It was at least eight or more inches deep in both bedrooms.

Then I carried on with my project, making the pies, and canoli which I found after I had everything done I had no oil to make the shells for the canoli. It is difficult here to do things with out the proper tools or supplies. I didn’t even have a rolling pin and I did it with a wine bottle.

Zachery showed up, so I put him to work on painting the statues, and cutting me some timber Bamboo for the porch and this shelve I want to make with Large bamboo and glass. I will take a photo when I am done.
He complained the whole time he was working, hate to see what he will be like in about 20 years. He would be an old man with his cane beating up little children as they walked by or sitting for hours doing nothing but complaining about the day… Lol I thought it was funny, as women and we all know this… can do twice if not three times more and still have energy to do more.

Ok now as for the Christmas tree, here they only use a tree on the porch all decorated, and generally not everyone, but everyone does have the nativity scene in there house. If it’s a real tree its an arborvitae, so it looks strange to me.

They shoot off fireworks everywhere like the forth of July in the states? And they begin the celebration of Christmas at noon on the 24th.

I have no porch tree, or decorations, no nativity nothing… but I will be going to Trish’s house in the evning to watch the sun set and have a turkey dinner. Should be different, since its going to be all women??? Two which I have met and well lets just say I am not fond of either yet.

Now the huge Fireworks are flying sounding like cannons, here I thought I was getting away from that in Washington where they shoot off fireworks from new years to the forth of July, loud as anything and well Its here too.

The morning of Christmas, I got up to singing birds as usual, but I worked on cleaning up the place and making my poles with pots hanging from them for the back porch.
I used the timber Bamboo which is about 6 and half inches in diameter, and some smaller pieces for the cross bars to hang potted plants from the porch. It is all cement so poses for a difficult situation should you try to hang something from the eve. Besides It not my place or I would drill. After working on that for several hours, I went then for a walk on the beach, and strolled down the la playa seeing many people surfing, eating and basking in the sun.

I walked to Trish’s house to tell her that I needed a ride later for the pie the cake and the wine and gifts I was bringing, since it would be hard on the bike to try to carry all that! But she was not home. So I walked back to the house, Trish lives about a mile away. I showered and got ready to go to her house for the celebration dinner. She did call and came to pick me up, but before we got to the house she found out her horse was out… Now the sun was going down and the whole point of dinner was based around the sunset!! JUST MY LUCK!! We had to drive around looking to see if we could find the horses… but we didn’t I pointed out that the sun was setting and they we should back to the guests, I hadn’t met. We did and there were more than just women there. There were several American Men and about five with me six American Women.

The dinner went well under candle light and out on the porch overlooking the Sea, her house sits right on the beach, she has four apartments there that she rents out. WHAT A SWEET SITUATION…. If only something like this could develop for me? I need something to happen in order for me to survive here aside from working day and night.

Dinner was great, all the food was good and my pie well it was fair, they thought it was wonderfull, but It was the worst pie I ever made. The crust was too thick and I didn’t have any cinnamon for the filling. Mom would have croaked eating that. It tasted good but it was not my opinion of a great pie. I need to work on perfecting things here, its hard with no tools and very little materials to work it. In time I am sure I will accomplish the ways of life here.

Eating way too much, I decided to leave a little early, the people were nice enough with the exception of a couple of catty women who I ignored, didn’t want to give place to any thing but happy thoughts as I was missing my family and friends, and listening to the gossip was making me upset. So I told them I needed to talk to my children and I walked home in the dark. My belly full and really hurting from all the turkey dressing green beans, cranberry pie and cake… oh yeah and mashed potatoes that were like Brandon would say SOUP! HAAAAA and I didn’t make um! They were instant I could tell gross but hey it was a good dinner!
Got home and called the kids and laughed and cried after I hung up missing them on Christmas night, and thinking about my grand kids.
A Merry Christmas

It was two days before Christmas, I decided to go into town, get a pedicure, and see about buying my things for Trish’s Christmas dinner. I got to the Century 21 and Went in to say hello, They invited me to an open house on the beach in Hermosa, but I didn’t have a ride.
Carlos said he would pick me up, and then this gal in the office offered a ride said she lived there and it would be on her way. So I ran down to Helene’s to get a pedicure but she was busy and I waited for more than a hour, ate and waited. But it got to late so no pedicure before Christmas.

I left to rush to the house, so that I wouldn’t miss this gal, but hours went by and no one showed up. So I went in to change and just as I began to change my clothes someone knocked on the window, I have a sliding glass window for a door. It was her at first I was happy that she showed but after getting in the car, I realized I probably would have been better off just staying home. She tore out of the driveway like her tail was on fire. I barely had time to clip the seatbelt and already I knew that I better hold on tight. She claimed she never had wreck or killed anyone, but I swear you couldn’t convinced me of that, by the way she was driving! We ripped down the road barely missing this lady and her , baby on a bike. Scared the daylights out of me… poor lady… Then we went to where she thought the house was, but there was not a soul around? Then to another area where I thought perhaps it may be but again no one or no cars that either of us recognized.

Being that is was in Hermosa, which is about 15 miles or so away, it was a ways back to Jaco. She then began saying, What am I going to do with you now? I don’t know if I should take you to this other place, ok now lets go back, when were were driving down the road she told me that her neighborhood was having a fiesta for Christmas, and that there were many people there.

She is a dyke, and I could tell that after she had me in the car and I commented on her driving she was not exactly happy with me. In other words, she became angry now that we couldn’t find the house and she was stuck with me… and me not being gay, well that I am sure, surely didn’t make her happy. I couldn’t tell honestly if she was a he or a she? But she got rude and angry, and I just never said a word. We got to the neighbor hood,and as she said, there was allot of people there. We got out of the car and I saw someone setting up a karaoke machine in the middle of a lawn or park area.

We walked in, she went off, didn’t introduce me to anyone, there many little children sitting on a board like bench and many people sitting on this board like bench all the way around the area. Someone was cooking some pig over a fire in a bit pot, boiling it in oil. There was Mashed Yukka root, and salasa, but no tortillas. She was talking to people she obviously recognized and I sat alone on the board. There were five or six chairs but they looked occupied by either these European looking people, or ticos, and or Two Americans. I ate some and drank a beer and watched the Karaoke, guy do his thing. You had to see his shirt, it said a foul word on, but I don’t think he knew what it meant.. or he may not have worn it to a Christmas Celebration.

To make it short, we only stayed a short time,and she Rushed to take me back and was rude the whole way back. I really didn’t talk, I just listened to her brag and complain and insult.

I got back to thinking about going back to the store, so I grabbed a taxi went to the store and bought the things I needed to make an Apple pie and some canoli.

Shopped around a bunch of people and came home to clean up and listen to the live music next door. They were celebrating, the funniest thing was they were playing later some disco music and they played wake me up for you go go… I laughed and sang along.

This morning I got up to the birds singing loudly as usual, drank coffee on the porch ate some breakfast, then rode in the heat to town the hardware store to get a pipe some fittings, a aluminum plate, a saw and some nylon twine. I wanted to make some bamboo posts with extensions, on the ends. Strapped these to the railing on the deck and hang flower pots from them, and Make a shelve out of timber bamboo.

So I spent most of the morning in town trying to do that, and then to store for a couple of things I forgot to get for someone as a gift.

I came back to a flooded apartment, the one down stairs had water pouring out of it, so I tired to open the windows to get in and to see where the water was coming from, but I couldn’t open any windows. Its UN occupied. I tried again and got one of the windows up and out. I got in to find that the pipe in the bathroom had burst and I shut off the main. It took hours to sweep all the water out to the front door but I did it then I called Carlos in San José to warn him and to tell him I took care of it. But he didn’t answer. If I hadn’t shut off the water, I would probably not have any water for myself since it’s a holding basin for all the apartments. I instantly thought about that, and how long was that water going? Who knows but It was at least eight or more inches deep in both bedrooms.

Then I carried on with my project, making the pies, and canoli which I found after I had everything done I had no oil to make the shells for the canoli. It is difficult here to do things with out the proper tools or supplies. I didn’t even have a rolling pin and I did it with a wine bottle.

Zachery showed up, so I put him to work on painting the statues, and cutting me some timber Bamboo for the porch and this shelve I want to make with Large bamboo and glass. I will take a photo when I am done.
He complained the whole time he was working, hate to see what he will be like in about 20 years. He would be an old man with his cane beating up little children as they walked by or sitting for hours doing nothing but complaining about the day… Lol I thought it was funny, as women and we all know this… can do twice if not three times more and still have energy to do more.

Ok now as for the Christmas tree, here they only use a tree on the porch all decorated, and generally not everyone, but everyone does have the nativity scene in there house. If it’s a real tree its an arborvitae, so it looks strange to me.

They shoot off fireworks everywhere like the forth of July in the states? And they begin the celebration of Christmas at noon on the 24th.

I have no porch tree, or decorations, no nativity nothing… but I will be going to Trish’s house in the evning to watch the sun set and have a turkey dinner. Should be different, since its going to be all women??? Two which I have met and well lets just say I am not fond of either yet.

Now the huge Fireworks are flying sounding like cannons, here I thought I was getting away from that in Washington where they shoot off fireworks from new years to the forth of July, loud as anything and well Its here too.

The morning of Christmas, I got up to singing birds as usual, but I worked on cleaning up the place and making my poles with pots hanging from them for the back porch.
I used the timber Bamboo which is about 6 and half inches in diameter, and some smaller pieces for the cross bars to hang potted plants from the porch. It is all cement so poses for a difficult situation should you try to hang something from the eve. Besides It not my place or I would drill. After working on that for several hours, I went then for a walk on the beach, and strolled down the la playa seeing many people surfing, eating and basking in the sun.

I walked to Trish’s house to tell her that I needed a ride later for the pie the cake and the wine and gifts I was bringing, since it would be hard on the bike to try to carry all that! But she was not home. So I walked back to the house, Trish lives about a mile away. I showered and got ready to go to her house for the celebration dinner. She did call and came to pick me up, but before we got to the house she found out her horse was out… Now the sun was going down and the whole point of dinner was based around the sunset!! JUST MY LUCK!! We had to drive around looking to see if we could find the horses… but we didn’t I pointed out that the sun was setting and they we should back to the guests, I hadn’t met. We did and there were more than just women there. There were several American Men and about five with me six American Women.

The dinner went well under candle light and out on the porch overlooking the Sea, her house sits right on the beach, she has four apartments there that she rents out. WHAT A SWEET SITUATION…. If only something like this could develop for me? I need something to happen in order for me to survive here aside from working day and night.

Dinner was great, all the food was good and my pie well it was fair, they thought it was wonderfull, but It was the worst pie I ever made. The crust was too thick and I didn’t have any cinnamon for the filling. Mom would have croaked eating that. It tasted good but it was not my opinion of a great pie. I need to work on perfecting things here, its hard with no tools and very little materials to work it. In time I am sure I will accomplish the ways of life here.

Eating way too much, I decided to leave a little early, the people were nice enough with the exception of a couple of catty women who I ignored, didn’t want to give place to any thing but happy thoughts as I was missing my family and friends, and listening to the gossip was making me upset. So I told them I needed to talk to my children and I walked home in the dark. My belly full and really hurting from all the turkey dressing green beans, cranberry pie and cake… oh yeah and mashed potatoes that were like Brandon would say SOUP! HAAAAA and I didn’t make um! They were instant I could tell gross but hey it was a good dinner!
Got home and called the kids and laughed and cried after I hung up missing them on Christmas night, and thinking about my grand kids.

Sorry it wont let me add photos but I will keep looking I have tons

Merry Christmas

It was two days before Christmas, I decided to go into town, get a pedicure, and see about buying my things for Trish’s Christmas dinner. I got to the Century 21 and Went in to say hello, They invited me to an open house on the beach in Hermosa, but I didn’t have a ride.
Carlos said he would pick me up, and then this gal in the office offered a ride said she lived there and it would be on her way. So I ran down to Helene’s to get a pedicure but she was busy and I waited for more than a hour, ate and waited. But it got to late so no pedicure before Christmas.

I left to rush to the house, so that I wouldn’t miss this gal, but hours went by and no one showed up. So I went in to change and just as I began to change my clothes someone knocked on the window, I have a sliding glass window for a door. It was her at first I was happy that she showed but after getting in the car, I realized I probably would have been better off just staying home. She tore out of the driveway like her tail was on fire. I barely had time to clip the seatbelt and already I knew that I better hold on tight. She claimed she never had wreck or killed anyone, but I swear you couldn’t convinced me of that, by the way she was driving! We ripped down the road barely missing this lady and her , baby on a bike. Scared the daylights out of me… poor lady… Then we went to where she thought the house was, but there was not a soul around? Then to another area where I thought perhaps it may be but again no one or no cars that either of us recognized.

Being that is was in Hermosa, which is about 15 miles or so away, it was a ways back to Jaco. She then began saying, What am I going to do with you now? I don’t know if I should take you to this other place, ok now lets go back, when were were driving down the road she told me that her neighborhood was having a fiesta for Christmas, and that there were many people there.

She is a dyke, and I could tell that after she had me in the car and I commented on her driving she was not exactly happy with me. In other words, she became angry now that we couldn’t find the house and she was stuck with me… and me not being gay, well that I am sure, surely didn’t make her happy. I couldn’t tell honestly if she was a he or a she? But she got rude and angry, and I just never said a word. We got to the neighbor hood,and as she said, there was allot of people there. We got out of the car and I saw someone setting up a karaoke machine in the middle of a lawn or park area.

We walked in, she went off, didn’t introduce me to anyone, there many little children sitting on a board like bench and many people sitting on this board like bench all the way around the area. Someone was cooking some pig over a fire in a bit pot, boiling it in oil. There was Mashed Yukka root, and salasa, but no tortillas. She was talking to people she obviously recognized and I sat alone on the board. There were five or six chairs but they looked occupied by either these European looking people, or ticos, and or Two Americans. I ate some and drank a beer and watched the Karaoke, guy do his thing. You had to see his shirt, it said a foul word on, but I don’t think he knew what it meant.. or he may not have worn it to a Christmas Celebration.

To make it short, we only stayed a short time,and she Rushed to take me back and was rude the whole way back. I really didn’t talk, I just listened to her brag and complain and insult.

I got back to thinking about going back to the store, so I grabbed a taxi went to the store and bought the things I needed to make an Apple pie and some canoli.

Shopped around a bunch of people and came home to clean up and listen to the live music next door. They were celebrating, the funniest thing was they were playing later some disco music and they played wake me up for you go go… I laughed and sang along.

This morning I got up to the birds singing loudly as usual, drank coffee on the porch ate some breakfast, then rode in the heat to town the hardware store to get a pipe some fittings, a aluminum plate, a saw and some nylon twine. I wanted to make some bamboo posts with extensions, on the ends. Strapped these to the railing on the deck and hang flower pots from them, and Make a shelve out of timber bamboo.

So I spent most of the morning in town trying to do that, and then to store for a couple of things I forgot to get for someone as a gift.

I came back to a flooded apartment, the one down stairs had water pouring out of it, so I tired to open the windows to get in and to see where the water was coming from, but I couldn’t open any windows. Its UN occupied. I tried again and got one of the windows up and out. I got in to find that the pipe in the bathroom had burst and I shut off the main. It took hours to sweep all the water out to the front door but I did it then I called Carlos in San José to warn him and to tell him I took care of it. But he didn’t answer. If I hadn’t shut off the water, I would probably not have any water for myself since it’s a holding basin for all the apartments. I instantly thought about that, and how long was that water going? Who knows but It was at least eight or more inches deep in both bedrooms.

Then I carried on with my project, making the pies, and canoli which I found after I had everything done I had no oil to make the shells for the canoli. It is difficult here to do things with out the proper tools or supplies. I didn’t even have a rolling pin and I did it with a wine bottle.

Zachery showed up, so I put him to work on painting the statues, and cutting me some timber Bamboo for the porch and this shelve I want to make with Large bamboo and glass. I will take a photo when I am done.
He complained the whole time he was working, hate to see what he will be like in about 20 years. He would be an old man with his cane beating up little children as they walked by or sitting for hours doing nothing but complaining about the day… Lol I thought it was funny, as women and we all know this… can do twice if not three times more and still have energy to do more.

Ok now as for the Christmas tree, here they only use a tree on the porch all decorated, and generally not everyone, but everyone does have the nativity scene in there house. If it’s a real tree its an arborvitae, so it looks strange to me.

They shoot off fireworks everywhere like the forth of July in the states? And they begin the celebration of Christmas at noon on the 24th.

I have no porch tree, or decorations, no nativity nothing… but I will be going to Trish’s house in the evning to watch the sun set and have a turkey dinner. Should be different, since its going to be all women??? Two which I have met and well lets just say I am not fond of either yet.

Now the huge Fireworks are flying sounding like cannons, here I thought I was getting away from that in Washington where they shoot off fireworks from new years to the forth of July, loud as anything and well Its here too.

The morning of Christmas, I got up to singing birds as usual, but I worked on cleaning up the place and making my poles with pots hanging from them for the back porch. I used the timber Bamboo which is about 6 and half inches in diameter, and some smaller pieces for the cross bars to hang potted plants from the porch. It is all cement so poses for a difficult situation should you try to hang something from the eve. Besides It not my place or I would drill. After working on that for several hours, I went then for a walk on the beach, and strolled down the la playa seeing many people surfing, eating and basking in the sun.

I walked to Trish’s house to tell her that I needed a ride later for the pie the cake and the wine and gifts I was bringing, since it would be hard on the bike to try to carry all that! But she was not home. So I walked back to the house, Trish lives about a mile away. I showered and got ready to go to her house for the celebration dinner. She did call and came to pick me up, but before we got to the house she found out her horse was out… Now the sun was going down and the whole point of dinner was based around the sunset!! JUST MY LUCK!! We had to drive around looking to see if we could find the horses… but we didn’t I pointed out that the sun was setting and they we should back to the guests, I hadn’t met. We did and there were more than just women there. There were several American Men and about five with me six American Women.

The dinner went well under candle light and out on the porch overlooking the Sea, her house sits right on the beach, she has four apartments there that she rents out. WHAT A SWEET SITUATION…. If only something like this could develop for me? I need something to happen in order for me to survive here aside from working day and night.

Dinner was great, all the food was good and my pie well it was fair, they thought it was wonderfull, but It was the worst pie I ever made. The crust was too thick and I didn’t have any cinnamon for the filling. Mom would have croaked eating that. It tasted good but it was not my opinion of a great pie. I need to work on perfecting things here, its hard with no tools and very little materials to work it. In time I am sure I will accomplish the ways of life here.

Eating way too much, I decided to leave a little early, the people were nice enough with the exception of a couple of catty women who I ignored, didn’t want to give place to any thing but happy thoughts as I was missing my family and friends, and listening to the gossip was making me upset. So I told them I needed to talk to my children and I walked home in the dark. My belly full and really hurting from all the turkey dressing green beans, cranberry pie and cake… oh yeah and mashed potatoes that were like Brandon would say SOUP! HAAAAA and I didn’t make um! They were instant I could tell gross but hey it was a good dinner!
Got home and called the kids and laughed and cried after I hung up missing them on Christmas night, and thinking about my grand kids.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The bus to

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

THe Fiesta

The Way I thought it was

How strange that I woke to day that was gray and exactly how I imagine the day would be for the Fiesta for the children.
For some reason I had thought that it would be a gray day, and it is.
Last night it really rained hard and it was well needed as it has been hot and dusty, the rain cooled things down, and made everything look brand new.
Yesterday was filled with gathering things that I tried to get donated for the children, like I said Los Suenos gave juices, the drive there is about ten minutes, so Terry took me in the morning.

Then I waited at his place only after making about five phone calls to people to encourage them to give. I was waiting for someone I never met, her name was Jaunita a Canadian with a strange attitude, actually I was not impressed. But she was kind enough to take me to two places, and then she said she had to go so I walked the rest of way to El Centro, Got on line and chatted with Sara, told her what my plan was this week. Then I walked part way home and caught a cab to the house. Cleaned up and then rode back to Amapola to collect some money to possibly buy some hotdogs for the party. I talked to Terry first, he was busy with some tico Mechanic who supposedly fixed his radiator, but really what he did was sand it and paint it and left the hole in the bottom, So when the car heats up it sprays water so anyhow he was busy!

I tried my best to gather donations but most were nil and void, I got up early today to get ready for Trish to wake me, the Roostters were crowing loudly today and the birds were chirping loud even though the skys were gray.

I waited for Trish but she showed up around 9:00 we had to get the tree, which is so funny to me a really ugly one with hardly any ornaments, lets put it this way I guess I am a decorater snob, It certainly wasn’t what I would be known to do but I used it and made the best of all the tacky things they had.. then Trish was exasperated with the whole thing, she was a wreck I was calm thinking this is so simple to me but she has no clue what I have done or anything so I guess she looks at me as simpleton, and someone who is lazy, this is how she acted but I just let her be that way… I encouraged her by saying don not worry its going to be fine. We went o MAs permanos with the 40 bucks that we got for donations, and I threw a 20 in in order to pay for the cakes and the hot dogs. We did all of it in time for her to eat and have a smoke and coffee then she settled down a little. I loaded her truck full of gifts and the tree, which was fake and scrony, and the boom box, and food and drinks and cakes and a microwave.

We also took the ladies from the oficina de mojars,
We went to this small town right before Esterillios, up the beach, and put the feasta together, this was hard because these women didn’t know where to begin and I gave them the clue they didn’t like that. But this was so simple for me it was like I could have done it sleeping because of all the many parties and events I have done that had tons of details and this was really easy, the kids didn’t care about all the details, they wanted gifts… but never the less it got done it was tough for a few minutes since they didn’t trust me to decorate or to do anything! HAAAAAAAA I WAS D YING IN SIDE REALLY but I just let them bumble about and Did my own thing. Later they came to me and apologize I didn’t care I said its ok, but if they really knew what I do they would have been very embarrassed, and frankly may have been a little nicer to me.
Oh well it wasn’t about me anyhow and I knew that so I carried on and the Tico women knew who was who with out me saying a word, they all came to me and told me how much they appreciated all I did and how much the loved the thoughts and love I put into it… so that was all worth it. THE CHILDREN WERE SO ENDEARING AND so thank full for the small gifts we bought. There was 29 of them, it was wonderfull! We had a pinata, cake and hotdogs, games like musical chairs and pass the ball, then they all got there gifts they made hand made cards for there moms, and all were happy when they left.

I came home to an empty house the sun was still up so I got the computer and the bike and rode to Del Mar to internet and blog… and now the sun is down andI will retire for the night.a

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

just a few condos in Los suenos, this development is growing as well as al the other areas in the country ITS TOO BAD I DIDNT GET HERE SOONER to buy at this point I have little opptions but with hope it may happen.
%20Rica%20053.jpg"> Los Suenos

TREESOME, three iguanas mating? wierd...

Fiesta para nino’s y ninas,

Fiesta para nino’s y ninas,

A Party for the little boys and little girls

This is certainly a different Holiday season for me this year, I made a choice to be away from the friends and family, to reside in the beauty of a tropical land and country where poverty and trials are rich, and where the glory of the nature of the land is prevalent.

This Choice I am sure by those who know me find it strange and unusual, because of the past celebrations where I have loved to be around those that are my family and my friends. I have invited for the past few years many people to my home to enjoy the food and the celebration of the season. This year I will celebrate, but in a entirely different manor than in the past. With reason I will miss my children and my darling grandchildren, Kelsey and Julian… next year with gods help, I will be with them and they will really enjoy the Christmas season with there Nonnie.

To a few I am sure they think this is a selfish act, but to me it’s a way of renewing the lost love for Christmas that I had had for several years. I want to do something that is more important than buying gifts for my Family and friends, rushing around like a mad woman trying to fulfill all the pressures that the season bears on people. Yes a form of escape, but also a way to shed some good on others that I have never seen or heard of in many ways. I realize that I have so many gifts that it is necessary for me to share with others in a bigger way, than I have in the past.

It has already began, I have lent a hand to a few people already, I got involved with a battered woman’s shelter but they have no shelter here in Jaco.
I was a battered woman, so this cause has a special place in my heart, to see the children with no father or husband for the woman to take care of them and to provide, mind you I have hardly any money.. but I want to help and make a difference in these childrens lives. A way for me to give back to life, and help others in anyway I can.

I first volunteered to decorate of course, its one of my many gifts, and thought that the children would be happy to see something pretty, then I went with my new friend Trish to see the woman in the office to discuss the details and to ask if we could go to the place where the fiesta was going to take place so I could get an idea of what I needed to buy. Plus what food was needed so they could have a special Christmas party. As we talked of course in Spanish, the woman at the office told us yesterday that there was no food, and that they had not much to work with. I asked them to type a letter and I would take it to places and collect money and get donations to provide a Fiesta for the children, there is about 40 of them that are homeless and live with only there mother.

Trish and a couple of other American ladies have donated toys and gifts such as underwear, hair ties, some food and clothes, and basic necessities. I as well bought some gifts. So After hearing this I Told Trish and the ladies in the office not to worry, that We would find a way.
Immediately, I got my little notebook and wrote down names, and went to Trish’s house and made a few calls with in a hour I had all the wants of the list donated, I went to X mas permanos and they donated candy, I went to magauve and they donated a piñata, I called los Suenos and they donated the juice and then to Cocal and they offered to pay for food, as well as another new acquaintance who volunteered to pay too.

The Problem is that Trish is leaving for San Jose, I have no car to pick up things the party is tomorrow past Hermosa in a small poor town. But the problem will get resolved
Yesterday I ran into another American who is a new friend Terry boone, and he offered to take me to a couple of places today so that problem got resolved with in a moment. And I believe It will all come together.

Last night I sat alone on the balcony with Christmas music playing the cool breeze was blowing , there was no feeling of Christmas at all here except the music I was playing, and it came to me to go and fill the piñata for the children, and to make this a form of celebration for them and me… The music woffted through the whole area here at the south end of the beach, no noise other than the Christmas music of Michael Allen Harrison, I sang loud. Then I noticed that were people sitting across the way Europeans because I heard them talking in something other than Spanish. Listening to the music and enjoying. I watched bicyclers ride by in the dark then looking up to hear the music. It was very interesting and warming to my heart to see how people reacted.

This morning I woke early, I am already getting adjusted to the Costa Rican time frame where you wake early around six, I made delicious coffee and had watermelon, WATERMELON AT CHRISTMAS??? I thought as I sat out on the back balcony looking at the sea in the early morning. Drinking coffee, and eating Sandia, the porch now has a beautiful hand made wooden chair that relaxes at you sit back, and a pretty large dracaena that is dark red with spider plant planted in the bottom. There is another pot with red geraniums and a beautiful jungle orchid that is purple and white, and a large basil plant. I am beginning my garden again. Sitting there I played Holiday music softly and all the birds were joining in while I watched the sea and got ready for the day.

Its time to go and internet, then get on the bike and ride to the office of the battered woman’s, to get more letters so I can collect the donations for tomorrow. Then the rest of the day is up to Pura vida, the pure life… Who knows what today will bring… but I pray good things.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Del mar now,,, and the girls when they put on the show for us last week.

It is Sunday, and I woke up depressed although the sun was shinning, I had a letter yesterday about the house the sale well the people backed out because the house needs some repairs and they felt it was too much... I am so worried about this, even if I was there I would have no way to fix it and no means to do it at this point. I pray that god provides the way for me, as I got up I read the bible this morning and suprisingly enough when I opend the book it was smack dab in the middle and it was the CHRISTMAS STORY ABOUT CHRISTS BIRTH... after reading that in Matthew, I realized that life is such, from the moment that Christ was born he was hated and sought after to be killed... he faced the struggle and the fear of avoiding his own death. I realized that after reading this story that my struggles may be difficult but nothing so much as fearing for my life, and being hated from the moment I was born that many suffered because he was born the killing of all the children, yet so many were saved and healed.... I pray god saves me from all this struggle and worry and that my life becomes a blessing to those around me and that My purpose here in COSTA RICA IS A GOOD ONE!

I spent the day riding the bike in a pretty sunday dress and high heels, and I went to visit a couple of people I know. I stopped by the century 21 and well TOm asked me to work there... so in January I will be working FOR Century 21 and this other gal. So I may be begining the life of COSTA RICA . I rode to pachis after and sat and watched people for a hour and just smiled as I saw so many in hardly nothing yet feeling free and not worring about how they appeared... I laughed because I would never do that!!

THen I went to x mas permanos and bought some sheets a pot and some untinsel holders some food and some wine, and tonight I am making beans and rice and heading to church late mass.

well the sun is set and I must go so look for photos and more about JACO AND HERMOSA aND MORE

Friday, December 16, 2005

No Mas Iguana De Mano

No Mas Iguana De Mano

From Tuesday until today, its been Hell on foot, and Wheels. It all began when Barbara needed to leave to go back to the states. She wanted to get into San Jose the day before as to not be concerned about the bus going back From Jaco.
We took the transit bus from here to San Jose, got off at the Airport, and took the shuttle for Marriots to the Hotel.

This hotel is very nice, about a four star in America but here about a five. We got there around 1:00 ish and checked in,then took a taxi to the Multi Plaza in Escazu a suburb of San Jose. We spent about four hours there and then came back to the hotel, I bought a very cute pair of wedge high heels in sisal and green beads all around the foot. Only 22 dollars.

Upon our arrival, Barbara met up with two gentlemen in suits in the entrance area, they were laughing and talking when I came back from the bathroom. We all talked and laughed and I told the story about no mas iguana de mano.

They decided to ask us to dinner, I suggested the tapas bar in the hotel. I wanted to see how they operated, and to get some idea for my concept which I am still dreaming about.

Bella Esperanza, the Restaurant I had a vision about.

We went back to our room to freshened up, and meet them in the tapas bar. The Gentleman where here with a company called Scharzkopf & Henkel. They distribute hair care and cosmetic goods world wide.

Carlos, or I should say Carlito the international sales manager, was in his thirties, dark hair dark eyes , a Mexican American. He was really funny and from what I perceived he had a kind heart.
The other gentleman was Robert; he is the VP of the company, in his 50’s a Afro American, great personality and very generous.

We shared the evening together four of us, with great food and wonderful wine, then capped it off with a talk on the couches and laughter galore, jokes and my story about the iguana hands. They thought it was cute. We had Kailua and cream and then all retired to bed.

During our conversation, I found out that Robert had bought some land near Jaco and had not seen it. I was interested to see where it was and how the development was coming along. I told them I was going to have to ride the bus back or get a tourista, to take to Jaco after Barbara caught the plane and they offered to take me to Jaco since it was on the way.

Well the morning came, we had our breakfast and I found them in the lobby still waiting to go there late meeting. They did say it was still on, but I was feeling skeptical.

I waited all morning, and until 2:00 at that time I was worring because there are only a few buses to Jaco in the afternoon, and I didn’t have a ticket. I made a back up plan and well a couple of back up plans incase they didn’t show.
When Two thirty rolled about, I was then getting ready to take the shuttle to Los Suenos which is in heredia, not far from me, like Five minutes. I figure it was easier to get there then take a cab, then to ride the bus and have to walk to the house.

I felt they were not coming, I was really wondering if they were at all to be honest, I figured they forgot, or it got late and they left with out me, or that the meeting when on too long, and they just were not able to call.

Was I was walking to the shuttle I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Robert! I was smiling hes got a great smile too so I felt good when I saw his smiling face.

We rode with a partner of theirs named Manfred, he was Tico but had a german name because his father had a best friend when he was younger and his name was Manfred, so when the son was born he gained the name. as well as his brother who got the name of Helmut.

It didn’t take us long to get over the mountain, Manfred drove like a bat out of hell around winding roads and hills and potholes. I felt a little sick to be honest. I use to be the one when I was small to throw up anytime we were in a car but as I got older it happened less and less , not this time!

The site of the development where Robert invested is AWESOME! I was so envious, which I know I shouldn’t but I was… I was thinking God if only I would have invested years ago in this place I would have a great place now. The lay of the land there is beautiful, over looking the sea on the mountains, with flat valleys below, and palm lined beaches.

I hope that Robert and I can discuss some plans about investments there. These two guys are Great and I know that all things happen for a reason, it was nice of them to take me in and to help, to be hospitable. We stayed on the grounds and had dinner on the top of a knoll which was a Mediterranean style Italian Restaurant. It was very good, I had Steack with porcini mushrooms.
On the way back it began to rain and rain hard, we could barely see the road. They dropped me off right in front of the Apartment, but all my lights including the stair well outside was off?

I got inside, and found that my power was off, no one elses just mine??? Funny because Carlos my landlord took me before Barb left to pay the bill and I asked them right then if there were any more charges for me to pay, they said no, the bill was only 40 bucks for the month? And I did’t know that December was due? They didn’t say.

I lit candles and tried the best I could to deal with it, but I wanted to internet so I took a taxi, well before the taxi arrived I got soaked to the bone, he didn’t understand me at all when I told him El Cenro… he drove around like an idiot! I was saying NO EL CENTRO GALLERIA… he didn’t care thinking I was a stupid American, when I finally got through to him he said the charge was like four dollars ok now Im mad, first that the lights were out and I didn’t know why… then the soaking, then the cab, we argued he threatened to call the police, I threw the money at him and slammed the door only after he called me a few choice names.

I got in to internet but the reception for some reason again was bad, I couldn’t stay on or connect so my frustration was growing by the miles. I finally connected and chatted with my sister only I couldn’t read any mail we chatted for about a half hour, then the battery went dead in the computer. So I took another cab back home and slept in the sweltering heat closed up because I didn’t want any bugs to enter while I was sleeping.

The next Morning I got up early to walk to I.C.E. pronounced Esay, I knew to go early as the lines are long and I would have to explain to them about the situation and try to get them to turn it back on.

I spent about a hour there explaining, then I found out I owed five dollars from December and they decided to shut it off because of that??? I had gone with Carlos three days before to pay it all and I asked at that time if there was any thing else they said no, so needless to say, the war with ESAY is on going with me. I applied for a phone again so lets see how long it takes this time to acquire it this time.

Then after Esay John who owns Rock hard saw me walking and offered me a ride to town, I checked on bikes at two places and ended up taking a taxi to the freeway to see if they other Harware store had better bikes, I saw a nursery and that was all she wrote, I had to go and look so I bought a huge Fishtale palm, and some beautiful Calathias to plant in my Costa Rican Statues , the fish tale on the porch, and I mean it is huge. I hung my little fish ornaments from it and its very beautiful. They delivered it and planted it for me all for 30 dollars.

The day went on as I bought the bike at Gallo mas Gallo, and then rode to get food, I was starving, at this point the day was really hot. I then rode to Century 21 and looked to see if there were any faxes for me about the house. None, so then I rode back to the Nursery which is about 8 miles or more… not sure but its damn far, then I rode to this cute dress shop to talk to a friend who owns it that is Italian, she was talking to me about a house in Heredia, near Los Suenos, that is forsale and it has a restaurant in the front of the property! So on Saturday we are going to take a look at it, her other friend from Italy owns it.

I then rode from there to this Restaurant supply store and looked about, wow they had good prices on all sorts of beautiful professional stuff.. I bought a few things like a salt and pepper shaker for $2.00 dollars, and and Crystal Ice bucket for $3.00, pot holders, and great glass pitcher for Ice tea or drinks.

I rode the bike back, to find out the power was still off, I panicked, thinking another night with out power, air, and no food. The Food I bought for the week was all spoiled , talk about upset! Then the plant people arrived and set it all up, As soon as they left I rode like a mad woman on the bike back to ESAY AND DEMANDED THEY COME AND HELP TURN IT ON! But they argued that I had to flip the switch, which I explained there IS NONE! I rode back upset praying all the way.. then this young man on a motorcycle pulled up and began to cut the wire on the meter, he unplugged it and then plugged it back in, it didn’t work.. so we both were working on it. It finally got it right and then he left, as soon as he left the damn thing wen off again. I was standing in the street whistling loudly like my father taught me, And he keep going … I got so upset that I broke the band on the meter, ripped off the meter and messed with it putting it back on the right way and it the power came on!! THANK GOD IM A BIT MECHANICAL… the rest of the evening went fine except the pepa man came by, said he was hungry, I had no food.. so I walked to the store and made him a little something, we talked about his future, and he was sad. I told him he should try to do better and concider doing something other than picking pepas, as he is 28, his back is really bad, and he needs to make money to eat.

I am kind to him, I try to always be an encourager to others.. maybe this is my lot in life?? I think so..

He left and I went to bed, I slept until I heard a noise.
It was the air condition unit.. BRAND NEW AND IT BROKE! Ok Now im upset again dang it! Can’t anything in life be sauve? Or smooth?? I didn’t rest well thinking about this. So in the morning I woke to Eat some breakfast some mango and granola, some coffee. I have been waiting for this lady Heidi to go to San Jose to buy things for the house but I haven’t heard from her.. So I fixed the water hose with a new fitting, bought a sprinkle to water outdront so the dust will stay down. I washed the tile all down stairs and watered, then mopped my floors and cleaned up. Today was suppose to be a day of fun, but I have the feeling its not going to be as good as I hoped.

Carlos said it may be a couple of days before the air conditioner gets fixed… So I may go to Farmers market,

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Last night Barbara and I went to town, but Carlos the landlord showed up around 6:00 or so so he gave us a ride rather than taking a taxi since we have no bikes or cars. We rode in the Car with him and his nephew, and while I was in the back minding my own business, his nephew was putting his arm around me and trying to kiss me! GOD I WAS SHOCKED, I kept telling him no but He continued and said I was pretty, It is really weird how all the men here think I am pretty but in the states they hardly talk to me or even give me eye contact at all… I didn’t like it but I was flattered.

We went to this new Soda that is Caribbean Costa Rican style its so cute little and yellow, with a big double tiered fountain in the front with a woman holding the Urn above her head, Barbara really likes this place. We ate and interneted there, it was dark and the street was busy. Women selling shoes in the restaurant to crazy lady in the street dancing and taking her top off. WHAT A WEIRD NIGHT, maybe it’s because of the full moon? I dunno but it was strange.

We returned the apartment to sit on the porch on my new chairs made of wood that the Costa Ricans designed for this type of climate. They are really nice and comfortable. The following day I cleaned up around the place and when I was out front, watering and spraying the ground so that the dust would stay down this truck pulled up and had a load of recreated Costa Rican statues and urns and such. Tiki type things. With much looking and admiring I got convinced to buy these two Statue’s and put them in front of the apartment. Really kinda cool! I will show the photos when I can down load them on this system.

Today we are going into San Jose for a couple of Days, were goning to stay at the Marriots in San Jose, then shop in Escazu, so it should be fun for Barb before she leaves on Weds.


I Cannot Post photos today or the last couple days but ON THURSDAY WATCH FOR THEM!!

Jaco the dust bowl

Jaco the dust bowl

Well since I have returned there is about five big new developments started and its dry and hot so the dust is flying everywhere, My apartment is covered in dust, I sweep but in a few hours there is more.

The past few days have been eventful, on Friday Barbara and I went down the sea snd interneted while she strolled on the beach and admired Del mar. They changed it some, now the tables are painted Green and they have large green umbrellas over them which makes it even better for interneting outside. It was hot but Barb seem to do well in it, even though she was wearing black, and two tee shirts.

My self was in shorts and a sleeveless top, it was warm. After we took the rental car down to the Farmers market where I bought three beautiful wooden outdoor chai’s the have loungy feel to them when you sit back, I also bought a side table to match, they all fold up. Pretty nice, and I bought all sorts of fruits, and veggies, wild Honey, eggs, herbs, chamomile and nonnie. That is a fruit that you boil and blend in a blended and add juice to drink as a healing agent for anything you might be ailing from. It has been said that Nonnie is a natural preventive for many diseases, such as Cancer, kidney disease and more. So I may just take some soon and continue to so I can see if it changes the balance in my body.

I feel much better since I got here the Bronchitis is about completely gone now. I Spent the evening at Eidas and we watched the Girls do a singing show for us, they were called the Surfer girls, actually they were really good! All dressed in fancy dresses fake microphones, and a dance too! It was so cute I loved it.

Then on Saturday We just a lazed around and ate a late breakfast, when a real estate lady who is involved with many huge projects came to my door asking about the other apartment, She spoke to me for a while and well lets just say that opportunity knocked right at my door, so if only one of these many opportunities happen, I may just be fine here in Costa Rica. I still want to do the restaurant, and it may happen in March now, I discussed with the people who are wanting to sell and I will meet with them in a couple of days. We talked about possibly march, so that is going to take some renovation, in addition to working for this gal and maybe Eida, After Saturday night I may have to rethink my postion with her.

It may be a strain on a friendship for me to work for her, and I do not want to ruin what friendship we have at this point.

Saturday was late day getting going, we had gone to Los Suenos, had lunch and hung out for a time and talked it was so nice to just relax and visit, our lunch was typical American style Hamburger and Chicken Caesar Sandwhich.

Later we came back to Jaco to return the car, but decided to look around to see if we could rent some bikes, yes it was possible but they wanted to keep our passports, and I didn’t think that was such a good idea.. so we passed on that idea.

I decided to buy a new bike, and to let Barb ride the one I borrowed from Carlos, but he has come yet. So we walked for while looked at things in shops and internetted,a nd then caught a cab home. When I got here my friend Zachary, the pepa man was here with a smile on his face to greet Barb and I. I guess he has been learning to surf and saw Joey and Joey had told him I was home. So he came to say hi and that he was happy I was back.

I invited him in and Barb and I and him had a glass of wine, while I made fresh Salsa and avocado for all us to snak on. After a few short moments someone was standing at my window and it was Eida all dressed in cowboy hat and boots, ready to go out. I forgot that I had said, I would make dinner for them, she was upset and came to the window to take me away to Esterillios, I small town south of here, isolated and untouched. The reason is that she has interests in the area for Real estate, so she wanted to go this Karaoke bar. She just walked in told me to get ready so I asked Pepa to leave and told Barbara to get dressed, and Barb just went along with it… So we were kidnapped that night and had an adverture to Esterillios, a town that is not even on the map. It was sure interesting, a small place on the beach right on the beach with the jungle backing it up.

I wanted to leave around 12:00 but Eida was wanting to stay and here me and the other sing more… Barb was tired and so were the girls, Joey decided to take them home, Eida didn’t want to leave and pretty much said I had to stay, I really didn’t want to but I did to be nice.

We were out till Two A.M. and boy was it hard on Saturday to get up…

Today was fun, I got up around 7:00 and oh there is no gym until January for me so I am sad about not being able to Work out… I got up and made coffee in the new maker, so good!! Fresh pineapple, papaya, and cinnamon rolls made by the amish.. It was fun sitting out on the porch, but the traffic here is getting bad so the dust it really bad.

Then after our Nice breakfast which by the way Barbara, only had like five minutes to eat since I let her sleep in, we walked down the road to the horse stalls and met lisa who has horses here, and we rented the horses, to go up the Miros Mountain and take a ride for the morning. It was so incredibly quiet, and peaceful up there, We heard monkeys and heard Parrots but didn’t see anything except some birds.

We rode for a couple of hours at least, and I know Barbara was a little frightened but after some time she relaxed and enjoyed the view and the ride.

Coming back of course the Horses wanted to run, except Barbs he was poking along, I let mine run it was great. We tied them up talked to Lisa, and Trish, and then sat at the Soda across the way and had a fresca naturals, Guanabana, and mora… We sat for just a few moments then walked back on the beach, it was pretty but lots of people on Sunday.
Too much for me…
Came back and made ham sandwiches and listened to all the bikes and quads fly by my house… GOD ITS LOUD NOW… but as long as I am in side its not as bad as sitting on the deck,. Barb decided to nap, while I mopped floors, washed dishes, and clean up. Then made a good pot of Costa Rican Coffee and sat on the porch to blog..

Jaco the dust bowl

Jaco the dust bowl

Well since I have returned there is about five big new developments started and its dry and hot so the dust is flying everywhere, My apartment is covered in dust, I sweep but in a few hours there is more.

The past few days have been eventful, on Friday Barbara and I went down the sea snd interneted while she strolled on the beach and admired Del mar. They changed it some, now the tables are painted Green and they have large green umbrellas over them which makes it even better for interneting outside. It was hot but Barb seem to do well in it, even though she was wearing black, and two tee shirts.

My self was in shorts and a sleeveless top, it was warm. After we took the rental car down to the Farmers market where I bought three beautiful wooden outdoor chai’s the have loungy feel to them when you sit back, I also bought a side table to match, they all fold up. Pretty nice, and I bought all sorts of fruits, and veggies, wild Honey, eggs, herbs, chamomile and nonnie. That is a fruit that you boil and blend in a blended and add juice to drink as a healing agent for anything you might be ailing from. It has been said that Nonnie is a natural preventive for many diseases, such as Cancer, kidney disease and more. So I may just take some soon and continue to so I can see if it changes the balance in my body.

I feel much better since I got here the Bronchitis is about completely gone now. I Spent the evening at Eidas and we watched the Girls do a singing show for us, they were called the Surfer girls, actually they were really good! All dressed in fancy dresses fake microphones, and a dance too! It was so cute I loved it.

Then on Saturday We just a lazed around and ate a late breakfast, when a real estate lady who is involved with many huge projects came to my door asking about the other apartment, She spoke to me for a while and well lets just say that opportunity knocked right at my door, so if only one of these many opportunities happen, I may just be fine here in Costa Rica. I still want to do the restaurant, and it may happen in March now, I discussed with the people who are wanting to sell and I will meet with them in a couple of days. We talked about possibly march, so that is going to take some renovation, in addition to working for this gal and maybe Eida, After Saturday night I may have to rethink my postion with her.

It may be a strain on a friendship for me to work for her, and I do not want to ruin what friendship we have at this point.

Saturday was late day getting going, we had gone to Los Suenos, had lunch and hung out for a time and talked it was so nice to just relax and visit, our lunch was typical American style Hamburger and Chicken Caesar Sandwhich.

Later we came back to Jaco to return the car, but decided to look around to see if we could rent some bikes, yes it was possible but they wanted to keep our passports, and I didn’t think that was such a good idea.. so we passed on that idea.

I decided to buy a new bike, and to let Barb ride the one I borrowed from Carlos, but he has come yet. So we walked for while looked at things in shops and internetted,a nd then caught a cab home. When I got here my friend Zachary, the pepa man was here with a smile on his face to greet Barb and I. I guess he has been learning to surf and saw Joey and Joey had told him I was home. So he came to say hi and that he was happy I was back.

I invited him in and Barb and I and him had a glass of wine, while I made fresh Salsa and avocado for all us to snak on. After a few short moments someone was standing at my window and it was Eida all dressed in cowboy hat and boots, ready to go out. I forgot that I had said, I would make dinner for them, she was upset and came to the window to take me away to Esterillios, I small town south of here, isolated and untouched. The reason is that she has interests in the area for Real estate, so she wanted to go this Karaoke bar. She just walked in told me to get ready so I asked Pepa to leave and told Barbara to get dressed, and Barb just went along with it… So we were kidnapped that night and had an adverture to Esterillios, a town that is not even on the map. It was sure interesting, a small place on the beach right on the beach with the jungle backing it up.

I wanted to leave around 12:00 but Eida was wanting to stay and here me and the other sing more… Barb was tired and so were the girls, Joey decided to take them home, Eida didn’t want to leave and pretty much said I had to stay, I really didn’t want to but I did to be nice.

We were out till Two A.M. and boy was it hard on Saturday to get up…

Today was fun, I got up around 7:00 and oh there is no gym until January for me so I am sad about not being able to Work out… I got up and made coffee in the new maker, so good!! Fresh pineapple, papaya, and cinnamon rolls made by the amish.. It was fun sitting out on the porch, but the traffic here is getting bad so the dust it really bad.

Then after our Nice breakfast which by the way Barbara, only had like five minutes to eat since I let her sleep in, we walked down the road to the horse stalls and met lisa who has horses here, and we rented the horses, to go up the Miros Mountain and take a ride for the morning. It was so incredibly quiet, and peaceful up there, We heard monkeys and heard Parrots but didn’t see anything except some birds.

We rode for a couple of hours at least, and I know Barbara was a little frightened but after some time she relaxed and enjoyed the view and the ride.

Coming back of course the Horses wanted to run, except Barbs he was poking along, I let mine run it was great. We tied them up talked to Lisa, and Trish, and then sat at the Soda across the way and had a fresca naturals, Guanabana, and mora… We sat for just a few moments then walked back on the beach, it was pretty but lots of people on Sunday.
Too much for me…
Came back and made ham sandwiches and listened to all the bikes and quads fly by my house… GOD ITS LOUD NOW… but as long as I am in side its not as bad as sitting on the deck,. Barb decided to nap, while I mopped floors, washed dishes, and clean up. Then made a good pot of Costa Rican Coffee and sat on the porch to blog..